92/Avon Calling

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Avon Calling
Date of Scene: 24 February 2020
Location: April's Apartment
Synopsis: Harley Quinn breaks out of Arkham to hang out with April after their interview... it's surprisingly emotional.
Cast of Characters: Harley Quinn, April O'Neil

Harley Quinn has posed:
It's well after midnight, rounding on three in the morning really, when there's such a sound in April's apartment! Coming from the bathroom, it sounds like a bear is loose in her tub, splashing around in the water, and howling like a wild beast!

Mostly, there's off key singing.

"Splish splash, I was takin' a baff! All about a Sunday night! Ring ding, I was doin'ah a thing, blurbhd durboh!" Bubbles! Harley throws them in the air and makes herself a foamy crown on her blonde hair with the dark brown roots. There's a bottle of bleach nearby too, likely to.. like... totally remedy her frightfully unattractive root situation once she's washed off this dark brown dried stuff that looks suspiciously like poop.

April O'Neil has posed:
April's not one for overly protecting herself with weapons or 30 locks on every door and window. Her apartment sits on top of a close-down antique store that is kept locked up on both its front door and side entrance door. She also has a lock on her apartment's front door that is at the top of the stairs in the back of the qntique shop. That usually makes April feel pretty secure like she's living up in a loft... because thats 'essentially' what it is!

But when the sounds start, it causes her to rustle right of her sleep! Her bed is a big and comfy affair with a lot of stuffed animals from her childhood strewn across it or on shelves around it... its a little childish, but she's barely even out of her teens!

When she hears the noises she instantly grabs for the first weapon she can find!

April bursts out of her bedroom with a... large bright green plush snake in her hands! Held up like its a baseball bat, its curvy body wobbling around back and forth with googily-eyes swinging around and a long red snaky tongue slapping this way and that!

The frightened young reporter hears the singing and her eyes narrow. "Vanessa?" She asks, thinking it might be her friend come over unannounced, but that'd be weird... So April sneaks toward the bathroom door and extends one socked foot to shove it open!

Harley Quinn has posed:
In the bathroom is one Harleen Quinzel, smiling like a dope, with a bubble beard hanging all the way down to the mound of bubbles she's used April's shampoo to create. All of her shampoo. Every drop. It also keeps her mostly decent, since her jumpsuit, covered in that same suspiciously brown smears, is laying on the floor stinking up the place.

"Hey toots!" Waving a hand, splashing water everywhere in the process. Her hair isn't a rats nest anymore, straight and looking almost clean, with her bubble crown to match her bubble beard. "I didn't wake you did I?" Owlishly staring at the stuffed green snake, then back to April. "Uhhh... ya need some alone time? I can' hush up some if ya need to... I ain't judge'n." Hands up.

"Ya shouldn't leave yer key by the second story window." She definitely doesn't do that. There is definitely a broken window. There is definitely a brick beside the broken window.

April O'Neil has posed:
April is wearing a New York Rangers hockey jersey that Casey Jones bought her last year when they went to a hockey game near the start of the NHL season. Its got her name on the back and the numbers 69 because they were both drunk and Casey talked her into getting those numbers put on it (he's really mature!).

"Harley?!" April says the name, like she's birthing it out of her mouth. Her eyes go wide and her generally demeanor is just one of 'Oh holy mother shits of all things holy and motherly!'.

She shoots her stare from the bathtub and where the sudsy Quinn is, to the suit that /stinks/ on the ground of the bathroom and then over to the window... okay that window is smashed. That Fire Escape outside... that Turtles use it to get up and down from April's apartment. But its like 3 AM even THEY are probably at home and asleep by now...

Which means... she's with Harley, on her own.

April looks back at her, tries to compose herself. "Uh, no, no, I'm good. You just... SURPRISED ME. Ha ha ha...." Nervous laughter, barely able to stop it from turning into terrified crying.

April starts to back step then, lowering the Plushy Snake down to her side. "Let me just close the door so you can finish up and have your... privacy!"

Harley Quinn has posed:
Harley watches April go through a series of interesting changes right along the five stages theory of grief.. "Huh... That doesn't usually happen that fast!" Her dumbfounded stare turns into a bright grin, nodding to her host as she comes to terms with the fact that it actually is her! "Yup! You said ya had such a good time talkin' to me, I figger'd I'd jus' come finish our conversation, ya know?" Just like that.

