19490/Merciful Shenanigans

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Merciful Shenanigans
Date of Scene: 12 November 2024
Location: A rooftop
Synopsis: A playful interlude with a coyote
Cast of Characters: Glamour, Mercy Thompson

Glamour has posed:
As Mercy is going about her day, she catches a scent on the wind -- fae.

Following it, there no doubt about which Fae it is. They've met before, after all, and it isn't long before arrives at a parking lot in the middle that's lit up with what appears to be an actual fight between a very, very human-sized Glamour in a shimmering blue unitard and a domino mask -- classic heroing get up really -- and a rather hulking individua with skin made of stone. Glamour is peppering him with punches that are quite clearly far stronger than one might expect from her as his stone skin crumbles and regenerates as he seemingly absorbs the asphalt he's standing on.

Wings buzzing swiftly, she's using skillful acrobatics to avoid his strikes right up nntil one sends her flying towards a very car. She slames into the windshield in an explosion of glass and glitter. Laying there a moment as the Stone-Man approaches her, groaning, she wipes the blood oozing from her nostrils and then shakes herself out of the car, sending more glass and glitter off from her.

And yes, her blood has a bit of sparkle to it too.

Mercy Thompson has posed:
    Magic always makes Mercy's nose itch. She's learned to tell the difference between sparkly fae, running along her skin like dancing insects of lighting. As opposed to the oily vile stench of something demonic that reaches in all viscus and vile into the throat to choke. So while she is out and about and gets 'magic' but magic she somewhat knows, that will make her pause in her little errands.
    Then there's the nice little pixie woman, who is less little, going through someone's windshield. Wasn't even the the old Audi two cars down that might have gotten her business damn it. She won't let the poor girl get smooshed. So reaching under her clothes she draws out a long bladed knife as her other hand goes to her mouse letting out an ear splitting whistle.
    "Hey pebbles. I'm not going to let you kill her. So you can either leave and call it a draw, or learn just how much bad luck I can be for others." Mercy casually is walking to circle the stone man, eyes following the cracks and how best to try and counter the man. "Meep meep, jerk." She grins as Mercy says, "You don't get the irony. But trust me, if you did, you be laughing like a rock quarry."

Glamour has posed:
"Yeah, lady, well I've heard that before and I got a job here to finish, see."

Mister Stone-Feet tears off the door from another car and begins to advance on the fairy menacingly, seemingly not buying Mercy's threat.

"Oh, hey Mercy. Nice to see you again. Fancy running into you hear," replies Glamour, wings all a buzz. Her right eye is already bruising nastily.

"This guy came out of nowhere and tried to squish me, so we're throwing down."

Glamour shakes herself off. "I dunno what you're thinking you're gonna do, but he hits pretty hard so maybe --"

She's forced to flip out of the way as that car door goes hurling towards her with enough force that, if he'd hit where he'd been aiming it, it would surely have taken her head off.

Mercy Thompson has posed:
    Thing is. Mercy is often underestimated. Yet she's way faster then she looks, stronger then she looks. Oh! And one more thing.... she trains with amazons and Wonder Woman on how to fight. He gives her a blind spot and that's all Mercy needs. She's not one to play fair or nice. Her fancy knife still has its sheath on and she dashes right for the guy's knees. She does a spinning martial arts full stomp with her leg trying to snap the leg and give his rocky knees a new way to bend. Even as the wooden blade goes right for where the rock guy's body is most fractured. Go for the weak spots.

    "I was planning on breaking him and giving him maybe one more chance to surrender before I tear him apart like a parts car on a manic project weekend," quips Mercy right back. She doesn't fight 'nice' because she is always the little one. So you hit hard, fast, and... ahem.... without Mercy.

Glamour has posed:
"Jesus Christ," yells the fairy when Mercy runs right in. She's not about to let her get hurt, it seems, and she dives towards Mister Rock-Feet and grabs at his now swinging fists that he brings down towards Mercy as he yells in pain. He wasn't expecting someone that, well ... was that much of an expert in fighting, and could actually hurt him.

