5969/Bandaging Up

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Bandaging Up
Date of Scene: 17 April 2021
Location: Clinton Apartments
Synopsis: When Agent May is ambushed by HYDRA operatives, it's the Night Nurse who has to patch her up later. Any hope of anonymity for either of them, however, is dashed when Matt Murdock shows up. That's one way to make new friends.
Cast of Characters: Melinda May, Claire Temple, Matthew Murdock

Melinda May has posed:
The call that brought Melinda May to Hell's Kitchen was convincing. Probably because it was made by a younger agent she'd been spending time training before the SecDef decided to burn SHIELD. That agent is dead now -- and not by May's hand. No, that was HYDRA's doing. Of course, the experienced field operative blames herself... or will, once she wakes up.

The kid, a 20-something L4 named Eddie Hess, was snagged by HYDRA operatives and coerced into making the call. If he could have, he'd have dragged in Peggy Carter along with May. But such wasn't to be.

The Cavalry was over in Chinatown and there were no other operatives close enough to come to assist. So, knowing it was a trap and leaving a message for 'the chief' with details on where she was going (and why), she took a calculated risk and went alone. Not her finest tactical decision.

Nevertheless, by the time all was said and done, the HYDRA goons were dead, too. All of them, Hess and HYDRA alike, remain in a warehouse out by the docks. May managed to make it inland before passing out in the taxi, she flagged down. By rights, the taxi *should* have taken to her to a hospital, except she pressed a benjamin into his hand and told him not to. Being a man with questionable legal status in the country, himself, he took one look at her ethnic face and assumed it was because she didn't have insurance. At least, not the formal type of insurance that would cover more than what the c-note in his hand could do. So, he did the next best thing. He delivered her unconscious form to the Clinton Appartments, instead.

Claire Temple has posed:
Still on the graveyard shift, Claire was trying to sleep before she had to go into the hospital. But she's getting used to people waking her up when they've got no where else to turn. She's brought it somewhat on herself, making it known to the various vigilantes (and their friends), that this was a safe place to come. It was better than having idiot kids trying to do good in the world bleed out in the street. So, when Carlos comes knocking on her door with a bleeding woman in the back of his cab? She's drowsy but not complaining. "Yeah, yeah... Bring her in. I... the couch. Yeah." She directs, pulling a hoodie on over her night shirt and slipping quickly into some shoes. As the man gets May from the cab into Claire's apartment, she's tying her dark hair back and doing a fast, deep scrub of her hands after she pulls out her go bag. This was all muscle memory habit by now. "Do you know what happened?" He simply shakes his head, washing his hands of the situation as he leaves the bleeding woman on her couch and dashes back to his cab. He didn't want trouble any more than she did.

Claire sighs, looking May over for a few moments before she starts into what patchwork, light surgery she can do. The QuikClot bandages someone donated her come in great help in this kind of situation, she at least able to get the woman's bleeding under control. She doesn't even bother looking for an ID until she knows the woman is stable, at least. "...what in the world did a lady like you do to get in this condition?" She mutters beneath her breath, moving to hook up an IV bag just to get some fluids back into her. "Lucky I had as much on hand as I did..." She mutters, mainly to herself.

Melinda May has posed:
May's injuries include several cuts by sharp implements and a whole lot more bruises and contusions from blunt force trauma. (But, you should see the other guys.) There are a some burns on her torso, too, where it looks like she came into contact with some live wires. Given the brusing on her torso as well, her ribs obviously took a few hits. They don't seem to be broken, though. If there is internal bleeding anywhere, it won't show up without x-rays, anyway.

Given, however, that only a few minutes after that IV is hooked up and treatment begins, she begins to stir -- her breath coming suddenly quick and shallow in disoriented panic at first. As her dark eyes flutter open, however, and she focusses not just on Claire's face but absorbs her calm, focussed emotional aura, she actually relaxes enough to push the panic away.

A couple of longer breaths later, she speaks. "Where am I?"

