6269/Long Distance Delivery

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Long Distance Delivery
Date of Scene: 19 May 2021
Location: Rockefeller State Park Preserve
Synopsis: Blackjack O'hare arrives on Earth and delivers a package to one Lockheed, while Kitty and Hank stand watching in surprise.
Cast of Characters: Kitty Pryde, Henry McCoy, Blackjack O'Hare

Kitty Pryde has posed:
It had been a pretty normal night. Kitty had worked at the school today, and had hopped in one of the school's cars to go pick something up, accompanied by Henry McCoy and Lockheed.

The trip took them into Salem Center, with Lockheed having his image inducer turned on to cover him with the hologram of a cat while they were in town. The supplies are now in car's trunk and Kitty is driving back. She has music playing. Fleetwood Mac's greatest hits, and she's singing along. "To the gypsy... that remains. Her face says freedom, with a little fear. I have no fear, I have only love..."

She's tapping her hands on the steering wheel as the car drives through the dark, the headlights illuminating the road back to the school. Lockheed's image inducer is back off, and he hops up onto the seat and then over to the dashboard. He turns to look at Kitty, his wings giving little flaps.

"What is it boy?" Kitty asks curiously. She glances over to Beast. "He's being really antsy," she says.

Henry McCoy has posed:
No image inducer for Henry! He's au natural! He's enjoying the ride, the wind blowing in through the cracked window and ruffling the fur on his head. A grin as Kitty sings, the man always happy to hear and see people enjoy music. His fingers drum along the car door, in time to the song.

At Lockheed's behavior, Henry quirks a brow. His nostrils flare, trying to see if there's anything he can scent. "Something got him riled?"

Blackjack O'Hare has posed:
    Through deep field satelite radar, and near field strategic radar a shape slips unseen. It cuts through the atmosphere like a knife, leaving not so much as a heat plume to suggest it's presence. It scrubs speed and alters course beneath traffic control radar, gliding over rooftops until arriving at it's ordained interception point. It shouldn't be easy to miss two hundred ninety some odd feet worth of alien warship, but in the dark of night it's all but a phantom. Blotting out stars as it silently settles into position.

    The drives offer the slightest hint of a glow, just a tickle of EM enough to knock out cell towers for miles and disrupt the delicate circuitry of most modern cars caught in the EM wake. Deck lights finally coming to life along the bottom of her hull, illuminating the alien script across her bow and the Skeletal hare clutching a rifle immediately behind it. As still as stone, and as silent as a shadow the flattened arrowhead just -hangs- there for a moment.

    Inside it's captain grumbles as he slips down into the cargo bay, powering up his jet pack as he pulls down that distinctive chromite helmet. A double check to the watertight bag slung across his chest, before he pops the hatch and chances a glance at the deck's camera to flash a simple thumbs up before keying up his radio. <<Yeah just keep her on station near by, Terrans always want to chat with the aliens but this shouldn't take too long. Just keep her cold, yeah?>>

Kitty Pryde has posed:
Kitty nods over to Hank. "Yes. I'm not sure what it is," she says, looking to the small extra-terrestrial dragon, and then out the window at the night. But even someone who lacks Kitty's bond with the dragon can tell how antsy the dragon is. He flaps his wings and then he points kind of like a dog might, pointing off to the right.

Kitty looks over that way. "The entrance to the State Park?" she asks. The question gets an excited flap of Lockheed's wings. "Ok boy, we'll turn in," she tells him, pulling into the entrance and driving slowly past the entryway.

The little dragon continues to point out directions, Kitty pulling down one of the roads that leads deeper into the park. Before she's quite made it to the parking area at the end though, the car's engine starts to sputter, making noises. The music also starts to crackle with static and cut in and out. "What the hell?" Kitty asks. She pulls out her phone, unlocking it and passing it over to Hank. "Pull up the signal search app and see if you can tell what's going on," she says, referring to something that likely Hank has had a hand in updating, along with Kitty and Doug.

