3454/Sitting On A Throne Minding My Own Business

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Sitting On A Throne Minding My Own Business
Date of Scene: 20 September 2020
Location: Throne Room
Synopsis: No description
Cast of Characters: Namor, Mera

Namor has posed:
Tonight is a fairly uneventful night. Namor is largely bored, sitting back on his plush throne of strange but comfortable cloth-like sea life, some kind of plant that feels more like velvet than plant. He's listening to various sea creatures bring their problems to him, giving random advice for how to handle things. The occasional Atlantean enters with an equally small problem on an uneventful day like this, but Namor is a hands on King, and prefers to be an ear to his people.

That doesn't change how bored he is though, almost like a statue as he goes through the routine schedule of the day that he's arbitrarily set for himself out of the sheer desire to get more work done today, and make sure that at least //some// creatures in the sea can experience some form of peace.

Mera has posed:
Well. Peace is a relative thing.

It's been about a week since something from the deep hit the kingdom of Xebel. Word travels slow, but it's been a few days since the first of the refugees trickled into the capital. It was difficult to determine what had happened and who might have survived. Stories differ, and many of the refugees weren't the sort of people to have any idea about what would have happened to the leadership regardless. But so far, none of the //known// leadership has arrived or sent word.

That is about to change.

Mera pauses long enough to announce herself to the herald at the entrance, then she's moving forward past the line of petitioners without waiting to see if he'll get to announcing her. Luckily, he recovers...if just before she reaches the front of the line.

"Princess Mera of Xebel," the herald announces, hesitant even in his resonant tones. Mera shows no such hesitation as she comes before the throne, chin rising. "Your majesty."

Namor has posed:
"Princess Mera." Namor acknowledges, cheek resting on his fist as he stares down at her from the throne. He does not make special gestures to address those in his kingdom, but he's sure to use her title, and doesn't question that she's entitled to be her before all others waiting.

"Your kingdom was attacked, or perhaps it was some sort of natural disaster. I intended to look into it, but I've had trouble taking myself away from mysterious occurrences here as well, that I'm still looking into." He motions a hand to her. "Tell me what happened."

Mera has posed:
Mera arches a brow, and for a moment it looks as though she might say something unwise. At least until her better sense kicks in. Drawing a deep breath, she squares herself to the throne. "I'm afraid that's what I was hoping //you// could tell //me//, your majesty," she replies, voice carefully measured.

While Mera might still claim the title of princess, her position is...less than clear. Several years ago, she was due to be wed and crowned. And then she disappeared from the kingdom, leaving her twin sister and her intended in her place. She hasn't even been heard from since then, and yet here she is.

Only Atlantean royalty could abandon their kingdom and return expecting that nothing would have changed.

"Roughly one week ago, I was contacted by a group of refugees from Xebel," she explains. "They carried tales of creatures from the deep, of things dark and terrible, of the great war beasts going mad with fear or rage. I was certain that the Emperor would have a plan in place for dealing with such a threat."

Namor has posed:
"It seems that what's happening in Xebel is exactly what I'm dealing with. I and others are investigating it, but there's little I can do until I actually figure out what this is, and kill it." Namor states very bluntly, before motioning a hand for her to come closer. "Everyone is dismissed for the day." he commands, guards showing the others out and closing the doors behind him.

Princess Mera should know better than to think she's included in 'everyone'.

"This will be solved, but for the time being there's little that can be done until I have more pieces in place. I have various suspicions about what this could be, but I have no desire to cause mass hysteria, nor needlessly alarm you until I know for sure." he explains finally rising from his throne, and stepping down to her with all the posture of someone who firmly believes that he rules everything in his presence.

He stares down at her, and says, regardless of everythiing else going on, "You left Atlantis."

Mera has posed:
Mera is most certainly not part of 'everyone.' She waits patiently while the rest leave - if standing stiff-backed and watching them all go can be described as patient, at least.

She turns back to Namor when he speaks, lips slightly pursed in consideration. It's terrible when your own 'stay on the attack' tactics are used against you.