Claire Temple has posed:
For an empath? Claire is probably one of the most pleasant people to be around. She's utterly calm in the face of crisis, still slightly drowsy from having been woken up out of a dead sleep, and just gently worried about the woman beneath her care but not in an overhovering, controlling way. She's got the battle axe calm of an old nurse who simply, really has seen it all. "Hey there, just... Just relax. Take a breath and relax, you're somewhere safe..." Completely unaware that the woman can actually feel the calm Claire is projecting, it's in everything she does. The tone of her voice, her body language. She's used to talking people off the panic cliff.

"You've been through the ringer and...I don't think you any severe internal damage, but... well, without actual medical equipment, it's going to be hard to tell. So maybe just take it easy. I'm guessing there's a reason Carlos brought you here and *not* the ER?" Claire smirks a bit, staring down at the woman with that slightly disapproving look she gives everyone who ends up on her couch.

Melinda May has posed:
May lets her eyes drift close for another moment or two, though it's obvious she's still awake. She nods faintly, wincing a little as the movement brings a fresh wave of pain. That gets suppressed with as deep a breath as her bruised ribs will accommodate, which she holds for two or three beats before releasing. "Probably," she says dryly, opening her eyes to study her benefactor, "because I asked him not to." Paid him, in fact. But, never mind. "I don't do well in ERs, these days."

More accurately, ERs don't do well by her.

"Too many people. Gives me a headache." Yeah. Angry, anxious, panicky, sick people all in close proximity to her... 'headache' is putting it mildly. Her little luck dagger is good. It's not *that* good.

She regards the nurse with a combination of curiosity and wariness, though she's evidently putting Claire's calm to good use. Indeed... she's grateful for it. Aren't many like her around in this city. "Who are you? Are we in your apartment?"

Claire Temple has posed:
"...A headache isn't a good reason to bleed out on a stranger's couch. And yes, we are. I..." Claire sighs a moment, some strange resignation behind her voice and in the emotional wave from her. A woman who knows what she's doing is stupid, but doesn't have the heart to stop doing it, "I... help people around the neighborhood who can't really... see doctors about things. For... reasons. It's complicated. But he knew where to bring you and you're lucky, at least three of these needed stitches. Just because a knife didn't hit an artery doesn't mean you won't bleed out." Claire looks her over, quiet worry in her eyes. Her fingertips reach up to gently brush the side of May's neck, checking her pulse again now that she has a few more fluids in her.

"So...I'm risking my license by patching you up on my couch. The least you can do is tell me the real reason you're not in an ER where you belong. If it's about insurance, I know a good charity hospital... I can help you get it all covered." Claire's quiet calm and care is absolutely clear. This is a woman who loves what she does, still believes her craft, no matter how exhausted it makes her.

Melinda May has posed:
That's interesting. If Claire's risking her license, that means May has a bit more insurance in this situation than she first hoped. She considers the emotional read she's getting off the woman. Calculations hide behind the shadows in her eyes. Finally, struggling a little to sit up -- or, at least, trying -- she gives the woman a tight, humourless ghost of a smile. "I'm with SHIELD," she says bluntly, watching for the reaction. "I had told him to take me to a place in Chinatown. I guess this was just closer."

Now, she braces to deal with the fallout. If she has to fight, it's going to hurt. A lot. Won't stop her. But she's not stupid enough to think a medical expert won't pose a real threat to her in her current condition.

Claire Temple has posed:
"SHIELD?" Claire exhales a long, slow breath, sinking back onto her haunches as she considers the woman a bit longer. "That explains the muscle definition. You're practically an MMA fighter, aren't you?" The nurse asks with a quiet bit of earnest appreciation behind her voice. She shakes her head slowly and reaches one hand up, trying to gently press May back into the couch. "Hey. Take it slow. Just... lay there. I'm not calling the cops. I'm not a fuckin' snitch, okay?" Claire states flat and honest. She seems more worried about May taking it easy than having a wanted criminal on her couch.

She then stands slowly, lingering another few moments as dark eyes watch the woman on her couch, trying to be certain that May isn't about to take off. "Let me get you something to drink... you think you can hold down food? Don't fight me on this. I patched you back together, the least you can do is be an almost compliant patient for a *few* hours." Claire grumbles, full lips pulling into a smirk. She's not very used to having compliant patients, but she can hope.

