196/Is Anyone There

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Is Anyone There
Date of Scene: 29 February 2020
Location: Approximately 100 million kilometers from Earth
Synopsis: M'gann meets J'onn, and they make hopeful plans for the future.
Cast of Characters: M'gann M'orzz, J'onn J'onzz

M'gann M'orzz has posed:

     Caretaker's lessons in mind, M'gann ran through her checklists again. Her bioship was reporting that all systems were nominal, and the distance to Earth was steadily decreasing. Reception of the human's RF signals wasn't anywhere as clear as it had been back on the Ark, so she'd mostly been settling for pre-recorded broadcasts, occasionally glancing at the display for the long range amplifier. So far, it just showed her own 'carrier wave'. The news hadn't ever mentioned if J'onn had a ship, so she might still have to get closer before he would hear her, and even closer before he could respond. Stifling a yawn, she started looking through her collection again. The quality of TV had been slipping, supposedly due to this Netflix thing. Which, regrettably, she had no access to...

J'onn J'onzz has posed:
J'onn J'onzz doesn't have a ship, unfortunately, but has a habit of doing occasionally some mental scans of the planet to be ready to intervene should anything require his presence! What that means, is that he just floats in space close to the planet, relaxes his mind, and allows it to gently expand to simply be receptive to signals, whatever may they be. It is in one of those moments that his mind perceives something new, a signal not from Earth but from something travelling towards it perhaps? And even more oddly, a signal that is strangely familiar to him!
Shifting his position, J'onn propels himself towards the direction of the signal, his body travelling at his maximum speed, the green and large shape of the alien invisible to the naked eye considering the speed of his movements.

M'gann M'orzz has posed:
     M'gann is pulled from her immersion in old Star Trek re-runs by a joyful psychic ping from Ship. Someone had heard her! And the signal... It was definitely Martian. Which could only mean... Strapping herself firmly in, the Martian teen sits up straighter in her chair, eyes glowing green as she concentrates and pours as much power into the amplifier. <<Hello? This is M'gann M'orzz. Am Is peaking to J'onn J'onzz?>>

J'onn J'onzz has posed:
J'onn J'onzz receives the message, his mind receptive to such things, and by focusing on its source he replies with a telepathic message of his own "J'onn J'onzz responding. You are using martian technology and a martian name, though I know mars is dead..." the tone of his reply is quite serene, almost impersonal, though his mind is a chaos of thoughts, ideas, doubts, hopes perhaps... Is there someone like him, out there? Or is it just some sort of plot by one of his enemies?

M'gann M'orzz has posed:
     <<Mars is... almost dead, but not all is lost. I come from the Ark, a bunker built before the Burning Plague in an attempt to preserve Mars. There are tens of thousands more, all in cryostasis, but there was only enough power to thaw and raise me. I convinced Caretaker that going to Earth to ask you and your fellow heroes for help, and she decided I was ready five days ago.>> It's all true, earnest hope and excitement returning back the other way through the link. M'gann believes every word she thinks. <<Ship will transfer you more data if you wish.>>

J'onn J'onzz has posed:
J'onn J'onzz struggles to believe what he's hearing. His race, still alive? A planet that he thought dead, a civilization that he thought gone, still resurrectable? "please do..." he sends back, and if he was travelling fast, he's travelling even faster now, coming closer and closer to the vessel at near lightspeed

M'gann M'orzz has posed:
     Another mind in the link makes itself known, and unleashes a flood of data. The history of the Ark, the names of its builders and the Martian who left their psionic imprint that became Caretaker. The names of those in its vaults, and how M'gann had come to be the one chosen to be decanted. The exact nature of the problems with the power systems, and how they had slowly degraded over the last seven thousand years. M'gann herself withdraws slightly from the torrent, but remains linked.

     Within five minutes, J'onn would see the ship itself coming into view. The main fuselage is about the size of a sedan, with forward swept mandibles curving smoothly into the angled wings. The occupant visible through the cockpit canopy is definitely martian, although with slightly more human features than typical. She waves eagerly, a hatch forming in the hull to allow access to the somewhat cramped interior. "Sorry for the close quarters... Caretaker said this was the smallest Ship could be and still make the trip."

J'onn J'onzz has posed:
J'onn J'onzz absorbs eagerly every information, his eyes widening slightly as he sees the vessel itself, as well as the occupant. His mouth parts, though no sound comes out of it. His senses are on full alert, and his mind performs a complete sweep of the surrounding area, before he allows himself to float through the hatch, reducing his size to better fit in the close quarters "no apologies needed, it is allright..." he simply states, unable, for now, to formulate anything else. "it is a, pleasure to meet you, m'gann m'orzz..."

M'gann M'orzz has posed:
     The hatch seals again, M'gann's seat sliding smoothly to the side and a second one rising out of the floor. "It's a pleasure to meet you too, J'onn J'onzz. I grew up watching you on the transmissions from Earth, seeing how you helped people. It is why I told Caretaker tha you would help us. Do you think that when we get to earth, I can be a hero like you?" ...Yeah, her control of her shields is slipping a bit and the teen is practically bursting with excitement and awe, what can only be described as hero worship.

J'onn J'onzz has posed:
J'onn J'onzz doesn't answer immediately, even because he doesn't have an immediate answer! He just serenely takes a seat on the offered seating spot, then turns his face, and his eyes towards m'gann "I think you can be whatever you want to be... So if being a hero is what you desire, you definitely can" he states "I thought we were all, you were all gone... Are there others? I mean, are some other pods still containing, life?"

M'gann M'orzz has posed:
     Ship, obviously still listening, pings and starts a list of names and numbers scrolling across a screen. "Yes, there are many. Caretaker said that the Cryo arrays were self sustaining as long as they were undisturbed, but thawing and growing one of us was power intensive and also depleted biomass reserves. There were some underground farms, but Caretaker was down to one or two android bodies by the time I was born. One of the first things I learned to do was help tend them." M'gann's smile widens. "We have a chance. We just have to help fix things."

J'onn J'onzz has posed:
J'onn J'onzz can't help himself, he smiles, widely! "We'll do what we can, then..." he states, examining the martian girl again "and, of course, welcome to Earth... Well when we'll get there anyways... It is, admirable that you want to use your powers for good, and I approve of that of course and will help however I can. Though, you must understand, that humans are not yet too used to aliens being a thing... For a lot of time they thought to be, quite alone, and quite more important than they truly were..."

M'gann M'orzz has posed:
     "Yes, Caretaker taught me that from what she had analyzed from the Earth broadcasts. Look!" M'gann's form shifts and flows, skin paling, her costume changing to sneakers, jeans, and a T-shirt under an unzipped sweatshirt. "Megan Morse, and it is a Pleasure to meet you!"

J'onn J'onzz has posed:
J'onn J'onzz nods approvingly at the form shifting "likewise a pleasure, Megan!" he exclaims "I'd introduce myself in a similar way, but I'm afraid I have many identities and it'd take a while to introduce them all to you. However, you'll always be able to reach me via telepathy should you ever need it."

M'gann M'orzz has posed:
     "I understand! And I plan on keeping Ship near me, so you should always be able to reach me as well." M'gann shifts a little in her chair, almost squirming with excitement. "Where do you think I should start first? And what do I need to know?"