4480/A Fortituous Meeting

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A Fortituous Meeting
Date of Scene: 24 December 2020
Location: Gotham
Synopsis: Ray rescues Lucius. Lucius and Ray discuss Ray's GPS problem, and Lucius considers ways to help and gives Ray his card.
Cast of Characters: Lucius Fox, Ray Terrill

Lucius Fox has posed:
Lucius Fox is out Christmas shopping. He loves this time of year and has an arm load of presents as he walks towards the nearest street so he can take a cab home. Sure, he could have someone do this for him, but to Lucius it lacks the personal touch but as he moves towards the area, three young men decide that he is an easy target.

"Hey old man, give us what you got"

"And your wallet too"

Lucius tries to reason with them, and is almost succesful, being as charismatic as he is. "Now guys, this is a well lit street. The odds of a police car or a super hero stopping by is very high, but I can replace these. Just let me set them down and you can take them and move away." He isnt a wimp but it isnt worth causing trouble.

As he sets the boxes down, the third sneers, "I recognize this guy! He's Lucius Fox! Give us your Wallet!" The others look at each other uncertain.

Ray Terrill has posed:
        Ray was supposed to be .. well, mainly just exploring. He got his limited Christmas presents a week or two back, and his family (what family there is, anyway) is halfway across the country. So, y'know, a five minute trip.

        That said, navigation still isn't .... great. He's getting the handle on using the planet's EM waves, but .... well, let's be honest. New York City, Gotham, and Metropolis are close enough, and bright enough, that it's easy (for him) to overshoot. Almost on cue with Lucius's comment, a bright streak of light shoots across the sky, a few hundred feet away. It vanishes, briefly, then returns a moment later...then pauses.

        "Where the heck am I now? This doesn't look right."

Lucius Fox has posed:
Lucius Fox takes advantage of the distraction, and the distracted hero (and Lucius has dealt with enough newbie heroes to know EXACTLY what Ray's experience level with his powers are) but they dont know that.

"See? He's a hero. Just take the packages and run!"

Two of them definitely like this idea, grabbing only a single package and run into an alley but the third now pulls a gun.

"No way old man, you're a freaking billionare. I'm not throwing this away. Give me your wallet. Now!" One of the others stops, looking back while the third just keeps running

Ray Terrill has posed:
        It takes a moment, but Ray finally notices what's going on down below and calls out (louder now) as he slowly lowers himself down, "C'mon man. It's Christmas. Drop the gun and just run. Follow your friends." He's surrounded by a nimbus of light and is -very- obvious by this point, his attention on the guy with the gun. Gotta give the guy a chance, right? Although, he's ready to throw up a light shield between Lucius and the gun holder immediately if needed.

Lucius Fox has posed:
Remember that guy? The guy who always shoots at Superman despite KNOWING that it does no good? This guy takes this gun and tries to shoot Ray but Lucius reaches forward and grabs it, the two of them struggling. Lucius is FAIRLY sure that Ray is bullet proof, but he isnt taking a chance but as they roll around on the ground it is rather obvious that Lucius isnt going to win that fight.

Ray Terrill has posed:
        Well, Ray's -not- normally bullet-proof, although....it's not hard for him to -be- that way. That said, he gives a faint sigh as the tussle breaks out and he says, "Dude, that was totes stupid." It isn't clear who he's talking to, but he brings a .... claw, similar to a claw game, out of light and picks up the guy with the gun, before wrapping him up in a golden bow, arms pinned. He drops to the ground and asks Lucius, "You all right, sir?"

Lucius Fox has posed:
Lucius Fox says, "I....yes, I am." He motions with his head to the 2nd hooligan who is torn and now definitely decides that discretion is the better part of valor and joins his now, essentially scott free guy who stole....a hat. But it is a nice hat.

George, the guy who thinks that shooting a gun is a good idea growls and tries to kick. He is also a biter.

"Mostly. I am lucky and glad you showed up...Thank you.""

Ray Terrill has posed:
        Kicking and biting get a lot harder when one is lifted up about fifteen feet in the air, the 'bow' getting tight enough to be a bit painful, "Chill, dude." His attention goes back to Lucius, "You're welcome sir. I'm glad I could help you."

        There's a brief pause, and a slightly-embarassed, "Where...am I, by the way? I mean....US, yeah, but ... where? Doesn't look like New York."

Lucius Fox has posed:
Lucius Fox says, "My young lad, this would be Gotham. About three blocks from Crime Alley. I take it you are still learning?"

George was about to give up before he hears this and tries to get creative. The problem is that he really doesnt have anything to get creative ...WITH so he tries to head but Ray. He's really a vicious person."

