6252/On the Trail of Spooky Shadows

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On the Trail of Spooky Shadows
Date of Scene: 17 May 2021
Location: Women's Dorms - Titan's Tower
Synopsis: Sif comes to Earth looking for SHIELD, and answers. Caitlin Fairchild brings her to Bobbi Morse. Friendships and loyalties are affirmed.
Cast of Characters: Caitlin Fairchild, Sif, Bobbi Morse

Caitlin Fairchild has posed:
Though no one's invented a convenient means of transmitting cell phones to Asgard, there are still ways for the local enclave to contact friends and allies on secure lines. Lady Sif had put some feelers out with trusted people to discuss what was afoot with SHIELD, and Caitlin Fairchild happened to be the first one who was able to pick up.

It doesn't take long for Sif to get to Titan's Tower, and Caitlin is there to meet her friend at the front door with a smile and a hug. Pleasantries accomplished they ascended the lift into the common room, a location more secure than the lobby and reserved for friends and allies only.

"I don't know everything that's going on," Caitlin admits, and invites Sif to find a comfortable chair. Most of the furniture looks sturdy enough to support people even built on the scale of Asgardians. She busies herself in the kitchen, preparing a small plate of finger food and a coffee service. Being Sunday, Caitlin's wearing a deeply aubergine dress with a calf-length hem, partial sleeves, and a pink camisole under a surplice neckline. Simple jewelry and matching flats make for a fetching but modest aesthetic.

"I've got a few friends who are in the know but they're playing it really close to the vest. Most of them are working for other Federal agencies at this point-- different parts of our government," she clarifies. "Others have gone underground. Is there someone in particular you're trying to get hold of?" She starts setting tea and coffee on a serviette and brings it over to set in front of Sif.

Sif has posed:
Being the brother of Heimdall has its privileges. One of those is the ability to wheedle and whine until he delivers you to where you want to go the fast way instead of all this tedious mucking about with "cars" and "subways" and "walking" and other such inconveniences. Though Heimdall, upon flipping Sif to Asgard for the first leg of the journey, raises an eyebrow and mutters something about being seen dressed like that and other such nonsense that poured off Sif like acid off a duck's back.

You have to put up with some indignities, after all, when you're imposing on your elder brother.

So the rainbow flash of Bifrost deposits one Lady Sif of Asgard, a.k.a. Interdimensional Warrior Karen from Hell if her armed-and-dangerous soccer mom outfit is anything to go by, right in front of the Titans' Tower.

The usual hugs and kisses, the usual pleasantries ("Oh, I'm living in a place called Chell's Sea right now. In Loki's home.") exchanged, the usual stretching on the sofa, legs extended way out into the floor space, crossed at the ankle, the usual polite gobbling down of food and guzzling of coffee, all that completed, the pair get to business.

"I'm interested in speaking with one I think I know and can trust. The one called Morse. I know her well enough, I think, that if she tell me aught of what transpires with the Shield, I can believe her. What I hear I cannot believe, but also cannot know. I need to hear from her mouth."

Caitlin Fairchild has posed:
"Agent Morse. I know her," Caitlin assures Sif. "She's one of the ones who went dark when all of this went down. I haven't heard from her in quite a while but I might know some people who can help."

Caitlin finishes setting out the food and elects to sit on the coffee table, legs tucking under it and to one side. "I don't know much more than you do," she admits. "It sounds pretty bad, but I can't imagine Morse and the others are involved in what went down. I bet they went underground to figure out what happened. I mean--" she pours some tea for herself once it finishes steeping, and adds a little cream and sugar to it. "Nukes in the Amazon? Weaponized drones? That's some wacky supervillain stuff, not SHIELD. It makes sense they'd go dark until they can figure out who's really behind this. There are plenty of people and organizations out there that would like to see SHIELD fail."

Sif has posed:
"If we can find the one called Morse, then I can find out who needs a solid smiting," Sif says, her face hard and serious. "I can command, at need, a full warband with little to no notice. With a little bit spoken to the right ears I can bring with a squadron of Valkyrior. If I can convince Prince Thor, entire armies can be brought in."

She takes a sip of her coffee without seeming to notice.