Melinda May has posed:
"Not practically," May says to the MMA fighting. "I can hold my own." Current condition not withstanding. Indeed, given it was five or six on one -- at least one of them in possession of stolen Inhuman abilitiies -- it's actually proof. Not that she can actually explain that to the nurse.

Reluctantly, she obeys Claire and leans back, mainly because she can feel as much as hear the sincerity in the woman. That, and her whole body hurts. "Hours?" she says, even as she lays back down. "I don't know if I've got hours. If I don't check in..." Peggy will go apeshit. She's probably already Not Happy. With *very* capital letters in there.

Still, she makes a softly affirmative noise to the offer of a drink. "I think so," she says after a moment. "I've been worse." Probably not a surprise.

Claire Temple has posed:
"Yeah. I'm sure. And SHIELD was still a respected agency back then with actual medical facilities, not a bunch of supposed criminals on the run." The skepticism in her voice isn't towards May, but the whole situation. Apparently, Claire isn't completely on board with everything the US government does. She's a woman whose seen a lot of things and rarely sides with 'the man', as it were. She then stands up smoothly, her lower half covered in a pair of blue scrubs peeking out from below that hoodie she's wearing. She peels the gloves off she was wearing and tosses them in the biohazard bin that lives next to her closet. It's been a necessity over the last months.

"So... is it true, what they're saying about SHIELD, or did you all just piss off the wrong senator or General and so they decided to piss in your wheaties?" Claire asks from the kitchen, as she pours a glass of orange juice and grabs some apple slices. Easy things to eat and get sugars back into the woman. She brings both back, settling them on the coffee table closest to May's head.

Melinda May has posed:
"It's a frame job," May says, conviction in her tone. "That shit on the news? That was HYDRA. Not us." She snirks. "So, yeah. Basically, we pissed off the wrong people and they pissed on us." It's clear it rankles her deeply, and just as clear the only reason that's coming to the surface is because she's still in too much pain to be as stoic as she normally is. Or, at least, it would be clear... if Claire actually knew her.

"So, what about you, doc?" she asks, having no real way to know what the woman's actual occupation is. "Why *do* you patch up strangers on your couch, instead of at an ER somewhere? Why risk your license like that?" She's not offering her name, nor asking for one in return. It's probably safer if they don't get that familiar.

Claire Temple has posed:
"No doctor, just a nurse... And I do work third shift, down at Metro General. But... our healthcare system is about as helpful to the people who really need it as the government is to your agency right now, which is dip and shit most days. So... People need help? I... help. Better than let someone die on my couch." Claire admits quietly. It's mostly honest, but Melinda can probably feel the layers of far more story behind it than what she just said. She's hiding something, but she does genuine believe everything she's said.

She then turns around, digging through the go bag for whatever pain killers she can find there. "I have some...Tylenol 2, and basic advil, but don't really have the good stuff for the pain so... Take your pick." Claire sets both bottles down besides the orange juice that she brought the woman. "..for what it's worth, anyone who knows their shit can smell set up all over what happened with SHIELD. I mean... There isn't shit I can *do* about it, but... I'm not gonna turn you in."

Melinda May has posed:
Nurse. Third shift. Metro General. Add the apartment address, and May will be able to find out the name of her benefactor later, if she wants to. She likely won't, though. Not until the agency won't bring more trouble down on the woman's head. Regardless, she knows she'll be able to redirect some helpful supplies her way... providing the nurse proves to be as on the up-and-up as May suspects she is. Call it payment... or insurance. It doesn't hurt to know where a good off-the-books medic can be found. Indeed, that's priceless.

She can sense the deeper emotions in the nurse, but she doesn't comment on them. Sure, she's likely hiding something, but so is May. So, as long as no trouble comes out of this for either of them, the old spy is content to let secrets lie.

"Advil," she says. "If I need something stronger, I can get it later." A beat. Another ghost of a smile. "I'd sooner keep my wits about me. Codine's not as bad some, but..." She waves a hand -- the one without the IV in it -- dismissively.

"SHIELD hasn't stopped doing its job," she tells Claire after a moment. "We're still hunting HYDRA and we're still taking out the bad guys. We just don't hang logos on our jackets, any more."

