3519/Saving a Dame

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Saving a Dame
Date of Scene: 19 September 2020
Location: Central Park
Synopsis: Sometimes train wrecks, canm be seen for miles ahead by everyone but the drive. Raphael runs into Casey, as he almost dies and than see the lack of human that is left as of late.
Cast of Characters: Casey Jones, Raphael

Casey Jones has posed:
Darkness the time of sin and violence, and a robbery in the rotten apple, Casey moves through the park his mask is on his bag over his shoulder, packed to the brim with his tools of the trade. Baseball bat, Cricket bat, Golf Clubs, and is that a lain old crowbar. His eyes scanning behind that hockey mask, his teeth gritted his teeth as he watches it, walking towards a bench, placing his right foot upon it. Last time, he went hunting three muggings, one attempted homicidal manic, and three store breakers, I mean good night. All in the hospital, two getting out, I mean better than his routine body toil.

As his leg rests, there he hears a scream from deeper in the park, rushing forward, leaping, moving sideways, spinning around folks. Pricks, not caring about screams, only eyes for their safety, it's why the city is rotting and falling to the chaos, the police can't save it, no it is up to him and those he fights with, the turtles and April, oh man April bring the truth to the world. He misses, her no Casey not the time later, self hate later!

Raphael has posed:
Raphael's patrol was taking him around the outskirts of Central Park. It's not so much a patrol as him going out for some late-night wanderings without solely sticking to the sewers or rooftops. His way around it for the moment is an oversized coat with a hoodie, a generic ballcap worn to help hide a few more details. The bandana's there, the sai are tucked in place, and some of his lower body is discernable, but he'd pass the glancing look test without a lot of light around. Could be anything, maybe even someone who thinks every day is Halloween.

He was busy getting himself a bite from a street cart vendor, someone he'd happened to help at one point when a few muggers were trying to relieve him of his profits and his food. That didn't end too well for them, but it got him a few free meals on repeat visits, and that ain't so bad. "Coupla dogs with everything, Lou. I'm payin' ya this time, so don't try and talk me outta it." The disguise is not great, but Lou saw him without one at all and didn't flip out beyond the usual surprised looks, but there are a lot of things you can accept when someone like him is saving your bacon.

Just after chomping about half of his first hot dog, the scream is heard. "Right, 'cause that couldn't have waited two more minutes." He'll just have to eat on the go. "Watch yourself, Lou!" Time to use the shadows to his advantage.

Casey Jones has posed:
The running Casey, is good at this part, but he is better at the next bit; his hand is coming up to select at random Gold today, fore there ya teeth. Ha ha ha ha ha, yeah, good one Casey use it before ya lose it as he leaps forward, he is staring down at four dudes in purple suit, with black headbands, and a tape in one of their hands." Gotcha! Where are you, green friends? We are here for them and you." Those foot soldiers, moving forward drawing blades quickly, as Casey backs up deep in the park now, where the lights are turned off to fight greenhouse gases, or keep it clean or some shit. Still, the place to fight four trained men alone wrong move Casey.

But he does what he can, and what he needs to rushes forward, that golf club is swinging for one of em, as he makes it look high, but goes low into the lower leg. The man stumbles forward as he swings for the face."FORE ARE THOSE YOUR TEETH!"

The blow is solid, a loud thwack of metal, on bone and face, the sound of shattering jaw, at least he got one, as two blades are coming for his back, as Casey's eyes close is that it for him, dead in the dark smelly, awful park.

Raphael has posed:
Some action up ahead, just what not clear yet. A familiar voice, though. "Casey?" Raph asks himself, the question inaudible to anyone else given his lack of close proximity to them. He works out the location quickly enough. Of course it's more dark there than not. Good for cover, but not as good for anyone whose eyes are unaccustomed to the dark.

The turtles /live/ below ground. They work primarily at night. This is nothing.

The shout is repeated, again quietly. "'Fore are those your teeth?'" He shakes his head to clear the line out of his thoughts, because now they've come into view, Casey and a handful of thugs. Foot, from the look of things. There is that metal-on-bone sound and he blinks beneath the brim of the cap, then a glimpse of something sharper comes out and captures his attention. That looks potentially bad.