Ray Terrill has posed:
        Which really turns into wild flailing as Ray simply wraps the guy up in more 'ribbons', making him a very naughty Christmas present. Luckily for George, Ray doesn't know how to hogtie someone. "Dude. No." He sighs, "Can I drop this guy at the cops or something?" He then hears 'Gotham' and snaps his fingers, "Got it. I stopped a bit later than I should have." He coughs a bit and explains, "They don't have map markers on the real ground, and don't make GPS for us. I mean, I knew it wasn't Philly, but ...the rest of it kinda clumps together." George gets another little shake, and Ray tells him, "See, if you woulda run like he asked, you wouldn't be going to see the cops." Of course, it could have been MUCH worse, right?

Lucius Fox has posed:
Lucius Fox looks intruiged, "Sounds like an interesting technical problem. I'd love to discuss it with you," he beams, "You drop Mr Pleasant here off at GPD around the corner and I'll treat you to a malt at that shop over there?" He points to the ice cream parlor, "Well, maybe hot chocolate given the weather," he smiles. George growls but he is not really able to do much.

Ray Terrill has posed:
        The Ray nods towards Lucius, "Be right back, sir." He looks at George, "Hey man, I coulda put you in an elf outfit." Or could have been someone else, prone to breaking people's bones. He (and George) float around the corner, where George is deposited at the door, the 'ribbons' set up so that the gun in George's hand is front and center, bound to his hand, but pointed down. The construct will wear off as soon as the cops show up, by which time Ray is already back. "I think I've been here once or twice, sir." He pauses, and says, "Hope they don't throw a fit about the getup, though."

Lucius Fox has posed:
Lucius Fox says, "Trust me. They're used to some pretty weird stuff my....what shall I call you? Do you have a hero name yet? I'm Lucius by the way, pleased to meet you." He extends his hand and opens the door inside to let the young man in as he orders two hot chocolates."

Ray Terrill has posed:
        "Oh? Right, I'm The Ray." He pauses, "Little obvious, I guess." He offers a faint grin, "Thank you si...er, Lucius." He's obviously not used to calling people by their first name when they're older than he is. He looks around, and moves to find an open table, "Thank you, sir." And he's back to that.

Lucius Fox has posed:
Lucius Fox says, "There are worse names than Ray. Really, at least you're not calling yourself Resplantant Man or Dazzling Sunbeam Man or...well, lets just say Gotham has its interesiting characters. And you are most welcome. Now tell me about this GPS situation. Can you sense the electro magnetic spectrum?"

Ray Terrill has posed:
        A laugh, "True. I ... wasn't super creative, but there are reasons." He doesn't go into detail. "Right, I can, sorta. I mean, I can sense east-west and north-south, but not ... specifics." He smiles and shrugs, "Light, electro-magnetics..it's all kinda related."

Lucius Fox has posed:
Lucius Fox considers, "You know, you might be over thinking this. If you dont disrupt technology, just use your cell phone and a bluetooth connection in your ear. The right app can just TELL you where you are. But the signals from GPS are radio signals broadcast from signals. If you can learn to sense them, you can always know where you are. I could make something that might amplify it a bit so you know what to look for....

Ray Terrill has posed:
        "Huh." A long pause, "I don't know if I do or not, honestly. I mean, I think a lot of it is just the speed I'm going at. That may be more of a problem." He frowns and says, "Man, I should have thought about that." He sips at the hot chocolate and says, "So really the only issue, if I don't block radio -- which I don't think I do -- is the lag if I kick it into high gear."

Lucius Fox has posed:
Lucius Fox says, "Word of advice. Having a power is really nice." Or if that power is money for exmaple, "And at some point sometimes you are a hammer looking for a nail. Dont forget the rest of your tool belt...metaphorically speaking. And high ge..." most wouldnt understand the ramifications of that. "Well, thats...impressive." He looks pensive. "Relativistic doppler effects? You'd need an algorhythm to...." he smiles,"That could actually be fun. And relatively ...pardon the pun, relatively harmless to make I think."

Ray Terrill has posed:
        "Well, I mean, yeah." He frowns, "I mean, I'm more used to not using them than using them." He shrugs, "Besides, it's not like lighting up gets you paid. I gotta get that handled, too." He then nods, "Um, yeah. I haven't clocked my speed yet, but ... so the first time I tried going anywhere, I ended up somewhere in Europe. I was trying to go a mile or two away." He rubs at his cheek a bit and says, "I don't know the math on it, yet, yeah."

Lucius Fox has posed:
Lucius Fox takes out a card and hands it to Ray, "I will think about your problem and get back to you. As far as earning a living, there are a number of professional teams out there, and I have vague ideas of space debris removal," he chuckles, "Call me later I'm sure we can figure something out.