338/Paranormal Meeting

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Paranormal Meeting
Date of Scene: 07 March 2020
Location: 809 - Karita's Apartment
Synopsis: Karita and Marly meet up for the first time while introducing Marly to the paranormal group that Karita helps run.
Cast of Characters: Karita Landry, Marly Kohler

Karita Landry has posed:
The University Residence Apartments that Karita lives in is a busy place of students, faculty and visitors coming and going. The door man below greets all people that are visiting and admits them in, Karita has already given a heads-up so it wont be difficult for anyone to get to her apartment - all the way at the very top floor.

Unlike most university housing, Karita's apartment is almost lavish, for she has not one, or two small rooms, but three - the third of which she's made into a very nice living quarters, complete with enough chairs and sitting room to accommodate any of her hobbies.

One such hobby is the paranormal group that Kari's been with for the past several years now. People come, people go, but right now is a fairly exciting event, a new comer is getting introduced to the gang and Karita's excited to meet her.

Two of the group have already arrived, one is a very stereotypical Goth girl with long black hair that has a single strand of bright neon pink through it. On the girl's neck is a black Ankh, while her clothing is black, from the corset that hugs in her slightly chunky waist, to the fishnet tights (strategically ripped), to the black skirt with the only color at all being white lace. She's adamantly talking to the younger fellow, a nebbish looking young man who is wearing a high turtle neck sweater, jeans a bit too long for him, thick rubber boots, and glasses upon his nose. Their conversation is fairly typical for the two. "UGH. Seriously?" Angeline states, "You LIKED that drivel nonsense? They threw all of these big head actors and actresses together, hoping to make something magical happen, and all that they did was try and upstage each other. That Avengers thing is hideous."

Tom's eyes roll. "I liked it, I thought they meshed well together."

And the conversation continues on, while Karita, herself, dressed in simple jeans and t, is busy in the kitchen area putting together the snacks. "No, I did NOT forget the oregano." She's stating to seemingly no one. "And yes, I added enough garlic, can't you sme..nevermind."

The door is open just enough for someone to just walk on through.

Marly Kohler has posed:
It's been several years since Marly acquired The Maker and in all of that time she's only learned (truly) basic things. She knows there's more to learn, more to understand, when it comes to the hammer, but she has no earthly idea on how to figure it all out.

Especially not with her father being gone.

Which is why Marly began to look into other avenues and other 'alternate' sources of knowledge. Perhaps one of them can help her figure out what she can't.

Which brings us to TONIGHT and to Marly's first official meeting with this particular Paranormal Group. Really the *only* paranomral group that she found. Oh sure, there's likely more out there, but once Marly found this one she didn't look too much further.

When Marly approaches the door she automatically reaches out to knock, but the young woman easily sees the door open a crack and so gently pushes it open. She steps into the apartment and immediately glances to Tom and Angeline, "Oh, uh, hello!"

"Am I at the right place? I called earlier in the week about joining the group? I'm Marly. Marly Kohler."

Oh no, is she babbling? She's nervously babbling isn't she.

Karita Landry has posed:
Almost immediately both Angeline and Tom rise upwards, moving towards Marly with friendly demeanor and hand shakes. "You're in the right place, though you might want to run away now. I'm Tom, this is Angeline and Karita's in the kitchen cooking something that smells great. Everyone else wasn't able to make it." He babbles himself, his hand reaching outwards to shake Marly's hand, and if given, will shake it a bit too long, not flirtatiously - but just almost absent minded. Tom's in his younger twenties, probably not more than twenty-one if that.

Angeline will step up next, "It's great someone else is interested in the paranormal, we haven't had a new person since Tom joined. Come on in and have a sit, Kari's apartment is great, we left you the bean bag if you want."

As for Karita, she's quick to step in once Tom and Angeline are heading back to the living area, her hands quickly wiped by a kitchen towel. "Marly! It's great to meet you in person, finally." Talking on the phone is just never as nice as an actual in-person meeting. Karita's eyes gaze past Marly's shoulder a moment, as her hand extends outwards for a shake. There's a slight pause to Kari's motions, then, a furrowing of her brows, as though something is quite interesting in the hallway, before the five foot two girl gestures towards the living area. "The veggie and meat calzones are almost done, I'm trying a new recipe that I learned from.." A pause. "A new acquaintance." Her gaze flickers towards the kitchen then, frowning there a moment, "I think they're about to burn, one sec."

And Karita's darting back into the kitchen, whispering under her breath. "Okay, okay! I'm coming, gosh, they're not burning, you're being paranoid."

A few minutes later, once everyone has gotten comfortable where ever they may sit. (Tom and Angeline have taken up the love seat.) Karita arrives with a large tray of steaming hot calzones, which she sits down on the coffee table. "Help yourselves, and then we'll get down to business." Tom and Angeline take absolutely no pause at all to grab a meat and vegie respectfully.

Marly Kohler has posed:
"Nice to meet you Tom, Angeline." And while she could say her name she doesn't since she *already* said it. The handshake is allowed to go on far longer than needed, as Marly is obviously too polite to end it at first, but eventually she does.

