6191/Central Perk

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Central Perk
Date of Scene: 12 May 2021
Location: Central Park
Synopsis: A quiet day in Central Park is broken by a runaway horse and carriage.
Cast of Characters: Kitty Pryde, Rahne Sinclair, Greg Rollins, Vic Sage

Kitty Pryde has posed:
It's a nice afternoon in Central Park. Kitty Pryde has finished up work at JVD Fashion and made her way over to the park. A message to some of her friends let them know she'd be there if any happened to be about the city, and free.

Kitty approaches one of the many small carts selling all manner of deliciousness. In this case it's a cart that sells coffee and tea of all varieties, as well as an assortment of pastries, biscotti, and even small sandwiches.

She walks up to the stand. "So you know, 'Friends' already used the name Central Perk," she says, her face split with a teasing grin for the older man who runs the cart.

He gets a faint grin but covers it with a look of mock exasperation. "Always you tease me about that," he tells her, wagging a finger at her chidingly. "If you weren't such a refreshing sight to see I might have to charge you extra," he tells her with a shake of his head. "So, latte and a cherry danish?"

Kitty grins back to him. "You know it," she says.

Rahne Sinclair has posed:
Rahne Sinclair, happy to have been given a job, totally missed Kitty at her place of work. She has a letter from someone, a legal firm or something, and was told to hand it to Kitty asap! Though that may not have been the exact wording used, she has edited her memory to exclude any and all swear words or accidental rudeness.

That's totally not lying. Isn't, nu-uh.

She keeps sniffing the air, wandering. "This....way," she mumbles to herself, knowing she's missed Kitty and that she went this direction, but her sense of smell is basically nose-dead in human form.

And it'd take an emergency to make her go wolf in the middle of...

"Ms Kitty!" she shouts, spotting the woman. Maybe. It could be a librarian.. Hrm.

Greg Rollins has posed:
There's a small hum from overhead as something flies by, and actually lands in a tree. Softly. The silver clad figure's visor is down as it looks around, one hand holding a branch and the other to one side just to balance. A bag is around the figure's waist, too.

Gex's head turns, looking around as the eye slit of his helmet seems to glow just a bit, then he reaches up with his free hand and raises a hand over the visor to make it disappear. Sighing, he puts a hand to the side of his helmet, then shakes his head.

His head turns as he looks around again before he takes off once more, aiming for... a men's restroom of all things? Hopefully unseen mostly, he heads inside.

Vic Sage has posed:
Vic Sage was loitering the park people watching he's in a suit and trench coat and his hair is currently dyed blonde so he doesn't see to draw attention. No one thinks hes a weird homeless man. those he is very strange.

He's wearing headphones and if you stood close enough you would hear that he's listening to a playlist of k-pop, doja cat, and arianna grande songs. Vic is watching and looking for any signs of abnormal behavior especially anything he could tie back tot he great secret Kabal that runs the world.

Kitty Pryde has posed:
Kitty Pryde gets the latte and the Danish from the vendor. "Thank you," she tells him, using her phone to pay for the snack. That's when she hears her name being called from elsewhere in the park.

Kitty turns, seeing Rahne a little distance away in the green of the famed park. Kitty heads that way, having to pause as one of the horse-drawn carriages so popular with tourists trots past on the paved path set aside for them. One comes through every few minutes at the least.

She crosses the concrete, her steps bringing her near to the blond-haired man in the trench coat with the headphones on. Kitty doesn't seem to pay him much attention as she lifts the hand with the cup to gesture towards Rahne. "Hey, you're here," she says with a bright smile. "Was just about to sit down and enjoy my Danish. Want to grab something and join me?" she asks Rahne. She hasn't seemed to notice the figure that flew over to the bathrooms.

Rahne Sinclair has posed:
Rahne is looking around at -everything-, not being used to the city as she is. She sees things but honestly, amidst the plethora of strange one more odd thing barely even registers. She glances back down from something she spotted overhead, barely even noticing, and nods to Kitty as she clutches the letter to her chest with both hands. Girl's short, even in this company.

