192/A Date Unlike Any Other

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A Date Unlike Any Other
Date of Scene: 29 February 2020
Location: Panna Garden Indian restaurant, NYC
Synopsis: Indian food and getting caught in a downpour mark the first official date between a pair of Avengers
Cast of Characters: Clint Barton, Wanda Maximoff

Clint Barton has posed:
It was evening in New York and was almost pleasant, the weather was moving out of the chill of February into the relative warmth of March, but by the dark clouds in the sky, the month was set to living up to the saying and coming in like a lion.

Still, it did little to dampen the mood of Clint Barton, as he piled out of the Uber he'd shared with Wanda Maximoff to their destination, a destination he'd been keeping secret these past couple of days, "C'mon, wait's almost over," he says as he offers Wanda his hand.

The Avenger was dressed up for their first date, though he could have been going to a funeral for all the black he was wearing, black blazer, black t-shirt underneath, black jeans, and black shoes, but somehow he made it work.

Where were they exactly? The outside of the building was fairly non-descript and could be any one of thousands in Brooklyn, all there was to go on was the sign out front reading "Panna Garden" and some script in Hindi.

Wanda Maximoff has posed:
Wanda waits for Clint to come around offer his hand, taking it as she turns to step out of the car. First one stocking-clad leg then the other emerges, followed by the woman in a black dress that comes down to mid-thigh, and a neckline that is pleasingly low if not quite daring.

She's wearing makeup, probably the first that Clint has seen her in more than a simple bit of eyeliner. Bright lipstick sets off her auburn hair, which she spent far more time styling than he's also ever seen.

Wanda smiles to her date as she looks at where he's brought her. "Ah, somewhere new for me," she tells him, smiling at the prospect of the Indian meal. Wanda laces fingers with Clint, letting him lead the way over to the restaurant, though with a glance up at the dark and gloomy sky overhead. The wind blows her hair about until they slip inside. The foreboding weather seems to do nothing to lessen Wanda's enjoyment of their first official date. She didn't just want this, she needed it. The entire day was spent dealing with Genoshan matters. And she'd come to accept, she was going to burn herself out, if she didn't take time like this for herself. Thankfully a number of government ministers who had been off the island had come forward and begun to take a few matters off of her hands as well.

Clint Barton has posed:
Clint had a full day as well, with the Genosha situation the amount of trouble around the world had spiked and it kept Clint in the office for most of the day, quarterbacking the various teams from the Triskelion. So, like Wanda he was glad to be able to unwind for a bit before he had to go back and do it all over again.

Helping Wanda out of the car he offers her his arm for the short distance to the door, hey if they're doing a fancy date night then might as well go all out right?

"Me too actually," Clint says about the place. "But saw it on TV one time and thought it would be fun," casting a glance over the plane stone exterior of the building, he says to Wanda, "Don't worry the inside's a lot better."

He opens the door and leads them inside, opening them up to a wonderland of little fairy lights strung from the roof, there were hundreds upon hundreds making the whole place seem like it sparkled, while the rich and spicy smells of curry and other Indian dishes drifted out from the kitchen.

"Surprise," Clint says with a smile as he turns to take in Wanda's reaction.

Visual: https://assets3.thrillist.com/v1/image/2796839/size/tmg-article_default_mobile_2x.jpg

Wanda Maximoff has posed:
Wanda is standing, eyes sparkling as she takes in the sight, and not just with the reflection of all the fairy lights. A beautiful, wonderous smile grows across her lips. Without looking away from the room, Wanda leans over towards Clint, slipping an arm about his waist. Wanting to share the experience with him.

She finally looks from the lights to him. "Clint, it's just beautiful," she tells him Wanda is left with such a warm smile. Touched that he found such a perfect place to take her to. "Thank you. This was an inspired choice," she tells him.

She leans over to brush a soft kiss to his cheek. Keeping it very light, having already learned, before they left the mansion, just how much of a lipstick mark would be left if she kissed him with her current makeup.