While Mercy is able to avoid his first heavy swings, Glamour's intervention saves her from needing to do more evasion. She's squeezing down on his wrists in a clinch with him, now and Mercy can see stone cracking and bits flying off from the force of her grip.

"Time to stop playing now," shje informs him, as...

...a horde of pigeons arrive?

Mercy might realize quickly that they're not real, illusions summoned by the fairy, but they're real enough to him and they're every bit of statuaries worst enemy.

"Oh come ON," yells Stone-Feet.

Mercy Thompson has posed:
    That's an early lesson, be ready for the counter attack. But she's ready to go with Glamour's help as she rolls away from the stone guy. She still treats this fight as real and illusion pigeons work for her. She did her opening move and plans to keep working on the legs. The one she already hit. Her body moves quick as she comes out of the roll
    Somehow Mercy has the knife in her off hand and a pistol in her other. She's already aimed on the cracks at the legs joins and fires three shots at fairly close range. There already is smashing cars and glass. Cops will be here soon and she knows a great lawyer. "Stand down!"

Glamour has posed:
"Oh FUCK this," yells Stone-Feet and he ...

... sinks into the earth, melding into the asphalt like he's part of it. That's one way to get away. The pigeons swiftly evarporate into sparkles and Glamour wobbles a little.

She's gonna fall over.

Mercy Thompson has posed:
    Mercy doesn't buy that gone doesn't mean 'left for good' at all. She however doesn't want Glamour to fall and hurt herself. She rushes to catch the woman and will pick her up and get atop the all metal car. "This is going to be a real mess you know!" She looks at the ground and around and where they could maybe go for safety! "You better stay conscious or I'm taking you to a hospital or something. Dang it."

Glamour has posed:
"Don't need a hospital, I just need to rest a bit," says Glamour, waving her hand at her.

Sirens are sounding, naturally, at this point and getting closer.

"Lemme get you out of here," says Glamour, aiming to hoist Mercy aloft if she's allowed, and zip away to find a nearby building to sit on the roof of. It's new York. It's not that hard.

Mercy Thompson has posed:
    Mercy will quickly at flick Glamour's nose, "NO!" Stopping any magic because that stuff isn't wanting to work quite right on Mercy in general. She can either carry or just support Glamour and get them out of sight and to an ally. Good ears means you can tell what way the cops are coming and get out of sight easy enough. "You want to fly yourself to a roof fine. I can take a fire escape up."

Glamour has posed:
"...augh! What the hell," yelps Glamour as her nose is flicked. Fairy dust ploofs up right there and makes her sneeze.

"Ow," she says, sneezing again, "Ow. Oooh. Uh. Okay. Yeah. Sure." She shrugs her shoulders and then lets herself fall to her own naturally size and takes a a seat on Mercy's shoulder instead.

Mercy Thompson has posed:
    "That works too, and do be a drama queen Glamour. I didn't flick you that hard." She gently waves the dust away as she'll jump up to a ladder and pull it down. Then slowly walk up the steps at a relaxed pace to make it to the roof. "So. What's the story and are you hurt or injured?"

Glamour has posed:
"It's not about the," sniffle, "Not about the strength. I am very dusty."

She shakes herself off, leaving a ploof of glitter around her person again.

As they are settled, the tiny little fairy drops off her and flutters to the ground, speaking up to make herself heard.

"I'm fine, just a bit worn out. And I have no idea what that was about. Guy came right at me and tried to smoosh me."

Mercy Thompson has posed:
    Mercy gently brushes off any dust on her clothes and will settle down casually on the roof. "I got good ears, no need to strain your voice if it does." Then she frowns, "Should have policed my brass. I'll have to call a friend in the force tomorrow." Just to be sure. She rests her elbows on her knees. "Most guys just don't smoosh people for fun, but it can happen. Glad you're okay. So what was with the size change trick?"