Claire Temple has posed:
Dark eyes watch May heavily for another moment or two, internally debating something. Then Claire leans down, gingerly putting an arm behind the woman's shoulders to help her sit up. Claire's got the touch of a highly skilled nurse. She just instinctively knows how bodies work. She knows how to take the majority of Melinda's weight so the woman doesn't have to pull on damaged abdominal muscles and bruised ribs. She's ginger as she sits her up and while May isn't much of a people-toucher, the contact from Claire's body is probably incredibly centering. She's calm in a storm -- professionally so. A gentle brush of worry and respect mixed in, but she's probably almost pleasant to emotionally bathed in compared to who is often around the SHIELD agent.

Once sitting up, Claire pops out two Advil and hands them over with the orange juice. "Well, I guess I'll take that as some good news about SHIELD. If you need a good lawyer, I know one." A smile cracks across her tired features as she admits that. "If...you have somewhere safe to go, or people who can pick you up, you're... Stable, at least, but I'm not letting you just go out there with people who want your ass dead and you still only half patched up."

Melinda May has posed:
May accepts the help to sit up as graciously as she can, which for her means she doesn't bitch or snark. She grunts softly, because there is still a little pain in the effort, but she can concede the woman is a relief -- in more ways than one. May studies her for a moment, sidelong, but relaxes more against her than she would any other stranger she's ever met. Because soaking in that calm is as much a bandage for her wounded soul as any piece of gauze wrapping her wounded body.

Still, when she's offered the pain killers and the oj, she murmurs her thanks and leans against the couch to take them. "There are people I can call," she says. And, for once, she's not above doing it. It wouldn't hurt for Elena or Peggy to know about this place. Maaaaybe not Hunter or Bobbi, though. They'd bring too much trouble down on the no-nonsense nurse. May wouldn't sic those two on anyone she doesn't want to actually cause trouble for. "I just need my phone..." Which is probably in her jacket. If it didn't get fried, smashed, or otherwise destroyed.

Claire Temple has posed:
A slight wince crosses her features as May asks about her phone. Claire pulls it out gently, the screen thoroughly smashed and one corner slightly missing. "I...didn't want to try and turn it on. I don't know how tough SHIELD makes these things. If it's dead, I've got a burner you can use..." The woman has done enough under the table work that she uses things like a burner phone, probably implying she's been taking care of people off the books for a good long while now. None of this seems shocking to her.

She then disappears back into the kitchen, giving May a moment to try and revive her phone as she goes to pour some coffee for herself. She returns with a somewhat absurdly large mug of the stuff, black and with some sort of cinnamon spice to it. "...how likely is it that your face is gonna be recognized out there? Is the guy who picked you up gonna be in trouble? I...just gotta take care of my people too."

Melinda May has posed:
May winces, not quite groaning aloud as she sees the condition of her new phone. "A burner would be great," she sighs. "I'll see that you get paid back." She's decided she likes the woman and is willing to trust her. Especially when she asks about the likelihood of her people getting in trouble.

"I think he'll be okay," she says, frowning as she considers it. "The people who attacked me won't be attacking anybody else and... I managed to get several blocks away before I flagged him down." Which probably explains why she passed out when she did.

The cinnamon stuff smells good, but the OJ will give her the sugar she needs, May knows. So she sucks down a little more of it and leans her head back once more. "It's been a helluva night." Her only concession to the fact that, aside from her injuries, she's going to have to tell Peggy about both the attack and Eddie's death. She's going to have to tell his parents.

That's when being an empath *really* sucks.

Matthew Murdock has posed:
Cue one lawyer on the way back home from a night at Josie's with Foggy and Karen. He parts ways with them at the door of his building which was just as well because that's where he picks up the scent of blood. He barely has to follow it find where it takes him, Claire's place. The smell of medical supplies tips him off to the rest, but the scent of the woman, he could tell that much, was unfamiliar, definitely not one of Claire's frequent fliers. Despite hearing no signs of distress he knocks lightly on the door, calling "Claire, it's Matt, everything okay?" he figures she'll tell him to get lost if she wants to keep his do-gooder nose out of her business, but his curiosity and concern are easily felt through the door.