She leans her head lightly against his shoulder. "I'm a lucky woman," she says in a quiet, happy voice, her arm about his waist hugging a little tighter for a moment the reason she feels a lucky woman.

Clint Barton has posed:
Clint's pleased grin is almost ear-to-ear at Wanda's reaction. He'd definitely hit his mark here. When she slips her arm about his waist he slips one over her shoulders.

"Hey, no problem figured you'd like..." he waves at the lights. In his mind at least it was very her. He smiles at the cheek kiss and gives a happy little shrug as the hostess comes up mid kiss.

"Barton," he says of the reservation and the hostess leads them in with a coupke of menus in hand leading them to a table in the corner with a good view of the whole wonderous dining room.

Clint takes that squeeze about his waist and returns it with a squeeze of Wanda's shoulder and lets go to pull out Wanda's chair before dropping into his own.

"Reasonably lucky at least," he says wobbling his hand with a smile. "And this place is just a couple blocks from my place in the city, if we want to crash there tonight."

Wanda Maximoff has posed:
Wanda's face lights up at the mention of Clint's place being close by. "So my long wait until finally getting to watch Dog Cops may be at an end then?" she asks him with a soft grin. "Or, When Harry Met..." she pauses, having to think for a moment. "Sally," she finishes, eyeing Clint's reaction to gauge if she remembered right.

Wanda reaches a hand over to rest on Clint's leg as she lets her gaze go back to the restaurant. "So you being a foodie, I'm guessing you're probably looking forward to the food the most. But it means something to me you went to the trouble to find somewhere I could like so much," Wanda tells him.

She takes a few moments to look at the menu. "So should I put you on the spot and ask you to order for me?" she asks in her slow way of speaking. "I never really understood... why women do it. But... maybe I do? After all. I think I might find something extra special, if there was a dish I loved, and you were connected to its selection like that. But... it's also kind of unfair to put you on the spot, isn't it?"

Clint Barton has posed:
"Dog Cops is definitely an option," Clint grins over his menu. "Plus you'll get to see my place which may not be a good move on my part but we'll see, you haven't run away from me yet." Of course it'd been a whole two days since they got together. "And yeah, When Harry Met Sally," he says remembering their visit to Katz's. "Going to be way less awkward watching Harry talk about how men and women can't be friends now that we're together." A smile at that.

The hand on his leg is met with a smile. "Well the food is definitely part of the charm," he says. "And glad you like it, I dunno, the lights just seemed very you."

"I can give it a try," he says of ordering for her. "Don't get it either, why woman ask, or why men just assume and do it off the cuff," he says with a shake of his head before he pauses and considers Wanda's theory, "Okay didn't think about that angle, well, what's it going to be? Going to pick or going to put your life in my hands? Or should we turn this all on its head and have you pick for both of us?" he grins as he sets down his menu and waits to hear what Wanda chooses.

Wanda Maximoff has posed:
Wanda rests her head on her other hand as she smiles and looks around the restaurant's decor. "It is kind of me," she agrees slowly, eyes lighting up a bit as if that Clint sensed that about her correctly. Her gaze goes from the room over to the man, turning on him directly the smile that Clint earned.

She gives a soft laugh and waves off the turning that old dating tradition on its head. "Oh no. When I cook for you I'll have enough of taking that on myself," she tells him. "But if you're good with it, go ahead and order. Honestly Clint, it could probably be the worst thing I'd ever had and I'd still enjoy the experience because of who I'm with," she tells him warmly.

Wanda looks down, smiling. "Which is one of those things that makes me think this could be something really special." She glances back up to him, and gives his leg a little squeeze. "I'm just curious to see if you manage to find something with flavored foam on the menu," she says to the foodie, flashing him a teasing grin.

Clint Barton has posed:
Clint grins, and takes a sip of the water the hostess had left them with.

He laughs at her answer to turning the whole thing on it's head. "Okay fiiiine," he says putting down his water glass and picking up the menu. "I'll take the hit for the team and order for us. And I don't know, it could be really bad," he says with a smile for her compliment. "You're putting a lot of pressure on me to make up for it."

