5828/Opening With a Pair of Gwens

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Opening With a Pair of Gwens
Date of Scene: 02 April 2021
Location: Financial District
Synopsis: No description
Cast of Characters: Peter Parker, Gwen Stacy, Gwendolyn Poole

Peter Parker has posed:
Okay, this is something unusual.

Spider-Man, a guy willing to meet anyone and everyone on their own merits, has met up with an...interesting recruit to the...team? Nahh, nowhere NEAR that organized. Squad? Yike, no. ASSOCIATION...well, that's close enough. An association of Spider-People, both direct and honorary.

It's one of the potential honoraries Spidey is setting up this meeting with.
A text message is sent to GwenPool's phone about a good time to meet him and one of the other members. Ghost Spider is showing up as available and Spidey needs a fresh set of eyes and an independent opinion, so he texted Ghost with this request:

<Need to vet a potential member to Spider-Comm, and I trust your judgment. Reply YES to accept.>

Hitting YES comes up with a waypoint, an address, and the message, <Top floor, minimal security.>

Gwen Stacy has posed:
League of Extraordinary Spiders! That would be Gwen's suggestion to the whole conundrum about what name to choose about Spidey and associates. Or Spider Posse, if they wanted to be more of a gang type of thing. But then she'd have to work on her lexicon. No need for that.

Ghost Spider is currently hanging upside down on one of the tall skyscrapers in New York, stopping her swinging when she gets the message on her comms. A new member? Fine with her. And by answering yes she gets that waypoint, starting on her way there. She shows up not long after, dressed in that black and white slim outfit of Ghost Spider, the pink rims around the eyes, hood over the head. There are headphones visible under the mask so she is most likely with music blasting through, landing effortlessly on the top floor of the garage..

"Come out, come out wherever you are~" She singsongs, announcing her arrival to Peter.

Gwendolyn Poole has posed:
A Gwenpool is never late. She arrives precisely when she means to.

Which is about ten minutes after Ghost Spider arrives. The sound of a motorcycle roaring up the parking structure can be heard a few floors down. The revving and skidding as it takes turn after turn at a dangerous speed, tearing up the ramps. Soon enough a pink, white and black motorcycle NYYYEEEEEEEEEERS into view, with a pantsless arctic ninja hunkered down atop it. It skids to a stop, and the rider revs the engine a few times before she kills it. She sits up, then, and flashes a wide, somewhat manic smile. She's in her full outfit, from bare legs and boots, to that pink and white top and mask with the little dangly bit at the top. A pair of katanas are sheathed on her back, and her harness has a number of grenades, smoke bombs, and all sorts of other dangerous looking doodads on it. A large pistol is holstered low on her hip, like a cowboy. A shark-shaped backpack is strapped across her back...with what appears to be a few rockets sticking out.

"I made it!"

Peter Parker has posed:
Must be nice to have your own soundtrack. He does have his own playlists. Music to Patrol By...Speed-Sling...Wake-up Music For Long Nights. But Ghost Spider has an ear for music. It's a gift.

Spidey was sitting on a concrete bumper near the center light pole. He stands, then walks over to Ghost.

"Thanks for being here. I could use your help. I met this woman, but was dressed in some costume that looked familiar. Couldn't place it. But this girl, college-age, said she was a mercenary. Which is a big thing to swallow until I noticed she was carrying two swords and a very-real sidearm. But she said she wants to do better. Help people. Which, if she is a merc, has to be tough. But...I said I'd try to help her, if she was serious."

Spidey looks around. "Anyway, she goes by the handle of GwenPool. She'd not hard to miss. White and pink costume, two swords on her back..."

He turns as the motorcycle revs and GwenPool appears.

"...and, apparently, enough firearms to topple a small country..." he finishes a little lamely.

Gwen Stacy has posed:
Lifting a couple of fingers up Gwen taps the side of her head in a lazy salute when she spots Peter, "Hey, Spidey.." she talking just a bit too loud before she lowers the volume on her earbuds. Was she expecting their guest to be around already? She does look around the top floor but only finding Spider-man she approaches with that saunty jaunt of hers, steps graceful.

"Swords and guns..?" That's received with a bit of surprise by Gwen, a brow arching from under the mask. "Not exactly the type we normally hang out with." It was already enough that they lived in the same type of neighborhoods as people like the Punisher. Clearly not the type of crowd she likes to hang out with. No killing for this Gwen! .. For good reasons.