Glamour has posed:
"Oh, I can just do that. It's pretty taxing, though? But fun!" Glamour gives a big shrug at that, hands spread to either side of her. She squints at her at the various things she did say, though. Friend on the forc, for example.

"And yeah, he's probably been paid by some jackass to smoosh me. It's not like I don't have some folks who don't like me."

Mercy Thompson has posed:
    "Well I got some people who don't like me too, but most don't try to actively kill me." Mercy pauses and thinks on it, "Thought I can't say 'none' have either. So who am I to talk?" She motions to the wings behind Glamour. "My advice would be to fly away fast as you can next time. Never take a fight on the enemy's terms if you don't have to. I imagine your wings can give you some real advantages."

Glamour has posed:
"Naw, you're right. But I was stronger than he was," remarks Glamour, making with curling her bicep to show off her skinny arm.

"Well, when I'm big, anyway." Buzzing her wings, she adds, "Not my first scrap anyway and I was bored, so."

She shrugs her shoulders. "A hero would never run from danger," she nods, very serious about that.

Mercy Thompson has posed:
    "I beat up lots of people who are 'stronger' than me. I'm just trying to offer some advice and help. You know your life better then I do however." Mercy would not want a stranger telling her how to live, or nagging about it. So she won't do the same to Glamour.
    "Plenty of heroes run. Then again, I never tired to be a hero really. Just someone that tries her best to 'be good' as it were."

Glamour has posed:
"Yeah, I can tell! You were pretty great back there with all that weaving," replies Glamour, cheerfully.

"With a little rest, I'll be right as rain, you know?"

She does a ltitle twirl, clearly already feeling a little better with her breather. Hands go to her hips and she flutters up in front of Mercy's face.

"I mean, yeah, in practice, they totally do. Not me, though. I'm very brave. Have my eyes turned brown yet?" she asks.

Mercy Thompson has posed:
    "You get really good at dodging when you sometimes spar with people who can throw tanks around. I made a lifetime of not getting hit." Mercy hopes that's a trend she can keep going as well. Mercy may go a little cross eyed if Glamour flits too close to her nose but she can lean back to offer space. She laughs at the question, "I plead the fifth."

Glamour has posed:
"I'm aerodynamic and shit, yo. Came with the fairy package." Another little twirl and ploof of glitter from Glamour. "Tanks are a bit beyond me, I think. Those fuckers be heavy. Fortunately, you don't see to many of them around here, you know, on account of being in the city and not in a war zone.... right now." She casts her gaze out over the city. These things do happen.

Mercy Thompson has posed:
    "This is true, not many tanks here in New York. Though I can be a bit jealous of times of the idea of being able to lift that. I mean how much easier it would be to get an engine in a car if you can just set it into it." She shrugs and says, "But wench and pullies for me alas." She clearly gets another idea though for a moment as a happy sort of goofy smile comes to her before she focuses back upon Glamour. "So you gonna be good, no needing anything?"

Glamour has posed:
Glamour looks curiously towards that smile.

"Yeah, I'll be okay. I owe you one for helping out, though, and I always repay my favors!" A lit tle spin once more leaving a spiralling trail of glitter up and around as she does before resuming her previous position. "And yeah, I mean. It's always nice to be able to just be strong when I need to. Like, most of the time I can't even bug out of a glass jar -- and let me tell you, those things suck to be in. Dumbass kids," she mutters those last words.

Mercy Thompson has posed:
    "So what do you do, go invisible until they open to wonder how you got out and fly away," because that's what Mercy would try to do. "I can relate to the pain of kids. Though for me my childhood bane was less children and more farmers." Mercy does an exaggerated shiver. "Damn shotguns."

Glamour has posed:
"WHY DIDN'T I THINK OF THAT,' yells Glamour, throwing her arms up in frustration. "Farmers, why farmers?" She asks, confused, "Were they pointing shotguns at you when you were a kid? That's fucked up, lady."

