10070/Two Wild And Crazy Legionnaires Walk into a Bar...

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Two Wild And Crazy Legionnaires Walk into a Bar...
Date of Scene: 10 February 2022
Location: Sharky's Beers and Balls
Synopsis: No description
Cast of Characters: Brainiac 5, Chuck Taine, Naria Shepard

Brainiac 5 has posed:
    It is a night like any other at Sharky's. Sharky's is your typical Metropolis dive bar - a crowded bar, a pair of dart boards off in the corner that are barely used. A jukebox at the side where someone has put in too much money to ensure that Nickelback is playing ALL NIGHT LONG. But it has beer and booze, so really the denizens do not seem to care much about anything. Even the Nickelback.
    And so it is totally normal when in walk two wild and crazy guys. You can tell that they are wild and crazy because they are dressed in the most fabulous outfits imaginable. One is a tall blond wearing an open collar white shirt dotted with large purple flowers, with the top two buttons undone, and accented by a large golden medallion hanging from a necklace. His blond hair peeks out from a sideways facing painters cap / beret, blue. His companion is a big shorter and a bit rounder, black hair, wearing a shirt clearly from the same collection, but instead of purple flowers this white shirt with a large collar bears blue leaves and petals as compared to complete flowers. He is likewise wearing a blue painters cap / beret, and the gold medallion, except he has unbuttoned his shirt roughly towards his navel. They are both wearing tight plaid slacks, the blond's are matching purple, and the other a matching blue.
    Upon stepping inside, the blond surveys the scene quietly, his slightly dusky toned face expressionless. "I feel like we are perhaps a bit overdressed for this establishment."

Chuck Taine has posed:
Chuck Taine looks around, Stops counting the neck tattoos after four. "Yeah... I think our knowledge of local fashions is lacking. Anyway... I will be. at. the. pool. table." His eyes drift from the table to the stage. His puts the cue stick on the floor leaning on it. As the music starts he says, "That... is a FEMALE." He points somewhat redundantly.

Naria Shepard has posed:
A 'dive bar' wasn't exactly the sort of place Rave typically performed, certainly not as a formal show since she'd been garnering a little more success. Being seen in the company of the League probably helped make the bluenette songstress and musician a little more in demand of late. Of course, that didn't mean that the owner of the establishment had tried to tempt her into an impromptu performance, a tour of the stage and an offer to pay her in a 'all you can drink' tab having fallen a little flat when she'd pointed out she really just intended to relax.

That and she didn't -really- need footage of her getting hammered turning up on social media before she was technically allowed to drink in the states. It was far easier to cross the globe somewhere where the drinking age was 18 if she -really- wanted to 'party' like that.

Leaving the disappointed proprietor of the establishment behind and with a can of soda for her troubles, said 'Female' time on the stage was over before it began as she makes her way lazily deeper in the crowd, glowing locks not exactly marking her as 'normal'.

Brainiac 5 has posed:
    "SHINY female," corrects Brainiac 5 as he nudges Chuck in the ribs. "You go obtain currency. I will liaison." Without waiting for Chuck to respond, Brainiac 5 walks over towards Rave, affecting his best smile. It is somewhere between creepy "come get in my white van" and Mark Zuckerberg trying to look human. "Hello there. My colleague and I are in search of some assistance on a matter of grave import."

Chuck Taine has posed:
Let us not dwell on the softly, yet passionately uttered string of Interlac that passes Chuck's lips.

"Nassing, control freaking squaj! Radburn it!" He goes over to the pool table and after a few greetings and an assessment of his chances, is quickly brought into a game. His opponents put up a friendly wager. Chuck shows his roll as he agrees. He is allowed to break.

One look at the bluenette and his stick barely grazes the cueball.

Chuck facepalms to some chuckling...

and shoots Brainy a wink.

Naria Shepard has posed:
Lets be honest, as a female entertainer who started in underground music and then moved to being essentially a social media-celeb/Heroine...this wasn't the first time Rave had been approached by someone who was a little socially...different. Different was the norm for her anyway, but the girl with the glowing blue hair raises her gaze from the crowd as she's approached and there's a blink of her eyes that faintly carry the same luminescence about them.

"Uh-huh...Hi. And what exactly is that matter?"

As lines go, who knew if she'd ever heard similar, but the cursing from the pool table does draw her gaze.

Brainiac 5 has posed:
Glancing over at Chuck, Brainiac 5 spills back a colorful retort, also in Interlac, and then looks back towards Rave. "We believe that there is a grave threat to a particular agricultural product popular on the planet, and are trying to assemble some allies to protect it." His eyes move to her hair, and then take a deep study of her eyes. "We seek heroes of prominence and skill in our endeavor, as we know not how strong the threat is."

Chuck Taine has posed:
Built like Jim Croce's Roller Derby Queen (with several important exceptions!) Chuck shoulders throughthe crowd to place an order for a beer. He arrives at Rave's side by some coincidence. He smiles at her in greeting and says, "Good evening. I love the lighting effect you use on your hair. I'm Chuck." There is a slight hard to place accent to his English. A softening of the consonants, a lengthening of the vowels. Almost as if time eroded the sounds.

