3603/An unlikely duo TRAPPED by the mob

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An unlikely duo TRAPPED by the mob
Date of Scene: 28 September 2020
Location: Gotham City
Synopsis: Bullseye uses Huntress to escape and then buggers off.
Cast of Characters: Bullseye, Helena Bertinelli

Bullseye has posed:

It was just a routine job.


Just your run-of-the-mill contract on some loudmouth, fat-fuck mafioso.


But nothing's ever simple or "run-of-the-mill" when you're dealing with Gotham City. Bullseye was a Bronx boy, through and through, and despite all the grim-you-can-dark back in the Big Apple, Gotham was an entirely different beast. Was Chucky Fortino, associate of THE Roman Sionis, found dead next to an Italian restaurant? Of course. Was it Bullseye who did it? Well... no, but he won't tell you that -- at least from the precarious position he's in at this very moment.

This moment? Well, our favorite psychopath is tied up, so to speak, bound to a chair at an empty safehouse for the Fortino family in the warehouse district of Gotham. He'd been intercepted on his way out of Gotham after an unexpected dust-up with a certain Talon, and is now having to answer for a kill he technically didn't even commit. Even with all the abuse he's taking at the hands of Chucky's brutish nephew, Nicky Fortino, knowing it wasn't technically him actually stung more.

"You can keep wailing on me, you greasy fuck," Bullseye says with his trademark snideness, even with a few teeth missing from the beatdown. "But I ain't tellin' you one goddamn thing." *THWACK!* Another punch across the face. Okay, that one hurt.

Helena Bertinelli has posed:
With her finger on the pulse of the mob, Huntress could be onto them at any moment, and her mission to put a dent in their bid-ness seems endless. She's spent the past weeks tracking the strange movements of the mob and their travels, without much success. Maybe these idiots are doing things randomly, after all. Then again, maybe it all ties to one of her friends who has promised to visit her soon, and Helena fears that the mob's evil may have infected him too. All this mob tracking and investigating has led Huntress HERE, to this little safehouse that's slightly off the map but still a mystery to her she has to unravel TONIGHT.

Huntress doesn't seem like she wants to fool around tonight and ambushes the guard outside as most of the crew deal with this mysterious Bullseye or watch, like the sick bastards they are. After downing him with some painful kicks, Huntress leans over him like a predator, "Don't make a sound, asshole," she utters softly, lowering her crossbow to aim at his eye. She listens closely, tapping her cowl, "Shhh..." she mutters, and she tries to hear the secrets within.

Bullseye has posed:
Nicky Fortino, unlike his uncle, wasn't the haughty, "untouchable" made man his uncle was. He was hungry... which means he's dangerous. Handed a wrench by one of his flunkies, a grinning Nicky stalks around Bullseye in a circle, tapping the wrench against the chair. "You know, you got a lot of fuckin' balls for a guy who's about to lose both o' 'dem, you know dat?" He and is flunkies laugh, because of course they do. Bullseye, meanwhile, rolls his eyes and tongues a spot in his mouth where a molar used to be. He lets out a sigh.

"Yeah, and you talk way too fuckin' much for a guy who's supposed to be scaring me. So, why don't you take that fuckin' wrench and hit me with it, already, huh? Because in a few minutes, you're gonna regret not ending this shit quick." His words are met with feigned fear from the group, an easy dozen or so by Bullseye's count. He's already got a plan rolling around in his head, but these knots are a little trickier than he thought. No matter. All that means is it's going to be that much sweeter once his hands do get free.

Helena Bertinelli has posed:
Huntress lowers the crossbow threateningly at the man and plants her spikey heel on his chest, smirking all the while, "Your friends are sick bastards," she tells him, "Right out of a dime store novel, complete with dumb plan and stupid victims," she advises him. The man opens his mouth to speak and Huntress assures him not to with the pressure of her cute heel into his chest. It's purple.

Inside the safehouse, some gas starts leaking in from the outside. That's strange. HISSSSSSSSS. The hissing gas looks like grey smoke, though the place doesn't seem like it's on fire, does it? The smoke gas stuff floods in from the front of the room and the window and starts to fill the room.

Bullseye has posed:
Bullseye's too busy getting walloped in the face with a wrench for him to notice the gas at first, but once the wise-guys inside start to scramble in a panic, it becomes staggeringly clear -- he ain't alone anymore. Nicky immediately drops the wrench and begins covering his nose and mouth, his muffled instructions going nowhere as his men pull out their guns and attempt to find the source. "I told you, you stupid fuck," Bullseye mutters under his breath, keeping an eye on Nicky even as the smoke is starting to fill the room. And with one swift motion, he slips his hands out of the knots. Playtime.

Helena Bertinelli has posed:
Huntress takes out the guard below her (but he'll live) and swings open the front door, Superman style. Ah, the direct approach. She closes it behind her politely and quickly whips her gaze across the room, in order to find the hapless victim and save him from the evil mob. She wears a high-tech smokemask that gives her glowing purple eyes. Maybe she herself should stop thinking in dime store novel terms. The smoke gives her good cover and it brings on coughing fairly quickly (but not death). One of the mobsters emerges from the smoke and lunges at her (and the door) but she shoots him in the shin (not killing him) but another joins in, causing an ensuing struggle before she can fire off another crossbow bolt. Cue music.