That's how things work.

Crawl through knee deep shit to escape Arkham. Steal a car. Drive to New York. Find April O'Neil. Hang out in her tub. This is completely normal behavior for the Clown Princess. "It totally downloaded yer podcast!" She kisses the tips of her fingers and starbursts them out, "Production value was off tha chaaaaarts..." Both hands splash the surface of the water.

Then April is backing out the door, "Oh, yeah, totally. I'm nekked.." giggle snorts, bubbles blowing off her upper lip. Looking sheepish, even though there's literally no way she's embarassed by this fact. "Gimme like fifteen minutes an' fetch a girl somethin' to wear, huh? Oh shit, I know! SLUMBIE PARTY! Yeeeaaah! Night shirt me up!"

Thumbs up. Covered in suds. Big stupid grin.

Bubbles on her nose.

April O'Neil has posed:
"Hey, I'm just glad you're here!" April tries to cover things up as quickly as she can. She's panicking, this is the first criminal she's had in her house! She's not used to playing hostess to criminals! So she pulls the door mostly closed, not entirely, she leaves it open a crack so she can hear whats going on and talk if she needs to. "I'll find ya a shirt too!" She calls out to the other woman inside her bathroom.

Her first thought is to spin around, clutch her snaky plushie to her chest and scream. But her second thought is to rush and find her cell phone in her office and then dial the COPS!

She takes a few steps and then stops, sliding on the hardwood floor a few inches. 'I can't call the cops. This girl escapes from cops all the time. If I call the cops on her and she gets away from them, then she'll just be pissed at me and the next time she breaks I'll wake up DEAD!'

"Shit shit, fuck shit, fuck!" April NEVER cusses... this is rare occasion. And they're loudly whispered in the middle of her living room. "Shit fuck!" She adds quickly as she rushes to get her phone anyway. She'll text Vanessa!

As she comes out of her office with her phone she calls out. "I hope the water is nice and hot! I've had trouble with the heater downstairs!" That is a fact too, but Casey was over last week and said he'd finally fixed it.

She darts into her room and tries to call Vanessa, but nobody answers! She starts digging through her things and finds a old football jersey from a high school boyfriend. Dumping the plush snake on the bed she rushes back out into the living room, jersey in one hand and phone in the other with a half written text to Vanessa that says 'Hel--'

Harley Quinn has posed:
When she wants to be, Harley is creepily quiet. Especially in the dark.

She must have found the light switch because the apartment is suddenly bathed in darkness.

Tilting her head from the doorway into the livingroom with water running down over the bubbles keeping her naughty parts covered, staring at April with that almost ghoulish grin.. Her hair is like a wet mop hanging down around her shoulders. Blue eyes flickering over her hostess with her own fists clinched at her sides.

She has a little heart tattoo on her left hip.

More on her back, but her back is away from April.

"I'm afraid of the dark." She sounds ... very unconvincing. The only source of illumination is the light coming out of the bathroom behind her. Casting an omenous long shadow alllll theee waaaay tooo April.

"Oh dope, is that for me?" Pointing at the jersey, hand out, gimmie flicking he fingers. "Hey, what kind'a grub ya got? I'm not super picky, I'll settle for some romen noodles, unless ya wanna order out? I'll pay?" Holding up a knife...

Which reflects the light from the bathroom.

And casts a weird glow in her eye turning towards the blade...

"That... is not my wallet..." The weapon is tossed aside in favor of some dudes wallet.

In the same dramatic fashion that she raised the knife.

April O'Neil has posed:
April grabs out a pair of pink sleeping pants as well that have Hello Kitty strewn all over them in various forms of adorableness. She hadn't worn those since she was a Freshman in college, but hey, they seem like they might keep her guest (captor?) happy.

When the long shadow of Harley stretches across the living room from the bathroom. April feels her heart jump again and she looks up and spins around. They're facing each other from one room across the living room to the other now. "Got'em!" April says, raising the pants and the blue and white football jersey up. She starts across the distance then to hand them over to the sudsy escapee. "There's, towels, on the rack beside the sink." April timidly points out.

"Food? We got food! Lots of food!" Once the clothes are handed over she turns toward the kitchen on the other side of the bathroom. "Its after 3, I don't think there's any delivery places except the Chinese place over on 5th and Elm, and that place... we don't order from there anymore."