"Foam huh?" Clint asks craning his neck to look at some of the other diner's food. "Hrm. Doesn't seem like that kind of place, he says. "But we'll figure something out."

Just then their waiter appears and Clint leans over to him, "So, going to do the special dinner for two, but help me out, thinking something fun and shareable, whatcha got that would be good for that?"

"Hmm, the panner tika masala to start, it's baked cheese simmered in spices, coconut soup for your soup course, the tandoori beef shish kebab for your main and mango ice cream for dessert?" the waiter says after a few moments.

The selections get a shrug and a nod from Clint, "Sound good," he looks to Wanda. "You game?"

Wanda Maximoff has posed:
Wanda gives a gentle laugh and says. "A lot of pressure. But there might be rewards commensurate with it," she says, one eyebrow going up just a hint suggestively before she breaks out into more laughter. That kind of coy innuendo is the kind of thing more likely to end in laughter for Wanda than others who could pull it off.

She listens to Clint and the waiter with interest, and nods when Clint looks to her. "That sounds lovely. I think you're well on your way to top marks," Wanda shares with Clint. "So do you have any favorite types of cuisine?" she asks him as her eyes go back to take in the fanciful decorations again. "I don't get Indian very often so this is a treat for me. Doubly so, it being my first date with... a kind of amazing guy, from what I've seen of him."

Clint Barton has posed:
"Sounds promising," Clint grins and raises his eyebrows. "Sounds promising," he says of Wanda's ineundo, happy to laugh about it.

"I'm a lucky guy right?" he asks the waiter, who nods,

Confirming, "Very lucky."

"We'll go with what you suggested Sanjay," Clint says reading the man's name tag. "Surprise us with the drinks? Whatever you think will go with what we're having."

Sanjay nods and goes off to place their order.

"Well you know me, I am very concerned about my academic performance," says the Junior High drop out, though he knows what she means and grins for it. "Well, hoping Indian food becomes a favourite after tonight, sort of rolling the dice here," he says with a laugh before giving the question some serious thought. "Can't say there's a particular cuisine I like more than restaurants?" he says as though really only giving this thought serious thought until now. "It's more about the experience than a specific cuisine, like some of my favourites are this little taco bar at the back of a tortilla factory in Queens, this Korean BBQ place that was a runner up for tonight, Ghengis Connies in Harlem for Chinese. I've tried some of the fancier places, Skyline, Podium and whatever, and the food is really good and they do cool things, but I dunno, it all sort of falls flat because end of the night they're just another snobby restaurant. I like the places with character, y'know?"

He smioles at himself then, "And I'm rambling," he takes a sip of water. "How about you?"

Though the answer will have to wait and he smiles at Wanda's compliment, putting his hand on the hand on his leg, "Well, guy's got to match the girl right?" he says.

Wanda Maximoff has posed:
Wanda's attempt at flirtatious innuendo results in a slight blush as Sanjay the waiter caught it. It's the humorous, grinning sort of embarrassment though, that results in Wanda leaning over to bump into Clint's shoulder after Sanjay is gone.

"Well, this one certainly does. Hopefully it makes the list," Wanda says with a glance around the colorful lights. "If nothing else, it will have a special place for other reasons," she says, eyes going back to Clint.

Her thumb rubs over his hand as he rests it atop her own. "I tend to stop in at a lot of places that you just get the food and go, now that I think about it," Wanda muses quietly. "I walk a lot. Just around the city. I find it calming. I've done it most everywhere. New York is a little different than other places. You can't get away from others as much. But I've adjusted over time to that, I think."

She seems to realize she meandered a bit from what started to be about food. "So I'll tend to spot a stand or a street vendor. Or maybe smell something and realize I'm hungry. And just stop and get something I can continue on my way with," she says to bring it back around.

Clint Barton has posed:
Clint chuckles, "He's not wrong," he says of being lucky as he returns the shoulder bump.

"Definitely has the potential for the list," he agrees as he looks around the room and then back to Wanda.