"I take attacks upon the reputations and the honour of my friends and my colleagues very seriously." Sif stands and starts to pace. "Any who take upon themselves especially an attack upon the honour of my allies are attacking my honour. There will be war over this. And those responsible will be sent screaming into Hela's clutches."

It's not hard to see anger in Sif. The body language. The tension. The cold, hard eyes. The dagger now in her hand, being gestured around for emphasis. This is Lady Sif the Pissed at the moment.

Caitlin Fairchild has posed:
Caitlin's eyes widen in momentary alarm. "That might..." she hesitates. "I'm not sure that's the most prudent thing to do," the redhead clarifies as delicately as she can. "It's not a legion of robots or invaders or something that can just be stomped into oblivion."

She sips her tea. "I'm not very good at this spy stuff," she admits. "It's all secrets and lies and allegiances. It makes my head spin just trying to keep up with things. Which is what I like about Asgard, no one except..." she glances at Sif. "Except for a couple people, no one plays that game."

"I don't even know what to do if we /can/ help Morse. I'm good at the smashy fighty bits. Not so much the spycraft and espionage. We'd have to put a lot of faith in trusting her assessment of the situation. I like her, but that's a scary leap," Caitlin admits.

Sif has posed:
"I trust Morse. Because she knows the price of betrayal in Asgard. She will understand that no matter how bad her situation might be, that as an ally I will be beside her helping her through it with honour and glory." The coffee cup shatters in her hand. "But if I am made enemy I will be implacable in bringing her to account. She is no fool and, too, she is by my estimation trustworthy."

Fortunately there wasn't a lot of coffee left. The carpet stain wouldn't be too hard to get out.

"I know one who could ... do this spycraft." Sif's eyes glance across at Caitlin with a bit of a sheepish grin. "Indeed I live in his home. Prince Loki has kindly agreed to permit me a room in his home. I could ask for his assistance in these matters."

Her voice drips with irony on that final sentence, knowing full well what the reaction was going to be to anybody who knows anything of Asgard...

Caitlin Fairchild has posed:
Caitlin winces at the broken dishware, and gets to her feet to retrieve a towel from the kitchen. "Sif, I..." she hesitates, and kneels down to start blotting coffee up from the floor. Thank goodness for stain-resistant carpeting.

"I know you have a, um. ...special, relationship, with Prince Loki. But I'm not sure the others would see it that way. And he's kind of done some things that made people really angry. If he just shows up, or someone spots him, he might really complicate problems. Even make them worse; people will think he was behind it all."

She tosses the towel in a laundry bin and sets a fresh mug in front of Sif. "But you know him better than I do," Caitlin concedes. "If you really think he'd help, you could tell Morse that he's offered."

Caitlin Fairchild has posed:
The discussion between Sif and Caitlin continued for some time, with no real gains being made. Sif's urgent need to act and Caitlin's lack of actionable information resulted in a frustrating lack of progress.

In the end, there was only one real option: find someone on the inside who could fill them in. A few phone calls and some careful messaging along secure lines had put Caitlin in touch with an old friend, someone Caitlin greatly admired: Dr. Bobbi Morse.

The meetup was by necessity a little clandestine, mostly because there's very little 'covert' about Caitlin or Lady Sif. The two were directed to a restaurant that caters to diplomats, with many well-insulated and closed-off dining areas. It was here that Caitlin and Sif were directed.

Once at the table, Caitlin takes her seat with one hand on her purse to maneuver it around. The redhead's still in her Sunday church service attire, with a very light touch on makeup and a fashionable if modest ensemble in aubergine.

"I hope Bobbi's hungry," she mutters to Sif. "The smell of that chicken marsala is killing me. There is something about spicy foods for me, lately, I don't even know."

She checks the time on her cell phone; they're a few minutes early. Cait's experiences with SHIELD quickly drove home the old adage, 'early is on time'.

Sif has posed:
At last! There's motion, not talking. That's what a thousand years of being forced along the warrior's path has done to Sif: made her intolerant of speech, favouring action. First travel to the restaurant. Then sit. And...

...talk. Waiting.

