20195/Time For Some Apparel Updates

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Time For Some Apparel Updates
Date of Scene: 07 March 2025
Location: Stark Tower: Workshop
Synopsis: Sara stops by to have Tony update her nano, not alien, all Stark Tech, necklace with a new suit
Cast of Characters: Sara Pezzini, Tony Stark

Sara Pezzini has posed:
The middle of the afternoon, that was the perfect time for Sara to drop everything and visit Tony Stark... in his tower... most likely in his workshop. Truth was, she had managed to gather a few errands in the same area as Stark Tower, and it just plain made sense to drop in now.

Since receiving the /amazing/ all Stark Tech necklace, not once had Sara had to explain to anyone why she was naked, while running for something to wear. However, always having to wear an official looking Avenger's jumpsuit after Witchblade shredded something, possibly many things, was getting a little old. Since Stark had said to come by some time to have more outfits programmed into the device, here she was.

Tony Stark has posed:
    Tony is in his workshop as usual, tinkering with something or other when the reception desk calls to let him know Detective Pezzini is here to see him. He clears her to be sent up, so a minute later, the elevator dings and opens, revealing him leaning against a table facing the elevator.

    "Good afternoon Sara, what brings you by today?"

    Behind him is possibly the world's best toy store, Iron Man suits lined up in separate alcoves along one wall, weapons in various states of completeness, several different holographic displays including one of the space station he's building.

    "I do hope it's a good visit and not a 'you have the right to remain silent' visit."

Sara Pezzini has posed:
Being the first time that Sara had actually been in Stark's workshop, she had to take a minute to look at all his toys. Man it had to be one hell of a joy ride to have that much money, that genius brain, and holy mother of... a space station?!

Shaking it off she offered Tony a smile, "What have you done lately that might require a 'right to remain silent' visit?" She paused there a moment as if expecting him to actually tell her something illegal he'd done, but only a quick moment before she laughs.

Reaching up, she unfasten the necklace as she says, "My visit is a good visit. I wouldn't arrest you anyway, except maybe parking tickets..." again, a slight pause. "Came by to see if we could maybe lose the jumpsuit on this thing and add some style. Don't care if it's some sort of costume like other heroes wear, or a nice pants suit with boots... just, not a blue jumpsuit."

Tony Stark has posed:
    With a chuckle, Tony pushes off of the table and steps over to take the necklace.

    "Yeah, that's easy enough. Come over here and pick out what you want." He stops at one of the holotables and hits a button, causing a pair of prongs to raise up from the top of the table. He puts the necklace between them, clicking into the small indents in each side of the Avengers symbol. After that, he pulls up a hologram from the table.

    "Um, let's see.. how about the Saks 5th Avenue catalog? They've got some nice stuff. Page through their current catalog and pick an outfit you like."

    He shows her how to turn the virtual pages of the catalog, then steps back and lets her browse.

Sara Pezzini has posed:
Sara lived a simple life, liked simple things, and only on occasion splurged on something nice she was always terrified to wear because of the Witchblade. Looking at the virtual Saks catalog actually succeeded in melting her brain a little, not because of the prices (although those were insane) but more because she just didn't see herself in ninety percent of the clothing there.

"This stuff belongs on models going out on the town," she muttered, glancing over at Tony. "Four years of everything being shredded, you learn to settle real quick... so this might take a minute."

Page after page she takes a moment to look, wrinkles her nose, and moves to the next page. In the end she settles for a tailored looking suit jacket in black, with a pale green button front shirt that looked silk, and the matching pants to the suit. For her feet she selects a pair of work boots, the kind she wears all the time and that usually get destroyed. She's bought stock in them at this point.

"How do you do it Stark?" she finally asks. "I mean how to you look at the world around you from the Tower of wealth you have? Yes, I know you help others, donate a lot, etc. but man... I can't even look at this catalog without cringing."

Tony Stark has posed:
    Tony shrugs, "Upbringing, I guess. Dad built Stark Industries, so I grew up in a rich family. This stuff is all background to me, I don't really even think about it. It's why things like the fuel for the jet, pay for the pilot and maintenance and the like when I decide on a spur of the moment trip to take Pepper to Rome for real Italian food doesn't even come to mind, all that stuff is taken care of in the background. And yes, I know, now you want to smack me. I know I'm spoiled, and I love every minute of it. But at least it's given me the opportunity to actually help people, either with the suits fighting bad guys, or the various SI charities."

    He turns back to the table, makes sure the right items are highlighted then says "HOMER, program the selected outfit into the current necklace."

    "Of course sir, one moment.... done."

    He picks up the necklace and offers it back to Sara, "There you go, you will now be stylish when you're done being armored."

Sara Pezzini has posed:
A smirk lands on Sara's face as Tony explains his privilege, which is exactly what she expected it to be. "I don't want to smack you Tony," she chimes as a smile returns to her face. "I may, just a little bit, want to throw you off the roof of your own building, BUT... that's only because I know how fast you can suit up."

Taking the necklace back, she looks it over. Witchblade had tried a few times to shred the chain, but it always seemed to remain in place. It was a real sore point for the ancient god for a while, but thankfully he was seventy percent over it now.

"Even if you are a spoiled little rich boy, it's good that you help where you can. The suits alone are an amazing creation, and make up for almost all of my loathing for you." Her tone it light and playful as she talks, fastening the necklace back in place.

"Okay, not really loathing... perhaps just a deeply rooted jealously with a side of temper mental temper tantrum." Adjusting the necklace to the inside of her shirt she turns her full attention back on Tony.

"I hope you realize I'm joking. You're a good man, spoiled, but good... and thank you for this," she taps the necklace pendant. "Now I can go back to work without pausing to explain the jumpsuit to some rookie."

Tony Stark has posed:
    He grins, "I get that a lot, yeah. But at least I share the wealth where I can, unlike quite a few other billionaires I could name. And feel free to swing by for outfit updates if that one gets old, as you can see, it's a fairly simple process."

    He glances over at a clock and adds, "Not to rush you out, but I promised Pepper I'd be on time for dinner tonight, so I need to head upstairs. You have a good night, do lots of cop stuff, and don't hesitate to call if you need heavier backup than the precinct can provide."

Sara Pezzini has posed:
"This one should do me for a while," Sara replies, noting the time herself. "You aren't rushing me, I have to get back to the station. Rookies do not train themselves after all."

Heading to the elevator she pauses for a moment to add, "Oh goody, I'll call in Iron Man to deal with the bat shit crazy implings when they spawn again this spring." Then she is inside the elevator with the doors closing.