He nods, "Yeah, New York definitely has it's own feel to it, though sometimes even when the streets are crowded it can still feel peaceful, like everyone's in their own little bubbles." A smile. "Though I suppose you could go anywhere you wanted to walk, any favourites?" he asks her as Sanjay returns with a pair of bottles of fruit flavoured pop.

Taking a sip as he nods, Clint says, "You'll have to take me on a tour of your favourites sometime. Get the full Wanda Maximoff in New York experience."

Wanda Maximoff has posed:
"Thank you, Sanjay," Wanda tells him as he heads back off. She looks over to Clint, appearing thoughtful. "You know I rarely leave the area I'm in for a walk. I do teleport places to get away for awhile. But when I need a walk, it's always where I'm at. Never really had thought about that before," she says, which might not have been what Clint was asking. But it is where her thoughts went.

Wanda considers. "Central Park some. I like walking through some of the older areas. Where people have been living, families in the same places, for years. There's a feel to those areas that I like. Especially in the evening, how people sit outside and interact with each other. It seems like it's a passing thing though as people get addicted to their computers and phones. So when I see it, kind of stands out."

She gets a soft smile. "I've had a few great experiences like that. There's this one street, in Brooklyn. Little one, not much traffic. And when the weather is warmer, they'll have movies out on the street, project them up on the side of a building. Or they'll have music. The older couples dancing, the younger sneaking away to kiss out of their parent's sight, I imagine," Wanda says with a soft laugh. "I've been by a few times and they've invited me to sit down and watch something, or eat some of the food they'll set out. A... what do you call it? A potluck?" Wanda smiles over to Clint. "Maybe we could walk down that way together some night once it's warmer?"

Clint Barton has posed:
Clint nods, "Makes sense," he says. "If you want a walk, no sense bogging it down with do I go here or there, when you can open up the door?" he asks. "And what does the teleporting feel like? I mean, from the outside, it all seems so simple but I am guessing it's not or you'd do it everywhere..." a grin. "Or /I/ would anyhow."

"You're going to love my neighbourhood then," Clint says. "It's all those kind of places, where people have lived for years and they all know each other," he says. "And not far from the place with the movies either," he says. "Heck my building even does the big potluck barbeque thing on the weekends, we all go up on the roof cook some food and blow off some steam. Could hit that up, move on to the movies, make a night of it, what do you think?"

Wanda Maximoff has posed:
The question about how it feels to teleport causes Wanda to only pause for a moment. "You've felt what it's like to travel. As far as to teleport someone? It's kind of tiring. It's like... lifting a heavy weight repeatedly in a short span, but just, not a tiredness of the muscles. Not a terrible thing, but I feel it," she says.

She smiles as Sanjay brings the soup, waiting for him to depart before she says, "As long as I know the destination decently it isn't bad. If I'm not familiar with it, especially going there, it is like... it's like trying to hold onto something slippery, in a way. The magic wants to jump to wherever else."

Wanda tries the soup then. "Mmm. You're off to a good start," she says of Clint's ordering for them both. "I'd like to meet your neighbors. I bet they have... all sorts of stories about you. The pretty girls you bring home?" she says, voice lightly teasing as she smiles at him.

Clint Barton has posed:
Clint nods after taking a sip of water. "That sounds rough, and I bet doing a bunch of jumps makes it hard to aim too, makes the destinations slippery, because you're tired?" he guesses trying to imagine what it would be like to have that ability. "How long did it take you to learn or could you always do it when you got your powers." Powers is said low to avoid being overheard by any judgmental fellow diners.

He smiles his thanks to Sanjay as they start in on the soup. "Mm, yeah, I am pretty impressed with me too right now, this is good," he says with a smile for Wanda before he breaks into a warm laugh as he reaches for his phone, "Excuse me, I need to call Nat and get her to burn down my building with everyone inside," he jokes slightly before taking a sip of the drink they were brought, it was a little sweet for his like but it tasted like strawberry soda. "There've been girls," he says honestly. "Probably more than there should have been, but nobody you have to worry about."