The dark haired reporter slips into the kitchen. "I got some pizza from last night though if you'd like some! Its really great!" While this is being said, April is raising her phone up to tap on it to Vanessa.

Harley Quinn has posed:
"Cooooool..." Harley discards the wallet because it serves no thematic purpose anymore if there's leftover pizza and instead double fists grabs the hello kitty pajama pants, "Oh man, these are rad!" She half turns towards the bathroom, quickly snapping a hand out to grab the jersey too, and starts back into the light. Which is kind of an omenous turn from a cinematographical point of view.

She doesn't clothes the door completely, but she does push it to with the tips of her fingers, "Hey, you got a nail fail'er suh'en? I got poop under my nails.. Ya know how when yer' crawlin' through sewage to escape the maximum security wing of an insane asylum, things jus' gravitate towards your digits?" Nodding, a little silhouette against the sliver of light bathing into the living room.

When she reemerges a little while later she's once more decent! Hair even tied up in a sloppy ponytail. She could be someone's kid sister or just another sorority girl by the way she looks out of costume or context of identity. Bubbly and bouncing towards the couch with an arm swinging skip.

She grabs the back of the sofa and cartwheels right over the top into a cross legged perch in one of the cushions, "Boingy boingy..." Bouncing. Testing the spring. Patting the fabric. "This looks comfy.. think I can sleep on it tonight?" Her jersey accent isn't nearly as thick as on some of the videos of her, but it's probably just another part of the theatrics of her dramatis personae.

"Who ya textin'?" Nosey. Just a girl. Grinning like a lunatic.

April O'Neil has posed:
April gets chills when she realizes Harley spotted her texting someone. She'd heard the woman go into the living room and jump on the sofa and had hoped she wasn't looking. So... quickly she has to dream up a reply. "Oh, uh... just a friend of mine, Vanessa. She had a date with a guy tonight and I told her to text me if he was good or bad, but she never did so I thought I better check in."

Which is incidentally all true.

"Pizza, coming up!" April announce sthen as she sets her phone on the counter and then opens the grid. "You like it cold or hot?" She asks then before muttering something to herself about how she's going to be a cold dead body by morning.

"You're welcome to sleep there and there's some nail care stuff in the drawer beside the sofa too!"

"Poop under her nails?" April whispers to herself in a whiney voice. "Oh shutup, its not like you don't crawl around in sewers yourself." She pauses then. "I'm going nuts. I'm literally going nuts inside of my own kitchen!"

Once the food is ready she starts to head back out to the living room to hand it over. "I'll get a trash sack for that jumpsuit you had on. Don't need that laying around stinkin up the joint, right?!" More nervous laughter.

Harley Quinn has posed:
"Oh..." Harley calls back over her shoulder, leaning towards the desk to look for the nailcare, "BINGO!" She sets to work cleaning and filing down her nails to something a bit less janky. Can't go around looking like a trailer park whore now can she? Heck nah! Not this trailer park skank! She's high class. "Cold is fine!" Once poop is cleaned she nibbles on the nail to get it down to the appropriate angle and clips the rest off.

"So your friend is gettin' laid?" When April returns, Harley has the remote for the television in both hands, tongue sticking out the corner of her mouth. If she's caught on that there's trickery afoot, she's not letting on herself. At least not yet. "Oh hey, you do have disney plus.. I tried to get my ex to get it, but he said HARLEEEEEEEE-" It is a surprisingly terrifyingly good impression of the Harlequin of Hate. "If you don't stop fuckin' around on that television set, I'm going to blow your rotten brains all over the carpet! You're good for nothin'! Now get your god damned Hyenas out of the livin' room, you're scarin' the guests!"

Boop. Live Action Aladdin.

"You get it, I'm sure you've been in love before."

April O'Neil has posed:
April sits down on the very edge of the sofa chair beside the sofa that Harley is perched upon. She has a plate herself but it only has one small slice on it. She's not really remotely hungry but she wants to give the impression that she is. Speaking of Impressions...

April's blue eyes land on Harley as she does the animated rendition of what she can only assume is the Joker's dialog and it makes her blink twice. "He said that to you?" She asks in a suddenly less-terrified and more lucid moment of sympathy for the woman across from her. "Jesus..." And that is whispered. A second later and April asks with a confused face. "Can you have hyenas as pets? Do they domesticate?"