"I did," she agrees. "It seemed others felt they could handle things themselves. Apparently they were mistaken."

That's one way of putting it. The rumors at the time were varied, though many suggested that there had been some sort of fight or injury. It's no rumor that Nereus had an impressive scar after her disappearance that he didn't have before, at least.

Namor has posed:
"It isn't others' place to decide if they can handle things themselves. Though perhaps you felt you could show people the meaning of your absence." Namor speculates on the meaning of her words, then scoffs a bit as he reaches out to gently touch her jaw. "I almost wonder if you simply found Nereus too weak of a king and fled in horror. That was always my theory, anyway." he states with the audacity of a man who clearly does not perceive anything even resembling consequences for speaking poorly of a 'lesser' king.

Mera has posed:
Mera barks a low laugh, tipping her chin from his touch and stalking a few steps away. "Nereus was most certainly not looking for a challenge," she says, voice dry as the Sahara. "It would not surprise me to learn if he had run now and was cowering in some saferoom still. Though Hila..." Trailing off, she shakes her head. "My sister and I have not always been in agreement, but there were things she wanted too much to give them up easily."

Not that her sister was the sort to //fight// for them either.

She turns back to face him once more. "If you are too busy with other matters, I will investigate it myself. Nereus and Hila may have deserved whatever happened, but Xebel's subjects did not."

Namor has posed:
"No, I intend to investigate Xebel. I believe that what's happening here and there are related, but I will personally go to Xebel and perhaps there will be useful clues that can help all of Atlantis. You have my word." Namor motions around, as if to indicate his entire kingdom. "The refugees from Xebel are being taken care of and protected, and once we've stopped whatever is doing all of this, I will personally see to it that your kingdom is rebuilt."

"Clearly your king could not protect it, so perhaps he shouldn't be king at all." he considers, but nods to her. "I will defer to you on the matter of his continued rulership, if he comes out of hiding. And if you choose wrong, then I suppose I'll simply have to drag him from the throne myself."

Mera has posed:
Mera arches a brow, though there's a slight upward twitch at one corner of her lips as well. "I am quite capable of dealing with Nereus myself," she assures. "Whatever has done this...may be another matter. I would join you, if you would permit it." Though it sounds less like asking permission and more like an announcement.

"Whatever would drive the war beasts to madness must be a dire threat. If Xebel has fallen, then I truly fear for the next kingdom it may approach."

Namor has posed:
"There won't be a next kingdom. We will stop this, and so will our allies." Namor walks back to his throne, taking a seat, staring down at her. "I find myself comforted in the face of Atlantean royalty that doesn't have the desire to defy me at every turn." he admits in the same stone cold tone as before, but his words are obviously sincere. He is king, and he declared them.

"Matters of the throne will possibly be complicated once this is over." he states without really offering any additional information. "I trust that I have your loyalty, Princess Mera."

Mera has posed:
"You speak of Arthur Curry?" Mera guesses, rolling her eyes at the mere mention of the name. "I doubt he could complicate anything except by accident. He does not seem particularly inclined to complicate matters of the throne. Or capable of it," she adds with a dismissive flick of her fingers. "Unless there was a large quantity of beer in it for him."

She doesn't seem to have a very high opinion of the man.

As to the matter of loyalty, she sketches a bow. "I came to you, your majesty. Atlantis remains free and powerful, despite the ever-increasing madness of the surface. So long as this remains true, you will have no reason to doubt my loyalty."

Namor has posed:
"When this is over, and you find your clown king, I will support your claim to the Xebel throne if you put him in his place." Namor states as he manages his first slight hint of a smile of the night. "You are incredibly powerful, and carry yourself like royalty. I simply want to witness your ascension, and watch the humiliation of someone who I mostly find to be embarrassing."

She of all people would know that he rarely ever displays an admiration for anyone, but clearly displays admiration for her and her entitlement to the throne.