Wanda Maximoff has posed:
Wanda gets a spoonful of soup for herself, considering before she answers Clint. "It was quite a bit later actually. Telekinesis and hex bolts were the first things," she tells him. "I was in my teens. It was a scary thing to work out, you can imagine. I tested quite a lot before I got up the nerve to try it with myself," she tells Clint.

Another spoonful of the tasty soup is eaten, Wanda laughing quietly after and saying, "No need to test Natasha's friendship that much," she jokes. Wanda's eyes move to Clint's and she nods. "I wouldn't begrudge you past relationships or... whatever," Wanda says to him. "I'm just glad we didn't miss this chance," the young woman says as she looks over to him. Wanda's smile grows a bit warmer.

"And such a nice place to take me on our first date too. Though you realize, this being our first date... I mean, I don't want you thinking I'm the wrong kind of girl who, you know... on a first date," Wanda tells him with an extremely matter-of-fact expression.

Clint Barton has posed:
"Yeah ,I bet that must have taken some getting used to," Clint says. "I remember when Buck and Jaques were teaching me the trapeze and it took me forever to actually let go and jump? Sounds like it was something similar, baby steps," he says taking another spoon of the soup. "Mmm, okay I'd be alright if the dinner was just this," he says.

"I dunno how much of a test that would actually be," he jokes playing up Nat's scary spy vibe. "And I'm glad we didn't miss this either, though we sure as hell tried to," he laughs at that before sobering a bit and asking "So, what about you? I gotta guess there were guys before me. No judging, but since we're on the subject."

Clint laughs though as she talks about first dates, "A little late don't you think given where I've been spending my nights," Clint teases back and has another bite of soup smirking at Wanda.

Wanda Maximoff has posed:
Wanda motions with her spoon. "I think I'd rather teleport. Heights are bad when I know I can fly, but without that? Ooof," she says, giving a little shiver and shaking her head. Wanda considers for a moment as Clint asks about her own history when it comes to dating. "There were some people. I tended to get hit on, but such people rarely interested me," Wanda says. "I suppose I've never thought about it consciously. But I tend to get interested in people only after I know them."

She gets a bit more of her soup before continuing. "I have had... flings isn't the right word maybe. It was more like... times where companionship with another was appreciated. And... enjoyed. But not very often. And not with anyone that I found I developed true feelings for," she says slowly, looking over to see what Clint's reaction is to that.

Wanda sits up straighter and sets her spoon down definitively. "Wait, are you suggesting you've been involved with someone these last few nights, right before taking me on our first date?" she asks.

Clint Barton has posed:
"Dunno, I've fallen from heights and survived, don't want to think about what happens if a teleport goes bad," Clint says. He's seen Star Trek, he's got ideas about what it might be like.

Clint puts down his spoon while Wanda talks about her past, his expression is hard to read, but definitely understanding, though he extends his hand to her again across the table. "I bet you get hit on a lot," he smiles before he says, "And I'm glad you found people, but more glad you found me."

Flinching, Clint says, "Busted. To be honest though she really, really reminded me of you, it was uncanny," he says with laughter in his eyes, as he hams up his fear.

Wanda Maximoff has posed:
Wanda lets the mock indignation slip. "Well, then I suppose it's alright. Though now I probably feel challenged to make you forget the... hussy," Wanda says with a warm flash of green eyes for Clint. "So... have you been very serious with someone before?" Wanda asks him. She resumes eating her soup, finishing it off before too long and setting the dish slightly to the side.

"I don't really know why I haven't been serious with anyone," she says, giving a tiny half-shake of her head and looking thoughtful. "I guess... maybe the people I've known best, just weren't the right ones for me. The Brotherhood for example? Not really my best days," she says softly. "No, I did not get involved with any of them, should you wonder," she says.

Clint Barton has posed:
Still teasing Clint leans forward pitching his voice low, "Well hate for you to turn down a challenge, Witchy," he says using the nickname he gave her back when they both joined the team. A little of that 'cocky Hawkeye' showing through in the teasing. "Me? No. Not really, mostly because of work, I was either in a carnival, roaming the country robbing crooks, or working for SHIELD, hard to settle down and never found anyone worth trying," a thoughtful frown, "Not that I was really trying."