Well, waiting is normal even in Sif's line of work. And since this is a dining hall, one will naturally dine.

A lot.

"Two pitchers of your finest ale," she starts with, before glancing over at Caitlin. "What will you be having?" While Caitlin decides she continues, "a sampling of your finest meats prepared in the most interesting ways you have." She takes a breath in, nostrils flared. "I concur with my companion that the scent of the food currently dominating the air is enticing. Make sure that is present. And with the meats, whatever condiments and side dishes complement the meats as appropriate. But start with the ale."

She turns her head to Caitlin. "How many pitchers of ale will you be enjoying, and what foods? It is naturally all at my expense."

Bobbi Morse has posed:
    It's a delight to hear that Dr. Fairchild wants to talk. It was unfortunate she was so hard to get a hold of these days. The more allies of SHIELD worry, the more they try to get in contact.. which is dangerous right now. For them and for SHIELD. Their only concession is that HYDRA thinks they've won. But Colonel Talbot's taskforce is still out there and he is a doggedly stubborn man.

    They're early. Bobbi is a block away parked in an alley wearing riding jacket and helmet still. The heads up display on her helmet is tapped in to the security camera over the entrance to the restaurant. Discrete, the camera isn't meant to be broadcasting but SHIELD has all the spy toys still. Satisfied that it's just them... she is somewhat curious to find out why Lady Sif is back on Earth.

    Dismounting and putting her helmet and jacket in to a bag which she locks to the bike, she adjusts her business suit top and pants, checks her hair, then heads around the corner in to the restaurant. She talks briefly with the matriadee and then heads to the quiet table where Caitlin and Sif are.

    "Dr. Fairchild.. Lady Sif.. it is a pleasant surprise to see you both," she says and offers a hand to each. There's something a little different about her that's hard to put a finger on since the last time either of them saw her. Possibly it's just the slightly stronger handshake.

    She sits and looks back and forth between the two, "Not that this isn't extremely nice buuuut I am curious, what's the matter? is there an Asgardian prisoner escaped to Earth again?"

Caitlin Fairchild has posed:
Caitlin wrinkles her nose at Sif's offer of ale and smiles apologetically. "No ale for me, but definitely third helpings of everything," she requests, and nods at the waitress. "Maybe some iced tea, that'd be nice."

When Bobbi arrives Caitlin smiles pleasantly at her friend. Getting up from the table might be a /bit/ of a production, so she errs on the side of giving Bobbi's hand a warm squeeze between her palms. "It's so good to see you up and about, Bobbi," Caitlin says with a relieved expression. "You look great."

She settles back in her seat, fingers interlaced and hands resting on the edge of the table. "I know there's some issues with national security and clearances, but we were worried," she admits. "Sif hasn't been briefed on what's going on, and I admit I'm kinda in the dark as well. What they're saying about SHIELD on the news, that-- that can't be what's really happening."

She glances at Sif, then back at Bobbi, and prompts her with a nod. "Right?"

Sif has posed:
"Caitlin Fairchild has the right of it," Sif amplifies. "I have worked with you, Bobbi Morse, and with your fellows of the Shield in the past and know that what I hear of you does not pair with what I am hearing now. I wish to hear the truth of it from your lips."

Making room for Bobbi to slip in deeper so the three are even harder to see from outside the booth, Sif looks Bobbi straight in the eye. "Warrior to warrior: Is what is said about you and your fellows true or lie?"

Somehow having the Soccer Mom from Hell look pairs very badly with that 'warrior to warrior' gravitas. It's faintly ridiculous. Yet Sif is deadly serious.

Bobbi Morse has posed:
    Bobbi stares perhaps a little longer than she should. After all.. Sif is wearing Earth clothes and not her armor. This is not at all how she remembers Sif looking and it's quite the clash in her brain. She shakes her head and then takes out a small device and places it in the middle of the table. With a touch to a button a small light turns green.

    "This device will keep away any prying ears. Hopefully we haven't said too much already," she remarks. She smiles to Caitlin and says, "Thank you. As do you as always."