In the blink of an eye, a pair of shuriken are flung at the one attacking from behind. Their aim is true, inasmuch as Raphael doesn't care whether they just strike the blades themselves, or stick in the hands of the one wielding them.

Casey Jones has posed:
Casey had been getting more careless, since the end of it with April. But this was a new low, as he is waiting for the strike that never comes, those hands are dropping the weapon, as he leaps away, swinging his gold club at one of them, another face with a solid thwack of the meat on metal.

"Cool, I'm alive. Now for the others." Casey reaches back for his bat, better for swords, both bats in either hand. As he waits now, low to the ground, pausing as he sees the shuriken sticking out of the hands, of the two men, with a nod towards the darkness."Always got my back, even when I don't, thanks, bro. Ya lifesaver and stuff."

Two down, two to go one with shuriken in their hand, he might as well be down. That last one is gone in the shadows, moving ninja style, he is right above Casey in that leaf-filled tree, ready to pounce the man; when he steps back one more time, it seems this might not be Mr Jones day. It might even be his last dance with under the pale moonlight, his right bat over his head; the other is low just in case.

Raphael has posed:
Raphael moves like he isn't there, like the true ninja he is. Wouldn't Leonardo be so proud if he knew?

There is a reason, of course. Don't be where they think you are. Be somewhere else. That is how the element of surprise is maintained. At the same time, it doesn't even give Casey much of a clue, for there is no answer to the words of thanks for keeping Casey and everything within him in one piece.

Raph knows just where the final threat is. Two choices, the way he sees it. Call it out, which would at least tell Casey where the guy is and possibly distract the attacker, or deal with it another way. Taking the second option, for it gives him the chance to show off, he comes up with one of his sai. Just as the pounce begins, it's interrupted by the main prong of the sai catching the back of the man's outfit, sticking in the branch, and essentially pinning him in place to dangle.

"Yo, Case! Look up there! We got some straggler hangin' around!" he finally remarks.

Casey Jones has posed:
A huge laugh comes out of Casey's lips as he is looking up with a wicked smile."Nice, Ralphie, nice." He is running towards the green bloke, as he passes by the one with the bleeding hand, up comes that right bat and across the face with a sicking crack of bone and wood. As he stops right next to Raphael, his hand is coming up for a high five as he grins at the turtle."Been too long, bro, can I buy ya a pizza for making sure I ain't dying tonight?"

He is leaping around excited, that pre-battle high, that buzz he lives for, and like any good addict doing the junkie shuffle, his bag is dropped as he placed the golf club, and the two bats back into it, as he hoists it over his shoulder."Didja, see me fore that dude, totes worth it, and I was not thinking about the swords, dude, thank for the assist."

Looking over the park, as he can hear the sirens in the distance, from the sound of trouble, someone most have seen em, as he starts to make his way out of the park."My truck ain't far, and ya can ride in the trap in the back, my place I'll order za on the way k?"

Raphael has posed:
While Casey is dealing with the last of the Foot losers, Raphael's eyes sharpen on the area in search of whoever was responsible for that scream. "Hey, where is..?" he begins, before stopping at the sound of the last strike. It's enough to help dislodge the sai from the branch as the guy lands in a heap, moaning, and the weapon is caught out of the air and tucked back in Raph's belt.

He does not immediately return the gesture Casey's looking for. Instead, his eyes bore into the guy from beneath the hat, sharp and focused at the energetic display. "Yeah, I saw it. You sure you didn't just kill two dudes?" The sirens aren't taking very long to get to the area, which is usually a good excuse to not be there by the time the boys in blue are on the scene. "And you know how close you were to getting a coupla new spots opened up? You're damn lucky I was around. You wanna tell me what that was all about?" This, apparently, before talk of pizza.

Casey Jones has posed:
Casey nods slowly, walking over to the dude he hit, picking up a tape recorder, as he pushes play. A woman is screaming again, high pitched, as he stops it with a quick motion of his thumb."No clue, but they know we might be out here, said we were waiting for ya, where ya green pals." He throws the tape recorder to Ralphael, with a little shake of his head."Have Don, look at it. I'm only good with pipes and cars; it might be a clue. But it seems like we are what's for din din again. Also, cops coming quickly might be part two of the trip. I mean, they still mad about months ago, I bet."

