6328/Connecting With a Dream

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Connecting With a Dream
Date of Scene: 24 May 2021
Location: Basement - 20 Ingram Street - Queens
Synopsis: Peter and Nia have The Talk. And not JUST about their relationship.
Cast of Characters: Peter Parker, Nia Nal

Peter Parker has posed:
Peter was feeling a little nervous.

He had invited Nia over to the Parker House for multiple reasons. One was that she had never been to the basement lab, and it was as much a part of his life as the rest of the house. The second reason was that Aunt May was gone for awhile, and he wanted to talk to Nia about her latest revelation - that she had special gifts, the ability to enter another person's dreams. He needed to ask her how she was using these gifts.
If she was using them to help people...maybe a little parity might be required.

Nia Nal has posed:
She makes her way down the stairs and into the basement lab once invited in. She blinks as she turns to take it all in. It certainly isn't what she was expecting!

"Oh, wow, Petey, this is cool. Your own little private world." She's dressed for what she assumes is a date. Strappy sandals, and a beautiful lilac colored sundress that just about reaches her knees. She reaches the bottom of the stairs and leans in to give him a kiss.

Peter Parker has posed:
Peter blinks at the kiss, somewhat startled. The last date had gone a little sideways, so he wasn't expecting the kiss. Was he waffling, or just being careful?
After all, his luck with women dovetailed neatly with the Parker Luck...

"Well...not QUITE mine. My friends come down here from time to time. Harry uses it as a place of refuge from his father. He paid for all that stuff in the corner, the TV and the games." He leans a little closer to Nia, then adds, "He's got a rough home life, but he's my best friend, so what can ya do?"

He walks around the table in the center, showing Nia all the workstations and equipment. "Uncle Ben got all that machine-shop stuff. Helped me set up a lot of this stuff down here. So...there's a lot of people involved in this place. I wanted to share it with you."

Nia Nal has posed:
"Oh, totally. I mean, I don't...really have my friends, but I did back home, so I get it. Really."

She flashes him a smile before she turns to look around the place. She wanders over to where he is as he shows her. "That's really sweet of you," she says. She blushes a hint and tucks a bit of dark hair behind her ear. "Really."

Peter Parker has posed:
Peter nods. "Well...I did want to do this because I think things are getting kinda serious and I wanted to...y'know. I guess the term is 'make it official'...but there were a couple of things I wanted to talk to you about."

He paused near a row of four stools set up along one side of the central table. "We should probably sit for this part."

Nia Nal has posed:
She blinks at that and she nods. "I...well, I wanted to talk to you about some stuff, too." She smooths down her cute outfit and clears her throat. Their minds are on entirely different things, though, and she has no idea. Nia blinks and walks over to slide down onto one of the stools, resting her hands in her lap.

"Oh, um. Sure. So, what's up? You don't have to be nervous. Just...what's up?"

Peter Parker has posed:
Peter takes a deep breath. He'd have more confidence as Spider-Man, but that was part of it, wasn't it?

"Uhm...okay. I remember that you told me you had special...gifts. You could see other people's dreams. Did I remember that right?"

Nia Nal has posed:
"You...you did. Okay, so...if we're going to take this to the next level, I should probably explain that, huh?"

She clears her throat and fidgets, chewing her lip as she glances down. "So, you know I'm trans and you're...you're cool with that, which is really big to me. But...I'm also an alien. Well, half-alien? Half-alien. It's where my powers come from..."

Peter Parker has posed:
Peter blinks. Half-alien? Okay, he wasn't expecting that, and it shows. "Oh...okay. I didn't see that coming, but it does explain how you can do what you do. If I may ask, what can you do exactly?"

Nia Nal has posed:
The girl considers her answer for a moment, and she clears her throat. "So, not all Naltorians can do it, but...some can. It's passed down in the female line, which is...which is why my family was so surprised when I got it after my mom passed away. I get visions of the future, for one. Helps me do things like...dodge a bullet or a blow. Sometimes I can see where someone is running away to, or where someone is hiding. Stuff like that. That is a bit hit and miss."

She clears her throat. "I can go into dreams. When I go to sleep I can leave my own and enter anyone elses who is sleeping...anywhere. I can watch the dream, and appear in it. I'm learning how to alter them, but it's hard. Aaaaand, I can focus this, like...dream energy? I can make objects with it." She gestures, and a glimmering blue sword manifests in her hand. She twirls it, and it vanishes just as easily. "I'm still learning, though."

Peter Parker has posed:
Peter sits up as she manifests a sword out of nowhere, but he is hanging on her every word. Naltorians. The nature of dreams. Entering them, observing within them.

Nia might notice that he is handling this pretty well. Better than most, actually.

"Okay. This is the important question, though. What are you doing with these gifts you have?"

