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Date of Scene: 09 October 2020
Location: The Rathskeller - Hellfire Club
Synopsis: Shaw and Fisk talk
Cast of Characters: Sebastian Shaw, Wilson Fisk

Sebastian Shaw has posed:
It is October, so the Rathskeller is busy. Getting reservations is difficult, but that is the way of things. The room still has some public seating available, but the room itself is alive. Partly because people are taking advantage of the Oktoberfest beers that have been brought in for the occasion, along with the fall menu items.

Sebastian Shaw is here, taking a chance to partake in a facility that he normally does not spend much time in (usually keeping to his regular haunts), but it is good to see and be seen. The Black King is not in festive attire, but keeps to his suit and tie, though a stein of beer and a large pretzel sit in front of him.

Wilson Fisk has posed:
Mr. Fisk has been here a few times of late. Still, work has been oh so much, running the world in a boardroom, fighting for power in the shadows is a full-time life, on their own put them together, free time is a rarity.

Dressed in a fine purple suit that highlights his dark skin, with a silver tie, Rolex on the left wrist, his eyes moving over the room as he watches it, noticing Mr. Shaw. Slowly, the massive man is making his way forward, as he nods towards him, as he orders a glass of wine from a passing server, doesn't matter if it is their job, it will be done."Hello, Mr. Shaw. It has been quite some time; I hope you have been well?" The voice itself is a friendly rumble of pleasure, but those eyes are dark watching, waiting to see how this meeting will go.

Sebastian Shaw has posed:
Shaw is part way through his pretzel when he hears the familiar voice. He finishes his bite before looking up, batting away crumbs with his napkin. "Mr. Fisk. I have indeed been well," he gestures to a nearby seat, "If you do not already have a seat, please join me." The Black King gestures for another stein of ale and says, "Would you have anything? There are no wrong choices, but that is no surprsie." Shaw may not be the most generous of people, but in reality this truly costs him little.

"I hope you have been doing well, yourself?" Shaw inquires, keeping his perfect posture in his seat, or to him it is more a throne, in how he sits.

Wilson Fisk has posed:
"I have been very well, business is good." Mr Fisk sits slowly, as he leans back into the chair, as he grins at the other man, as he feels it shifting under his massive of muscle form, as he looks at the waitress. Taking his wine from her slowly, as he sips it almost daintily, compared to the man's size.

" Knowing this place is here to get away, Mr. Shaw is good enough for me, that is what you give me once, or twice a week, for that I thank you." Mr. Fisk raises his wine towards the man in a toast, as his eyes scan over the bar, the restaurant taking it in.

Sebastian Shaw has posed:
"Excellent, businesses going well is the only way it should go," Shaw notes and nods as his own drink is delivered. He takes a moment to observe the room, to see if any new arrivals are worth addressing, but none are. Most give him the peace he often commands.

"Yes, I do not frequent here, but from time to time it is a nice palette cleanser, to keep things from getting stale. Fortunately, I do not have to travel far." The perk of living in the club itself. "It's just a pity too many think that they need to be here all at once."

Wilson Fisk has posed:
"It shows the power of the world and the pleasure, the secrets, the desire to be us we have created in this kingdom of yours, it means good work, Mr. Shaw." Mr. Fisk nods slowly, his hand is slowly working along the table, as his other hand brings that glass to his lip, siping it slowly."Now, then what has kept you so busy?"

Sebastian Shaw has posed:
"There are benefits to this place," Shaw notes with a nod, "But it is not my only focus," He takes a sip from his stein, and looks to Fisk. "Work always keeps me busy. Serving on the board here keeps me busy on top of that. Business is good, though, and I would rather be busy than not, so I would say things are going well." So many things to juggle, and fortunately he has yet to drop one. "Though we shall see how things go in the future, things are always subject to change."

Wilson Fisk has posed:
"Business is always good, even in failure do we learn how to move forward, each misstep is a lesson, business is always good." Mr. Fisk chuckles softly, as he sips his wine as he watches the bar, as he chuckles."Fake, ID's coming in, do you wish to be cruel, or allow them to drink." His eyes watchign a group of high shoolers, moving in with their fake ids.

Sebastian Shaw has posed:
"Indeed, the key is never to make the same mistake twice," Shaw says, turning his attention back to his pretzel, though still listening. "I would say don't be cruel. If they are members' kids, leave them be unless they cause a stink. If not, I would suggest /subtlety/ asking them to leave." Decorum is important, "I would avoid a crisis here, and the bartenders are trained well enough to spot even the best fakes."

Wilson Fisk has posed:
"It is not my place to do anything, but I wished to see if you would." Mr. Fisk grins slowly, with mirth as he watches them get turned away as they pout out quietly, not making a scene. "At least they left with good manners, that is one thing."That wine is slowly lifted to his lips, as he takes a long sip with another chuckle as his hand is resting on the table."I have sponsored a new member Mr. Owlsley. He is aggressive, looking for the right connections, he might be a good asset."

Sebastian Shaw has posed:
"Then you are wise," Shaw notes, now looking up to see the children sulk off, "They hopefully have learned their lesson. That might work in a dive bar, but we are not desperate enough for their money." He raises a brow and listens a little more, "I see. I will make that note once we receive his application. Though I am sure we will learn more about him in the vetting process. How do you know him?"

Wilson Fisk has posed:
"He is the owl of wall street, he well know mover and shaker. I have brought him in on a business deal; he wanted me to vouch for him in return. Quid Pro Quo, easy man to use." Mr. Fisk laughs softly as he shakes his head, as he brings that wine to his lips again, as he looks at Mr. Shaw."He did not know money, was enough of a force, to open the membership door, one to watch."

Sebastian Shaw has posed:
"So a broker," Shaw says, mentally noting it. "Well, if a reference is the fee he charged, you likely did well for yourself in the trade. Does he have the money?" he asks, unconcerned so far. "Do you think he would be an asset to the Hellfire Club?"

Wilson Fisk has posed:
"I think he will be a useful pawn for the Hellfire Club, nothing more and he has the money yes." Mr. Fisk nods slowly watching Mr. Shaw with a little chuckle."Not sharp enough for more thant that, by what I saw. Has the head for business, but not for much else.:"

Sebastian Shaw has posed:
"I see," Shaw says with a nod, "Thank you for your frank assessment." He ponders a little bit, "But we shall see what he says on his own behalf. At a certain point he will have to stand on his own merits." The Black King sits back, having finished his food and drink. "His money will not be unwelcome, at least."

Wilson Fisk has posed:
"Indeed, maybe he is sharper than I think. But, yes he will prove himself as all do in the end, failure is sadly the fate of most." Mr. Fisk stands slowly, as he sips his wine, setting the empty glass on a passing tray, as he sits back down watching Mr. Shaw."Is money ever unwelcome?"

Sebastian Shaw has posed:
"Maybe, time will possibly tell," Shaw says drily, deep in thought. He looks back to Fisk with his last question, "It can be, if it is from an unsavory source or it brings more trouble than its worth." He folds his hands and rests them on the table.

Wilson Fisk has posed:
"Indeed now it's your wisdome share, sadly I most go I have a meeting to attend, all the way back in the city." Mr. Fisk is waves slowly, over his shoulder as he is heading for the door, with a wide smile. His next move on the board, placed he will not allowed Mr. Owlsley, a place at the real table if he can help it.