Vance Astro

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  Major Victory  
Vance Astro (Scenesys ID: 2802)
Name: Vance Astro
Superalias: Major Victory
Gender: Male
Species: Mutant
Occupation: Adventurer and Hero
Citizenship: US Citizen
Residence: New York City
Education: Air Force and NASA Trained
Theme: Marvel (FC)
Groups: Spaaaace!
Apparent Age: 58 Actual Age: 58
Date of Birth 03 Jul 1962 Played By Ask the artist?:)
Height: 6'1" Weight: 250 lbs
Hair Color: Black Eye Color: Hazel
Theme Song: Time Machine by Joe Satriani:

Character Info


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Vance is a time displaced man who is originally from the 20th century. The 1980's to be specific. But as he has lived for many centuries as a result of frequent hibernation and strange technology, he does not find himself stuck there culturally. Sure, it's a fun time period. But he is back in the present after living for a decade plus in the 31st century. He is a hero worshipping leader sort but one who can just as easily follow orders as give them.


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July 1962: Vance born to Arnold and Norma Astrovik.
June 1979: Graduated High School at the age of 17. One month later, on his 18th birthday, Vance volunteered for the Air Force on the GI Bill.
May 1984: Graduated the Air Force Academy as a Lieutenant and had a degree in Electrical Engineering.
July 1983: The day after his 21st birthday, Vance legally changed his surname to Astro to sound less Russian as the Cold War was still on.
September 1984: Volunteered for the NASA program.
February 1985: Accepted into NASA. Passed many of the tests and was on the short list for one of the most... audacious assignments in human history.
March 1988: Vance volunteered for a classified project. He was selected and launched in Project Starjump. This was a project of sending a lone crew member on a slower than light spaceflight to Alpha Centauri.
September 1988: Launched aboard the Odysseus I and began the thousand year mission to Alpha Centauri. To fit him out for the mission, his blood was augmented with preservatives, and a special copper-alloy bodysuit prevented him from aging.
May 2210: Awake again, Vance started to lose his mind from sheer loneliness. Re-entering hibernation let him wake more stable the next time.
December 2497: Awake once more to do basic maintenance, he began to discover that he had... mutant powers. Telekinetic powers. Proceeded to go loony again because he thought he was imagining it all. Returned to hibernation out of desperation.
July 2762: Celebrated his 800th birthday all alone, feeling a little mad once more. Began practicing with his powers.
November 2899: Another century, another dollar. Woke up and resolved to master his powers. Sure, they were not subtle, but they could be useful.
February 3004: Arrived at Alpha Centauri to find that humans had already colonized the world. They developed FTL drives while he was in transit. Vance was very upset to learn that his entire mission and life had been wasted and useless.
August 3004: Vance, despite being welcomed to Alpha Centauri as a hero, resolved to finish his mission, and catalogue the plantlife on the world. Sure, it wasn't really helpful and useful, but it was his duty and mission. He met a native named Yondu Odara and after a brief misunderstanding, the two of them were forced to fight the Badoon. They were captured and transported to Earth.
May 3007: Escaped Badoon prison camp. Joined with other survivors of Badoon massacre of most of humanity. The last Jovian (Charlie-27) and the last Plutonian (Marttinex) fought alongside Vance and Yondu and the four of them formed the team they named the Guardians of the Galaxy.
June 3015: Time travelled back to the late 20th century and recruited aid to come forward and help fight off the Badoon invaders of the Sol system. Learned of many groups of heroes in the world.
August 3020: After many trials and tribulations, Vance achieved his dream and completed his quest to find Captain America's shield. In the process, his suit was ruptured. Only a transfusion of Ionic Blood from Hollywood (Wonder Man) during a magical ritual kept him from dying. Now freed from the suit, he was able to move forward for real.
May 3021: On a mission to investigate an anomaly, Vance was knocked unconscious by energies of a cosmic scale.
May 2021: Vance woke up on Earth. In the year 2021. This time without any of his team, and without any of the technology that they had used to travel in time. Truly stranded in this alternate earth a precise 1000 years in the past, and without his precious SHIELD. But still... Major Victory will do his best to thrive and help others. It's no longer a duty. It is a calling.