"Trying not to care who you've been with but gotta say, glad it's not anyone from the Brotherhood, read their SHIELD profile they're either all gross, or scary, well Sabertooth." He makes a face at the thought of dealing with him as Wanda's jealous ex. "But I hear you about not finding the right people, story of my life until now."

Wanda Maximoff has posed:
Wanda wrinkles her nose. "I like men quite a bit better groomed than /that/," she tells Clint. Then reaches over to brush her fingers through his whiskers. "Not that this isn't nice," she says with a smile.

Sanjay returns with their main course. "Here you are, Mr. Barton," he says, setting the plates down. "Miss Maximoff." Wanda glances over to Clint. "I think the cat is out of the bag," she says after the use of their names. "Thank you Sanjay. It smells delicious." He smiles to them both, seeing if Clint needs anything, and if not will head off to check on another table.

Wanda looks down at the plate. "Your luck just keeps growing, I'd say. Even for a first date woman," Wanda comments. She smiles over to Clint before she starts eating. "So do you ever think about life after the Avengers?" she asks quietly. "Do you have more designs to life than what we do now?"

Clint Barton has posed:
There is a bit of relief to Clint's chuckle at that, "Good for all sorts of reasons," he says to Wanda leaning into her hand when she touches his stubble.

"Thanks, Sanjay," Clint says with a wink to the guy now that hes' figured out who they are. "Keep it on the QT okay?"

Sanjay nods and leaves them to get back to their food.

Clint grabs a skewer and starts trying to take it apart with his fingers. "I'd say so," he grins over at her before his face grows serious and he thinks over Wanda's question. "When we started? No, I figured the job was going to kill me. Might still, but I dunno I've survived this far," he knocks on the table for luck. "Beginning to think about what I'd want if I had to stop Avengering, and... I'm still trying to figure that out. You? What sort of life do you want?"

Wanda Maximoff has posed:
Wanda uses her fork and kknife to remove some food from the skewer, munching it thoughtfully. "I think somewhere I could get away from everything. A cabin on a lake. In some quiet forest somewhere. Or... maybe the Alps. Go sit in those meadows from the Sound of Music?" she says with a soft smile.

Wanda gets some of the meat on her fork before using it to motion to Clint. "Musicals? Do you like them? Or only the ones with the Dog Cops barking in harmony?" she asks, her expression teasing on the last part. "I don't like all of them. But the ones I like, I really like," she explains to him.

Wanda thinks some more. "Sometimes I do think about it. I mean, life after, yes. I think because I've never really taken control of my life. Other than when I went to Columbia. I did, when I left Father, but... I came here, as much of necessity to make up for the past. It wasn't... what I'd longed for, you know?"

Clint Barton has posed:
Clint can't help but grin at the image of Wanda walking through those meadows with her arms outstretched like Maria. "I could see that," Clint says with a warm smile. "And musicals?" he purses his lips and considers them. "Some sure. Saw Phantom once, and Annie, a couple of others. How about you?" he asks her before adding. "And I haven't forgotten about that Dog Cops crack," he warns playfully before popping some of the beef in his mouth and chewing. "This is great."

"So did Columbia just do it then?" he asks her. "Or did you have a plan for your degree?" he asks of her schooling.

Wanda Maximoff has posed:
Wanda eats slowly, clearly enjoying the meal. "Let's see. Sound of Music. Grease..." Wanda says then pausing for a moment looking thoughtful. "A Chorus Line. Some of the.. the Disney ones. And... Pitch Perfect," she tells him.

She just gives him a little flashing smile as he doesn't let the Dogs Cop comment go, but doesn't respond, answering instead the question about Columbia. "I got my Masters. I don't plan to go back for anything else. It was interesting, but I don't know that I'd want to go through a degree program again. I'd rather just... learn," she says.

Wanda smiles over at Clint. "You know... I was just picturing if you and I were going to school there at the same time. Somehow, I don't really see us having gotten together. I think I would have missed out on you. We'd have had different things occupying us. And... I wouldn't have had the time we have to get to know each other."