Mera has posed:
"I look forward to delivering some long overdue justice." That, at least, has the ring of more than just formality to it. Mera ran, it's true. But less from Nereus and Hila than from her own anger. From what it led her to do.

"Or," she concedes, sighing, "With confirming that it's already been delivered by something far less aware of the service it's doing to the kingdom. It sounds as though this as been an issue elsewhere?" she asks.

Namor has posed:
"Ancient sea creatures and Atlantean artifacts, other creatures being displaced from their habitats while Atlantean patrols are found dead. Mermaid necromancers. I believe this is all related, and slowly building. Xebel may be the first, and I vow only, true cataclysm to have possibly come from all of this. One can only hope not, but we'll know in time." Namor motions a hand dismissively, furrowing his brown as if it gives him a mild headache.

"As I said, I've been quite active in investigating all of this. The root cause, that is the true mystery, but I believe we're close." He looks around, then asks, "Are you hungry?"

Mera has posed:
"I've not enjoyed true Atlantean cuisine in some time," Mera says by way of agreement, a faint smile curving. "The surface has more of interest than I would have imagined in my youth, but they do seem to be overly fond over various methods of overcooking their food."

"I would like to know more of these threats, your majesty. Xebel, of course, must be a priority, but if I can assist in preventing a similar fate from befalling any other part of the empire, then I am at your service."

Namor has posed:
Namor stands again, heading for the obviously rather massive dining room. "I would normally eat in my quarters when I don't have a large number of guests, but I try not to seem presumptuous. My presuptions are always correct, but it's still important not to //seem// presumptuous."

Regardless, as they walk toward the hall, he begins explaining. "One such event happened on the surface. Lurkers attacked a town in Maine. They may have destroyed it if we didn't stop them."

Mera has posed:
"The surfacers seem to have very short memories." Mera follows, about half a stride behind and to one side of him. Enough for respect, but certainly not enough to even bruise her own pride. "They've already forgotten the ways of royalty." While she may not always choose to act according to her tank, she certainly believes that the choice is //hers//.

"Of course, though," she nods. "Creatures that can represent a threat even to Atlantis would be even more dangerous to the surface. Which then endangers all of us in other ways," she grimaces.

Namor has posed:
Once they're in the spacious dining area normally meant for dinner parties and important diplomatic meetings, he moves to where food has been laid out for them both.

Perhaps he had this set up with telepathy while they were talking earlier.

He takes a seat in the middle of the table, so that they can actually hear each other when they talk, and motions for her to sit across from him. Their spread is lots of expertly prepared raw fish, shellfish, things wrapped in seaweed and other exotic plants. And of course drinks that are heavier than the water itself, so the drinks sit neatly in their glasses.

"Just the other night I asked a woman wearing a mask who just stepped from a boat what she was doing. Obviously being in a boat with a mask at a stock in the middle of the night is suspicious. I wondered if she planned to do something involving the sea." He shakes his head, mildly annoyed. "She refused to answer a simple question, and then told me to get out of her boat. So I stomped her boat in half and told her to get out of my ocean."

Mera has posed:
Mera's lips twitch, a broader smile escaping for just a moment before she can catch it. "My personal favorite is 'international waters,'" she laughs low, shaking her head. "The idea that because //they// lay no claim to the sea, then it's surely a free-for-all. I find it's usually easiest to avoid explaining Atlantean politics. Still."

She takes a small bite, eyes closing as she savors it for a moment. "It is only responsible of us to deal with problems that come from the sea to their shores, just as it would be lovely if they would take ownership of the problems //they// send out to sea."

Namor has posed:
"As they usually have no intention of listening to nor respecting our politics or laws, I find it most effective to simply assert them." Namor lifts a roll of what appears to be a form of sushi, but with caviar instead of rice. "I don't explain. I command, and if they ignore those commands, I show that they had no choice because I am the king. If I say who I am and that they are breaking the law, it's their own fault if they refuse to obey."

