33/Smoker's Paradise

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Smoker's Paradise
Date of Scene: 19 February 2020
Location: Daily Planet Building - New Troy
Synopsis: Two people seeking introspection meet on a roof.
Cast of Characters: Daniel Hastings, Lois Lane

Daniel Hastings has posed:
One wonders at the weather and the hours. The sun has largely set save for a line of red on the horizon visible only from the tops of skyscrapers. Skyscrapers the likes of which the Daily Planet is. With its iconic rotating globe turning above, this corner of its upper floor is exposed to the brisk winds and majestic sights of the Metropolis skyline. Why is this place so important, one might wonder. Truly, it's just a place for maintenance workers to set up scaffolding to run window washers or to clean the mighty planet. The presence of a few cigarette butts, however, indicate its also a perfect place to come and smoke.. think.. well both. When a case is stirring the brain and isn't making sense. When a lead is burning a hole in the brain and you don't know where to go next, you pop out for a smoke. Sure, it's brisk up here but there's no Perry yelling to interupt your train of thought and occasionally.. just occasionally.. a red cape flies by.

Sadly, today is not the day for a red cape. Surprisingly, there /is/ someone up here. He's not wearing spandex. He's not got a flashy cape. No.. he's just a regular bloke in a denim jacket standing near the edge leaning on the wall and looking out over the city. His off hand has a cigarette pinched between his index and middle fingers but it is burning merrily without him as he seems to be lost in thought. Strangely, the blowing wind.. isn't mussing his hair.

Lois Lane has posed:
Lois hasn't been up to the roof in a while. She quit, mostly, when Superman died. Heading to the top of the building and seeing a view, one of the best in the city? It felt a little cheap. Especially given how many times she'd seen that red cape flapping nearby in the wind. But time went on things became a new normal. Now, Lois would sneak up to pretend to smoke. She'd bring a pack up, consider it, but never actually smoke. Smoking seemed like a socially acceptable excuse when you wanted to think.

When Lois opens the door to head onto the roof, she stops in her tracks in surprise when she realizes she's not the only one with the wise idea of being up here. "There room for two or is this the kind of thing you want space for?" She offers, hand still propping the door open.

Daniel Hastings has posed:
The blowing wind makes it a little hard to hear the door open but Lois' words carry thanks to her confident demeanor. The fellow straightens a little then rolls the cigarette in his fingers until he rubs it out on the low concrete wall he's leaning on. "I shant keep you from introspection if that is your worry, Miss." He glances back towards Lois and flashes a world weary smile. "The world's a big place and the universe even bigger. We two tiny motes would seem silly to fight over.. this." His right hand sweeps at the space between them.

Lois Lane has posed:
"I've seen tiny motes fight over smaller," Lois says, letting the door shut behind her. She makes her way further onto the roof, bridging the distance so that a conversation is much easier with the wind. She leans on the wall and offers him a smile. "You chose a good place. One of the best. Metropolis is gorgeous from up here, the view's something I never get sick of."

She taps the pack of cigarettes in her hand, but doesn't open it. The wrapper's still on. "But don't worry about my introspection, if I get too lost in that there's no end to that rabbit hole and it never ends well."

Daniel Hastings has posed:
Daniel Hastings ahhs as he turns back to look out over the city. "I've never been to Metropolis before. Truth be told, this is the tallest building I've ever been in." He folds his arms then leans his elbows onto the wall again as he looks out over the city. "It is a nice view. So many people." His brow knits a little as it all sinks in. "And so what does Carol have in store for you, hmm? Surely nothing so dramatic as a white mouse and a queen seeking your head." There's a flash of a smile at Lois over his shoulder. "So I can't imagine it would end so poorly as all of that."

Lois Lane has posed:
Lois laughs. It's one of genuine amusement, turning to glance over at the city beyond them. "Oh, you'd be surprised what ends up after my head." She glances at him sidelong and offers a small grin. "To be fair, I willingly stick my head in the rabbit hole. But who's gonna know what's down there if someone doesn't take a peek and see, right?" She nods her head back towards the building. "I'm a reporter. Rabbit holes are my bread and butter and queens seeking my head are par for the course. Haven't lost my head yet, so I've got a real streak going."