IC Journal

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Hero Worship:
Vance has always had a severe case of Hero Worship. He idolized the heroes of the 20th and 21st centuries. The Avengers, namely Captain America. There was a reason that he named the ship of the Guardians the "Captain America II". But he truly has a hard time believing anything bad about the big name heroes out there.

In his stint with the Guardians of the Galaxy, Vance learned about team cohesion, tactics, and was elected by the rest of the team to act as their commander. The last person who believed in his potential was himself. But he has grown into that. Now he has no team to lead.

Character Sheet


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Ionic Augmentations:
Upon receiving the brood transfusion of Hollywood's (Wonder Man's) Ionic blood, Vance found himself stronger, faster, and more durable than before. He is by no means superhuman in strength, but his muscles are at the peak level of human ability. His reflexes are also augmented. He is not bulletproof or augmented to the point of being able to resist real harm. But he can take several hits before he can be ground down. His running and leaping ability has also been augmented to the peak level of human ability.

While not capable of subtle uses of the power, Vance is very talented in brute force Psychokinesis. Vance has a few tricks that he has learned. Examples of some of his uses of the power are as follows:
1) Force blasts capable of punching through armored steel. Roughly fifteen tons of force is his limit.
2) Psionic Bursts that can temporarily disrupt neural pathways of living beings.
3) Pulse blasts to slow or cushion falls without damaging the object or person falling.
4) Augment the speed and force of thrown objects. Also, capable of directing (or redirecting) said objects in ways that would allow a thrown object to strike multiple targets and / or return to the hand of the thrower. Specialized in circular shields as thrown objects.
5) Omni-directional blasts centered on himself, capable of producing up to 10 tons of outward force in all directions from himself.


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Vance is a charismatic leader. He has the sort of personality that can inspire others to follow him, even if he is not ordering them to do so. He tends to lead by example, and has an infectious sort of charisma.

Electrical Engineering:
Vance has a degree in Electrical Engineering, and he evolved his skills during his time in the 31st century. He is very familiar with highly advanced technologies, and can cobble together some rather advanced devices with a little time and some resources.

Nasa & Guardians:
Vance learned several things in his time with NASA. Among them was how to navigate in space. He had to manually doublecheck his ship's position many times on his long trek. He also learned things like Zero Gravity maneuvering, and lots of technical details involving the use of spacecraft both primitive and advanced. With the guardians, he learned more advanced techniques and how to interface with computer systems of all sorts as well as FTL navigation skills.

First in the Air Force, and later serving on the Guardians team, Vance discovered that he had a knack for tactics. He can see patterns, and counters to those patterns like some of the better tacticians out there.


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Guardians Comm:
Vance has his Comm unit (which appears as a stylized red white and blue star on his left breast) that is a powerful device capable of tuning in to virtually any communications signal and broadcasting at orbital distances.

Photonic Bracer:
The first thing Vance did when he arrived without the 'Shield', was fabricate a way to represent it. With a few tweaks, he managed to come up with a bracer that could project a disc-shield force field that is incredibly durable. This can also be projected outward, the field being capable of a self-sustaining duration of approximately ten seconds. This can allow him to 'throw' the shield as if it were the real thing. Of course, his first instinct was to make it appear as Captain America's, but instead he went with a simple white disc with the Guardians' star insignia as a crest upon it.

Symbiote Suit:
After the ionic augmentations, Vance started to relapse. He then discovered a suit that functions a lot like Venom's in the way that it attaches to and links with a human body. It does not augment his body further, but protects him from the effects of time and aging. It is also capable of altering its outward appearance to mimic any sort of clothing. Lastly, it functions as a self-repairing suit of light armor. It can withstand small arms fire and reduce damage from heavier attacks.


