4938/A meeting of minds..

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A meeting of minds..
Date of Scene: 29 January 2021
Location: Fred's Diner
Synopsis: And all is well. except maybe for the man in the alley.
Cast of Characters: Robert Marksman, Eddie Brock

Robert Marksman has posed:
Robert Marksman is here in the diner late one evening. He put in a long day at the clinic, and did not get a chance to eat. So the diner being the closest place, got the tag for food. The young man sits at the end of the bar, having just walked in. He orders a Dr. Pepper and tells the lady behind the counter, he will need a moment looking at the menu. He seems to be letting the tension of the day slowly start to fade.

Eddie Brock has posed:
The door opens, a chill wind sweeping inside as if to do battle with the warmth that the diner's overtaxed furnace has managed to build up over the course of the day. A man steps inside, quickly closing the door, and stamping his feet on the mat to dislodge slush from his shoes. His coat doesn't quite look heavy enough for the temperatures outside, and it shows in the way Eddie Brock's arms are folded about himself, hands pulled back to hide in his sleeves.

He makes his way over to the counter and takes a seat at it, unzipping his jacket and then blowing into his hands to instill some extra warmth into them. The waitress comes down to set a menu before him, and when Eddie turns over the cup and says, "Regular please," she gets the coffee pot to fill his cup up. Eddies glances down the counter towards Robert, giving him a brief nod if their eyes meet, but then focusing on the coffee which he picks up with both hands, cradling it for the cup's warmth.

Robert Marksman has posed:
Robert Marksman 's eyes are hidden by the shades he wears even indoors, but he does nod catching the man looking down his way. He keeps an eye on the other man but tries nott o be to obvious about it. Once his drink is brought, he orders steak and eggs, and a double side of hashbrowns. After she takes his order, he looks over to the man "Regular here?"

Eddie Brock has posed:
Eddie takes a sip of the coffee after blowing on it, then a larger one though it looks hot enough to be a bit unpleasant at that temperature. He takes the menu and flips it open and looks through it. "I don't know about regular. Been here a few times though," he says. "The breakfast stuff is... well I mean how do you mess up bacon and eggs, right?"

The man has a bit of bulk to him, and digs into his pocket for a wallet. He checks it, giving the slightest frown and puts it away after pulling out a pair of bills to pay for the coffee.

   «Venom» "I am hungry. We should eat."

Eddie says, seeming to mutter to himself, "Get something later."

Robert Marksman has posed:
Robert Marksman looks over, and says "Go ahead get you something it is on me, need the calories if your going to be out in the weather, besides coffee on an empty stomach?" He shakes his head. He looks over offering his hand "Robert."

Eddie Brock has posed:
Eddie Brock hesitates for only a moment before reaching over to shake Robert's hand. "Eddie," he says. "Thanks. Waiting on a paycheck to come through," he adds for Robert. It might be the truth, from the way it's said. Or maybe not, it's difficult to tell.

As the waitress comes back down to take each man's order, Eddie says, "I'll have the American Breakfast," he says, ordering one of the cheaper options on the menu. "Wheat toast, eggs over medium." Eddie looks down to Robert again, "Thanks," he offers a second time.

   «Venom» "The man working down the alley. He would be very filling. We should go see him when you've finished eating this, 'food'."

Eddie doesn't answer the voice in his head this time.

Robert Marksman has posed:
Robert Marksman makes his order, and says "At least get some bacon or sausage with it." He offers. "I need to stop in here more often, work across the street, but most nights head out right after work." He sips his soda, and says "So, what you do for a living if you don't mind me asking?" Seems he believes the paycheck or at least is willing to go with it.

Eddie Brock has posed:
Eddie turns partway, and looks over his shoulder the rest of the way to look out the window, past the frost that has built up around the edges, to see what is across the street. "Yeah? Doctor?" he asks as he sees the clinic. Eddie picks up his coffee cup. "More power to you," he says in a little salute to the man who seems to have foregone a cushy practice for a small clinic in a rough neighborhood.

"Writer," he tells Robert. "Though it's not a very steady paying job anymore," he adds before taking another sip, letting the coffee warm him from the inside out. He taps the cup, the waitress grabbing the pot and coming over to fill it back to the top. "Thank you," Eddie says, voice kind enough despite it's normal gruff sound.

Robert Marksman has posed:
Robert Marksman nods his head a bit to this and says "Yea, unless you write click bait or maybe some techie manuals I would imagine it could be difficult. Seems easier for folks to get their work out there, but getting it to stand out can be a bit of an issue. So what do you write?" He will ask the man. "I know some folks that might be hiring technical writers."

Eddie Brock has posed:
Eddie picks up his coffee cup. "Just about anything that'll pay," Eddie replies, giving the pat answer. Though after a moment, perhaps he thinks the man paying for his eggs and toast out of charity deserves a better answer. Eddie's tone changing to something a touch more sincere. "Used to investigative journalism," he says, the shrug of Eddie's shoulders that follow indicating how that turned out.

   «Venom» "I can feel you fighting the urge to clench your hands. Spider-Man should pay for what he did to you. Let me eat his face. One bite at a time. He can apologize between each bite. Until I eat his lips. Then he'll just be able to gurgle unintelligibly in pain."

The waitress sets down the plate in front of Eddie, and he has to push the mental image out of his head and try to summon his appetite back up. Even if a part of found that visceral image pleasing. Very pleasing.

Robert Marksman has posed:
Robert Marksman hmms and nods his head a bit "Yea, I can imagine that is harder to find work these days, not only do you have to find people who want to read, but gotta find people either who believe the same way you do already or the rarity these days, someone with an open mind, willing to believe both sides of what ever they are arguing about can have good and bad to it.

Eddie Brock has posed:
Eddie waves one hand slightly as he talks. "A lot of it is political. The papers... if they are even called that anymore... have to worry about the owners, and what connections they might have with who you're investigating. Old boy network that watches out for themselves," he says with a shake of his head.

Eddie digs into the meal, adding some pepper to the eggs, dipping the toast into the bit of egg yolk that is still liquid. "End up writing other stuff more often now," he says, not bringing up the levels he had once made it to in the journalism profession.

Robert Marksman has posed:
Robert Marksman nods a bit and says "Well if you enjoy it at least seems your finding some way to keep doing it, thats important. He hmmms a bit and says "You live here in the area?" He asks. Seems the young man is thinking about something but at least it does not come off as too creepy.

Eddie Brock has posed:
Eddie gives a little shake of his head. "Over nearer to ESU," he says. "But I make it over here now and then." He makes is way through the eggs with a hardy appetite, soon setting his fork down on the plate. "Thank you for that. Maybe I can pay you back sometime," he says to Robert as he gives a gesture towards the plate in reference for what he's talking about.

He looks back over his shoulder. "I should probably get home before it gets too much colder. Take care Robert. Good luck to you," he says as he climbs to his feet, zipping his jacket back up against the cold that awaits him.

Robert Marksman has posed:
Robert Marksman nods, and says "Well if ya come through this ways, may seem me here and now. Was sorta hoping you were a local, thought might be able to set up a community paper or something, help give the people around here a bit more sense of community and a voice to get things out to one another."