1531/The Public House

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The Public House
Date of Scene: 05 May 2020
Location: The Public House - Hellfire Club
Synopsis: No description
Cast of Characters: Alexis Carr, Wilson Fisk

Alexis Carr has posed:
    It's not terribly busy in the Public House, the slightly less exclusive area of the Hellfire club, with its multitude rooms of entertainment and vices.

    There are those here dressed in 1920's suits, Victorian garb, and the occasional Risque outfit -- though there's plenty just wearing their nicest jeans or slacks with expensive brands

    Towards the end where the microphone stand stood silently, there was a figure seated at an upright piano, adding to the ambiance, playing a familiar tune on the keys though she's not singing along.

    She was wearing a light yellow jacket over her blue jeans, matte gray heels on her feet. Her dark brown hair was pulled back and up in a bun, clipped with yellow rhinestone barrettes. Her eyes were slightly downcast, her fingers floating over the keys casually.

    Of course, if you were a mover, a shaker, or paid attention to those silly folks who tout fake science against metahumans, you might recognize Allegra Caradenza, her lips pursed as she toyed around with Space Oddity.


Wilson Fisk has posed:
Not every day can be spent in the boardroom. It seems Wilson Fisk has ventured out for the evening, and decided to mingle with the masses. Kingpin makes his way through the cocktail lounge before settling onto a barstool. The massive man is attired in a bright white suit, with his flamboyant necktie providing the only splash of color amid his otherwise monochrome outfit.

"I'll have an Old Fashioned, eh? And who's that on the piano? She knows how to play." Kingpin gives his order to the barman as his beady eyes pass over Alexis, a slight smirk tugging at the edges of his lips. "Always good to see some talent." When his drink arrives, he takes an unceremonious swig, nearly finishing half of it before setting it back down against the bartop with a -clank-.

Alexis Carr has posed:
    "She's a member." is all the barman states, with an apologetic sort of shrug to the Kingpin himself, nervous -- and a second old fashioned is quickly set up next to Fisk's first.

    The girl herself has a little tray next to her -- no tip jar, of course, that'd be ridiculous -- but she seems to be enjoying herself all the same.

    "She comes down sometimes to play, she likes it when people watch, I think." the bartender gives a wry smile, and the colorful young woman hums a moment, jut under the music.

    Someone down the bar might be singing "--aand the papers want to know who' shirt you weaaar o/`"

Wilson Fisk has posed:
"Nice, nice. I'd buy her a drink, but she looks too young. Hah!" Kingpin certainly seems to amuse himself, laughing a little bit too loudly as he finishes his first Old Fashioned. He salutes the bartender with the second glass in appreciation before sipping, shifting his gaze between the performer and the fellow patron who's moved to song.

"I should get out more often." Kingpin snorts, again draining most of the his second drink. "Classier entertainment than I'm used to, that's for sure." There's a dark chuckle that emanates from the gargantuan man as he takes a cigar from his suit jacket, navigating the unlit stogie between his lips as the music plays on.

Alexis Carr has posed:
    "That hasn't stopped others from trying." the young woman calls back as she lifts her head, looking to the simply huge man with a small smile on her face as she finishes up on the piano, drawing herself to a stand, and joins the white-clad man at the bar, perching herself on a stool. Where as Wilson Fisk is huge, she is small. Five foot two, but well muscled.

    "A Sprite, pleae." she orders, giving a mall wave to the singer down the bar from the two.

Wilson Fisk has posed:
"I'm sure, Miss. You have some impressive skills on the keys -- I was never any good myself. Ham-fisted and all." Kingpin laughs roughly, polishing his second drink and pushing the empty glass forward on the bar for another. This amount of booze in quick succession might have quite the effect on a man of smaller stature, but Kingpin's resilience -- or at least sheer mass -- is on display when he's in his cups.

"Wilson Fisk, Fisk Industries. It's a pleasure to meet you, hmm?" Kingpin raises his eyebrows as he introduces himself, that grin of his staying plastered across his lips.

Alexis Carr has posed:
    "Allegra Caradenza, formerly of Pro-HUMANA. Enchante, Mr. Fisk of Fisk Industries." Allegra introuces herself, using her real name in the halls. She sips her own drink, non-alcoholic and bubbly.

    The bartender gives Fisk another Old Fashioned.

    "I don't beleive I've had the pleasure of you being an audience in the Public House. Where do you usually sit for entertainment?" she questions conversationally.

Wilson Fisk has posed:
"Pleasure to meet you, Miss Caradenza. I've invested in a few bars and night clubs, that sort of thing. Not nearly as, uh, fashionable as this." Fisk laughs heartily, swirling his next Old Fashioned for a moment before taking a swig. "It's a step above my usual forms of entertainment, I'll give you that. Nice for a change." He flashes a smile then, hinting at something sinister underneath.

"I take it you're not the hired talent, huh? A club member who just likes to play -- what's your business, if I might ask?" His eyebrows again raise as he makes the inquiry, sipping his drink.

Alexis Carr has posed:
    "No, I'm not hired to play, but some forms of art are better when shared. Bowie may not have the same classical pull as Liszt or Bach, but sometimes it's fun to play something -- more recognizable." Allegra replies, and she gives a momentary smirk -- she almost asks which entertainment he means, but she knows better than asking.

    "I'm in the Entertainment Industry, in fact. I've recently left my old management team and I'm looking for new and interesting opportunities in New York." she replies, her accent in a cool and crisp British tone. "As you invest in bars and night clubs, I'm sure you are quite the man about town then?"