Both Angeline and Tom are given a friendly enough half-grin as the antique shop owner says, "Thanks. I'm glad to be here. The bean bag is fine."

She'd say more, probably babble more in fact, but she's saved by the timely intervention of Karita. Upon hearing that familiar voice Marly's expression brightens, "Karita, yes! So nice to meet you and everyone here. Thank you so much for inviting me to your apartment. It's really lovely."

When Karita offers her hand to shake Marly takes it and gives a firm shake, before the brown-haired woman glances over her shoulder. It's an automatic and unconscious gesture, as she looks to see who Karita might see. When no one is there Marly brings her attention back to the other woman. "Oh, yes, of course." She says, when Karita is quick to return to the kitchen, "We wouldn't want the food to burn.", finishes Marly good-naturedly. Does she notice the other woman whispering to herself? Sure! Does she think it's weird yet, not quite. Lots of people have a habit of talking to themselves, after.

While Tom and Angeline grabbed the loveseat, Marly took the proffered bean bag. It's been ages since she sat in one but seriously, it's like riding a bike. At the offer of food Marly reaches for a calzone, though she doesn't immediately eat it. Instead she watches the group for any overt cues on what to say and when to say it. Eventually though, her nervous babble picks up again. "How many other people are in the group typically?"

Karita Landry has posed:
The calzones are actually quite good - almost professional quality, the sauce is creamy, thick and doesn't overpower the vegetables or the meat (depending on which was chosen), but still offers a perfect symmetry with the cheese. The vegetarian calzone also uses non-dairy cheeses, though the nature of that might be difficult to tell, unless one is a true cheese fan. In all, the quiet 'mmmm' and 'so good' that comes from Tom and Angeline is enough for Karita to turn her gaze to her side and smile quietly. And if one listens ever so carefully, one might even hear a disembodied voice make a sigh of contentment before all is quiet (save for munching) again.

Karita flops down into the bean bag next to Marly, plucking up her laptop computer and television remote on the way down. "Okay, so, a little about us, there are eight in total now, counting yourself." Karita begins, her laptop humming to life with a quiet sound of the fans as she continues. "For investigations, really it kind of depends on who is available at the time. We sometimes only get a very certain day that home owners feel comfortable letting us in, or such, so at times there may only be one or two investigators available. We have all of the equipment that you've seen on television, security cameras, digital recorders, a FLIR, hand held cameras that can see into the infrared, ghost boxes, temperature gauges, and the list goes on. If you have time later, you and I can go over the equipment and I'll show you how it all works, if you haven't used any before."

With a squish of noise, the bean bag shifts as Karita does, the television coming to life as the Bluetooth between the TV and the laptop speak to each other. "We just did an investigation in upstate New York over the weekend, the home owner was worried about moving into a new home that was like sixty years old. So she wanted it investigated and then cleansed."

The television flickers to many different pictures that were taken in different light sources, that slowly click by showing a lovely older (but not too old) house in the suburbs of upstate New York. "We didn't catch anything.." At this point, Angeline speaks up. "Though I know there was a spirit there." She states with a very quick bob of her head. "I felt him, older guy, in his sixties, previous home owner. Oh I'm a medium and wiccan." Angeline's long black hair bobs around her bare shoulders then, before she pushes it back with a motion of her hand.

Karita, as Angeline's speaking is idly rolling her tongue around the top of her teeth, though she doesn't say anything, just continues. "However, we didn't find anything scientific or concrete. It's important that we gain a scientific approach to everything. Regardless we did do a cleansing both with sage as well as Angeline's spiritual cleansing and re purification."

Marly Kohler has posed:
Eventually politeness dictates that Marly eat and so she definitely takes a few bites. Only to hastily swallow once the explanation of the group begins.

"Uh, yeah, you'll definitely need to tell me what some of that stuff does. I have no idea what a FLIR is. Some of the other stuff I've definitely heard of." She watches television, after all.

When Karita begins to cycle through the pictures of the house, Marly turns her attention to that. There's a slight furrow between her brows as she looks at the various images, some in regular light and some in infrared. Immediately there's a question that Marly wants to ask, but she doesn't quite voice it yet. Instead when Angeline speaks up about the presence of a spirit Marly can't help but look over to the black and pink haired woman.

Those words of hers cause Marly's eyebrows to rise upward, "Really?", she asks in all her honest curiousity, "That's so interesting. Have you sensed many spirits when you go out on the investigations?"
And while she waits for that answer from Angeline, Marly's attention swings back to Karita when she mentions being as scientific, "I'm down with that. The more evidence the better.", and here, Marly finally voices one of her questions, "Have you ever found reall evidence of spirits? Or of the super-natural? I mean *clearly* they're there, right? We've all seen the crazy things that's going on in the world, but even seeing those it doesn't always explain everything."

