3781/The Briefing of a Lifetime

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The Briefing of a Lifetime
Date of Scene: 12 October 2020
Location: Somewhere
Synopsis: Johnny Gallo finds the secret Huntress hotline and uses it
Cast of Characters: Johnny Gallo, Helena Bertinelli

Johnny Gallo has posed:
Johnny Gallo sat on a rooftop in NYC, feet dangling as he finished off his sandwich. He'd noticed a number of strange things of late, and wanted to report it in to one of the other 'families' of supers. Like he'd been asked!

He dialed in the number he'd been given onto his burner phone (as he'd been taught) and waited for the other end to pick up.

Helena Bertinelli has posed:
Huntress is in an alleyway standing over a fallen thug when Johnny Gallo's call buzzes her. She narrows her eyes at the guy on the ground in front of her, tapping him with her toe to make sure he's out, as she pulls out her mini-communicator. "Yes?" she answers, "Who's this?" she wonders.

Johnny Gallo has posed:
Johnny Gallo eyes went wide, "Oh hey, you answered! I was full on expecting it to be a fake number." He laughed, "How's it going? Long time no hear. It's Silver Spider, from New York. We met in an alley, you told me to call if I heard anything on organized crime?"

Helena Bertinelli has posed:
Huntress hmms, "Funny, I'm still in an alley," she tells him and kicks the thug as he starts to sit up, sending him back down to the ground with a groan, "Alright, go ahead. You heard something about organized crime? What did you hear?" she asks him.

Johnny Gallo has posed:
Johnny Gallo grins, "Yeah? Some things don't change, yeah?" He shrugged and continued on, "Anyway, one solid peice, that it seems Toyman is making a move on others that used his name while he was retired. Had a run in with him down in Mutant Town." He kicked his feet idly, "Not sure how organized that is, but, it's certainly something to take note of."

Helena Bertinelli has posed:
Huntress pauses as she thinks about what he said and answers, "Okay. Sounds like your usual supervillain stuff," she answers, "Is the Toyman getting mob support" she wonders, probably thinking there is a little more to this story.

Johnny Gallo has posed:
Johnny Gallo gave a nod, "I'm not sure if mob, but, he had some heavy thugs this last time, which isn't his usual MO. He usually just has his toys, but, this time he brought a pair of bruisers. So, looks like someone is hiring out muscle to Supervillains. No idea on who, but, here in NYC could be just about anyone."

Helena Bertinelli has posed:
Huntress seems more curious now as she says, "Hiring out thugs? What kind of thugs? Can you describe them?" she asks him.

Johnny Gallo has posed:
Johnny Gallo thought on it, "Ummm... One was a big buff black guy... T-shirt and jeans, with a shaved head. The other was a tall white guy in a Hawaiian shirt and cargo shorts. They didn't talk much. Didn't notice any powers. Was just odd, you know?"

Helena Bertinelli has posed:
Huntress seems annoyed, "That's it? A buff Black guy and a Hawaiian dweeb?" she asks him, "A regular Black guy and a regular Hawaiian dweeb, well---I'm not sure how I can help---not right off, anyway. Maybe there's something but I'm not sure."

Johnny Gallo has posed:
Johnny Gallo gave a shrug, "Yeap. That's it." He kicked his feet, "There was a bunch of stolen cars last week too, but, I don't think they're related, and I've got no leads on that." He took a drink from his water bottle, "Anyway, just wanted to let you know. I didn't think I'd really get you anyway. Doesn't your crew have like, bat tip line or something?" He asked grinning.

Helena Bertinelli has posed:
Huntress pauses again maybe for dramatic effect and then she sounds kinda annoyed (again), "A Bat tip line? A Bat...tip line? No, this is my number," she answers, "What's that? No leads? You better get some leads," she tells him, "You know what, maybe you should get your ass over to Gotham so I can tell you how to work this."

Johnny Gallo has posed:
Johnny Gallo laughed, "Fair play. I'll see if I can work on a field trip soon. I'll call you to work out details, yeah?"

Helena Bertinelli has posed:
Huntress sounds like she's smirking as she says, "Great," she says and hangs up.

Johnny Gallo has posed:
Johnny Gallo looked at his phone, "That went well." He slipped it away. "Looks like I'll be visiting the land of the drab and dreary..." He looked down at his silver and white suit, "I'm gonna stick out bad...."