Bullseye has posed:
Cue the music, indeed, and for Bullseye? It's "Let The Bodies Hit the Floor" by Drowning Pool. Grabbing his coat and other equipment from a table off to the side, Bullseye starts to get to work. The gas is irritating his eyes, but he holds his breath as he reaches for one of his throwing knives. It's here that one of the panicked mobsters who just saw his friend get shot in the leg by Huntress turns tail and runs in the opposite direction -- right into Bullseye.

Out of instinct, Bullseye gives the knife a twirl before plunging it directly into the man's forehead with a disgusting squelch of a noise. The mobster, mouth agape, falls lifeless to his knees and Bullseye yanks the bloody knife out before hurling the knife to his right where he hears a smattering of coughs and yelling. Suddenly, only one voice is heard from that direction. Still holding his breath, a devilish grin snakes across his face as he hears the sound of Nicky yelling to get the door open.

Helena Bertinelli has posed:
Huntress has shot one of the thugs in the shin but is currently struggling with another, causing her to lose her crossbow on the floor. It skids across the parkay and lands in front of Bullseye. It is purple. She looks at a couple mobsters strangely as they run by her to the door and start clawing at it, trying to remove the brace she put back in place when she first entered the building. She recognizes why they might want to run away, but why don't they stop to attack her like this arrogant thug is doing right now?

Huntress gets pissed off and kicks the thug in the chest as he grabs at her shoulders. He tumbles backwards over the floor and flops in front of Bullseye and Huntress glances around for her crossbow now that she's free of the grappling fight. The smoke is clearing out as one of the men breaks the window, though she grabs his collar and propels him through the window properly, breaking it completely. Ahh, fresh air.

Bullseye has posed:
Bullseye turns his body to walk towards Nicky and his goons, but feels a small tap against his right foot. The smoke/gas is starting to funnel out one of the window, and it's here that the psycho killer looks down and sees... a crossbow? Sure, Nicky has a bunch of tools at his disposal for this half-assed attempt at an interrogation, but a crossbow? This has to have come from someone else, and considering the circumstances, it's got to be his "reinforcements."

Sneering, a body flops down in front of him, and before he can react, someone is grabbing the poor bastard by the collar and hurling him through a nearby window. He crashes through, and Bullseye, covering his mouth, gets a better view of Huntress.


Another one of these Gotham vigilantes.

Helena Bertinelli has posed:
Huntress dusts her hands off like she's won the day and turns from the broken window then looks across the room RIGHT at BULLSEYE. He's looking at her. What nerve. This guy is watching her? She notes the blood and the entrails and the mess Bullseye has made with some of the other mobsters. Dammit. Another one of these idiot villains.

Huntress whips off her gas mask so she can give the evil eye properly to Bullseye, "What are YOU lookin at?" she wonders, "Huh?" she adds, "Stop making a mess," she demands.

Bullseye has posed:
Bullseye winces for a second at Huntress's demeanor and is about to say something snarky back, when suddenly, the voice of Nicky Fortino is clear as day. While his men are struggling to get that door open, Nicky is bellowing at both Huntress and Bullseye. "Put your FUCKING weapons down!" To say he looks nervous would be an understatement -- clearly, this wiseguy's never been in a position where he's not winning the numbers game.

In response, Bullseye puts both hands up in the air, but is palming one of his smaller kunai in between his thumb and forefinger. "I told you earlier -- you're gonna regret not killing me, earlier." He turns his head slightly to Huntress, now. "And now you got two of us to worry about. If I were you? I'd /really/ think about what you're about to do, here, fucko."

Helena Bertinelli has posed:
Huntress doesn't have her crossbow to quickdraw like a badass, and SPOTS it across the room at Bullseye's feet, smirking with its unfortunate position. She tilts her head and aims her evil eye at Nicky now.

"You're the last one standing," she tells him as she raises her hands up slightly, not giving away if she herself has anything planned. "I think you better give up before this asshole goes nutzo again," she tells him, and it's hard to tell if she's creeping toward him or just shifting her stance, "Right? Give up before he adds some more blood to the floor," she recommends, "What do you say, huh?"

Bullseye has posed:
Nicky's aim begins to waver back and forth between Bullseye and Huntress, something the assassin can't help but smirk at. All he needed was a quarter of a second, just a single blink of an eye, and this kunai was going right into Fortino's eye socket. But for now, he allows Nicky to talk, and at this point? It's starting to sound like pleading.

"Just let me go, bitch!" he shouts, a slight break in his voice. "You ain't got NOTHIN' to do with this, okay?! This fuckin' asshole killed my fuckin' uncle!" And there you have it. Bullseye was a mafioso hunter, himself.

Or so it appears.

Helena Bertinelli has posed:
"Let you go? You're not going anywhere, jerkoff. Not with two of us watching your ass," Huntress reminds him, "In case you didn't get it, I'm the queen of revenge and I'm going to spend the rest of my damn life hunting you assholes all down."