Mercy Thompson has posed:
    "Some were. They thought I was there to kill their hens or something." Mercy shrugs a shoulder. "Got the pockmarks on my ass as proof, but I get it. They were seeing me as a predator and a threat." For saying she got shot at, Mercy seems pretty lax about it all. "Really only got tagged the one time with any real good aim. Lucky shot honestly."

Glamour has posed:
"...on your ass?" mouths Glamour, a mischevious glint briefly fluttering into her expression. She squelches it down.

"... riiiiight. Shapeshifter, inn it," she says. She didn't exactly forget, she just wasn't thinking about it directly until now.

Mercy Thompson has posed:
    Mercy taps her nose as in 'on the' with a grin. "Yep. But like I said it was not anything I hold a grudge over. Besides it was a lesson well learned when I was younger. Feel free to do the invisible thing next time if you can. Bet it works like a proverbial charm."

Glamour has posed:
"Oh it would definitely work on the dumb kids, without me having to bursts through glass. That *hurts*," says Glamour, muttering and shuddering at the memory. "Kids play entirely too much Legend of Zelda for my safety." Shegrumbles.

Mercy Thompson has posed:
    "That's not where my mind goes with you, but I won't say that name." Mercy grins and for a moment gets that grin again before she tips her head. "Sounds like the cops are starting to call a toe for that poor car. Hope they have insurance."

Glamour has posed:
"Oh, I'm sure they do," remarks Glamour, squinting at her. "You better not if its what I think it is. You say it, and I will punish you." She jabs a finger in her direction.

Mercy Thompson has posed:
    "I don't think I have too much to worry," Mercy meets the threat with a grin as she shows teeth with this smile in a rare display. "After all. I know Peter Pan," winking at the little fairy.

Glamour has posed:
"Oh, you'd be so surprised! I am full of wrath. WRATH. Your shins will never be safe and --- nice ... teeth?" Something unsettling there to her, it seems. She puts a hand behind her head. "Mn, anwyay. I don't believe you on Peter Pan, thankfully, who does not exist and its not my fault, okay?! This is just how I came out." She gestures down at her self.

Mercy Thompson has posed:
    "You.. saying you don't believe in Peter Pan?" Mercy seems very amused now as she looks at the littler woman> "Trust me. The Pan is real. Isn't it kind of ironic for you to say you don't believe in someone? Besides almost every story can have a mustard seed of truth."

Glamour has posed:
"Why, I do not believe in Peter Pan!" says Glamour In That Particular Sing-Song.

"Pan, sure," she continues, "That I can believe given," She gestures at herself, "but Peter Pan? Pshaw. No way. And I am going tor regret that when I get totally proven wrong later and mistaken for Tinkerbell," the 'again' is left unsaid but it's there, "and kidnapped to NeverNeverland where I am enslaved to produce fairy dusts for the masses who are busy singing 'Smells like Teen Spirit' for some strange reason and I will never forgive that director for it ever," she grumbles.

Mercy Thompson has posed:
    "I think that movie was to imply that the kids taken came from all time periods," but Mercy then asks. "So what makes you so sure that 'The Pan' and Peter Pan are not two names for the same person? Someone that is older then even that story, who never 'grows up' and maybe even likes a mechanic in New York enough to spend time with her?" She goes on to point out, "We live in a world with Amazon princesses, gods of thunders, and you a 'living fairy' just waiting for an over eager Disney lawyer to try and sue. Seems like 'impossible' is really just a different kind of 'possible' to me."

Glamour has posed:
"Hmph. I'll believe it when I see it." Now it's become a point of pride. She's totally not going to agree with it, just for show now. Hands on her hips, she adds, "Yeah, well. I don't know anything about fairy shit, really. Being one didn't exactly give me any insight -- though I do have the occasional insight, I suppose." She scratches her head above one pointed ear.