"Perhaps you have more mercy and patience than I. Though I did agree that I would be gentler with the surface people, as a part of my current agreement with Arthur. You know, don't flood any of their cities out of anger." He wrinkles his nose at that. "You should be my guest until we rebuild Xebel."

Mera has posed:
"Mmmm. It might be better for diplomatic relations," Mera agrees on the matter of not flooding their cities. "They are interesting. And surprising. I enjoy learning about them." And toying with them, but there's no need to admit to that.

At the offer, she looks up, arching a brow slightly. "That is a kind and generous offer, your majesty," she says, dipping her chin respectfully. "Though it is not necessary. I've a ship of my own, sufficient to keep me in comfort."

Namor has posed:
"I feel that I've learned enough. They'll disappoint you eventually. But when they do, Atlantis will be here." Namor assures, perhaps with the most compassion he's had all night. He sticks a golden fork that looks a lot like a trident into his fish, watching her face to gauge how much she's enjoying the food.

"Sufficient?" he asks, shaking his head while chewing. "An Atlantean princess should be experiencing decadence, and be served. But I also understand the allure of the surface, despite its constant disappointments."

Mera has posed:
Mera takes her time with the food, savoring each bite. It's clear she's enjoying the taste of home. Or rather, of preparations unique to Atlantis. "Eventually?" she echoes, looking up from the food with a wry smile. "Regularly. But. There is something to be said for the freedom of it. The surface's ignorance of Atlantis has provided me with more opportunities than I can admit for..." Tilting her head, she considers her words, a slow smile growing. "Amusement."

Namor has posed:
"You truly have the attitude of a ruler." Namor states without any real context, but he can't help but give her a genuine smile. "Perhaps you'll stay if I have quarters built just for you. When you take back Xebel I'm sure they can be repurposed."

He offers her something yet again. And yet again he tries to make it seem like a favor to her. "I could never mistake you for anything but Atlantean royalty. In my youth I may very well have flooded a city to convince you to stay."

Mera has posed:
"If I wished a city flooded, I would do it myself," Mera points out, sounding more amused than offended. She knows very well her own strength and value. "You are too generous, your majesty. I would not wish to impose upon your generosity. But perhaps you would allow me to offer some service in return. With these threats approaching from below, I'm sure one more set of eyes could not go amiss?"

Namor has posed:
"Certainly not. In fact, I would be grateful if you could speak to Arthur. Personally I'd rather avoid being in his presence if possible. I want to know if he's learned anything new about what's happening, and you can bring the information back to me." Namor requests, but he seems to be in deep thought as he eats, staring at her like a puzzle he's trying to solve.

"If you do that, then surely you can accept my hospitality after." he suggests, though something in his tone suggests a slight hint of frustration. Like a king who isn't getting what he wants.

Mera has posed:
"Speaking with Arthur is a service well worth a king's hospitality," Mera drawls, not quite hiding a smirk as she looks back down at her food. Granted, he probably feels the same way about having a conversation with her, but sometimes you have to do things you might not enjoy.

"I would be honored to assist, your majesty," she says as she looks back up, dipping her chin respectfully. "Whatever these creatures may be, I'm sure they're no match for the might of Atlantis."

Namor has posed:
"I don't care if they're gods, whatever they are, we'll find them and I'll rip them apart." Namor sits back, taking a sip of his drink, staring at her. "Just let me know if Arthur is any trouble, I'll gladly punch him. Or you can."

Mera has posed:
Mera laughs low, smile flickering across her features. "I'm sure I can handle him, your majesty. Better if you need not dirty your hands in dealing with him." A little give, a little take. Mera may have been out of the politics game for the last several years, but she certainly hasn't forgotten how it's played. And with so much about the state of Xebel uncertain for now...best to play it carefully.

"And best," she adds, taking another bite, "If your efforts are saved for the true threats - these creatures from the deep. I'm sure they stand even less of a chance. These are exquisite." She holds up one of the delicacies, shifting the conversation to less volatile topics. "Truly your chef is an artist."