4421/Holiday Miracles

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Holiday Miracles
Date of Scene: 16 December 2020
Location: Saint Patrick's Cathedral
Synopsis: Beetle and Silk save a jumper (and Ted's gonna pay for his therapy!).
Cast of Characters: Ted Kord, Cindy Moon

Ted Kord has posed:
Ted Kord flat out loves his aero-disks. They aren't as good as the aero-discs, the New Gods use. They're noisier, leave a light trail and aren't as fast. Considering he didn't have a Mother Box they work great. Oh yeah if you weren't an acrobat and a tech you took your life in your hands using them. Ted was both. With a 'Fa-la-la-la-la!" he streaked over the city and on a whim veered towards St. Patrick's Cathedral. After the big Santa brawl he was curious about the two women throwing grown men around. As Ted moves in a decreasing spiral he sees some commotion on an adjacent building.

Cindy Moon has posed:
It's been a rough year. And the holidays are always rough on some people anyhow. The man that's moving about near the ledge is one of those. He looks like he's in his late forties. Maybe his early fifties, hard to tell. Auburn hair that's starting to grey at the temples. Heavy-set; one of those guys who probably does office work and doesn't get out for a lot of gym time. Not the sort who'd probably ever make it up here; it's taken determination and chance; doors damaged and left unlocked in the wake of the Santa Massacre the other night. He stares out at the city bleakly as he looks about over the rooftops. The expression is...well, it's mostly blank. Someone who's more or less resigned.

For her part, Silk remains...well, oblivious about the fracas the other night. She's on the network, but no one let her know about it. This whole superheroing thing is a lot harder than it looks. She /hasn't/ seen the guy on the ledge yet, but she HAS both seen the light trail, and heard the fa-la-la. It's the latter that got her attention more. Flying people in NYC? Old hat. Flying carolers? More rare. She changes the direction on her web-swinging, whipping through the air towards the cathedral. Thank god for the winter uniform Spidey gave her. Even with it, she's numb in certain spots. This coming storm is for the birds.

Ted Kord has posed:
Ted Kord makes out the man on the ledge. "Oh, you poor, bless your heart." When he opened a plant in Alabama, the foreman explained that 'Bless your heart' was Southern for 'you poor SOB.' He pulls close to the side of the building and touches down. The disks detach to fly onto his back. Almost nonchalantly the Blue Beetle walks along the ledge. He freezes when the man sees him and says, "Happy Holidays, mister! You got a permit for ledge sitting? You can get a ticket for this you know? I bought a season pass myself. Now wait a second... you're my person to talk off the ledge. Please don't make this hard on me."

Ted has a talent for spewing banter to confuse people. He chooses to use this power for good. Also he can't turn it off.

Cindy Moon has posed:
The man looks over to Beetle. "Don't try and stop me. I don't want you to." He says, his voice a little hollow. "Nothing left for me here anyway." He takes a step closer to the ledge, eyes fixed on the man in blue. "Save someone worth saving."

Silk swings in, arcing higher than the ledge, as she lands on the side of one of the spires, clinging to the stonework. The dark uniform works well with the muddy sort of skyline today, though the red face mask is more of a stand-out factor. She's really curious, but possibly spooking a jumper is bad, and she doesn't know Beetle; this is one to watch before just jumping in on.

Ted Kord has posed:
Ted Kord ives a silent 'Hoo Boy.' Spidey would be the right one for this, webs and all. "Tell ya a true story... not too long ago, I'm alone, deserted you might say. I own a twenty story building, big company, penthouse and I find myself on the ledge like you thinking, why not? My word to the Almighty. I'd swear on Superman's cape... this is a pretty major oath in the circles I travel in, I was where you were ready to jump. But I didn't. In my case a bunch of nuts, ben a boil on my blue butt for years show up and try to throw me off my own building. I fought them off. Screw that. Screw this man. Come with me we'll get a beer or something and talk. I guarantee, you get down on the ground -the right way- and you'll say, "Screw this" too.

The Beetle doesn't move yet, except to extend a hand and smile. Then he retracts the lower half of his mask so you can see his smile.

Cindy Moon has posed:
The man looks over to him. "If you own all those things, you're already way better off in life than I'll ever be." He looks to Beetle. "Look. You seem okay. But I don't want this. I don't want you to save me." His eyes are going a little bright with unfallen tears. "Just let me fall." He says, his voice cracking a little.

Silk, hearing both of them, wall-crawls down closer to the rooftop proper. She moves over the roof, staying low to the ground. As long as Beetle's got this, she'll let him have it. If the guy jumps, she wants to get into a place where she can catch him with a webline.