Karita Landry has posed:
Angeline is just about bursting with enthusiasm at being asked a question that is near and dear to her heart. "I've felt so many." She states, "When we have more time, I'll tell you about some of the more interesting ones, that we have full backup of evidence for!" The young Goth wiccan smiles very brightly at Marly, eager to have someone who isn't so skeptical to her powers here. (Or at least what she perceives as so.) Meanwhile, Tom is quietly eating his third calzone and is content to just listen and watch, he occasionally pulls out his cell phone to click and clack on it a couple times, before putting it back away.

Karita once again shifts in the bean bag, her weight moving slightly so the leather material squishes and squashes along with her motions. "Well." She begins. "We have found controversial evidence, one of our group members is very skeptical and can come up with a lot of different ways the evidence we acquired can be achieved through other than paranormal means. Buuuuut."

Karita grins at Marly. "We have actually found some evidence that I don't think can be explained away. EVP - Electronic voice phenomenon, for one, and we have this great shadow that moves from one side of the room to the other." Casting her gaze down, Karita brings up the clip. It's of an older house, perhaps a century old from the looks of it, and in the hallway looking down, the camera captures a fleeting blip of a shadow moving swiftly from one side of the hallway to the next and disappearing afterwards. Karita keeps it on a slow re-run over and over again to give Marly enough time to view it.

"We can't really explain it away, either. None of us was in the building at the time, and no one else was either, that we know of. We tried replicating it by walking in front of windows, and so on, but couldn't do so." Karita shrugs, gazing at it, then back to Marly. "It's really kind of cool, and spooky. I fully believe that spirits are there, yes. What about yourself, have you had any strange experiences in your life that you'd like to talk about? I mean, one thing that we do is enjoy talking about our experiences too. It helps to sway fears, and raise questions, sometimes even answering them."

Marly Kohler has posed:
Marly smiles at Angeline, "Definitely, I'd love to hear some of your stories."

But then at the mention of having *proof* that causes Marly to return her gaze to Karita and then the television. Especially as the shadow loops back and forth in very slow-mo. Marly honest-to-god leans forward to try and get a better look at it and there's a pursed-lip frown of concentration on her face as she watches that blob of darkness move back and forth.

Sadly, she really can't tell what it is. Or what it could be. "That's pretty dang cool."

While she didn't necessarily join this group as a true believer, something about the group and what they've seen has Marly feeling actual excited curiosity on what they might find.

But that last question of Karita's causes Marly to blink and then consider her answer carefully. "I can't say I've had real personal experience like seeing spirits, or sensing them, or seeing spirits or ghosts, but .." Her words pause slightly as she considers how to carefully edit her next words, "When my dad died I felt something - I didn't know what it meant at the time, but obviously now I do and I'd like some answers. I thought learning more about spirits and the paranormal might help me figure it all out."

She smiles at the trio before she hastily apologizes, "Not to put a dampener on everything, but that's why I'm here."

Karita Landry has posed:
Like most when met with something sad, the emotional response is quick, bonding (or trying to) with Marly with words of comfort. "Oh man, that sucks." And "I know your father is still with you, Marly." And then Karita quietly responds, her words spoken without really thinking.

"I'm glad you're here. We all learn from each other, and as we learn we grow. There isn't any harm in not knowing, because it just gives you a chance to learn and become an expert at it." Karita's gaze isn't really on Marly, if you really read where Kari's green gems are looking. She's gazing just past Marly's shoulder, before her attention just returns to the new member.

Rising upwards, Tom's stuffing a couple more of the calzones into his jacket pocket, to Angeline's scoff. "Why don't you just grab them all Tom!" Which Tom just grins. "Don't think I wont! Those were great, Kari! Ang and I should get going before they throw us out like last time."

The time for guests that aren't spending the evening is nearing, so Angeline and Tom begin to make their way out. "It was great getting to know you, Marly." Angeline states, "I'm so excited to begin working with you. Hopefully we'll have another case we can work on soon!"

Squishing this way and that, Karita wiggles her way out of the bean bag as well, rising upwards. "Hopefully we will." She repeats, offering a grin towards the trio. "And you can meet the others soon too. Give me a text or call later, and we can meet up and I'll bring the equipment."

Marly Kohler has posed:
Those words are expected.

All of them. She's heard them hundreds if not thousands of times before.

Welllllll, almost all those words at expected, at least. Tom and Angeline's definitely. Most of Karita's? Sure! It's, however, that last part that stops the brown-haired woman short.

She almost gives herself whiplash as she turns her head to stare at Karita, "I'm sorry?", she says, her tone more rhetorical than not. Or rather her tone more surprised than not. She wasn't expecting her father's favorite phrase to be dropped so casually from the petite blonde woman.

And while she catches the fact that Karita isn't necessarily looking at her, but over her shoulder and behind, there isn't much time to ponder what that means.

Not when Tom and Angeline are scurrying out the door, nor when Karita rises out of her own bean bag. That alone causes Marly to rise upward, her surprised expression being smoothed over with a smile, "Oh yes, of course. Thank you so much for inviting me here. I'll give a text for a good time to visit my shop. Who knows maybe I have a haunted antique or two in there."

"I look forward to see you all soon. Bye!"

And with those words said Marly pulls her coat back on and steps out the door, the words of her father ringing within her head.