    With a small frown, she looks Sif in the eyes and says, "It is a lie. A very carefully crafted one. One of our oldest enemies, HYDRA, took their best shot at us. They have been planning for quite some time. The reports of our illegal activities? they flipped it. It was A.I.M. who set off a nuclear bomb in the Amazon. Amongst other things.. moles in SHIELD had access to mission reports and they used that to gain footage to tell their own twisted narrative."

    She frowns, "We have been identifying members of governments around the world, business men and women, global security council members.. HYDRA is more deeply rooted than we ever imagined. It's going to take some careful work to undo their grip. We're two steps behind them.. but we know where they keep their game plan and we will be going after it."

    An enemy deeply embedded in every day society is not something easy to smash without taking down all the good with the bad. This is spy vs spy at its core. "HYDRA thinks they've won.. we're being hunted by the US Military and they are moving ahead with their plans. They are kidnapping Inhumans to do.. who knows what. Nothing good. Their base of operations is hidden. Their new leader is a man named Dr. List, a former protege of Dr. Whitehall aka Dr. Reinhardt."

Caitlin Fairchild has posed:
"A.I.M.," Caitlin mutters, sourly. "I can't imagine someone ... /perverting/ science the way they do. It's reprehensible!" she says with a low venom. It's almost as if she takes it as a personal insult.

Caitlin looks to Sif and leans an inch towards her. "Advanced Idea Mechanics," she clarifies. "They're a big conglomeration of defense firms. They pass themselves off as researchers and scientists, but really they're all out to make a lot of money off guns and tanks. They're bad people."

She looks back to Bobbi. "So HYDRA and AIM are working together," she muses. "That's a scary thought. I studied a bit of research on the Inhumans while I was at SHIELD but the data's pretty spotty. They aren't trying to replicate a metagenetic reaction, are they?" she asks with an expression of dawning horror. "Those projects /never/ work out well!"

Sif has posed:
"You know that you have my blades at your side, Bobbie Morse," Sif says simply. In this case it's literal. The dagger she's wearing as the only clue to who she actually might be in the Nightmare Soccer Mom look is likedly resting lightly against Bobbi in the booth. This is probably not what she means. "If you have need of me, summon me and I will be at your side. If you have need of a warband, summon me and I will have one at your side."

She pauses, furrowing her brow. "An army would take time and some wheedling. I might have to persuade the Crown Prince to assist me in arrangements. A squadron of Valkyrior I could acquire if given enough lead time. I have more than enough debts owed me from that side."

She tilts her head and regards Bobbi. "And I currently have a room in the home of someone who is probably the master of this 'spycraft' you cite. I hesitate to mention his name because ... he is not well-regarded. But if it is help with spycraft you need, I can think of none, anywhere, who could outmatch his machinations. If he can be persuaded to assist you, your victory over your enemies is guaranteed."

She's not naming Loki, though.

Bobbi Morse has posed:
    "Strangely, it doesn't appear that AIM is directly working with HYDRA.. however the head of Iron Fortitude, the private security militia owned by Senator Feavits is clearly testing AIM weaponry in foreign countries. And the President covered for him at the behest of the Secretary of Defence.. who we have confirmed is HYDRA. So it seems like HYDRA is trying to get cosy with their old ally. Not good."

    She shakes her head, "I couldn't tell you. We found missile weapons and biological weapons used on tribal towns in Saudi Arabia. The evidence was to be presented to the United Nations Security Council.. but HYDRA took their swipe at us before that could happen. The truth is - SHIELD has been doing a lot of damage to HYDRA over the last two years. Big chunks. We got close to their leadership structure and they got scared. They threw us under the bus in the hopes that it'd keep us busy and not focused on them."

    "We will get to the bottom of AIM eventually, but for now we're trying to protect the Inhumans from List. The last time HYDRA abducted Inhumans en masse was Whitehall and he used their genetics to create super power serums deployed via a watch you wore on your wrist... it was a game changer and defeating him and his technology was extremely difficult. A lot of people died.. a lot of people were seriously hurt."

    She raises an eyebrow and admits, "...myself included." She holds up a wrist with a heart rate monitor, "The battle with Whitehall has left me with a serious heart condition. I have to be very careful. In combat and sometimes out of it." The heart rate monitor seems to be indicating a fairly steady and healthy heart rate right now.

