5528/Playing Con(vention) Games

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Playing Con(vention) Games
Date of Scene: 10 March 2021
Location: Location
Synopsis: No description
Cast of Characters: Peter Parker, Nia Nal

Peter Parker has posed:
Malcolm "Mal" Reynolds, captain of the Firefly-class ship SERENITY, looked a little nervous as he faced down the hordes moving towards him.

He had a right to be nervous. He was ten minutes late.
Peter Parker checked his phone, then shoved it into his breast pocket and checked the prop pistol at his hip. Okay, the matte finish still looked good.
He looked up again, searching for Nia.
It had been his idea to meet here for the convention after the chicken dinner (winner, winner) and suiting up, but he had gotten delayed by a garden-variety mugging, and not a single bat in sight. So, Spider-Man had to do a little covert webbing-up, and hoped there wouldn't be too much of a social-media response. But it made him late. Maybe she gave up on him and went in, or went home...

Some hero he turned out to be.

Nia Nal has posed:
Speaking of heroes, Nia isn't dressed as one. Or, mabye she is. Harley is complicated these days. Either way, the reporter climbs from the hotel shuttle and adjusts the lanyard around her neck with her press badge. Fishnets, colored boots, shorts, and everything else one would expect from Harley. Colored pigtails, smeared lipstick, fake tatoos, all of it. It works for her, honestly. She spots Peter and grins.

"The coat is looking awful brown," she states as she makes her way over.

Peter Parker has posed:
"Well, it is supposed to, Little Miss Romance Novel." Peter chuckles. "I tried to get it as close as I could. The coat was from a thrift store." He looks her up and down. "Wow. That's certainly a statement. Namely, 'Dangerous Curves Ahead.'" He paused, and said, "I was...kinda late, though. I just got here before you did."

Nia Nal has posed:
She blushes at the statement, but the make-up mostly covers it. She glances down at herself and grins a bit ruefully. "I'm always super nervous wearing shorts like these, but...well, I won't get into the details. But I made it work." Nia turns back to Peter. "Oh, that's fine. My shuttle ran late, anyways. I'm not crazy enough to expect you to be early when I'm not."

Peter Parker has posed:
Peter nods. "Well, I didn't want you to think I had been waiting the whole time and holding it against you." He points to the wide doors leading into the convention center. "Shall we brave the chaotic hordes?"

Nia Nal has posed:
She nods and turns to look at the doors dubiously. "We shall." Nia turns and offers Peter the crook of her arm, flashing him a grin. "So, what are we doing first, hmm?," the young woman asks curiously.

Peter Parker has posed:
Peter slid his arm into Nia's. "Well, I got my badge already. If you have yours, let's check out the main floor and look at what is for sale?"

Nia Nal has posed:
Nia Nal beams when he takes her arm. "Sure thing. I wanted to keep an eye out for some Archie comics." He can tell that she is in surprisingly good shape by the firmness of her arm, but the outfit kind of puts that on display, anyways. They make their way into the lobby, though she pauses her and there to take photos of things or say something into a small recorder she can actually use for work, too.

Peter Parker has posed:
Peter moves with her, secretly thankful that the Browncoat costume isn't very form-fitting. Maybe he could say it was a muscle suit...a very THIN muscle...

His thoughts trailed off as he saw what he could only describe as a bodybuilder wearing a Spider-Man costume. Jeez, the guy wore it better than HE did, and by the number of people taking pictures of him, he wasn't the only one who thought so.
He paused near the door to the wide-open area to put what looked like a small red matchbox on the sill of the nearby window before continuing on. The box unfolded into a small spider that took off and began flying a pre-arranged path to take pictures.

Nia Nal has posed:
"Eh. The costume is good. But the real Spidey is less bulky. I dunno. Sexier. Also really goofy." Her tone is soft so the guy doesn't overhear. She doesn't want to be some jerk negging another person's costume, afterall!

She's distracted enough not to notice the spider drone or anything like that, hooking her arm back into his when he returns,

Peter Parker has posed:
Peter nods. "Yeah...really goofy, that's him."
Well, there are WORSE things to be called.
"So...geez, BICEPS...uhm, sorry. Wait. Sexier?" THAT was a new one. The last girl who flirted with Spider-Man just did it to get his autograph...for her boyfriend. "Never heard him called that before."

