4038/Delayed Plans

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Delayed Plans
Date of Scene: 05 November 2020
Location: Common Area - Milano
Synopsis: Groot joins Drax on his mission to get revenge on Thanos for his family's slaughter. Drax fails to mention details of his eye-for-an-eye plan.
Cast of Characters: Drax, Groot

Drax has posed:
Being in space without the normal Kylosian cycles doesn't seem to have affected Drax in any lasting way.  Like a rock.  It's technically the 'night' shift as they try to make time, having sniffed out a rumor on a possible job stealing back some medical supplies from some pirates.  

The muscled guy barely fits at the table, leaning over a bowl of glowing berries.  Standard fair.  Aside from his chomping, there isn't much noise.  He stares down at a section of an old-fashioned star map that has a few blood spatters on it, wrinkly, fibers breaking down in the creases.  There are Xes and dates on planets.

Groot has posed:
    The day/night cycles of space never really got to Groot, but obviously the living plant would prefer day -- but that was obviously not going to happen any time soon. Groot was unable to sleep and had shambled his way into the kitchen. He's not really making any noise, per say, but Groot's movement comes with a fairly obvious set of sounds -- leaves bristling, mostly. It made it easy to know when he was coming. And so, it would be very unlikely that Drax wouldn't hear the living tree approaching and finding a spot just over one of his large shoulders. A branch comes down to point at the map. "I am Groot?" he asks, sounding like he's asking about it. The branch points at a planet, and it's date, and then moves to gesture to the dates on several more planets.

Drax has posed:
Perhaps lucky for Groot, Drax does hear him coming, not so singularly focused given his multi-tasking as he zombie-ish eats his snack.

"A tyrant named Thanos killed my wife and daughter.  I am on a mission of revenge.  I will take what he took from me," Drax says without any seeming emotion save for a distant look for a moment, stony fire in his eyes.  "I have searched these places."

Groot has posed:
    What Groot might lack in comprehensibility, he was certainly expressive. The set of sticks pointing at the planets slowly lifts from the table and rests on Drax's shoulder. With a heavy sort of expression, Groot's voice shifts to a more sympathetic tone. "I am Groot," he soothes, giving the shoulder a couple of pats. It's not the most comforting pat, considering the fact that he's made of wood and leaves, but its meaning is clear.

    Groot pulls the hand back and places it on his chest. "I am Groot," he adds. The meaning of this one is less clear, but he seems to be gesturing to himself and his expression has shifted to one of determination. Perhaps an offer of help?

Drax has posed:
Drax can pick up Groot's context well, but even when he can't, he acts and speaks with confidence, giving the appearance of knowledge.  His brow gathers sharply, simmering behind his eyes, masked by conversion to more actionable feelings.

The brutish guy looks to Groot and nods.  "Thank you."

"Are you offering your help?" Drax points to Groot, his pointing fist up close to his chest.  "I accept," he says with slight bow of his chin, eyes closing.  "It will be fierce."

Groot has posed:
    Groot's brow -- if it could be called that -- rises in earnest. He smiles and nods his head. "I am Groot!" he enthuses, nodding a couple more times. It would appear that he has deputized himself in the quest against Thanos. The tree leans down a touch to inspect the map, perhaps to check for some that didn't yet have dates.

Drax has posed:
"I do not know where he is," Drax says, getting down to business.  "Hard to find.  I go after his servants.  Nebula is helping too."  He seems to get down to business on catching Groot up, hopefully, on what's happening.

"But one day.  I will crush him, if I have to gather a thousand big rocks.  His head will open like melons."  Luckily the guys has an occasional simple simile in him, even if metaphor is always rushing over his head.

Upon closer inspections, there are actually tally marks next to some and various known stops dotted along shipping lanes.  There are a few without dates.  All of the dates are less than a year old.  "Here."  He notices Groot sweeping the map with his big glossy eyes and points a finger at the ones without dates.  "I went first," he adjusts, simplifying.  "We are..."  He gives Groot a moment to follow his prior information.  Then he folds the map a little to expose the border of an adjacent section.  "Here."

Groot has posed:
    The comment about Nebula earns a smile. It was a surprise, but a welcome one. As Drax exposes the border on the map, Groot leans down to inspect it closer. "I am Groot..." he mutters, trying his best to get a sense of the map and their whereabouts. After a few moments, the tree nods and moves away from the map a bit. "I am Grooooot," he calls out before leaning back into a deep stretch.

    Groot pauses a moment before bringing a hand up to his chin. "I am Groot..." he wonders, giving Drax a curious look. As if to explain, Groot brings a hand closer to the floor and leaves it at a height pretty close to Rocket's. He brings the hand back up to tap against his chin again -- a thinky kind of gesture.

Drax has posed:
Drax is anything if not patient with the other crew members, Groot included, always seeking to understand with a telegraphed earnestness.  He waits till something of what Groot says makes any sense to him. "A box?  The raccoon?" he searches Groot for confirmation.  "If you think he will help and not hinder."  The Kylosian is still adjusting to the lack of eloquence in the common tongue, his vocabulary wandering away with itself sometimes.

Groot has posed:
    There's a long pause from Groot. His face telegraphs a range of emotions as he considers that. Would Rocket help? Would he hinder? Would he simply outright refuse? Eventually, the tree would shrug. "I am Groot," he answers, his hands up in the air. It could go either way, honestly. After another long stretch, Groot reaches a hand out to pat Drax on the shoulder again.

    "I am Groot," he adds softly before turning to shamble out of the common area and back towards where the crew usually slept.

Drax has posed:
"Do what you think is best."  Drax's trust is apparent in his eyes.  Something given.  He looks down at his shoulder and then up to Groot.  "I will finish my berries.  Good night Kind Roots."