She shakes that thought away though. "I've been a few things that I 'thought' were love at first, but they turned out to be just... physical. I guess. I don't know. It doesn't really matter. My focus is my career. I want to make my name known before I'm old and haggard. By the time I'm old and haggard I want to be able to retire to a beach and just sip fruity icy beverages while a tanned foreign stud brings me little fishy delicacies to dine on from a silver platter."

Oddly specific.

"I uh... I don't know if Van is enjoying her new man-friend or not, but I mean, I hope so, right?" She flashes a grin. "Anyway, yeah, Disney Plus!" She looks to the big tv and the remotes were easily found on the coffee table. "You're welcome to stay here, Harley, for the night, but..." She looks back to her and then whispers. "The cops are probably lookin' for you though, right?"

Harley Quinn has posed:
"Yeah." Accepting the plate of pizza with a happy squeel! "It was salsbury steak night, but I left before I got mine..." Sad frown, so she eats like a ravenous animal, barely able to taste... let alone fully chew.. her cold pizza. She doesn't care, it's all going to the same place!

April's toilet later.

Because she's a purger.

It's a thing, sorry.

"Sometimes he says sweet things. Like... well I don't really got no examples off the top of my head, but he does.. He jus' has a lot on his mind, is all." Noming down on pizza crust, which is arguably the best part of pizza, at least in her honest opinion.

"OH! Yeah, absolutely! Lou and Bud are my bebees..." Clutching one of the sofa cushions to cuddle it to her chest and swing it around like she's wrestling it into kisses, "They are the most adorablist ever, you have to meet them! I'll brin'em by sometime. Y'all fall instantly to love with them.. I swear, I never pictured myself as a pet gal, but... them hyenas found their way right in'nuh my heart, ya know?"


More pizza.

"Hey, ya shoul' have yer friend come over an' we can braid each others hair! She can tell us all about her-" That same lewd gesture from earlier? She repeats it, this time with the gnawed on bit of pizza crust as the weiner part. "Ive been in Arkham fer like.. gosh.. two months? Tha's a long time... momma needs some dick."

So cavalier.

Smacking, she has pizza sauce on her mouth, fingers.. even her brow some damn how.

"Ya think?" Cops. She shrugs, "Don't worry, I'll tell'em I'm not here if they show up, I gotcha toots." I'll tell'em I'm not here she said that, it was not a mistake.

April O'Neil has posed:
Some part of April feels bad for Harley, she can't help it, she feels that whatever Harley is going through is a byproduct of the insanities of a failed society being ready to help those who are in need of real mental help. She sees a woman inside of Harley who's capable, smart and really funny too... but at the same time, she's not daft, she knows Harley is capable of hurting someone she deems worthy of being hurt without any apparent remorse. Or so that's what she's been lead to believe about her.

"Well this pizza is better than any Salisbury steak... its from Angelo's down the street. Angelo is dead, but his sons run the place now and they're the best." Another part of her almost feels more comfortable now too, though she still isn't sure precisely what to do here. What her play should be exactly. What she knows is she's not going to get a WINK of sleep tonight!

"I'm not sure Vanessa is much of a hair braiding type, but I'll let her know. She might go for it. She does have really pretty hair." There's a light smirk then and there. "And I doubt the cops will look here for you, but its not... its not out of the realm of possibility since I /just/ did the podcast today, Harley. They might come by to ask me if I picked up on any indications of where you might be going..."

Here, obviously!

"But uh... yeah. I'm uh... I've never had any pets either. I always wanted them, but my parents said they were more trouble than they were worth." She hisses out a heavy... heavy... stress filled exhale and finally just picks up that little triangle of pizza to take a bite from its tip!

Harley Quinn has posed:
Harley is more pragmatic. This is Joker's fault. LOVE did this to her, not society.

In fairness, society didnt help. Instead of getting her proper mental health treatment after her initial excersion with the Joker, they shipped her to Arkham Asylum where she was, essentially, created. Thrust her into an environment where she was pit against a peer group of individuals she'd helped diagnose as criminal insane, thus propagating the cycle, and expected her to get better through the same failed tactics that had been proven not to work for two decades, if not more.

But Harley doesn't hold a grudge.

Besides, she has a lot of friends there.

And the floor was comfortable once ya got use to it!