Mercy Thompson has posed:
    Mercy will reach into her phone and pulls out a picture on it. In it is Mercy dressed up as a very authentic looking Tiger Lily and next to her is a SERIOUSLY authentic looking Peter Pan. Like if you ever said 'what would Peter Pan look like in /real/ life' before? It's there. Right now on her phone as she holds it out. "I have met a fae or two in my past. Not sure they have schools though."

Glamour has posed:
"... fucks sake," groans Glamour, slapping her hand over her face.

"Closest I got to was meeting some magical girl from a magical dimension where there are other fae. I've been on my own since I was 'born', I guess." Mercy can almost hear the quotes around it. "Cute tiger lily, though!"

Mercy Thompson has posed:
    Mercy looks at the picture with a happy bemused smile and then shuts the phone down. "That magical dimension and princess have a color theme by any chance?" Yeah she's maybe looking just a LITTLE smug for having caught Glamour in her little trap. "Tha," catching herself. "Kind of you to say. Being half Native American I thought I try to do her right as it were and not as a super racist stereotype. At least they fixed her in the theme parks now."

Glamour has posed:
When she refrains from her thank you, Glamour makes an exagerated snap of her fingers.

"Look. I'm not going to ask you your name so I can steal it, you know? I'm not that kind of fairy. I wouldn't even know how to do a trick like that in the first place. I mean, I'm sure I've got some fairy magic, but mostly I just make myself big from time to time."

Mercy Thompson has posed:
    Mercy shakes her head and says, "I believe you won't. But I know some who will do that and it's a bad habit to get into. I always have that... touch of wild luck if you will. So as a rule I work hard to not let slip some words in some company. It's just survival habits." Mercy then asks again, "So this magical girl. She have a color theme or no? Maybe a flying horse friend with a horn?"

Glamour has posed:
"I dunno about the others, but yeah, she sure did. She was really nice," says Glamour of Amy. She scratches the back of her head and then gives a languid stretch, spine popping.

"Flying horse, though, I've never seen one before up close. I'm about to pega-sigh about it."

Mercy Thompson has posed:
    Mercy nods her head, "Yeah. Amy was a pretty chill noble. Glad I got to help her recuse her friend that isn't an alicorn." She shakes her head, "I got to see her world to. It.... either liked me too much or too little. Tugged at things inside of me and made it clear it was somewhere I should be very careful about returning to."

Glamour has posed:
"She showed me to. It scares me," says Glamour.

"...but if everything blows up I may not have much choice and I definitely don't belong there." She closes one eye.

"Eh, it's what it is. I'll manage, the whole planet thing is a bit out of my league."

Mercy Thompson has posed:
    "Mine too, but I'm not going to stress it. I know some good people who will fight for it. And it wouldn't be the first time I tangled with someone or something bigger." Mercy pushes to her feet and dusts off her butt. "Well I think we had our little break. I should get back to work and police that brass if I can. You sure you're alright now Glamour?"

Glamour has posed:
"I'm trying not to stress it. And good in the sense that I'll be okay, yeah." Her expression falls, "less good with all the other stuff." Her mood has turned quite sour, suddenly. Fairy.

Mercy Thompson has posed:
    "HEY," Mercy grins. "Listen!" Doing the game quote to also to try and chase Glamour's mood away. "You wanna get some caramel corn. I can smell some down the way. We can head there and get a snack before we part."

Glamour has posed:
Steam pours of Glamour's ears at that as she stares at her, the height of offense written all over her face. "You... you!!!"

And then she's big again and aiming to pounce Mercy.

"NO ONE HEY LISTENS ME! That's my job!'"

Capricious, playful, and mood-swingy?

Yep. She's a fairy.

Mercy Thompson has posed:
    Mercy does her best to play innocent for all of a half second as the fairy goes to jump at her. "Oh did I do something wrong?" Before she breaks into a bit of a laugh and will make sure nobody is hurt in getting pounce. But she also has a girlfriend so won't get too playful. "Come on. Let's get a snack and away from crime scene areas." She is a bit snacky after this.