"But well, I probably know better than most that people do deserve a second chance so .., let's see who it is.."

Just in time for that bike to be heard revving up to the top floor. Gwen turns, one hip thrusted to the side, her arms crossed, she taking in the arsenal on the girl. "Small as in China?" bit of a sarcastic tone to her.

She lifts one hand up to greet the other girl before something seems to 'click', asking Peter, "Did you say .., Gwen-pool?"

Gwendolyn Poole has posed:
"Weeeell, I can say with some experience that it's harder then you think to topple small countries."

She pauses as she loops her leg over the bike and hops off, facing the two. "But that was...before. In the long, long ago. The before times. When I was all bored and villainous." She flashes another one of those grins before she crosses the rooftop towards the two. She pauses, then, when she recognizes Ghost Spider, and she brings her hands up to muffle an excited, fangirl scream. "OH MY GOD. Ghost Spider! When you and Spider-Man II hooked up it was one of my favorite things ever! I had a picture of you two kissing as my phone background for -forever-."

Huh? She hesitates, then, and clears her throat.

"Uh. So! Hi, I'm Gwen. Gwenpool. Gwendolyn. Merc looking to turn over a new leaf and all that. Totally wanting to jump Spidey's bones, here. You know how it goes." This girl cannot be serious.

Peter Parker has posed:
Wow, who turned HER all the way up to 11?

"AND the reason why we're here, Gwen...there's a lot of crime going on in this city, and the more we dig up, the more 'organized' it gets. As such...we need all the help we can get."
Deep breath.
"...but that also means we have certain rules in place. Levels of acceptable force. Which means that a lot of your...gear...will be restricted to specific situations. Rubber bullets instead of full-metal-jacket versions. Explosives used against hard targets or nearly-invulnerable enemies. That sort of thing. If you are that good at using them, then we'll expect you to be creative...without being LETHAL." He spreads his arms wide. "Apart from the moral standpoint of it, people cut you a lot more slack if they don't think you're going to kill them."

Gwen Stacy has posed:
The reason why they are here?

"To jump Spidey's bones?" Gwen tries to sound serious but it's clear she is close to laughing, looking at Peter with what most likely will be deep amusement under that mask. Though this merc appears to have a name equal to hers. It makes her curious at least, but hey it's not as if more people can't be called Gwendolyn. Still, she focus on something else after. "I didn't know there was a second Spider-man...?" a look to Peter, then back. Though she does wonder if she's talking about Miles. Mmmm. She knows a lot! "But I am still glad people look up to me. Good to meet you .., Gwendolyn." ok, this won't work. She will have to find another name to call her. Maybe Poolie.

"And yea, basically what Spidey is saying is that you don't want to go full Punisher." never go full Punisher.

Gwendolyn Poole has posed:
"Huh. I guess that all makes sense." Gwen furrows her brow as she considers it, and somehow it's obvious through her mask. She shrugs, then, and peels her mask back. Her pretty face comes into view and she smooths down her blonde and pink hair.

"Ooooh, okay. Not full Punisher. Makes sense. I remember when that guy rolled over Wolverine in a steamroller. That shit was intense." He did? She slips her backpack off and dangles it from the handlebars of her motorcycle. "Well, sure. Sorry. I mean -date- Spidey. Is that better? I still struggle over fitting whatever rating we're dealing with." She wanders over and offers the other Gwen her hand to shake.

Peter Parker has posed:
Rating? Odd reaction. Also references to people, places, things, like she witnessed them, or read about them. Might have to ask about that.

"I think we should establish friendship and trust first, Gwen. But...well, let's just see." He exhales in a sudden breath, then continues.

"I would like to know about you, Gwen. The skills you have, the proficiencies, the experiences. Nothing is unimportant."

Gwen Stacy has posed:
When Poolie takes out her mask and reveals her face there's clear surprise from Ghost, she canting her head to the side, then craning her neck forward as if to look at her more closely. That's ..., a lot of similarities, including name. She gives Peter a 'LOOK' almost as if asking for an explanation, then back to the other when she comes close for a hand shake.

"Good .., to meet you." Yet she is clearly taken aback with something. She shakes the girl's hand, "And no, no. Fine to date or jump his bones however you want." a brief chuckle before her arms return to cross about her slim waistline, dangling loosely.

A small moment later she adds, "Your face reminds me of someone .."