She munchs on her pizza absently, watching the television with an almost frightful level of attention. But she's way sharper than that and does pick up what April is saying whether she initially responds to it or not. Glancing over at her hostess with a big, saucy, grin. "We have an Angelos in Gotham, but it's a sub shop... I don't eat there though... too much bread." Big bite of crust.

"Oh, mee toooo, maybe she'll bleach my hair? OH! You can if she doesn't wanna.. I can do it myself, of course, but it's not as easy an' I tend to make a mess." Speaking of messes, "Ya should prolly let me clean tha bathroom before ya go in there." She wont be cleaning.

Poor April.

Still staring. Awkwardly long and prolonged eye contact. "Yer a whole ass grown woman, toots. What's yer parents got ta do with you now? Get yerself an alligator.. ya know how baller you'd look with a fifteen foot carnivorous reptile rollin' through your bachelorette pad?" She points out the relative size with a wave of a finger.

"Or maybe.. like.. four turtles or somethin'. Ya could train them like attach dogs, only with ninja moves." That hit pretty close to the mark huh? Yeah, she does that.

"Me? Imma stick to hyenas. Low maintenance. Eat whatever.. Don't mind bein' cleaned.. it's like datin' an ugly dude: They're jus' so happy to have someone they drink up the affection." There's nothing further on policeses. She don't care about that stuff!

That's what the knife is for.

April O'Neil has posed:
April can't help but look back over her shoulder at the doorway to her bathroom. Exactly what has happened in there? She's afraid to find out. But she'll probably have to before the night is over... the only other bathroom in the building is down in the antique store and its got a pretty finicky toilet flusher... another job Casey has sworn was fixed before, but it isn't fixed.

"I could try to help you with your hair, bleaching it. Not sure I'd do a very good job though and... nah, my parents are---" April is glancing down and away when Harley mentions the turtles and it makes April look up again with HUGE eyes. Was that a coincidence? What she just said there? How could it be? Does she know about the turtles? April glances toward the windows behind the sofa. Were they were? Had she seen them outside maybe? Were they peering in from the old laundromat next door?

"Haaah! Turtles. Yeah." April says as she looks back to Harley. "Nah nah, I've always been a cat or dog person. I think a, I think an alligator would probably bite my leg off and I kinda need my legs! For, ya know, walking and stuff." She glances back to her bathroom again. Was the sink on? Was that the bathtub spout still running? Oh god...

"Maybe you're right though, maybe I should get some hyenas myself." Maybe they would've kept intruders out if she'd had some. Or, god, knowing Harley they probably would've just let her stroll right in and she would've been their best friend by now or something.

"So I mean, you've got your /freedom/ now. Huh?" April asks her then. "Got some big plans?"

Harley Quinn has posed:
"How hard can it be to bleach hair?" Harley is speaking with chipmonk amounts of pizza in her mouth. Holding the slice up near her lips as if she's going to try and fit even more inside, she too looks to the bathroom. She reaches out to lay her hand lightly on April's arm.. patting gently. "April don't.. yer'... yer' not ready." For what? She clearly means the bathroom, but WHY?


Pat pat pat.

"Trust me okay? Jus' stay outta the bathroom... yer'... ya can't unseen tha' stuff."

Pat pat.

She sits back straight and laughs at something on the television, "I love this part.. Well Ali Baba had his forty thieves..." She slides the plate on the table where she'd gotten the nail stuff and spits the wad of pre-chewed into her palm to lay down on the table.

In a smooth motion, she hops over the back of the sofa and goes into some pretty elaborate dancing moves. Complete with spins, back bends, and the stationary flips. She's a gymnast.. a really good one apparently.

"Ya got a brand'uh magic never fails! ya got some powah in yer corner now!" Shimmying up to April, "So what's yer wish I really wanna know..Wait, no that's alter..." Humming, "zzzhh What will yer pleasure beeee! Lemm'e take yer order jot it down...

"ya aint nevah had a frien' lik' meee!"

Trotting in a circle, swinging her towel that was draped around her neck like the tails of a scarf, one hand on her hip, she just her leg out to spin her foot out of each step. "life is yer resteraunt, an I'm yer miss'... shit.. uh.. tha's a hard wo- OH!"

Leaning towards April suddenly, over the back of the couch, side eyeing her all crazy, "So whisper what it is ya want...

