1910/Angelo's Fine Dining

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Angelo's Fine Dining
Date of Scene: 31 May 2020
Location: Angelo's Pizza
Synopsis: No description
Cast of Characters: April O'Neil, Greer Grant, Shen Kuei

April O'Neil has posed:
It's evening and the sun is hanging low in the sky to the west. April has come to Angelo's to get her order, dine on her part of it and then deliver the rest to the boys down in the sewers in a bit.

Right now, the reporter, and internet personality, is standing in front of the counter with her yellow hoodie tied around her waist, blue jeans on and a white tshirt with a Stay Puft Marshmallow man in sunglasses on the chest. Her dark hair is down around her shoulders and a pair of her own sunglasses are resting up on her brown.

April is talking to one of the employees behind the counter who's a bit smitten with her, and asking her a lot of questions about her online work. April is laughing and shaking her head. "No, no, it's nothing like that. It is a lot of work though, you have to edit it all yourself - at least until you -make it big- and hire an employee or two."

Greer Grant has posed:
     The door bells jangle and jingle as the glass and metal door is opened by a tall orange skinned woman. Wait wait, that's fur, and black stripes. "ANGELOOOO!" Shouts the Avenger as she pads on her bare feet into the greasy pizza place.

    Tigra smiles, her green eyes scan the place calmly, though that hint of a dangerous predator crosses her expression when the scent of pizza hits her nose. Greer smiles showing off her fangs and sharp teeth as she moves to stand behind April, the black bikini the only thing keeping Greer modest and even then she shows off a lot of fur and tail.

    "Hey, you look familiar! where do I know you from?" Asks Greer of April with a friendly tone in the heroine's voice.

April O'Neil has posed:
Needless to say that when an arguably hotter woman - in less amounts of clothing - just suddenly walks in, and makes her presence known behind April, the young employee behind the counter shifts his brown eyes over to the Tiger Lady. "Woah." He says quietly, almost stammers the words.

This makes April turn and look, and she does a little double take, and even looks Tigra up and down. "Uh..." The decidedly much more normal-human-woman starts. She then offers Tigra a hand. "April O'Neil, I work for Channel Six News outta Manhattan. If you were watching the broadcast this morning I was down at the golf range doing a remote piece on a break-in there last night."

The man behind the counter just stares at both of the women, he's definitely not Angelo. He's even wearing a nametag that says 'Hyatt' because all young people these days have weird names.

Greer Grant has posed:
    "April O'Neil, oh that's one catchy ass-Oh thats RIGHT! I dont watch the news but they keep it on back at hq like, all the time." Tigra reports, and looks closer at April with a hand lifting up to brush her voluminous hair with a scratch.

    "That's an awesome shirt hon, freaking hilarious." Before she looks past to Hyatt and frowns "You're not Angelo, ah screw it, Nongelo, tell this smoking girl her shirt looks great." Tigra demands with a subtle growl in her tone as her tail swishes behind her and she shifts on her feet while crossing her arms below her chest.

Shen Kuei has posed:
Shen Kuei, international man of mystery, know infamous and famously through out criminal and intelligence circles as 'The Cat', was on a very important mission, finding the best pizza in New York. With a rival freshly in the ground, he is in an infectiously good mood. He's wearing blue jeans, boots, and a white dress shirt rolled up over an impressive pair of forearms. The top of the shirt is unbuttoned, the top of a black tattoo shown beneath his collarbone center mass of his chest. A leather hangs lazily over one of shoulders, clutched by a hand. His free hand pushes up a pair of sun glasses as he curiously scans the interior.

Hearing the name April O'Neil, he perks up with an expression of familiarity. Though this expression morphs into two raised eyebrows as he lays eyes on Tigra. He blinks and looks her up and down, not in a blatantly sexual way, more likely he's a bit shocked by the feline features. His brow knitting together as he processes, he raises a hand toward April and waves. "Evening O'Neil. Good to see you again."

April O'Neil has posed:
April is quick to look down at her shirt when it's complimented. The Stay Puft Marshmallow Man lumbering down a city street with the caption bubble beside his smiling face exclaiming 'Stay Puffy!' as he gleefully stomps on some cartoon New York street.

"Thanks. I like your... swimsuit? Gonna go do some laps in the bay?" April replies to Greer, looking back up and glancing between Greer and Hyatt. Hyatt laughs and points at the Reporter. "I already told her that when she came in." He says, then regards Greer. "How may I help you today, ma ma'am?" She stutters for Greer. She's a giant Cat Lady in a bikini, it's a bit unsettling for the 19 or 20 year old.

