5722/The Spider and The Jacker (The Car Jacker, pervs)

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The Spider and The Jacker (The Car Jacker, pervs)
Date of Scene: 25 March 2021
Location: Hell's Kitchen
Synopsis: No description
Cast of Characters: Peter Parker, Bella

Peter Parker has posed:
Hell's Kitchen. It used to be a pretty rough place. Crime rates used to be pretty high, and survival rates were pretty low.

These days, though, it's a kinder, gentler Hell's Kitchen, the nickname more quaint than cautious.


But that's not to say it still doesn't get LIVELY from time to time...
It's Thursday night, the people are debating dinner or a movie or dancing, but two schmucks in a stolen Lamborghini Diablo (because of COURSE it is) are cutting through Hell's Kitchen when the pre-arranged escape route developed a serious case of five-car-pileup.
And THEN there are the militant hitchhikers. One in particular, dressed in close-fitting red and blue, swinging between the tenement buildings In Hot Pursuit.

"C'mon, guys! I'm missing the COWBOY BEBOP marathon!" Spider-Man castigated the car 50 feet ahead and below him...

Bella has posed:
Much of the change is due to the diligent work of the Defenders of course, and not at all due to one of the newer residents who moved into the incospicious address of 666 W 53rd St, dubbed Shadow Manor. (Editor's note: it's not a manor). One of the benefits of the quieter the neighborhood has become, is that Bellatrix Lestrange is free to enjoy her reading, her records of classical music, such as the wonderful rendition of Solvig's Song she was just enjoying...and then it's ruined. Loud noises from outside, screeching tires, someone pretty close to outside her window yelling about cowboys, that was just too much!

Bella knew there was no nobility in the area, but she expected some modicum of manners from the neighbors. And so, while Spidey sets chase to punks stealing cars, the window at the 7th floor opens and Bella's head can be seen poking out, before she lets out a loud bellow, "WILL YOU KEEP IT DOWN!? I'm trying to relax and you're disturbing my 'me' time!"

Peter Parker has posed:

The wind is suddenly whipped around Bella's head as a whiff of body odor accompanies the sight of a somewhat-muscular human (?) whips past her head, missing her by a foot of space, no more.
Spider-Man turns to face her, but still traveling backwards at 40 MPH (and doing just FINE at it, thankyewverymuch) and responds, "Sorry! Be done soon..."

Spidey looks down. He has to stop it, but he REALLY doesn't want to cause more damage to the car than his entire college education, so he waits until the car slows down to make the next turn before he webs the wheels to the axle.

Bella has posed:
"What the bloody..." Bella hisses when something zooms by her, though her eyes are eerie quick to focus right on Spider-Man as he swings by. "Make it faster!" She huffs, and grumbles, "I say, people flying out my window, what is this world coming to!"

Bella walks out to the fire escape, and looks on from above, crossing her arms impatiently, "...this was all to stop a stupid..." she seems at a loss for the word for a moment, before muttering, "that damned horseless carriage thing...Mando," she calls out looking back inside, only to recall she send Mando out shooping, that's why he wasn't there to help! Curses!

Peter Parker has posed:
Spidey lands on the left side of the stopped car, opening the door. "Come on, guys, don't make this..."

Then Bella clearly sees the chrome-steel pistol point at the costumed clown's head and then the gun goes off.
Only, in less time than it takes for the hammer to fall, the gun is suddenly pointed skyward as the gun, as well as the hand holding it, are now webbed to the upper doorframe. Then more webs appear, and the guy is now webbed to the side of the car.
Spidey looked over the top of the car as the driver (RIGHT, the wheel is on the OTHER SIDE) jumps out and heads for the nearest alley.
He almost makes it, but almost only counts in horseshoes, hand grenades, and dragonfire. By the time he reaches the alley, he's a walking, squawking cocoon.

Spider-Man drags him back towards the car. "Dangit, now my ears are ringing..." he mutters.

Bella has posed:
Bella observes the spectacle, it's a rare thing she gets to enjoy a performance she didn't pay to attend. As the driver makes a run for it, she calls out, "you have one escaping..." but looks like Spidey didn't need any tips, he's already on it and the poor guy never had a chance. When Spidey captures him in a cocoon, Bella applauds politely in the manner one would expect is acceptable in high society, before flagging Spidey, and should he come closer, she'll ask, "next time...can you have those hooligans do crime in a different neighborhood? I was listening to Grieg, it really is a crime to interrupt such a masterpiece."

Peter Parker has posed:
Spider-Man looks up. Oh look, a spectator.
As he hangs the second guy upside-down from a street light, he says, "Gimme a sec, ma'am." He sets the hanging one a-swinging slightly, then raises an arm, and another one of those little weblines issues from under his arm to hit the ledge about 15 feet to her left.
Then he pulls, lets go with his feet, and a 50-foot leap and one second later, he lands lightly on Bella's roof. Sticks the landing, too.

"Sorry about that, ma'am. The original performance was to be near the George Washington Bridge, but five cars tried an unplanned experiment in MISapplied physics. All of them tried to occupy the same place at the same time."

Bella has posed:
Bella shakes her head, and seems to take Spidey at face value, as she mutters, "next time they should book the space in advance, honestly, I would have taken it personally if you hadn't stopped them. Disturbing my relaxation time vexes me, and nobody likes me when I am vexed." She nods firmly, and then quips, "....so...how do you do these stunts, flying in the air all swashbuckling like? Did you partake some vampire blood?"

Peter Parker has posed:
Spider-Man looks at Bella, then at himself. Yep. Spider symbol is still there and everything.
He looks back up to her face.
And then the HUD in the mask comes up with a warning message: BODY TEMP - 73.4 F

Uh-oh. Sounds like someone's projecting.
"Well, I'm actually more along the lines of a human/spider hybrid. You must be new in town...I thought I'd met all of the local vampire ladies."

Bella has posed:
"What?" Bella gasps as Spidey mentions meeting the vampire ladies in town, before scoffing and bursting into laughter, "don't be silly...vampires? Such nonsense, I am a most normal every day human woman..." but all of a sudden she breaks her laughter to ask pointedly, "so you were bit by a spider, and became a spiderpire? Is that a thing?"

Peter Parker has posed:
Spider-Man groans. Jeez, she MUST be new. Either that, or she's been listening to STRAIGHT TALK WITH J. JONAH JAMESON in-between classical music binges.

"Okay, okay...look. You're oddly on-point with the first part but I do NOT drink blood. I eat regular food. Chili dogs from Big Jake's, White Castle sliders...hey, those are REAL food, don't judge. And since you seem fixated on the drinking blood bit, as WELL as having a body temperature over 20 degrees below healthy, shall we dispense with the Totally-Not-A-Vampire act and move forward?"

Bella has posed:
"Interesting...I'd expect you'd get a craving for insects and such," Bella muses out of her own experience which she somehow still claims to not have. "Me? Fixated on drinking blood? Please...I said no such thing, I much prefer normal human drinking alcohol, of course." She does, however, look a bit stunned when Spider-Man seems aware of her cold body temperature, "wait...how would you know? You didn't touch me at all, are you a spider wizard?" She asks suspiciously, "do you align with witches!?"