Henry McCoy has posed:
The look of concern grows on Henry's face as the engine takes a turn, then the music. Again he scents the air, pulling the app up on Kitty's phone. "Bother - it was a nice ride, too." Always something to interfere with normal life! His eyes scan the area, even as he waits for the app to load and start scanning. "Does he act this way around specific signals, Kitty?" The Beast wonders, looking over to Lockheed with a smile.

Blackjack O'Hare has posed:
    Theres a moment more spent watching headlights approach, and then die out. Then it's just one long step, and the familiar tug of gravity to pull him earthward. He hits the ground at full speed, vanishing amidst a cloud of dead leaves and dirt for a moment. Just enough time for him to scramble off the spot and get to cover, and double check his location. From there well, he's swift and he's silent and mechanical or not Rabbits have hardly ever been accused of being terribly noisy to begin with.

    Satisfied, he finds himself a good tree to post up behind. Glancing back towards his watch once, and then again before letting his gaze sweep the darkened woods with a shivver.

Kitty Pryde has posed:
The engine gets progressively work as the electromagnetic disturbance from Kitty doesn't know where affects the car. Finally it just sputters and dies. Kitty frowns and turns off the car. "No, don't think he's ever reacted like this to any kind of signals or EM fields," she tells Hank. "What is it boy?" she asks him.

Lockheed flits over to the door and pokes at the handle. "Guess he wants to go out," Kitty says. "Let's go take a look?" she suggests to Hank. If this sounds good to him, she climbs out of the car. Lockheed flies into the air, circling around waiting for them, but starting to lead off the crushed rock path and off into the surrounding countryside. "Guess he wants us to go this way," she says, moving to follow Lockheed's lead.

Henry McCoy has posed:
Well, it's better than being trapped in a non-functioning car. Henry nods, getting out of the car and letting his eyes adjust to the darkness. The phone is handed back to Kitty, the man still trying to keep as alert as he can. So many scents and sounds - he's just trying to hear any that are out of the ordinary.

"Keep close, both of you. No need to rush in solo." He warns, padding along with the girl and the dragon.

Blackjack O'Hare has posed:
    Theres a slow narrowing of the eyes, ears slowly flipping erect as the Rendezvous is approached by..three? Well theres a roll of the shoulders, before emerging from cover to cross over towards open ground. Those twin occulars flaring to life with their distinctive cherry red glow, just as he comes to a halt on the point. Four foot and change worth of one of the most feared mercenaries in the Galaxy, clad in his trademark dark purple field coat and polished chromite helmet.

    He bows his head to light a stubby little cigar, in an attempt to make himself appear all the more casual. Nevermind the assault rifle slung under one arm, or those chromite mechanical legs obviously outfitted with all sorts of unfriendly sharp pointy bits. "Somebody getting a package?"In English, with a distinctly mid western accent no less!

Kitty Pryde has posed:
Kitty Pryde nods her agreement to Beast, though Lockheed is obviously in a bigger hurry, turning back again and again as if they are not hurrying along enough for his liking. Soon though they reach the designated meeting spot, not that Kitty or Hank know that's what it is.

The sight of the abnormally large, well-equipped rabbit stops Kitty at the edge of the forest, while the purple dragon flies on. He comes to land on the ground not too far from Blackjack, and says something in a language which neither Kitty nor Hank recognize, but Blackjack quite likely would since it is a common enough language used in space stations and other places where species do business.

Kitty raises an eyebrow, glancing to Beast, and then back to Lockheed and Blackjack. "Hello," she offers to him. "Ah, not that I know of?" She looks to Lockheed, not knowing he just said the package is for him. "Or, are we?"

Henry McCoy has posed:
Four foot tall or not, he's armed. Henry is ready to move, if needed - but the dragon seems to be mostly at ease. His yellow eyes go up and down the cigar-smoking newcomer, offering a polite nod in return. "I don't believe the lady or I are, though it would appear our draconian friend is." A polite smile to Blackjack, then a glance to Kitty.