Claire Temple has posed:
The slightly younger nurse keeps her tired eyes on the woman, evaluating her coloring, and just how steady May seems now that she's sitting on her own. Claire doesn't intervene yet, but she looks ready to jerk forward and catch the woman should dizziness get the better of her. Just a quiet, hovering shadow of worry. That means she doesn't miss the cloud of discomfort that crosses May's features at the thoughts of Eddie. "...you lose someone back there?" She asks softly, a touch of genuine empathy under her voice. She *knows* that look. She's lost patients before.

And then there's a knock. Claire practically jumps out of her skin, a wave of surprise and guilt through her. She's definitely harboring someone she feels a little nervous over when it's Matt's voice at the door. Then she's looking back to May, biting at her lower lip, as she considers how bad it will be to open the door. "Uh...yes... fine. It..." She seems torn. But the risk and trust she's show in May? She has it three-fold for the man on the other side of the door. She clarifies to May, "My...uh... Lawyer friend. He'll just worry if I don't let him in and ask more questions. He knows how to keep his mouth shut. I swear. It's all that catholic guilt." Claire is only half teasing about that.

She stands then, going to the door and nodding him in quickly, "If you're gonna be nosy, just get in her fast and don't ask too many questions." She smirks to him. She looks totally fine, if exhausted. She should be asleep right now. Instead she's in her old scrub bottoms, pajama top, and hoodie over that with some strong coffee just having been poured.

Melinda May has posed:
"An agent I trained..." May begins. Then, there's that knock at the door and she's all alertness and sharp concern. All thoughts of Eddie get suppressed. She's looking around for something that might serve as a potential weapon... not that there's actually anything near to hand. "Lawyer friend?"

Then, the blind man is walking through the door, the nurse closing it quickly behind him. May blinks, clearly surprised as she registers his face. "You're Daisy's boyfriend..." she says. They met, albeit briefly, in Nepal. He's the one with the expert martial arts and uncanny ability to see without sight. She remembers. How can she forget? Nepal is seared into her memory for more reasons than one.

A sigh escapes her... almost relief. There's still tension there, but she's no longer thinking about how to defend herself. Good thing, since she looks like she's been through ten rounds with the Champ. Her jeans are singed and torn, and her body is covered in cuts and bruises, some of them serious. Even her face looks like it's been used as a someone's punching bag... because it has. Though, her face is the least bruises part of her. She's usually pretty good at keeping it from getting hit. So... yeah. She's looked better.

Matthew Murdock has posed:
A smirk crosses Matt's face as he hears Claire describe him to her patient through the door, when it opens he steps inside quickly, surprised when his senses reveals who it is on Claire's couch. "Agent May," he says, voice pitched low so as not to carry out past the door. "That's me," he says at being identified as Daisy's boyfriend before adding with the hint of smile. "But most people call me Matt."

Then he's down to business"It's probably a good thing we set don't ask too many questions at the start, because I've got a lot of them, but I'll settle for the important one, what happened?" he asks them both.His senses give him a good idea of the sort of shape May is in and it's not pretty, surprising with what he'd seen her do in Nepal.

Claire Temple has posed:
Poor May, being the only one who isn't getting some of that delicious smelling coffee, because as Matt enters the place, Claire disappears into her kitchen to automatically pour him a cup as well. She blinks in surprise, "Wait...what. You two know each other? Shit. I didn't know your girlfriend knew SHIELD agents..." Much less is *in* SHIELD. Claire would probably be a lot more worried if she realized that, considering how much she knows the man is head over heels for her. She does relax a bit more as May doesn't lose her head in paranoia at someone else coming in the room.

"Well, I guess this means we're all kosher with each other. You're not going to spill that I'm harboring wanted government agents and none of us are going to tell crimestoppers that I've got a SHIELD agent bleeding on my couch. Sounds like a normal Saturday night around here." Claire offers with a bit of a smirk, handing the cup of coffee in Matt's direction before she heads back over to May to gently start removing the IV from her hand, the bag finally empty.