Naria Shepard has posed:
A pause, a blink. They were talking some sort of language she didn't understand or even recognize and then....he gives his pitch, earning a little look of confused puzzlement from the heroine before exhaling a breath. "Wait, is this some sort of thing to legalize weed or something?" she begins before Chuck's arrival has her glancing over her shoulder, a little laugh coming from her glossed lips. "It's real. It's not like I could wrap my head in greenscreen or anything like that."

Brainiac 5 has posed:
"No, as much as the relaxing effects of marijuana are well regarded, it does not rise to the level of being critical to the survival of the planet as you know it." Brainiac 5 looks up as Chuck approaches, and nods to him. "I have found a potential helpful woman of the era who can help." He turns his gaze back towards Rave. "In roughly two weeks time, unless we are successful, the entirety of all coffEE production on the planet will be eradicated, and society will begin to break down within six months. Two years from now, this will be a barren husk of a planet."

Chuck Taine has posed:
Chuck Taine winces as Brainiac 5 spells out gloom and doom and sounds like a loom... err loon. His smile never wavers, as he says n a friendly tone, "Buy you a drink?"

Naria Shepard has posed:
Coffee, erased from the planet? Surely not. If it was legitimate it would truely be a tradgedy. Still, the bite of her lip and the raise of her brow suggested that Rave was at least a little doubtful. Lifting her soda to her lips she glances back towards Chuck and shrugs, a lift of the can suggesting another of the same rather than any booze before she exhales a breath. "Okay, so what exactly needs to be done to save the coffee from going extinct?"

At the very least, she was curious enough for humoring!

Brainiac 5 has posed:
The shoulders of the blond fellow slump, and Brainiac 5 slowly shakes his head. "I am afraid that we do not know." He looks at Chuck again, and then back at Rave, as he lowers his voice. Not enough to avoid anyone near by hearing, of course, but a conceit that makes it look like he is going for stealth.

"We detected a disruption in this time, and were able to travel the unraveling back to now. There was no documentation of the cause of the calamity, but the theory was that it was a coordinated effort on a global scale. It started in the Southern Hemisphere of America, but there were no weather events in the area that could be blamed for such a result. This quickly led to suspicion as crops in Africa and elsewhere remained. The seeds of discontent were sown then, and only after escalation had led to retaliation did it disappear from Africa as well. The hoarding began quickly, civility broke down as all wanted to ensure that they could lay claim to as much as possible before it became impossible to obtain more. But it already was." He leans forward towards Rave, his voice getting even quieter. "Society was at its brink when the last growth of it vanished. The pressure mounted, and the entire world threatened to crack." His eyes shimmer for a moment. "The day after every stockpiled bean or ground vanished, the streets were filled with those proclaiming it was the end of the world." He sighs quietly. "The Earth was broken and destroyed long before the first missile took to the sky."

Chuck Taine has posed:
Chuck Taine gets a call from the pool table as his beer and Rave's soda arrives. "Coming fellas. Gosh... I'll try to better this time." He looks back at Braniac 5 and winks. Then tells Rave, "Nice to meet. Sorry about the end of the World and the coffee." He heads back to the table and prepares to shoot.

Naria Shepard has posed:
A little shift of her form, Rave's arms cross under her bust as she listens in, a little narrowing of her eyes as she listens to the explaination...and complete lack of actual certain details accompanied by the shimmering eyes. Great. There had been a real and legitimate home from the woman that she had been talking to a simply crazy person. The longer this went on? The less she could be sure of this. Or it was one heck of a troll.

"So...people need to... watch agricultural reports on coffee harvests for a dip?"

Back to Chuck and she shrugs, a tilt of her head the other way. "So is this a prank or is your friend here a coffee clairvoyant?"

Brainiac 5 has posed:
There is frustration visible on Brainiac 5's face. "Unfortunately, there were no answers found quickly to the dilemma, and the situation led to a breakdown so quickly that no post-mortems were concluded. The entire mystery was lost to history. The entirety of the Earth was swallowed up into a mystery as puzzling as Roanoke, to use a more contemporary example." Why he thinks an incident from the 17th century is more contemporary to Rave is anyone's guess.

He glances over towards Chuck for a moment as Rave looks in his direction. "He is in his zone. If we distract him, he will fail catastrophically and we will lose what scant currency we have been able to acquire." He considers for a moment. "I assure you, this is no prank. I..." He glances around for a moment, and then leans in closer to Rave. Apparently he comes from a time and a place that has a different definition of personal space, as she certainly invades her. "If we can speak to you in a more secure location, I can be a bit more forthcoming about our identities. We are taking great care to not disturb the natural order of things."

Chuck Taine has posed:
Chuck Taine looks up from his shot to call back to Rave, "My friend is never wrong. He thought he was wrong once, but he was mistaken."


Three balls vanish into the pockets. The snickering abruptly stops. Eyes look over to the pile of money -bets that were doubled and tripled.

Chuck chalks his cue stick. "Dude, the Cargggite Bikini team couldn't distract me right now. Let the lady talk."


Two balls vanish into the pockets. He begins aiming for stragglers... <insert John Candy style chuckle.>