April's gaze, meanwhile, shoots over to Shen when he makes his appearance. After a second of recognition required, April smiles. "Oh hey!" She tells him. "Hey--" She cuts herself off, remembering their last meeting. She doesn't want to use his name if he wants to stay anonymous!

Her blue eyes glance at Greer, then at Shen again... she steps out of the way of the counter and off to the side. "You're not here to bust into the basement and free a bunch of tied-up girls are you?" April asks Shen.

Greer Grant has posed:
    "It's more for your sake than mine. Not sure if you noticed ths stripes and fur, and." Tigra curls her hair behind an ear briefly before covering it again with alk that hair. "And the ears, but I'm kind of a cat. Cats dont like clothes. At. All." Greer says with a tap of her nose before stepping to the counter.

    "Okay nongalo, I need a meatlovers and a Hawaiian." The third string avenger smiles over her shoulder and leans her semibare hip against the counter to look at Shen "Why is it no one ever recognizes me. I blame Tony that shiney asshole, hogging all the spotlight."

Shen Kuei has posed:
Shen waves a hand toward in a gesture which appears decidedly feline but in truth is decidedly APAC. "Feel free to use my name, and no, I'm not here to bust any Triads. I'm here for something significantly more important. Pizza."

He offers a firm nod to her and grins mischievously. "So do you think she is hear to eat Pizza or to eat the Pizza boy? Because that poor kid looks like prey."

Shen then settles his gaze upon Tigra and bows his head politely. "I recognize you, Tigra. In my line of work, its impossible not to know about the Avengers. I also happen to be a bit of a fan of..." He reaches and undoes another button. He's not super human, but he's got the physique of a world-class martial artist and soldier. He's not showing off the definition of his chest though, the tattoo is a black cat silhouette, solidly black with perfect lines. "A cat fan to be honest. So you would be hard to a resist a double-click on when looking through dossiers."

April O'Neil has posed:
April's gaze sweeps back and forth, but shortly after Shen speaks to Tigra, she nods once to the Avenger as well. "Yeah, I am familiar with your too, Miss Grant. At least in name and style. I run a podcast--" April says as she glances to Shen when he shows off his inky cat art. She smiles at that, but looks back to Greer. "You came up on the top fifty 'hottest super hero' countdown we did about a month ago. It was a cast-your-vote kind of thing on the website. So congrats!" She grins faintly then.

Hyatt takes Greer's order and steps back to the kitchen to file it, then comes back with April's order... which is four large boxes and a little tiny box on top. April steps over to accept them all.

As she turns she smiles at Shen now. "I'm glad to see you again though. Means you've not gotten yourself shotgun blasted." She very nearly got him shotgun blasted the first time they met, by telling the shop owner (who had the shotgun) where to point it.

Greer Grant has posed:
    "Double clicked on a dossier? you mean you looked at my Wikipedia page?" Tigra says with a tease as she turns her attention by to Hyatt and bites her bottom lip. "Thats a nice tattoo..." Tigra mumbles to herself and the cashier.

    "Whoa whoa whoa, top fifty... where exactly? This is important stuff you know." Tigra reaches up to her bikini top and pulls out a large single bill to give to Hyatt to pay for her pizzas and then gets out of Shen's way.

Shen Kuei has posed:
Shen gazes back toward April and raises an eyebrow. "That's a lot of pizza. You having some kind of party?"

He rolls his eyes, "To be honest, it hasn't been from lack of trying. This has been a very awkward month. Probably just shy of an international incident, we should have that interview sometime, I'll think about what I can share. Might be one of those pieces you... release in a few years. Let's just say, I'm on my third apartment this month."

He doesn't seem too pleased by his situation, but he lacks any apparent wounds, so evidently he came out of it all cleanly enough.

"I use to work for the Ministry of State Security.. You know, basically, the Chinese CIA. We always looked upon the Avengers with some... concern. So, it was a bit more then a wikipedia page, and thanks for the compliment." He nods his head and steps up to the counter, ordering a very simple pepperoni.

April O'Neil has posed:
April instantly regrets bringing up the Top 50 list, because now she has to remember the results and the results aren't all that important to her because it's really just about having fun and engagement with one's community. "Uh..." Is her eloquent initial response to the question. "Low... twenties? I think?" April replies, she's honestly not sure. "I do remember you scored higher than some names that---" She stops herself, shakes her head. "Look, it doesn't matter! Look at you, popping big bills out of your teensy little top there. You're clearly at the top of the lists." She grins then before she raises her eyebrows and looks back to Shen.