With that Casey is running, digging into his jacket for the keys, as he beeps, unlocks the truck, starting it up. It is a pickup truck ford, restored by himself; under the trap is a little door for the turtles to hide, made it himself air holes, they can look out of the back of the truck, watching the road, little radio that is connected to the cab its fancy-dancy.

Casey waits for the beep that the hidden passenger is in, before he takes off in the direction of his garage, asking what type of pizza, as he is grubhubing the order, it'll arrive shortly after them.

Raphael has posed:
Raphael squints, rubbing the back of his head, hoodie still in place over the cap. "They're resorting to traps now? How desperate are they to get a beating?" The tape recorder is caught with a hand, given a look over before he tucks it away in a coat pocket. "Gonna take a lot more than that to get one over on us," he finishes.

"And, fine. I'll ride with you." It isn't until he gets to the truck that he gestures toward the setup in the bed of the truck. "What, I'm supposed to hide out back here like some kind of dog?" he scoffs. Sirens leave less time for arguing, especially as cops can soon be heard on foot, en route to the area. He helps them out by marking an arrow in the grass with both sai, a rudimentary direction pointed out for them.

Even if he can communicate back and forth via the radio, he keeps it super simple. The pizza is nothing fancy or out of the ordinary, just good old pepperoni, but that's it for now.

Casey Jones has posed:
The pizza is sitting on the stoop of the step, as they are pulling it as Casey took the long way to be safe, as he gets out of the truck, knocking on the back after checking around."Pizza is here." Walking over, picking the pizza up, unlocking the garage door, as he leaves it open knowing shadows, and ninjas and all that jazz. He walks up the stairs, leaving the door to his place open, as he places the pizza down on the table.

Upstairs is so very clean, with so many plants hanging all over, freshly water as he sets the pie down on the table, as he walks into the kitchen to grab a beer."Want a beer?" He is holding two for himself, a large Viking style mug, as he dumps them down into it. He has been drinking more. Lately, it seems given the overstocking of beer bottles in the kitchen, given how clean the rest is, those had to have been finished off in the last few days, 8 sic packs, worth of bottles, four more in the fridge to go."Lock up down there, for me and if not I'll run down after ya get comfy bro."

Raphael has posed:
It takes...way too long for Raphael to be stuck in some hidden part of the truck, built for them or not. Thoughtful, but he's pretty irritated by the time they stop driving around. Pizzas don't just get made and delivered in ten minutes. Stretching after getting out of the truck, he shoots Casey a look. "Dude, you made me wait around in there for half an hour or so just so the pizza would be there waiting for us? We coulda been in here relaxing and just had the guy drop it off."

It doesn't take much to annoy him, and that qualified. He follows, still in the coat, hoodie, and cap, grumbling under his breath by the time the bottle is offered. "No, man. I don't want a beer. I ain't even old enough to drink, if that even applied to me." The multitude of bottles around causes him to frown. "Already did," he says about locking up, and he leans against the counter to gesture toward Casey. "You all right, bro? You're actin' a little weird since the last time I saw you."

Casey Jones has posed:
"Yeah, I'm good just dealing with some stuff, I'll be fine adult stuff. Big stuff, yeah." The shop is covered in dust, downstairs, tools untouched, not working the shop or his tools if Raphael notices. There are unpaid bills on the fridge, all late but covered; there are so many broken hockey sticks, bats, other means of his night-time trade. It seems he is going into the night non-stop, leaving little room for the other side of his life, the human side."Why ya ask, man never been better been fighting back hard, protecting the city, doing what needs to be done."

Casey walks over to couch to flop down into it, as he drinks his beer eyes on the tv, staring at it even if it's off, not yet focusing on anything else."Grab a seat, man; it's an excellent time to enjoy life. We knocked it outta the park, good work tonight."

Raphael has posed:
These fine details don't go unnoticed by Raphael. Splinter hasn't taught his 'sons' how to be ninja without also getting them to understand the importance of seeing the finer points of things. It can reveal a lot. "Uh-huh. Someone sounds like he's bein' evasive right now," he retorts. The bills on the fridge that are past due, the broken gear, the shop area in disuse.

"I know I ain't all perceptive like Leo, but I ain't gotta be to see you ain't..." he searches for the word, "/balanced/ right now. Yeah, shit's been rough up here, but it don't look to me like you're on a good path right now. You almost killed a couple of those guys, too." If Raphael is noticing this and singling it out, it must be obvious in a negative way. "Nah, I'm good. Remember, I just had a long, unnecessary ride. I'll stand."