Wanda slides her hand over, offering it to Clint, and if he takes it, holding it a little tightly. "I think... I'm even more lucky than I realized," she tells him.

Clint Barton has posed:
"Grease, yeah, oh right the Disney ones, forgot all of them are basically musicals, loved Lion King," he says. "And Frollo's bit in Hunchback," he considers the rest. "Actually haven't seen any of the Pitch Perfect movies, did hear the song with those cups though, that's from that movie right?" he asks meaning 'When I'm Gone'.

Clint nods, "I was definitely the just learn type," Clint says glancing down at his plate for a few seconds, "I dropped out when I was in the 9th grade," he admits, flinching, a little at the admission. "I mean I'm not dumb or anything, that's just when I ran off to the circus."

"Yeah, if I went to school like Columbia I'd definitely be one of those jocks on an athletic scholarship. Probably wouldn't go near the history department," he agrees. "So I guess it's good things worked out different for us, we both ended up making a life out of saving the world."

He takes her hand, "I think we both are," he says giving her hand a little squeeze before looking down at their food, "Want to see if Sanjay will wrap this up for us? Finish up our dinner at home?" he asks.

Wanda Maximoff has posed:
Wanda squeezes Clint's hand and tells him quietly, "Anyone who thought you were dumb, would be an idiot. Or a fool." Wanda gives a slow shake of her head at the thought, before saying, "Yes, that's one of the songs. There's a montage of singers just before it that is really nice in the movie too," she says with a soft smile as she remembers it.

Wanda is glancing down at her plate for a moment and looks back up and over to Clint. She manages to open her mouth but he brings up seeing about getting their dinner to go. "I was just going to ask you the same thing," she says, her face lighting up. "I want to lay in your arms," she tells him softly, her expression as warm as her tone.

Clint Barton has posed:
Clint nods and smiles as he says, "Well my brother thought I was dumb but he was definitely an idiot and a fool," he says fondly enough. "And cool, well we should add that to our list," he says.

Laughing, Clint says, "Great minds," as he bekons over Sanjay to take their food as he says quietly, "I kinda want that too," he says.

Sanjay gets their food packaged up and with a minimum of suggestive looks about what prompted the Avenging couple to leave early, delivers it to their table. "Shall we?" he asks Wanda as he gets to his feet, collects the bag, and offers her his arm.

Wanda Maximoff has posed:
Wanda thanks Sanjay warmly, and she takes care of the tip since Clint handled the meal. "We had a wonderful time, Sanjay. I think we'll have to be back again sometime," she tells him. Wanda looks over to Clint then, sliding her hands about his arm.

"You have no idea how much I like this," she tells Clint as they walk out together. "Just... walking with you like this." Wanda smiles and looks over to him. "I don't think I'd have made it through all of this without you. And, I know I wouldn't have wanted to." She leans her head against shoulder as they start walking towards his apartment. Overhead those clouds look dark. Dark and heavy as they are closed in over the city.

Clint Barton has posed:
"I hope so Miss Maximoff," Sanjay says. "And please bring as many of your friends as you like."

Smirking at Sanjay's hustle, Clint gives the waiter's shoulder a punch. "See you around, Sanjay," he says and heads out the door with Wanda on his arm.

"I like it too," he says of walking arm and arm like this, all the better now that they were a couple officially. "Glad I was here then," he says with a smile but his tone is sincere. "Would have hated to lose you." He leans in and kisses the top of her head before he glances skyward.

That did not look good.

His pace quickens a little as they move through the Brooklyn streets. They weren't in the greatest neighbourhood, the buildings were old, and there were signs of the darker parts of humanity here and there, but there was also a resilience to the place, like it hadn't given up against the encroaching darkness of urban decay. The sort of places Wanda had been talking about.

Unfortunately the clouds lacked that same fighting spirit, they were rounding the corner on to Clint's street, Sherwood Avenue when the clouds which had been holding in the rain burst showering the streets below a sudden downpour...