Ted Kord has posed:
Ted Kord shakes his head. "I wasn't, standing on the ledge. I was exactly where you were. I saw no benefits to going on. So... what's your story? I got my skull broken by a monster and sent back to the minors for a while. Lost my company, rebuilt it. I been up and down the social register like a yo-yo for what it's worth. What do you do for a living... oops... sorree-eee." He shits his mouth cutting off the eeep! from seeing Silk crawling along. He sees the man cast him a suspicious look and he tugs on his costume. "Sorry, caught a wedgie. Super heroing is not as glamorous as it looks."

Cindy Moon has posed:
The man looks at Ted...almost, there was a connection there. But the oops spooks him, and he lunges for the ledge. He's not the fastest mover, but he's a big guy, with momentum, and aiming to sail right off the side.

Silk's eyes widen, and she jumps into the air. "Smooth move!" she chastizes Ted. "Did they not cover "do not give away your backup" in Superhero 101?!" She arcs overhead as the jumper heads for the edge.

Ted Kord has posed:
Ted Kord's disks come off his back and snap onto his feet. He's falling too and aiming for the man, a hand grabbing for his belt.

"Back up? IK never saw you before! I thought you were a ninja or something!" he snaps. He keeps an eye on this ninja whatever. Oh she flies... no she doesn't! Okay, maybe she's got an angle.

Cindy Moon has posed:
Silk fires off several weblines at the guy, all very stretchy, elastic, and bungee-like. After all, otherwise the sudden stop could hurt the man, and who would be so careless as to do that?! "A ninja?! Are you being racist or something?! Just because I'm Asian...and dressed in black...with the bottom half of my face covered...y'know, never mind. Objection withdrawn."

Ted can grab the man's belt, and now he's secured by both the lines and Ted's hand. Silk thwips a line onto the ledge for herself, and bungee-springs herself back up to the ledge, landing lightly. "Don't splatter yourself, dude. It gets better."

Ted Kord has posed:
Ted Kord floats upward to the roof hanging onto the man with both hands. His little flying disks object noisily to the extra load. He sits the man down on the floor, patting him on the shoulder. "Seriously man, you need a loan or something ask." He starts trying to tug a web line off his glove. "Oof you got me. Got any solvent for this stuff. Who are you anyway? One of Spidey's crew? If you are I'm sure he's told you about me, the Blue Beetle!"

Cindy Moon has posed:
Silk replies "Uhh. Sure!" She's totally faking it, but it's because of /her/ lack of experience. "You're supposed to grab him, not the line, Mr. Blue Beetle." The guy is crying some now. "He probably needs somebody with a lot more skill in therapy than us. If you're trying to help him out monetarily, that's a place to start."

Ted Kord has posed:
Ted Kord nods. "Money is a good place to start. Hmmm lessee, this your phone? You got anyone under ICE here, there we go... wife I'm guessing... uhm... what should I text her? Bad News, Good News? Maybe just leave it for the cops who sound like they're on their way up? We can web him tight for them. Geeze, this stuff would come off..." He pulls a multi-tool and cuts the web line off near the glove.

"Oh uhm, I'm sorry... I didn't get your name..." Ted is pretty sure Superman and his immediate family could not prevent his foot from entering his mouth at times, like anywhere near a female.

Cindy Moon has posed:
Silk looks over, and sees the police gathering up below. "We'll let the authorities handle it. This is what they're trained for." She'll thwip a couple more lines to the guy, then looks over. "Just relax. It's going to be okay." She'll grab the lines, and start to carefully lower him down to the ground. "Figured I'll buy us a few more minutes before the police come up this way. And I'm Silk." she says, with a smile. "Surely you've heard of me?" she says, with a confidence she surely doesn't feel.

Ted Kord has posed:
Ted Kord lies without pause, "Oh course. I just skimmed the orientation materials Spidey gave me. I thought you be... taller." And another foot joins the first.

He watches her lowered the man down with no strain, "You have the same strength, speed, coolness deal as Spidey huhn? Neat." He watches her for a second and then thinks, "My God she's a kid!"

"Uhm being Spider-Friends, you want to get a coffee and get to know each other. I mean just coffee or tea. A business meeting so to speak?"

Cindy Moon has posed:
"Yeah, basically. I mean, a few differences, but pretty much girl-Spidey." She nods. She is, in fact, a kid, basically. She's eighteen and she looks younger. "Sure! Coffee sounds great. Let me know a time and place on the comms, and we'll talk! Right now, I think we'd better clear out before the police come up here!" She gives a wave, and steps back off the roof. "Seeya!" She calls as she falls away, thwip-ing out a line to catch the wall and start webslinging off.