    She smiles and nods to Sif, "My Lady Sif, I am honoured to know you and ... when the time comes to crush List's operation in to the ground you can be sure I will call for you to help. No doubt the Avengers will too. Curing SHIELDs reputation and taking these HYDRA agents out of key positions in government. That is our job, it is our duty to protect the world from these kinds of threats."

    She can't, for the life of her, guess who Sif might be suggesting. Surely not Loki, that'd be insane.. right? "Don't worry. We're very good at spycraft. We may have been blindsided.. but we have plenty of options up our sleeve." Such as turning Colonel Talbot and using proxies to present the evidence to the UNSC. "HYDRA will be dealt with. Both sides of their coin." As soon as they know what their plan actually is.

    "It's a trying time for us.. but we didn't get in to this game to be the heroes everyone looks up to on TV. We have a mission to protect this world using all our knowledge and skills. We're going to get that job done no matter how much HYDRA drags our name through the mud," she says with firm conviction.

Caitlin Fairchild has posed:
Caitlin listens quietly to Bobbi, nodding along. She winces sympathetically when the agent holds up her new wrist monitor, and frets her lower lip in concern for the victims of List's genetic experimentation.

"If there's anything I can do, I will," she promises Bobbi. "Just say the word. We still don't understand much about how Inhumans are created, the metagenetic process is still so uncertain. I think Dr. MacTaggart has a lot of the most recent data; STAR labs has done some work on the topic, but..." She sighs. "It's complicated."

Caitlin pauses, looks sideways to Sif, and carefully clears her throat. "Bobbi, Sif was... I think she's volunteering, um... her boyfriend. Kinda, sorta," she hastily amends, and holds her palms at Sif in apology. "She thinks... Prince Loki might be able to help."

Caitlin struggles *very* hard to keep her emotions from her face, on that one. A testament to how much she supports Sif, regardless of her agreeing with the warrior's conclusions regarding a certain Trickster!

Sif has posed:
"He's hardly my boyfriend!" Sif chuckles, mock offence on her face. "I am in Midgard to keep an eye on both him and the Crown Prince and since he is so often the source of troubles, I thought it most efficient to live inside his abode to spare me the effort of having to commute there daily to monitor him." She shrugs and makes a wry expression. "The fact that we are childhood playmates, and that we have a past together both as friends and as lovers made it an easy sell, but we are not romantically linked at the moment. His home is just conveniently located for my needs."

Swiveling her head from Caitlin to Bobbi, Sif continues, "But yes, I am proposing that I approach the Younger Prince for assistance. There are very few people in the Nine Realms the Younger Prince will do things for simply to do things for. I am one of them. And I think I can persuade him that whatever machinations he's undertaking here in Midgard, whatever schemes he's planning and executing, that stability of said schemes would be interrupted if some of the plans I'm hearing about here from you come to fruition."

Sif provides a tight smile.

"This is an exception to the ancient Asgardian saying: 'The enemy of my enemy is my enemy's enemy and nothing more.' In this case the enemy of the Shield and the enemy of the Younger Prince are disruptive to both in ways that are unpredictable and would irritate him. I can persuade him of this, I think, and you will then have magics at your disposal that will let you find what you seek more quickly. And magics that will allow you to destroy them more quickly as well."

She purses her lips as she considers how to word the rest. Then wets them with some ale. Then considers a bit more.

"There are few in the Nine Realms who are in a position to trust Prince Loki. He does not lie. This is why he is a master of it. He tells only those truths that further his goals. Once you recognize this ... and once you understand that he has goals of his own that he is ALWAYS going to work toward, no matter what ... he can be dealt with, if not safely at least with foresight and preparation."

Bobbi Morse has posed:
    Bobbi nods her head, "We've learnt a little more from their leader, Jiaying, but nothing concrete in terms of biochemistry. It hasn't been a high priority at the moment, as you can imagine."

    The expression on her face changes though when Loki is mentioned. His attempt at bringing war to this planet via New York City is not going to be easily forgotten let alone forgiven, especially with him, apparently, living it up in a house somewhere on Earth.