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Sure, Vance is from the 20th century, and has visited our present day a few times. But he is in essence, a citizen of the 31st century. This means that he is likely to be out of touch with some of the customs and societal norms for quite some time. He also finds himself cut off from all of his friends and adopted family in the 31st century and thus has some longing and homesickness going on.

Vance has lived through a thousand years of history. Well, to him it has been history. He slept for centuries at a time in hibernation, but during times when he was awake, he found himself starting to lose control due to being totally alone. If entirely isolated again for long periods of time, he could begin to lose himself again.

Symbiote Weaknesses:
Like Venom and others of its species, Vance's suit is vulnerable to sonics in an extreme fashion, fire to a lesser degree.



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Vance Astro has 14 finished logs.

Title Date Scene Summary
Hello Hala October 3rd, 2021 The Guardians enter Kree space in an effort to get Ava and Finley to Hala. Unfortunately, the Kree border patrol don't take kindly to the Milano's presence and stubbornly fire upon the ship -- despite the number of reassurances Peter Solo gives them. Turns out, giving a Ghost a quantum energy boost can be really beneficial when you're trying not to get shot. Who knew?
You Want Me To What September 28th, 2021 Vance tries to convince Ava to learn how to 'quantum jump'. The first step, however, is learning to manifest a protective aura, and the way he proposes they do that isn't Ava's first choice -- especially knowing how Finley will react.
Q-Banding August 30th, 2021 After Vance unintentionally triggers some painful memories for Fin, Ava tries to make her feel better.
Halfworld and the Truth about Rocket August 29th, 2021 The Guardians arrive at Halfworld, where they not only find out there are others like the injured Rocket, they also learn an unexpected truth about him and the planet itself. Of course there's a mission involved.
Thanos in Hyperspace when the Quasar Fell (II) August 22nd, 2021 The crew of the Milano with friends attempt to take out Thanos once and for all. Things do not go as planned. The Black Order are not an easy fight, though some fall. Thanos, however, has mastered Hyperspace energy and brings the battle to Phyla-Vell, evaporating her. The crew of the Milano manage to escape and are headed to Half-World with Rocket in stasis on the verge of death. Somehow, Mantis cheated death entirely, which is only fair since Black Swan did the same thing. The quantum bands found a new worthy wearer: Ava.
Meeting of the Engineering Minds August 3rd, 2021 Vance and Finley poke at continuing to solve Ava's more longterm energy problems while Ghost, herself, works on sourcing some important equipment that has a much greater priority to her.
A falling Quantum Star July 28th, 2021 Phyla-Vell arrives on Earth and is found by Ava and Finley, seeking out her strange quantum signature. May be she can help save Ava before it's too late. Phyla though, is looking for her mother Mar-Vell. She'll be surprised whens he meets Captain Marvel that's for sure.
Quantum Club Warehouse July 28th, 2021 Ava introduces Vance to her supersuit. He tells her a bit about his story. Maybe he'll be able to help.
Donuts and Discssion June 30th, 2021 Monet and the time-displaced Vance meet in Salem Center at a donut shop. The discussion over donuts includes their etymology and a reminder given to the psychic astronaut of Monaco's existance.
Strange times June 9th, 2021 No description
And Don't Forget The Bagel May 28th, 2021 Happenstance brings people together at the Coffee Bean.
Back when the statue still existed. Back from the future May 21st, 2021 Park scuffle leads to floodgates.
The Future is Now! May 20th, 2021 Baxter detects a quantum anamoly, and upon investigation, Vance arrives from the future!
Not another teen Mutant! May 15th, 2021 Atrid finds himself in trouble with anti mutant folks and their hatred spills out causing his powers to flare up and developing some unlikely alliances.


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Vance Astro has 14 finished logs.

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Vance Astro has been credited in 0 shows.

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Vance Astro has been credited in 0 albums.

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Vance Astro has authored 0 books.

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