Nia Nal has posed:
She shrugs a bit. "I don't know. There's something approachable about him, I guess. I mean...I have a huge crush on Supergirl, don't get me wrong. But...there's something almost untouchable about her?" Nia shakes her head a bit and pauses at a horror booth. She ooooohs, looking up at some very nice horror action figures. "I love scary movies."

Peter Parker has posed:
Peter nods. "Yeah, Supergirl is pretty epic. She's pretty and epic."

And to be fair, she was pretty touchable...
*Stop doing this to yourself, Pete. Move on.*
And of course his Voice of Reason sounded like Harry.
"Well, she's a pretty decent person. Down-to-earth." He stops as they pass an anime booth.
The banner is bright yellow, and the words across the top banner reads YELLOW SCARF BUSTER.
"Holy cow, I've heard of this one!" He points to the articulated figurine on one shelf. "She's like, a Japanese heroine in real life. I'd heard about her, but didn't realize she was real."

Nia Nal has posed:
She has no idea, of course, that Peter dated her main Metropolis crush. She pauses at the anime booth with him and grins a bit, watching him geek out. She shakes her head. "Mm. Haven't heard of her, myself. Looks pretty cool, though. Are you going to get it?"

Peter Parker has posed:
Peter checks out some of the other types of merch. Figurines, pictures, posters, even USB drives with artwork. The guy behind the counter says, unprompted, "We don't have body pillows or boob mousepads."
"Uhm, we weren't going to ask for those." Peter looked a little startled. "Uhm, do you have a store card? I'm kinda running lean this week."
The counter-guy, who seemed to have heard it all before, wordlessly handed Peter a business card with artwork, a website, and a phone number.
"Thanks." He looked to Nia. "Any type of thing you're looking for?"

Nia Nal has posed:
She blinked at the exclamation of not having some specific goods. She then glances over at Peter and shrugs a shoulder. "I don't know. Nothing specific. The boots are kinda killing my feet, though, so I'll have to hit the con in bursts," she explains. She glares down at her boots and then sighs, turning back to him.

Peter Parker has posed:
Peter looks at the boots, then winces. "Let's head over to the food court and sit down for a bit." He points to a fairly-open area with three food trucks parked near the loading-bay doors at the rear of the convention center. He looked back to the stand and saw a rack with fan comics involving Buster in a passionate embrace with Goku.

Owari would cheerfully kill him.

"Do you have any other shoes? I mean, comfortable footwear is practically a con necessity."
A rather sweaty Naruto walked past, and Peter's nose wrinkled. "...like SOAP."

Nia Nal has posed:
"I didn't think this through too much. I just kind of wanted to look cute for you," she offers with an embarassed laugh. She turns to head over to the dining area and sinks into a seat with a small 'oof'. She adjusts her pigtails a bit and turns to watch some other folks walk by, looking quite happy. It makes her smile.

Peter Parker has posed:
Peter sighed. "Nia, it's flattering, but watching you walking around like Hans Christian Andersen's little mermaid isn't very cute." He sits down across from her. "Think a set of cushioned inserts might do the trick?" He pauses, then adds, "Where are the pain points?"

Nia Nal has posed:
"Heh. Sorry." She considers that and glances down at her feet. "Um. The front part, between the middle toes? And a bit in the arch. Sorry, I don't know a ton about feet," she responds with a rueful grin. "And yeah, I think some inserts would work wonders. I'm usually a lot smarter then this." In actuality she'd been thinking about Peter, and hadn't really been thinking logically.

Peter Parker has posed:
Peter nods. "Yeah, well, live and learn." He looked at the boots, then hmmed. "There's a pharmacy nearby here. How do you feel about settling in here for a bit? I'll go grab a set of inserts for the boots, and then we can set them up so you won't have to suffer with every step?"

Nia Nal has posed:
"They aren't too bad, yet. I can just tell they -will-. Can I go with you?"

Nia sits up a bit and grins. "I'd much rather walk with you then sit around and wait. But, if you wanna go on your own, that's cool, too. I can get a drink and wait."

Peter Parker has posed:
Peter eyed her. "If you're SURE, then we can go together. I just don't like you having to deal with bruises and blisters when we're supposed to be working and enjoying our work." He points to a side door. "That goes to a hallway that leads out to the street. Four minutes of walking, we'll be there. But if you start limping..."