Melinda May has posed:
Well. Claire's just moved quite firmly into the Trusted camp. That's certain. Coffee be damned. May doesn't like coffee anyway. Chai Tea, mind... that'd be different. Neverltheless, May looks to her, looks back to Matt, and gives the barest of shrugs. She groans in irritation as even that slight gesture causes a certain amount of pain. "I taught Daisy to fight," she tells the nurse. It's better than saying 'Yeah, she's a SHIELD agent, too.' "She wanted to know how to defend herself." Not a lie.

She holds her hand still as Claire removes the IV and resists the urge to rub the back of it. "Half a dozen HYDRA operatives down by the dock. Half of them suped up with stolen Inhuman abilities." She answers the lawyer frankly, no longer worried about keeping the information from Claire. "They killed a SHIELD agent I was trying to rescue." The way she says that last part... there's a bluntness to it. Like a boulder settling on the ground. A telltale sign of keeping the emotions of it at bay. She doesn't bother to say she believes it's her fault. Not just because she failed to keep him alive -- but because he was put in danger by people hunting her specifically in the first place.

Still, in the end, he is -- he was a SHIELD agent. It's a risk they all take. May just isn't good at accepting that, just at this given moment. Maybe later.

"I'm going to need to call it in. We're going to need a clean-up crew out there."

Matthew Murdock has posed:
"I am pretty sure none of us are the talking type," Matt observes about the three of them vis a vis what could be said in this room. "And yeah, I met May on that trip with Daisy to Nepal a few weeks back," he nods when May gives her version of how she and Daisy know each other. "They're friends."

There's no missing the restrained emotions behind May's blunt words, and Matt offers a sympathetic frown in the woman's direction. "Sorry to hear about your agent," he says."Is there anything I can do to help? Get word to the agent's family, something like that?"

Claire Temple has posed:
A deeper frown crosses Claire's features as May mentions needing a clean-up crew out there. "Where your enemies already sent at least six agents...Who are dead, and they are all working with the US government? Putting your clean up crew out there seems like a fast way to get more of your own people arrested or murdered. HYDRA can clean up their own. It..." Claire sighs, thinking this through for a few moments as she sinks back into her couch. She takes a deeper gulp of her coffee. "...Where did this happen? Chances are, if it was around here, Metro General is going to be the closest morgue. If your man's body comes through there... I'll... I'll call you. You gotta give me a good number, but I'll see if we can get him to you WITHOUT your bringing more of these HYDRA assholes down on your head, okay?"

There it is, Claire's one failing. For as street tough and smart as she is, she cares a little too much. She'll take bigger risks than she should to make certain the right thing is done. It'll probably lose her her job or worse one of these days, but she's clearly still willing to take those risks. Even with a wanted criminal. She looks back to Matt as he offers to help as well and she gives a gentle nod in agreement. "Hell, even if you don't want to give us a number, we can let Daisy know. SHIELD might be on a lot of shit lists right now, but there's a... lot of good people out there the government says aren't worth shit so... well, I guess I'm just saying you have some more people at your back here. Don't try to do this alone and get yourself in deeper, okay?"

Claire then has to stifle a bit of a deep yawn, starting to feel bone deep the fact she only got about three hours sleep before this all happened. She forces down a bit more coffee, probably going to need to function on it alone tonight.

Melinda May has posed:
May shakes her head slightly, before she remembers that's a bad idea. "No," she tells Matt. "That is, I should tell them myself. I can do that much." She looks between them. "I just don't want him branded... buried as a criminal. He's not. He was a good kid in a bad situation." And there it is, May's weakness. She cares too much, too. "I need to get his body home."

So, needless to say, Claire's offer is one for which she's genuinely grateful. "If you get me that burner," she tells her, "we can use it. I can call for a ride and you can use it to reach me when you know anything. Or if you need anything." Because May will owe her, after this. Whether anyone else here acknowledges it or not. "I mean, if you see Daisy, that might work, too, but... Really she needs to keep her distance." She *implies* Daisy needs to keep her distance from her, a SHIELD agent. But really, Daisy needs to keep her friends from getting dragged into things, too. It's a double edged sword, but not one May is going to push the younger agent upon. If Daisy chooses to be here, May will simply watch her back. Watch all their backs.

It's what she does.