Daniel Hastings has posed:
"I think I would be more likened to the mad hatter than a queen, so you ought to be safe with me." Daniel profers with his own ironic laugh. "But I do see your point. A lady reporter could find herself in a number of compromising situations should a gentlemen be not such." Then he's looking back over the city. "Though I suppose you would not be reporting on kittens and mittens and all things nice. What newspaper, might I ask?"

Lois Lane has posed:
"Well, good to know you aren't here for my head. Not sure who I'd yell for if I got thrown off a building these days," Lois smiles wryly, then gestures towards the building. "The Daily Planet. Kind of hard to miss it, given you're standing here. Didn't know when you came in?" She pauses. "Or flew in? I don't know." She takes a long moment to study him before continuing.

"It's not always the gentlemen you have to worry about. I've seen ladies just as bad. But I go where the story goes, sometimes kittens are along the way and other times you find the not-so-nice. I just have a penchant for knowing where to seek out the scum. Great skill to have, right?"

Daniel Hastings has posed:
"I should hardly wish to assume." Daniel replies jauntily as he glances up following her geture. "After all, would it not be a headline to scoop the opposition?" Casting her a wink, he looks back to her. "As for your penchant, I would argue it is a good skill. Especially as you in the business of casting light upon the darkness. And, if as you say, you have a skill for keeping your neck out of the noose, more the better." Her long moment of study is returned with a casual lean against the wall and a somewhat passive regard of her in return. "No capes, miss. I'm sorry to disappoint. I am.. merely a wayward traveller who seems to have lost his home."

Lois Lane has posed:
Lois peers down below for a moment. "Sure is a long way down," she agrees. "Good thing you're not the opposition, right?" She sounds fairly confident of that. "Capes aren't what makes a person interesting, it just makes them easier to recognize." She returns to leaning against the wall.

"Can't say I've been in that situation, but I know what it's like to feel like you've lost your home." She shrugs a bit. "You at least finding your way alright? Tricky world out here, traveller."

Daniel Hastings has posed:
Daniel Hastings takes a moment to glance down as well but looks back to her quickly enough. "Surely, you'd not think me the sort to cast you down?" As in like, what kind of world /is/ this? "But.. yes.. slowly. I think. I.. can't say I have friends but I at least have someone who has enough interest in me to have granted a roof and a shower and a square meal. So I have that going for me. Now whether that lasts.. I cannot say." He shrugs. "It is something, at least, yes?"

Lois Lane has posed:
"Usually if someone's gonna throw me off a building they don't have a conversation with me beforehand, I'm fairly certain I'm safe," Lois points out. "Throwing someone off a building is dramatic, you need a more animated conversation than this to come to that conclusion." She crosses her arms, looking thoughtful. "So you really came from somewhere else? Are we talking another planet or universe or some small town in Kansas?" And there's the reporter.

Daniel Hastings has posed:
Daniel Hastings laughs outright. "I'm from Ontario." Straightening, he arches his back with the chuckle and places a hand to his stomach as he shakes his head. Once he has his composure back, he looks to her. "I can see how you might think I was some.. thing.. or another. It is your experience after all. So many.. gifted.. souls." His brow knits again and he looks back out over the city. "It's quite something isn't it? To fly. To shoot webs. To.. but dare I say fight justice? The truth has become so mired in.. no.. mired /by/ money.. politics.. this incessant bombardment of noise. I'd dare call it a cacophany not worth listening to. Which is half the point is it not? How politicians are elected now? To belabor their opponents with accusations half-baked until no one knows whom to believe and simply forms their own silo of 'truth' which is so devoid of the word but to which they cling?" He closes his eyes and bows his head. "I have to ask. Are you a voice of reason and clarity? Or are you as a resounding gong? Adding to the madness."

Lois Lane has posed:
"Oooh, the distant land of Ontario, you are far from home indeed," Lois gestures around, sweeping a hand out to indicate the city. "Easy to get lost in a sea like this. Easy to fall prey to everything the place has to offer, good and evil." She listens to his words, taking a moment to consider them. It's a heavy question for a reporter.