She glances down at the mountain of pizza's she's holding. "Oh, well, uh, yeah. Party never stops at April's place!" There's a laugh then from the Brooklyn native, a laugh that suggests she's also not really internally laughing so much as internally stressed-out!

"Oh hey, yeah, I got my own studio-slash-office now." She steps to a table and puts the pizzas down, then reaches under her hoodie to get a card out of her pocket. She offers it to Shen. "If you ever do want to do a thing, and get your voice out there, it's the perfect setup for it now." Address on the card, local, not but a couple blocks from here.

Greer Grant has posed:
    "Sorry, I didnt know I was even on a list." Tigra says with a kind of awkward frown as she seems to be the third wheel, again. Greer steps away from the counter and claims a seat at the nearest empty seat but looks betaeen Shen and April. "Is that true? You were saving people held by the yakuza?" Green eyes wide and hopeful. She does want to help.

Shen Kuei has posed:
Shen accepts the card and reads it over, offering a nod. He then looks at April with some concern, reading people was another skill imparted by his old handlers and April wasn't exactly being difficult. "Do you.. need some help, Miss O'Neil? Do you have some unwanted couch-surfer or something? Bad roommate? I could step by and remedy the situation."

He raises a hand, "And I don't mean permanently, just you know.. A stern word or two."

He leaves the offer out there, not really expected it to be accepted. He gazes momentarily toward Tigra and laughs, "As if you need our or a list's validation. As April said, look at you. You could easily be a pin-up."

Reading people pertains to even people who appear part cat. He pulls up a chair at Tigra's table and sits. He murmurs quietly, "Triads, not Yakuza... and actually they were a Tong, Triad wanna-bes, but yes, I busted a small sex-trafficking operation. I'm not precisely a.. 'boy-scout' as you Americans put it, but there's some lines I don't like seeing crossed."

Greer Grant has posed:
    Tigra leans back, her nearly bare back against the cheap vinyl and metal chair, and she smiles at Shen as he sits next to her. "Tongs sound like a bad type of bacteria or some sea slug..." Tigra growls softly, her fists clenching. "You know I'll help you if I can Mr Cattoo." Cat Tattoo. That's the joke.


Shen Kuei has posed:
Shen offers a warm smile and nods, "An Avenger might be a little overkill for some of what I deal with, but if you want to give me your contact information. I'll certainly consider you the next time I plan on kicking down a door and playing the hero."

He seems amused by the joke and offers a little shrug. April seems off in her own world, probably considering the hungry horde waiting for her. He settles his gaze on Tigra, "What's it like.. being so.. feline like?"

Greer Grant has posed:
    "I'm not worried about overkill, I just want to help as many people as I can. Don't care how or what it takes." Tigra explains and takes a deep breath, looking over her shoulder, to double check if her pizza was ready or not. Not yet. "It's got some major ups and downs. some obvious, some more obtuse. Like the fur, god there's orange and black hair EVERYWHERE! And sitting can be such a chore." Tigra smirks before noting some positive. "Though i have awesome balance and am super strong even. it's actually... I love being me now." Now. The past was rough for Greer, but she doesn't seem like she wants to talk about that.

Shen Kuei has posed:
"We should only be so lucky to be in love with being ourselves." Shen agrees with a nod, "I, myself, am quite happy being myself as well, but I must admit, the myriad of powers that seems to come with your state... The power that allows you to be an Avenger... That would be a useful asset."

He shrugs, "I already own a black tabby, so I already with black fur being everywhere, but I imagine it hides much better than orange. My condolences, no wonder you've elected to be light on apparel." He chuckles then drums his fingers looking over his shoulder.

"Well, you sound like an absolute saint, Tigra. I won't hesitate to reach out when that zeal may be useful." He sighs and looks impatient for his pizza.

Greer Grant has posed:
    Tigra stands, her feet clapping on the old tile floor as she shuffles to her feet. "Tell your friend April, I'd like to speak with her for an interview sometime if she'd like, and the same goes for yourself." Tigra pops her back before turning to the counter and getting her two pizzas. On her way out the door, she gives Shen and April a salute apiece with her tail acting as a third weak hand. "Nice meeting you both. I'm going to go devour my lunch on a spooky rooftop. TA!

Shen Kuei has posed:
Shen offers her a wave and then rises when his pizza order is ready. "Enjoy your rooftop pizza."