The passing of a horse with a carriage gets her attention, and as she starts to say, "It's nice to find ye!" she kind of trails off, as she watches the mighty four-legged beast trot past. She's never had a good relationship with horses; they tend to smell the wolf on her.

"Uh. Wot was ah..oh." Blinking green eyes, and she loooks at the odd smelling guy nearby, then says, "Whaur are we?" Yes, her accent is harsh. But understandable.

Greg Rollins has posed:
After darting into the restroom, the silver figure doesn't remerge from it. What does emerge is some teenager it looks like with a cowboy hat and a black shirt and jeans on.

Tilting his hat a little, the rather dark orange skinned teen starts to look around, then winces a bit as he holds his head. Taking a few breathes, he looks around again before starting to walk with the same pack that the flying figure had now slung over one shoulder.

Stopping at the same vendor as what Kitty did, the teen looks at the cart, and actually does have the old man asking him if he wants one before he shakes his head and raises a hand as if to say 'no' before starting off again.

The horse that he sees definitely has his attention, though, and his eyes follow the magnificent looking animal enough that he's just standing there and watching for a few minutes. And in plain view, too.

Vic Sage has posed:
Vic notices the 2 young women, notes the the heavy scottish brouge of the one and the rather high status looking fashion sense of the other.

Vic notices the silver figure but pretends not to see them go in to the restroom and not come out and the heavily tanned looking teen that didn't enter, exit. He goes up to the coffee cart and orders hazelnut mocha latte and a glazed donut. All the while subtly observing the strange looking teen and keeping an eye on the young ladies as well. Though admittly at the moment beyond convential good looks there isn't much to note about them.

Kitty Pryde has posed:
Kitty Pryde grins back to Rahne. "I didn't know you were around the city," she says warmly. "I sometimes like to come out here and relax before heading back home. Warren's got some things he's dealing with so probably won't be home until later," she tells her friend and former classmate.

The horse is indeed beautiful. Dark brown coat, brushed to a glossy sheen. The muscular body trots along, easily pulling the carriage that has the driver and a couple in it. They continue on down the trail, while around the bend another horse appears, with white markings on its legs and nose, drawing its own carriage.

This carriage has a small family of five. The oldest child is a boy of about 11. While the parents are busy pointing out parts of the park to their youngest child, the boy has a straw that he surreptitiously loads with something and shoots it at the horse's rump. The horse whinnies loudly and prances for a step. The driver didn't see what happened, just responds to try to calm the horse.

It trots on for a bit longer as the kid loads up another payload into his spitball gun. When his parents aren't looking he shoots the horse again. This time the horse lets out a louder sound and rears back for a moment, then starts racing forward. It has the bit in its teeth, making the driver's attempts to pull back on the reins useless as the horse and carriage dart forward at unsafe speeds!

Rahne Sinclair has posed:
"Ah waus tae d'liver thes," Rahne says as she remembers what she's doing, who she's talking to. The smell of the Danish has her nose twitching, and she misses the horse event as she holds out Kitty's letter.

While she may, and in fact does, train to handle these kinds of things, Rahne has always had a major issue with putting her abilities to actual use. As she holds out the letter toward Kitty, she cranks her head around to look at the horse, the carriage. And she hesitates.

"Wot...what do ah.." Standing there, like an idiot. Like a child. "What do we do?" For all her abilities, it takes a mind ready to use them. Something that her worries of being seen, of being hated, lags her actions.

Greg Rollins has posed:
The suddenly darting horse has the attention of the teenager. He looks around before sighing and muttering something to himself. Then if there was any doubts on whether or not he was the silver clad figure from before, they are kinda dashed. Silver flows from under his clothes, expanding into a suit of some sort as he runs forward. The only sign of what people just saw was real by the time it's done is the literal trail of shredded clothes as he takes to the air.

His arms come down to his sides before coming back up as he expands his wings and flies forward quickly, matching the horse's pace before he tries to get ahead of it and shoot some sort of foam spewing projectile ahead to slow it down hopefully.

Seriously, whoever he is, he's at least doing something. But it's still a horse.. and he doesn't know a thing about horses. Just that it's a speeding animal he's trying to not hurt along with passengers!