"All I've ever wanted was the truth. I've built my entire career in being someone people trust for the truth. Am I perfect? No. But I don't lie about things I see, what I know. Most of the time, I'm speaking from personal experience. I go to where things are and see the truth for myself. Not everyone has the guts to get that close to the face of chaos, but they deserve to know it for what it is." She grins. "So that's what I do. It's a lot of work, but is it really work when you're enjoying it?"

Daniel Hastings has posed:
Daniel Hastings's following laugh is dry. "It is indeed." But then he's silent for a time. Listening to her introspection. "I suppose I owe you an introduction at the very least." He turns to face her then, offering his hand. "Daniel." A brief introduction. "And no.. it isn't work. Though it was my work that got me into the trouble I'm in now so I imagine you know something of that as well." He chuckles and lingers long enough for the handshake before looking back out to the city. "It's easy to say the science is pure at the time you're studying it. To say the method is true. The ends justified. But I look out here.. and I have to think to myself. Is all of.. /this/ .. better? Unfortunately, there are worlds out there whose goal would be nothing less than the subjegation of all life on Earth. With technologies outstripping ours. So I feel a moral duty to aid in our advancement. Yet.. I think to Oppenheimer. His epitaph shall always be of the Bhagavad Gita. The words of Vishnu. Now I am become Death, the destroyer of worlds."

Lois Lane has posed:
Lois reaches forward, taking his hand. "Lois. It's nice to meet you, Daniel." She releases it, turning back towards the city for a moment as well. "You know, it's really easy to remain cynical about all of this. I am, most of the time. But the truth is, better is subjective. Your better might not be the same as my better. But if have the power to stop something bad from happening, I don't see why you don't go for it. There might be consequences down the road, but at the very least you've prolonged life and let people live it. Aren't we all just struggling to live another day more and live it well?"

She smirks. "But don't think I'm being too much of an optimist. I'm very aware of just how messed up this world is. I just believe that there are some good people out there who want to make it better... and they /are/."

Daniel Hastings has posed:
Daniel Hastings takes a deep breath and lets it out with a sigh. "That's the rub, isn't it? To sit idly by as others suffer? To excercise my talents.. striving to do better.. knowing there are worlds out there that would treat us as a gnat were it not for the gifted among us. When I could help to bring us to.. something greater. But also having seen the horrors such technologies can bring. Hoping beyond hope that they will be used for good and not the evil I fear." He looks to her again though this time with an earnest regard. "Tell me. Of all the governments.. of all the corporations.. and the like.. whom would you say is the most moral? The most ethical in its application?"

Lois Lane has posed:
"Now, that's a loaded question, especially to ask a reporter," Lois looks entirely too amused by that question. "There are some I suppose that are a little kinder than others, perhaps a little more fair in their practices, but when it comes down to it, corporations are not people. People are what makes things ethical and fair. It's why I like interviewing CEOs, they tend to be the most interesting."

Daniel Hastings has posed:
"Is it? You of all people, Lois, will cut to the chase and the quick." Daniel rebuts with a faint smirk. "Alright. Of all the CEOs you've interviewed.. who has left the greatest impression? Wayne? Richards? Stark? Queen? I've spent hours on the internet but that, as we've just discussed, is a clearinghouse of information devoid of truth. Facts, perhaps, but truth? Hardly. Those are the four that have stuck out in my nosing about."

Lois Lane has posed:
"Well, if we're playing favorites I feel like Stark's incredibly intelligent, but he's a little out of touch with the people. Happens sometimes when you're loaded with cash. Wayne's probably my best bet, while he also suffers from the same disorder, he seems more kindhearted and concerned for those around him. Good business sense, though, he still makes money. Richards and Queen I've not really gotten a feel on." Lois chuckles. "Why, looking for a job with one of them? I'm not sure I've got enough sway to hook you up, I'm afraid."

Daniel Hastings has posed:
Daniel Hastings listens. Nods. "I'm not sure. My.. previous job.. well.. might still be around. But they're not sure if they want me back is the trick. Can't say as I blame them. Lots of variables to consider. Sensitive topics. That sort of thing." He purses his lips consideringly then smiles, winking with a conspiratorial lean in for her benefit. "I'm a physicist you see. Big math. A dash of chemistry thrown in. Doctorates. Subatomic particles. Stellar formation. Got in on the ground floor with Big Science, you see. Though I imagine there's a lot I have to catch up on."