"I'm assuming this isn't an Amazon delivery? Perhaps a bit farther of an order?"

Blackjack O'Hare has posed:
    Lockheed gets a sage little nod, and well a pair of buckles get popped to open up his little roll top bag. Theres a touch of rooting around inside of course, before producing the package and setting it delicately on the ground before offering Lockheed some sort of spacey tablet. For his signature, of course.

    "No not Amazon, my apologies."Those occulars sweeping back towards Beast and Kitty in sequence for a moment. "I'm Commander Blackjack O'hare, the Black Bunny Brigade."And a little nod there as he offers a barest hint of a grin. "Have equitable contract, will travel. We don't normally do delivery work, but I was in the area and well. They -really- wanted this package delivered on time, and I'm happy to accomodate a sufficiently motivated client of course. I do apologize if I alarmed you?"

Kitty Pryde has posed:
Lockheed leans forward, putting a paw on the tablet when it is produced. His wings give a little flap and he expresses gratitude towards Blackjack in whatever language that is he spoke before.

Kitty glances to Beast again, sort of a look that says she's glad he's here because she'd question the story herself without some else here to witness it. "Nice to meet you, Commander," Kitty says though in a tone of greeting. "And thank you for... for making the delivery," she says. "I'm Kitty. This is Hank," she says. "And Lockheed. Though I'm guessing maybe you knew the latter already."

Her eyes go to the dragon, who has the small package in front of him. He tips the lid back with a paw. Whatever is inside, it glows with a golden light that illuminates his face and his yellow eyes, before he closes it again.

Henry McCoy has posed:
A wry grin from Hank, the big blue man chuckling. "Startled, perhaps. Though I suspect in knowing the origin of the disturbance has us quite a bit more at ease. A pleasure to meet you, Commander." The man's tone is polite, friendly even! A grin to Lockheed as the man opens up the Pulp Fiction-esque case. "I am not fearful of the order from our friend, but should we take any precautions in transporting it or storing it?" He wonders, looking from the Dragon to Blackjack.

At least he's a bit more relaxed!

Blackjack O'Hare has posed:
    "Oh no need to thank me, considering what I've been paid for sure."Though he does offer a chuckle at that, folding that tablet in half before casually tucking it away in a jacket pocket. "As for the potential danger posed by the contents, well I couldn't tell you. I mean I got paid not to snoop, so.."And a little shrug finally. "Not a weapon system at least, even the chem-bio stuff is big on the standardized warning symbology. Nobody profits from an accidental release right?"

    And well a pause to clear his throat. "I do hate to impose, but I didn't get lucky enough to drop in near enough to an art museum or perhaps a Library?"Thumbing off in the vague direction of NYC "I'd hate to cause a stir with any major population centers, especially considering Earth and my reputation."

Kitty Pryde has posed:
Kitty's attention is half on Lockheed, but after the dragon has closed the package, he grabs it in his paws and flaps, carrying it over to her and dropping into her hands. She looks at him curiously, but rather than open it herself, she just tucks it under an arm against her side, while Lockheed moves to perch on her shoulder.

"Well, the better ones are in the city, without a doubt. But there's the Hammond Museum in the town over that way," Kitty says, pointing towards Salem Center, "Which is a museum of Japanese art, with a multi-acre garden," she offers. "Ah... of course it's closed just now, but... that might be the better time, I guess?"

Blackjack O'Hare has posed:
    A glance over the shoulder with a slow nod. "The Hammond Museum, verywell."And a half step away as he hikes up that slung carbine. "Oh yes, closed works better for certain. Thankyou, I'll have a look though."He offers a casual little salute and a nod, before those occulars go dark and well he's off. That jackpack stirs to life with a dull green glow, and silently he lifts off the forest floor and well off he goes into the night!