Casey Jones has posed:
"Fine, I had one good thing in my life, bro, one amazing thing, one thing that made me wanna be better than my parts." Casey's eyes closing now, as his hand rubs along the base of his neck, a scar is there."I ain't ever been worth much, man, I'm not that smart, I'm not that quick, I ain't bright. But, I was good at hockey, and I was good at rumbling, and knowing who needs to be hit, so yeah. That's all, and then something change ten months ago or whatever I ran into something that made me wanna be better. It ended, ya know, a few months back due to me being me, and wanting to protect the world. So, yeah, I lost it for this cause, so I'm doing this cause. That's all, been checking out during the day lately, or coming home late. Shit, is fine, bro, just focusing on what I need to."

A massive sigh of pressure, comes out of Casey as he stands up now the beer is knocked over, draining into the rug, he does not notice."I mean, ya, and I don't deserve her ya know. She needs a better man, that ain't me. This thing pushes me to save folks, and it never shuts the hell up, and well she ain't want me to do it, and well we fight about it Raphael, so much and then she said it was over, so if it was worth losing her for, it's worth doing I guess or something."

Raphael has posed:
Raphael just had to open his big fat mouth and ask, didn't he? Now he's getting the words, the answers, and he doesn't know what to say. A breath is let out through his teeth, sounding like a brief hiss before he tugs the brim of his cap lower.

"Okay, so I'm gonna level with ya, Case. I don't have a clue about girl problems, so that's just something you're gonna have to work out on your own or ask someone else about." Isn't he helpful in his blunt honesty?

"But I do know, 'cause I been there, that ya gotta have other things to take your mind offa just goin' out all the time to fight. Even I can tell ya that ain't healthy, and it ain't just 'cause one of these days you're gonna make a mistake, like you did tonight. You're lucky I was around."

Cracking his knuckles, he looks around the room and comes back to Casey in time to see him topple his bottle of beer. Raph doesn't have to sleep here, so Casey can deal with that once he figures out what happened. "But the path you seem to be on right now is gonna get someone killed sooner or later. I don't want it to be you, and I don't want it to be you makin' a mistake you coulda avoided. This 'save the world' shit, pal? It'll make ya crazy." He corrects himself, unable to avoid taking advantage of the opening. "Crazier in your case, Case."

Casey Jones has posed:
"Yeah, I'll take it easy for a few nights." The lies are getting more comfortable, to himself and others, but he knows Raphael is right mean, it's logical right, and yeah, he will back off."Yeah, okay, I'm going to sleep, and tomorrow, I'm going to work on some cars; yeah, that sounds good. Don't nee more loose nuts, rolling around in my skull." Casey waves towards Raphael, as he stumbles forward, as he looks down at the floor, his eyes trying to study the spill, as he walks over to grab the cleaner, pouring it down on it as he starts to scrub the beer, he is working with all of his power, to get it out. This place needs to be clean, in his mind.

As the spill is purged, Casey waves again as he stumbles into the bedroom, to sleep off the drink and the violence, the mistakes. But they have to be punished, the city has to be cleaned, his city was going to be clean, with that it's the last thought before he plunges into the darkest of sleeps, but which thought would he awake with only time would tell.

Raphael has posed:
Raphael watches this, thoughts sifting through his own mind. Is this what /he/ gets like sometimes, when he literally sees red and it takes the rest of his brothers to talk him down? It could be a wake-up call. The way Casey seems to be barely going through the motions with the clean-up of the beer spill leaves him shaking his head. He's been around the guy a little more lately, but this just doesn't feel right.

No wonder Splinter and Leonardo in particular have encouraged him to try meditation.

"Right, you go sleep it off, do something else. Try not even goin' out for a night or two." But, with Casey retiring to bed, this leaves Raphael by himself, alone with his thoughts, but not completely alone. He absconds with the rest of the pizza, making sure the place stays locked up, but not before leaving a roughly-written note on the kitchen counter:

'Finished the pizza. By the time you read this, you'll probably have forgot you even ordered it and you made me ride in the back of that truck long enough. Figured I was entitled to what was left. -- Raph'