Vic Sage has posed:
The horses start going wild and Vic pauses thinking about what to do. Vic notices the sepia colored teen transform but Vic is now convinced that he means well enough so doesn't bother to try to confront him.

Vic looks around the coffee cart. He grabs a handful of sugar packets and a few habdfuls of some fresh fruit cups he sees filled with apple slices. "charge me later" Vic says to the propriator and he dashes off to try to go calm the rampaging horses.

Kitty Pryde has posed:
In the back of the carriage, everyone including little Jeffrey who started all this, are either thrown off their seat, if in the backward facing one, or jammed against the back of the carriage as it suddenly darts forward. The horses hooves pound on the pavement, quickly drawing the attention of most of the people in the area.

Kitty has just taken the letter, but it's quickly forgotten as she sees what is happening. The horse is already outpacing her though, there's no way she'd be able to catch up to it. Instead her eyes go to Gex as his suit emerges and he flies over and sprays the foam.

The horse's eyes are wide and sweat flecks its neck. It gallops through the foam, slowed, and then the cart itself hits the foam and slow further. The horse tries to continue forward, but now instead of racing forward at 20 miles an hour, the carriage is just moving at about a quick jog, the wheels bound up by the foam. Giving Vic more time to catch up with the enticing treats.

Rahne Sinclair has posed:
She'd asked Kitty what to do, but Kitty has told her what to do. In the Danger Room, in training sessions. In the classroom. What do you do, when something goes wrong? You make a choice, and take action.

Whimpering for an instant, Rahne starts to run. Then she's sprinting. And then she's not Rahne anymore, the four legged form with crimson fur whipping past the two-legged. Leaping the foam, the form of Wolfsbane chases after the carriage.

Then that form steps in front of the horses, and stands there. They are given a choice. Continue running toward the predator, or do not.

Best case scenario, the horses will be stopped enough for the humaniforms to do their humaney things with them. Worst case involves trampling.

Because she will not harm the horses.

Greg Rollins has posed:
Gex turns his head to look at the wolf, and nearly crashes into a tree limb before dipping under it and turning to fire more capsules to slow the horse and carriage. Afterwards, he lands on the ground and turns to eye the horse, hand moving to shield himself in case it tries to turn towards him.

The wolf is looked at briefly before he looks around at the others and the hero voices, "Someone know how to calm the animal down? I would rather not harm it." He asks.

And it is obvious that other than the foam, he probably doesn't have anything that wouldn't harm it seemingly. At least he slowed it considerably!

Vic Sage has posed:
Moving rather spryly for what many people would have dismissed as some random drunk in the park Vic sprints to try to catch up to the horses and the carriage. He starts to Whistle to try to gain their attention. The horses are haulted by the appearence of a werewolf? No matter its not the strangest thing vic has scene by a country mile.

Vic is a little out of breath and panting but he tries to speaking soothingly to the scared animals. "hey hey sssssssshhh sssssshhhhh its ok its ok I have treats just calm down I have treats. He hastily rips oppen some suger packets and pour it on some applie slices in his other hand and offers them to the first horse. "See I have treats its ok I've got you" He does the same to the next horse once he's seen if this appraoch works.

Kitty Pryde has posed:
Between the foam, and the prospects of the predator that suddenly appears before it, the horse that is pulling the carriage finally comes to a hasty stop, the parents in back having grabbed hold of their kids, arms around them.

Vic catches up and the alarmed horse is gradually calmed by the application of the fruit and sugary treats, at least so long as the wolf doesn't come any closer.

The driver hops down, moving over to help sooth the horse as well. "Thank you, thank you everyone," he tells those who helped.

At little Jeffrey? He hit his straw away. The little demon-boy saving it for another time.

Rahne Sinclair has posed:
The wolf? The wolf is gone. Running away, the oversized creature vanishes into any cover it can, leaving things to those more suited to speaking with soft words, with pleasing tones. With less Her.

Rahne lets them have the win, then runs away to think about what she did, or didn't do. And to beat herself up more than necessary, and eventually to rest.

Greg Rollins has posed:
Gex looks around, making sure the danger is done before he turns and takes to the air.

He's not sticking around it seems, as he flies upwards, then jets off.

That had to be a bit of strangeness, even for New York, right?