Lois Lane has posed:
Lois grins. "Ah, a big brain, I see. Too rich for my blood. But I can guarantee there are all kinds of research institutions out there, some funded by the big guys. I'm sure you can find some options if you look hard enough. Flash some credentials or, even better, prove yourself. It's always great to make them an offer they can't refuse when they see your work. You could start low, work things up from there."

Daniel Hastings has posed:
Daniel Hastings can't help but laugh. "Something like that." He shakes his head to follow. "I wish it were that simple, Lois. Life never is. To prove oneself, one has to have a body of work. Mine.. I can't share. Credentials.. no one would believe. So.. I stand here with a singular problem and no identity to show for it." Ahah! There was always a twist, right? He looks back to the view though there's a sideeye given to the reporter.

Lois Lane has posed:
"Right, because you're from... Ontario," Lois smirks, folding her arms over her chest. "Here's the thing... you've got to prove yourself. Metropolis is a great example. You can make it anywhere by jumping in, laying some groundwork, and showing it off. I've worked years to get where I'm at, and now more people know my name than I ever would have guessed would... and not all of it is because of some superhero."

She nods. "My advice is... find yourself a way to get on their radar. Make them want you there. Show them what they're missing."

Daniel Hastings has posed:
Daniel Hastings chuckles again. "I am from Ontario." Still, he seems amused by her skepticism and leans on the wall, looking down and out and all about. "I suppose I should look to the silver lining. I do have a roof over my head. The meals aren't the greatest but they're better than K rations. I'm not running for my life on a daily basis." He tuts then reaches into his pocket to pull out a Snickers bar. "And as much as I want to say things have gone topsy turvy.. this.. right here? Has yet to be improved upon." He takes a moment to peel the wrapper down and take a bite. "Oh.. heavenly." He doesn't talk for the time it takes him to chew and swallow. "It's the simple joys in life that make it worth living, Lois. I thank you for your time. For.. letting me ramble like some incoherent philosopher. It has, at the least, brought me a little clarity."

Lois Lane has posed:
"I appreciate your time as well, Daniel. I always find it's nice to see another's perspective," Lois says, glancing sidelong at him as she seems to take in some of the words. "Simple joys are pretty good, yeah. Sometimes it's all you've got. But I like the incoherent philsopher thing, it's nice to talk to someone who enjoys that sort of thing."

Daniel Hastings has posed:
"Well, if ever I get a phone, I'll send you a line. Perhaps we could discuss Thorough or the like sometime. If you're into poetry." Daniel flashes a smile. "Or email. I should set up an email. Yes." He adds as an afterthought to himself. "Well. Lois of the Daily Planet. Forgive me for being horrifically vague but you are a reporter and I'm not sure if the whole of my story ought to be shared yet. If ever." There's a pragmatic sort of shrug offered. "I do at the least owe you coffee. Until then." He dips his chin to her rather formally then turns for the door inside.. apparently not flying off into the ether.

Lois Lane has posed:
Lois pats her pockets for a moment until she pulls out a business card to hand to him. "Take that. Easier to get through to me that way than to try and just call up the Planet and ask for Lois Lane." She grins. "We get a few too many people who do that." She does give him a nod. "I can understand not wanting to share the whole story... got a few people who like to close off just because of the reporter thing. But, you know, I'm also just a woman who likes to hear a good story. If you feel like talking, I'll listen. Off the record."

Daniel Hastings has posed:
Daniel Hastings arches a brow as he accepts the card. "You know, Lois, an articulate woman like yourself could well talk herself into a dinner invitation. Once I have some manner of attire and income worthy of your time." He tucks the card into his breast pocket with a smile. "But then I'm sure you already have someone in your life." His hand raises to his forehead to tender her a sort of salute then he slips into the stairwell, closing the door behind him.

Lois Lane has posed:
"I am very good at talking my way into things," Lois agrees. "Sometimes, I talk my way back out of them too." She gives him a nod as he disappears. "You get yourself settled and I may take you up on it," she calls before turning back around to lean in on the stone wall overlooking the city.