Nia Nal has posed:
"Fighting crime. Or...well, yeah. I helped Supergirl with an attack on a military base not long after getting into town. Helped saved a girl who was going to have a crane fall on her. Saved some girls from a human trafficker when we were at that convention." She brushes her fingers back through her hair. "I call myself Dreamer," she explains.

Peter Parker has posed:
Peter raises an eyebrow. She was 'working' while they were at the convention? Jeez, she's cool as a cucumber, he's gotta give her that.

"Wow. That's really something." His voice has more than a mild note of admiration. She's using her gifts to help people. What higher calling is there?

"Do you...have a costume?"

Nia Nal has posed:
She nods and fishes out her smartphone. She flips through some photos and then tosses him the phone. There's a few pics of her in her blue and grey costume, both with and without her mask. She's posing in a mirror and grinning like an idiot.

"That was me trying it on," she admits with an embarassed grin.

Peter Parker has posed:
Peter nods as he examines the costume. "...I like it. Simple, utilitarian. Considering how you operate, I suspect something bright and attention-getting is a liability, not an asset, is it?"

Nia Nal has posed:
She grins and nods. "I'm not bullet-proof or anything. I mean, I can make some pretty tough shields and I'm good at getting out of the way, but I'm...uh...utility?" The girl nods to that. "You're pretty chill about this, man." She peers curiously at him, reaching out to lightly poke him in the tummy.

Peter Parker has posed:
He's a little relaxed talking to her, leaning forward slightly, his eyes moving from the phone to her.
So when he pokes her, he forgets to relax. And poking him is poking someone VERY substantial where people normally aren't.

"Well...I felt I should talk to you about this, because maybe we should be a little more honest with each other. And by that, I mean I should return the courtesy."

He reached into the pocket of his sweatpants and pulled out a red square of fabric with black lines over it. He holds it up by one corner, and it unfolds in front of Nia's face.

And whaddaya know, Nia is looking into the white-lensed eyes of Spider-Man.

Nia Nal has posed:
She blinks as she feels that firm tummy, clearly surprised. She leans forward as he withdraws the folded fabric, and furrows her brow a bit as she waits to see what it is.

"Oh, wow. Well, that makes those Spidey dreams less awkward...."

Peter Parker has posed:
Peter blinks, startled all over again. "Spidey dreams? Uhm...maybe you'd better clarify. Were they ABOUT Spider-Man...or should I be concerned about sudden psychic visits?"

Nia Nal has posed:
Nia Nal laughs at that and suddenly her cheeks are beat red. "Oh, no no. Nothing like that! Well, I mean...they -might- be visions of the future, but..." She trails off and gets even redder before she stands up and paces around.

"So, we're both super heroes! That's cool. Awesome, even. I mean, you're in a way higher league then me, but...still!"

Peter Parker has posed:
Peter blinks and stands up. "Uhmm...I dunno about that, Nia. I mean, I have a lot of bad guys who'd love to push my face in, but it's not like I'm...well, BATMAN or anything like THAT."

Nia Nal has posed:
"Eh, well, let me be impressed, alright?" She flashes a grin. "I'm a Spider-Man fan. So, it's really, really cool to actually -meet- you, you know? Besides, you wouldn't be doing your job as a super hero if there weren't some bad people out there who wanted to hurt you."

Peter Parker has posed:
Peter looked thoughtful, then chuckled. "Yeah...I guess you're right. Harry once told me one sure way to know how successful you are is by how many people hate you." He smiles wryly to Nia. "Well, this is Spider-Man. A nerd with an IQ of 250 who was known as the 'King of Geeks' publicly in Midtown High...and 'Loser' most of the time. So, I hope you're not TOO disappointed."

Nia Nal has posed:
She blinks at that. She watches the young man for a long, quiet moment. Suddenly, though, she steps towards him. His SPidey Sense certainly doesn't detect danger. She stands on her toes to make them a bit more equal in height, and she kiss him. Firmly. She holds the kiss for as long as she can before she sinks back down.

"Petey...I'm not dissapointed at all."

Peter Parker has posed:
Peter was really hoping this wasn't going too badMMMMpppphhh!

He is caught off-guard by the kiss, and reflexively lifts his hands to hold her, one hand rising up to cradle her cheek. as their lips part, his eyes are wide and gobsmacked.

"Holy Toledo..." he breathes quickly.

Nia Nal has posed:
She laughs softly. "Holy Toledo, indeed." She leans in and rests her head against his chest. "So yeah. You're Spider-Man. I'm Dreamer. Cool." She wraps arms around him and leans into him.

"I want this to be serious. Intimate. I trust you, clearly. And...it seems like you trust me. I'm not saying we need to get married, obviously, because we just started dating and I'm not nuts. I just mean...well." She shrugs. "...Can we be a Thing?"

Peter Parker has posed:
Peter nods. "Yes. As long as you can accept that I'm never going to be on time. For ANYTHING."

Nia Nal has posed:
She laughs and steps back, shaking her head. "I can deal with that, I think. I know it isn't because you're a jerk, anyways, right?"