"Ya aint never had a frien' like me..."

April O'Neil has posed:
Needless to say the hand on her arm draws her attention away from the bathroom, but the words spoken to her about it makes her way way more unsettled about what kind of shape her bathroom could be in now. "Oh." Is really all April can say to that warning, and take it as a very serious one that she needs to heed and be... assuredly cautious of.

Nervous laugh again. "You're right, can't be all that hard to bleach hair. There's probably seven hundred Youtube videos about it too. She's one of those kids after all, grew up basically attached to Youtube.

When the musical and dance number starts, April just sits up a little higher in her chair and she watches the recently escaped mental patient and clown princess of murdering and mayhem... entertain her with a song and dance? Needless to say its a mixture of many emotions and thoughts. Some are 'She's really surprisingly good at this.' and others such as 'Is she about to stab me in the neck with my nail file? Where is the nail file anyway?'

When it all comes to a big finish though and Harley leans over the end of the sofa and says that friend part to her, April laughs. Honestly and with utter fear in her heart. "You got that right!" She adds with a big long drawn out series of nods. "You... got that right!" She adds on, dashing in some sprinkled-on laughter as well!

Harley Quinn has posed:
Harley hops back over the sofa and sits down right beside April, since her hostess had decided to sit so far away there's like a whole persons worth of couch on the other side of the clownette. She has her legs folded up beneath her with her palms together in her lap. Her mouth is all twisted, upper lip lifted with her tongue pushing at them, she has a squinting eye from it which she turns to April.

A moment of rare lucidity in the raging tempest of her fractured psychi.

"You're scared of me huh?" She still smiles, but it's a really sad expression, lacking all her usual mirth and barely contained psychotic humor. "I was kind of hoping you wouldn't be." She sounds... different. Just like a normal person. Harleen, the girl who went to GSU and has a doctorate in Psychology. The woman who made a terrible mistake and ended up traumatized beyond reason.

Her blue eyes drop down to her hands knotting together in her lap, blinking a few times. "You seemed like you really liked me in the interview and I figured you were probably just trying to... you know.. for your audience, but..." She rubs a hand across her nose and unfolds her legs, sliding off the couch. "I didn't mean to scare you, April." Patting her arm as she stands up.

"I just don't get a lot of people who attempt to see through what people say about me..." A quiet laugh, shaking her head with her eyes rolling, "The truth.." She corrects herself. "I'll go." Leaning forward to take April's cellphone off the table and hold it out to her. "Call the police and tell them I held you up, okay? I don't feel like climbing out the window right now.."

Padding towards the bathroom, to collect the poopy jumpsuit into a trashbag. That really seems to be the only thing in there... but some of that is CROCS SHITS... okay nobody needs to smell KILLER CROCS SHITS...

"Can I keep the jim jams? I don't have anything else to wear."

April O'Neil has posed:
When Harley settles in beside her, there's a moment of stiffness in being afraid she's going to do something to her, but when Harley opens up and becomes a bit more lucid and realizes that April is 'afraid of her' it changes April's demeanor too. She gets more serious in nature and she sets that plate of nibbled pizza forward onto the coffee table.

"My parents died when I was a kid." She tells Harley then. "I didn't take it too well. My mother died of cancer when I was six and my father was burned alive in a lab accident. I was already kind of reclusive after my mother's passing, but my father's happened when I was fifteen and it just... it just made it weirder. Made /me/ weirder. I never had any friends, close actual friends." she's trying to lay it all out on the table for Harls to understand maybe? IF she even can. April doesn't know!

"That Vanessa I mentioned, I've only known her for a short while. She's a prostitute." April shows a smirk. "I met her in a diner, they were being mean to her and not serving her as quickly as they were the other customers - like me - so I moved over to sit with her... so they had to serve her just as fast as they were me. Its the first friend I've made in... forever. I mean -" Besides the Turtles. But, she can't talk about them. "So am I afraid of you? I mean, a little? You just broke out of a security center and you've had a... colorful record... but what do I see you in?"

April shakes her head and shrugs her shoulders. "A really fun person. I see a really fun person who's... funny, and wild, and has had shit luck with guys. Which I really relate to and I sympathize with you in a lot of ways. I'm just... I'm bad at making friends, I always have been."