As Claire's fatigue becomes apparent, May looks at Matt. "Maybe you can call a ride for me?" Like Daisy. Or a safe cab she can take back to Chinatown. "I've got a place in Chinatown I can lay low at." She gives Claire a grateful, small smile. "Thank you... for everything. I owe you."

But it could be the best way she can repay it right now is to get the hell outta Dodge and let the woman try to sleep a little more before her shift starts.

Matthew Murdock has posed:
Matt nods, "Sure thing," he says of May wanting to be the one to tell the family and make sure her agent gets a proper burial.

There's a nod about Daisy but no comment and no message, which suggests either they're on the outs, or more likely they've got their own means of communication. He does dig into his pocket for a card however handing it over to May. "In case you or your people get into trouble," he says. "The Task Force is already looking at me because someone posted a bunch of fliers in Mutant Town saying Nelson and Murdock were recommended by SHIELD awhile back, but if you can lose the card and remember the number, it'd be a help," he nods to Claire though. "Claire's right, SHIELD has friends, so if any of you need help, reach out."

Claire Temple has posed:
"Burner. Yeah... I can do that. And... shit, I don't even know your name. What do I call you?" Claire asks as she stands up again, moving into the back room to grab her burner of the week. She checks the charge on it and grabs the cheap little plug that goes with the thing, handing them both in May's direction. "Here. Just... take care of yourself nad your people. And Matt's right. Remember you have friends...other places. No one has to be an island about this shit."

With that, she's stifling another yawn and realizes just how much of a wall she's hitting. Even the forever going Claire eventually runs out of a bit of steam, especially when her patient is looking pretty stable and she doesn't have adrenaline to keep her going. She gives May one more long look over before nodding to herself, seeming content with what she sees. "You probably are stable enough to move. Just...take it slow and easy. Get to your own doctors as soon as you can. Matt, can you make certain she gets somewhere safe? I need another hour or two before heading onto shift or I'm going to be dead on my feet all night." That shows just how much she really trusts the blind man, that she's willing to leave a vulnerable patient with him. For as much as anyone could call May vulnerable.

Melinda May has posed:
"May," the SHIELD agent tells Claire. "Melinda May." She takes the burner with another soft word of thanks and checks it. It'll do. She gives another tight smile. "If any of this blows back on you," she tells them both, "I'll make it right. I promise. But, if we need more help, I know where to go." And she appreciates it.

However, she's not going to linger longer. Claire has been a Good Samaratan and it doesn't due to wear out one's welcome in a place like that. Not to mention, she'd hate to see the other woman's performance on the job suffer because of this. So, stiffly, painfully, she pulls herself to her feet. Oh, yeah. She's getting way too old for this shit.

She takes the card from Matt and glances at it. "I know how to get hold of you," she tells him. "Thanks. No one will find the card." She doesn't really need it, after all. "Let me get out of your hair." She looks between them. "And thanks. Both of you. But, I'd better go."

Before HYDRA decides to tip Talbot off or something and start a manhunt. Oh, the joys of being a SHIELD agent. Yeah. It's time to go.

Matthew Murdock has posed:
Matt nods about the contact information. "Guess you do," he says of how to get in touch. "Anyhow, safe journeys Agent May," he tells her before turning back to Claire. "And I'll let you get some rest," he says. "I'll try not to avoid needing patching up myself later,," he says with a grin and then when May heads out so does he. "Sleep well," he offers before letting the door close behind him.

Claire Temple has posed:
"...Melinda. I'm Claire... Claire Temple. But, apparently, a lot of people around here just call me the Night Nurse. So, if you... or any of your people get into trouble, just tell them to find the Night Nurse and...I'll take care of them. OKay?" She then flashes a bit more of a tired smile, "It's... well, I hope I get to meet you under better circumstances, some day." Claire watches her with concern, not quite heading for her bedroom until she's certain the woman isn't going to pass out on her feet. When she seems assured that May is steady enough to at least get out to a car, she doesn't press further. Matthew is given a good smirk and a slight roll of her eyes, "I'm keeping you to that promise, Murdock. Be safe out there. *Both* of you."

With that, Claire is seeing them to the door before she heads back to her bedroom to flop face first down for another sleep cycle before her shift.