Nia Nal has posed:
"If I start limping, you'll what?," she teases lightly. Nia climbs to her feet. "I mean, doesn't that mean I get to lean on you or something? That sound so bad?" She tucks an escaped bit of dyed hair behind her ear and flashes him a playful smile.

Peter Parker has posed:
Peter gives an exaggerated smile. "Well, then I'll have to carry you...we'll get stopped by people wanting to take pictures...progress will slow to a crawl..."

He's being melodramatic, of course.

Nia Nal has posed:
"Well, that doesn't sound so bad." She loops her arm back into Peter's and points to the door. "Alright, well, lead on, Captain. I'll suffer through it." She glances up at him, grinning playfully.

Peter Parker has posed:
Peter nods, but he does take a certain care moving towards the exit. The drone can keep taking pictures, and it won't get distracted by cosplayers.

As they walk, Peter looks to Nia. "Do you live in Metropolis, or elsewhere?"

Nia Nal has posed:
"Metropolis. It's a studio, but it works for me. I like living in the city. It's so different then back home, you know? Or maybe you don't. Are you from New York? The accent makes me think Queens?" Her hip lightly bumps his as they walk.

Peter Parker has posed:
Peter chuckles. "Sheesh, is it THAT obvious? Yep, Queens. Probably going to live there my entire life." He looks around. "That way."
They turn right, and Peter spots the sigh for the pharmacy, a garish neon on a whitewashed backboard with lettering. "I've been to a lot of conventions. After dealing with real life, Faerun, Middle-Earth, and Westeros don't sound as bad." He pauses. "Well, maybe not WESTEROS..."

Nia Nal has posed:
She laughs and nods. "Yeah, I'd skip Westeros." They walk along and head for the pharmacy, her pace an easy one. "You know, I always wanted to kiss Malcolm Reynolds," she says, taking a bit of a chancw.

"Do you like horror at all?," she asks, then.

Peter Parker has posed:
Peter's cheeks flushed a little at that. "Well...let's see how the rest of the convention goes, okay?"
It's not a "yes," but it's not a "no," either.
Peter pulled the pharmacy door open for Nia. "I'm not a big horror fan. I like the major writers, like Stephen King, Dean Koontz. I guess it's because, most of the time, the good guys stop the bad guys. Evil has to be defeated."
He points to the aisle marked FOOT CARE. "What authors do you like, Nia?"

Nia Nal has posed:
"I watch more horror then I read it, honestly. I read a lot of young adult stuff. I know, I know." She grins and heads over to the foot care section of the store. She chews her lip as she looks over the various selections. "What about you, Pete?"

Peter Parker has posed:
Peter looks thoughtful. "Chronicles of Narnia. The Hobbit and Lord of the Rings. Stephen King, most of the stuff after his Raging Addict phase in the 1980's. William Gibson. Piers Anthony, right up until his horror novel. Comic artists like Phil Foglio. And more mainstream authors like John D. MacDonald and Carl Hiaasen. The People Are Nutso in Florida stuff from Hiaasen is hilarious."

Nia Nal has posed:
"Oh, man. Spell for Chameleon was the first non-kid book I read growing up," she says with a grin. She plucks one of the selections off the wall and nods. "Okay, this should do the trick!"

Peter Parker has posed:
Peter nods and steps aside for Nia to take her impending purchase to the counter. "I think a lot of my humor came up as a result of those Xanth books." He points to a table in front of a small fast-food joint next door. "If we have to trim those, we can do it there so you can put those things to work quick."

Nia Nal has posed:
Nia Nal grins. "Really pun-heavy?," she asks. She moves to the counter and buys them before heading out to the table. She sits and begins to unlace her boots. One, and then the other. "So, what made you want to get into photography?," she asks curiously.

Peter Parker has posed:
Peter smirks. "My uncle. He showed me how photographs can convey a story. Picture worth a thousand words, as they say. But sometimes, it can say more. It can evoke a feeling, tell a story in an eyeblink." He sighed. "After my Uncle died, we found out we didn't have much. His pension was a joke. His life insurance only held out for so long. So, I had to use my camera to make a living. Aunt May had lived in that house for decades, no way was she going to get kicked out if I had a say in it."