    She captures her expression and becomes neutral again, though the corner of her mouth twitch up a little as Sif basically describes herself as his jailor. "I.. have to say. After the ice castle incident with the animated skeletons and the sacrifice of that young boy...," she pauses for affect. "I cannot say I have much faith that Loki would not find some way to twist things to his advantage. It's better if he is kept away from the sensitive structures of world governance. As Thor once said, we are still a young species and we have to find our own way... no wait, that was Superman wasn't it? or... Supergirl? ...one of them anyway."

    "We may be stumbling a little right now but you have to give us room to get ourselves back on our feet. If we lean on the princes of Asgard every time we get a scraped knee we will never .. to continue the analogy .. grow up."

    "That isn't to say.. we spend our time trying our best to help others - it is refreshing and appreciated that our friends and allies wish to help us out too. No.. I think that Loki is not something SHIELD is currently well equipped to handle. The risks there are too great."

    She does take a curious note from Sif that Loki does not lie. That was not something she knew before. Nor that he was in the country. If they were still the SHIELD of earlier in the year in the Triskelion and the support of several world governments... she might recommend they go after him to arrest him for his crimes. But now? they must pick and choose their battles.

Caitlin Fairchild has posed:
Caitlin's expression while Sif speaks is very dubious but she's too polite-- or perhaps a bit too naieve-- to point out the subtext in Sif's assertions. She does tend to take people at face value, after all.

Bobbi's diplomatic refusal prompts a soft sigh of relief and a grateful look for the blonde doctor. Caitlin's nodding before Bobbi is finished.

"Not that... not that Loki's not, um... talented," she says, delicately as possible. "But the situation here might be just a little too fraught to bring him in. Especially if there's a chance we can salvage it ourselves."

"I don't think I can guarantee the Titans here, though," she tells Bobbi apologetically. "At least not overtly. We try really hard to avoid international politics and the situation with SHIELD falls right in line with the Cuba Arms Treaty," she apologizes. "It's something the United Nations and the state governments have to sort out. Getting the Titans involved at the wrong time is going to send a really bad message out about how the US operates with SHIELD."

Sif has posed:
"The reticence is expected and unsurprising," Sif says, nodding, "and if you do not wish his assistance I will not bring it up with him." There's a small amount of disappointment in the face, but tempered by what was obviously pre-prepared steeling. "My own force of arms, however, is still on the table. I am far more straightforward than the Younger Prince. What I say, I do. What I say I won't do, I won't do."

She takes a breath and pulls out her dagger, handing it, hilt-first, to Bobbi in an obviously ceremonial act. "Mine arms are thine, Bobbi Morse, and at thy disposal."

The Titans can't get involved for reasons of politics. Sif has no such qualms.

Bobbi Morse has posed:
    Bobbi nods her head to Caitlin about the Titans. "That's okay. That's not what the Titans are for. It's our job to keep people like the Titans safe. In a heart beat the wrong kind of government could turn on those young heroes. Some of them wouldn't stand a chance against a motivated anti-hero movement..."

    Yes, dark thoughts have been circulating as to exactly what it is HYDRA is up to. They can't rule out anything right now. She narrows her eyes a touch and says, "So stay vigilante. The media is a weapon and HYDRA seems to be mastering it."

    She smiles at Sif's genuine sentiments to help them out. The offered dagger surprises her though and she takes it, "I'm not gunna lie. I have no idea how this cultural exchange works.. do I hand it back or.. keep it or?" She smiles kindly though, amused at her own ignorance and hopes Sif doesn't take it personally.

Sif has posed:
Sif chuckles at that. "You accept or reject the offer, then hand the weapon back," she explains helpfully, her eyes dancing with amusement. "There are more little flourishes and such but I don't expect you to know them." Another amused chuckle that dies in her throat as she thinks about what Bobbi said about the Titans. "Your government would injure or kill children?"

There's a very dangerous edge to her voice in that question. The kind of dangerous edge that brings into mind the oft-mentioned warband. Or Valkyrior. Or army.

"You too, Caitlin Fairchild, have my blade. You have my pact: I will defend your Titans and, should life become scorned, my pact will be to avenge."