"You could run, sure---but I think this sadistic bastard is going to stab you in the back when you're not looking. Or maybe I'll tackle you and break your ribs. Either way, you're not leaving. So just give up," she repeats, then Huntress glances at this mysterious Bullseye character again, who has KILLED that famous mob uncle she heard about. Should she start liking this guy?

Bullseye has posed:
All Bullseye wanted to do was go home. It's been a hell of a night, and a hell of a way to spend his first trip to Gotham. And while he can already see Nicky's lifeless body on the floor as clear as day in his head, he had to play this smart. Who was this do-gooder associated with? Certainly not the owl-bitch from earlier tonight. Definitely doesn't look like a friend of Harley's. Could... could she be a friend of the Bat's? If so, antagonizing her might cause bigger problems for him in the future, problems that might even follow him back to New York. And that isn't the smart play.

Either way, he pipes up again, hoping to end this conversation sooner rather than later. "Way I see it, you got two choices. One? You swallow your pride and put the gun down. Or two -- you keep up this bullshit Don Corleone charade, and leave it up to fate to decide."

And God, was Bullseye hoping for number two.

Helena Bertinelli has posed:
"You stupid bitch!" Nicky yells at her as he aims his gun at her shakily, "Neither one of you are better than ME!" he begins, opening his mouth to continue but by the time the words come, Huntress has positioned herself well enough to roll forward and grab the gun. It goes off, the bullets flying up into the air above her, lodging themselves in the ceiling. She cracks his face with the handle of the gun and breaks his teeth, sending him down to the floor.

Huntress then turns from the bleeding Nicky and looks at this strange Bullseye. She empties the gun of the rest of the bullets and clinks them all onto the floor. "Who are you...?" she wonders. She flips the weapon away.

Bullseye has posed:
Bullseye just blinks as Huntress moves in for the disarm and subsequent incapacitation. Hmm. Definitely trained. He lowers his arms and slides the kunai back into this belt. At this point, the room has completely cleared of gas and smoke, and it's here that Bullseye goes to retrieve his long, snakeskin duster on a table about ten feet away. On the way, he picks up Huntress's crossbow and tosses it to her, spitting some blood out from his mouth and onto the floor before answering her question. "Me? I'm the guy who's lucky as fuck you came along. Thanks." The words taste awful coming out of his mouth.

"Name's Bullseye," he says matter-of-factly, whipping his jacket around his shoulders and doing his best to not come off as threatening. "And I'm on my way outta Gotham, so if you're calling this in, I'm gettin' my ass outta here. As for you?" It was good to get a name. That much he knows.

Helena Bertinelli has posed:
"Name's the Queen Bitch, but most people call me Huntress," she tells him sarcastically, "Leaving? Maybe you should stay for a few questions, like how you ended up here in the first place," she says, putting a hand up as he walks past, as if ordering him to stop but doesn't really stop him, just sorta evil eyes him.

Huntress catches the crossbow and reloads it with something that looks steel-tipped and rather dangerous. She raises it and aims at Bullseye with a little smirk, but lowers it in the same motion, making her sense of humor known, "Bullseye," she repeats, though it's hard to tell if she's just repeating his name or threatening him.

Bullseye has posed:
Bullseye narrows his eyes, fastening a few more of his toys laid out on this table to his belt and assortment of holsters, where they belong. He doesn't appear to be rattled by Huntress's line of questioning, but this could be just a very elaborate poker face. "Look, I heard you, alright? This is a revenge kick for you. I get that. But me killin' that asshole's fat fuck of an uncle tonight was just business." He adjusts his jacket.

"That's all it ever is, business. So, now, /we/ got a choice -- either we pretend we ain't never seen each other and keep the train rollin' on bad things happening to bad people, or -- as I said to that idiot down there -- we let fate decide. It's on you. But I'm walkin' out that door in 'bout five seconds, Queen Bitch."

Helena Bertinelli has posed:
"You better watch your mouth talkin that way to the Queen Bitch. Revenge? Okay, yep, a revenge kick. You analyzed me. I don't tell Batman everything anyway, and I'm not his flunkie, by the way," she reminds him pointedly and looks down at the fallen thugs, "...My target doesn't seem to be here," Huntress adds and raises her chin, watching him walk past her to the door, though she doesn't say just who she IS looking for. It's a mystery.

Bullseye has posed:
"Never said you were," Bullseye replies with a hard breath. "As for your target -- I'm sure you'll get your hands on 'em. Pissed off people always find a way." He sounds like he's just patronizing her at this point, but the fact he's even responding after the battering he took is quite the gesture, already.

From dealing with the infamous Harley Quinn, to a chance encounter with the Court of Owls, to dealing with the mafia and a very pissed-off Huntress, Bullseye was begging for this night to be over. And in just a few minutes -- given that Huntress doesn't fire a bolt right into his back -- it was actually going to happen. Sticking one of his white, gloved hands into his mouth to feel for his missing teeth, he grimaces and spits out some more blood, hobbling his way out the door. "Time to go home, asshole," he thinks to himself.

Time to finally go home, indeed.