The last bits of this are said to Harley as she pads toward the bathroom. "You can stay here tonight if you want. Don't gotta fuss with that bathroom either. That mess isn't going anywhere." She adds with a smile.

Harley Quinn has posed:
Harley stops in the doorway to the bathroom, her hand up on the frame of the door, idly running her finger along the groves in the wood, but she's looking in the mirror, which in this instance faces April. So she can see her and April can see her too. She's still got manic eyes, wide and blue, and full of crazy, but she's not smiling. She's sad.

A broken woman who puts on a show because that's what people expect.

She plays the role.

When she does smile it's not whimsical, but it's probably a flight of fancy in her shattered mirror of a mind.. There's no telling how quickly the moment might be, if it's fleeting.. and it probably is... "I get it, toots." Patting her palm against the door frame.

The bag is removed from her shoulder and tossed back down on the floor in the bathroom, "I'll be gone before you wake up." She's not making a promise to sell the deal, she's stating a fact, "I'll probably steal your money too.." Just putting it out there, "Girl's gotta eat." She's honest, if nothing, right?

"An' I wont kill ya while yer' sleepin', so ya can... like... rest or whatever. I know ya prolly wont." This isn't the first friend Harley has tried to make. It always ends the same.

Slowly, she makes her way into the bathroom, leaning over the sink to stare at herself in the mirror. "Jus' gonna bleach my hair an'.. clean up.. an' probably finish the rest of Mandalorian cus I'm behind an' the second season comes out in October." Priorities.... "You go on an' get some sleep okay?"

She reaches out to slow push the door closed, "Imma jus' make myself vomit now." Real quiet, like she's saying, let me powder my nose. "This waist don't sustain itself."


April O'Neil has posed:
April is standing behind the chair and moving to sweep some of the glass and the brick out of the way toward the base of the window where there's a radiator heating the room. "I better pull the storm window down on this." She says then as she does just that. "Then? I'm gonna help ya with your hair and you're gonna not take my money cause I'm going to give you some money. But thats not till morning, because right now we're gonna watch this movie together after your hair is done. Deal?"

"I haven't even seen this version of Aladdin and now I'm curious after ya flipped it on." She grins as she steps toward the bathroom and smells the smell which makes her have to turn away. She takes a breath from the other direction and then looks back in to Harley.

"Seriously. I'll help you as much as I can, Harley." She tells the other woman. "Against my own better judgment." And also because she doesn't want Harley Quinn as an enemy either. Thats a big part of it too... but she also feels some sympathy for the woman.

"So lets do this hair thing, yeah?" She points to the cabinet over the toilet. "I got some dyes and such in there. I got a bunch of stuff from a hair salon down the street that closed up a few weeks back. All kinds of stuff."

She grins at Harley then, she'll be a good friend! Or, well, melted in a vat of acid. One of the two!

Harley Quinn has posed:
"You're a special kind of crazy, you know that?" Harley says after a long moment, April pushing into the bathroom while the blonde vixen has her middle and ring fingers on her left hand buried to the knuckle in her throat! THIS WASN'T FOR FUN GAMES JOKES... she's a purger. But she stops when the owner of the house comes in, "Yer' gonna make me digest food... I unno about you.." Some of her mirth is coming back, but the woman has said the right combination of words to tap into the spirit of things Harley Quinn is missing in her life.

So she breaths out an exasperated sigh... as if long suffering.. but her mind was made up instantly, "Fiiiiine, April O'Neil.. if yer' gonna hold me hostage.." Comically flailing her hands over her head as she flips the script a little. Playing the comedy game a little close to the fire there. She plops down on the toilet and leans her head forward.

"The important thing when bleachin' my hair is to.. like.. don't pay any attention to it.. jus' DO IT.. like everywhere.." Motioning with a point, kicking at th bag of croc doodoo covered coveralls trying to get them further away.

"Half the point is it don't look professional, ya know? We aint got time for that... it's almost sun up an' a slumber party at dawn is jus' a lame ass after party with no drugs." Some of the lunacy is slipping back in. The manic demeanor and fidgetiness.

She lays a hand on the womans arm, though, and glances up at her. Grinning ear to ear, twinkling in her blue eyes. "Thanks." Pat, pat pat... pat. "OKAY!"

Hands up, pointing at her brown roots with both hands, "BLEACH ME!"

And that's how April O'Neil made friends with Harley Quinn.