Caitlin Fairchild has posed:
Caitlin smiles at Bobbi, with obvious approval for her understanding the significance of the offer if not the precise protocols. She nods once in encouragement at the other woman.

At the ire-filled question about children, Caitlin puts her fingers very gently on Sif's forearm in a soothing gesture. "Sif, most of the Titans are of the age of majority now," she reassures the Asgardian. "Even Garfield can drink in a bar. We just got started in our teens. Some people can't quite shake the mental image of us being juveniles."

Once she's sure Sif's been mollified, she sits back and slips her hands into her lap, and smiles warmly at Sif. "And, I welcome your aid, and affirm mine in turn," Caitlin bids Sif with a subtle cadence that hints at the ritual words. "I mean, I'm already sworn to the defense of Asgard, but I'll also help you out, specifically," she clarifies, a beat later. "Though I'm trying to imagine a scenario where I need to help you but Asgard isn't involved, and if the-"

Caitlin realizes she's rambling and shuts her mouth with an audible click, swallowing the stream of consciousness with an apologetic smile.

Bobbi Morse has posed:
    She tosses the dagger around and catches it on the blade, then offers the handle back to Sif, "I accept. And no.. they would not. Not any government we'd recognise as legitimate. But we are talking about HYDRA here. They worm their way in to everything and corrupt it from the inside. SHIELD has purged itself of their number. I must say, things in SHIELD are a lot clearer now that we know some of our colleagues were working against us this whole time."

    "Besides the Titans are.. quite formiddable. I suspect if the Justice League ever retired, the Titans would step right up in to those shoes. Heck, they have people like Caitlin here.. Supergirl, their own Hawkeye, Nightwing who is practically the next generation of Batman. They're a heck of a team," she says.. and they really do kick butt. Their raid on the Red Room proved that to Bobbi.

Sif has posed:
Making a wry face, Sif says, "I keep forgetting how quickly you grow up. I swear, I left Midgard for the blink of an eye and when I come back my friends are hunted, the children of the Titans have grown up and Prince Thor is chasing some mortal crumpet."

Ah. Keeping tabs on the Princes. Now we (think we) know what one of those entails...

"I chose this time to not act as a visitor in passing. I will be using Midgard as my primary residence for the forseeable future, blending in to life among mortals. I will dress like a mortal." If 'dress like a mortal' means 'dress like a Karen from the bowels of Hel ... with a knife'. "I will eat and drink like mortals." Two pitchers of ale. For starters. Both empty by now and ready to be refilled. "I may even wander the city at night and combat some of the criminals so I can see what life is like for your poorest and most vulnerable."

Pan-pan-pan. Asgardian on patrol. Clear the streets. This is not a drill.

"I will re-learn Midgard and maybe have mortals worshipping me and asking my aid in battle once again."

Caitlin Fairchild has posed:
As Sif makes her declarations, Caitlin leans back just a few degrees out of view and flickers her gaze skywards. Clearly looking for a little divine patience herself. It passes in a second, and the expression she shoots Bobbi is one of fondness for Sif's peerless bravura and self-confidence.

"Sif, you know who might be a good one to talk to: Steve Rogers," she reminds the warrior woman. "He's our ambassador to Asgard. No one's better equipped to help you settle in comfortably, and to aim you at, uh..." a beat. "Challenges worthy of your strength. There's not much honor in clobbering mortals breaking petty civil codes, after all."

Not to mention the bad press it would bring Asgard if Sif went on a vigilante bender...

Bobbi Morse has posed:
    Bobbi can't help but grin at Sif's plan. Especially the 'mortals worshipping me'. "You might find some of that more of a challenge today than three thousand years ago.. or whenever it was last that Asgardians came to Earth on mass."

    She eyes the menu, "You know.. the food here smells delicious. Let's order some curries and enjoy ourselves a bit?" Because the motorbike outside is casually scanning military and local police frequencies for any action that might be headed her way. The last thing she wants it to get caught in Talbot's dragnet.

    "It's nice to just be out with friends. I can afford a drink or two," she says and motions to get the an attendant to attend them so they can make their order. She lifts up her glass of water and says, "To friends."