10140/Invincible, Immesurable, and Inconsequential

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Invincible, Immesurable, and Inconsequential
Date of Scene: 16 February 2022
Location: Midtown
Synopsis: Spider-Man inducts a new member to Spider-Comm while a feisty universe watches.
Cast of Characters: Singularity, Mark Grayson, Peter Parker

Singularity has posed:
Singularity is currently floating up in the air. She's sprwaled out over one of the rooftops - or a meter or so above it. Looking out along the horizon, over the buildings and the seemingly quickly repaired areas. Looking along in the distance at the new structures built along the exact style of the old ones. Businesses, residences.. Life returned to it's old glories after the damage. She's cheerful, the blue star-forged girl flickering and glowing as she would rotate to get the entire vista.

Mark Grayson has posed:
Sometimes it is hard to believe everything that New York City has been through. The city just can't seem to buy itself any luck. And yet each time it builds back, just as good as every. Maybe better. It is a pretty amazing accomplishment, one that probably has more than a few lessons inherent for a young superhero to grab hold of and make their own.

But wisdom tends to come with experience and while that might be something that Invincible is racking up pretty darn quickly, he is still pretty young. Still, as he soars over Midtown for the first time since the early days of the angellic invasion it is difficult not to gape. Just a little. He saw the damage left behind -- both first hand and on the video records. To see so many buildings already repaired -- and the rapid progress of others is quite remarkable as he soars over the streets below.

Peter Parker has posed:
And leave us not forget that it also means many, many places to anchor a webline.

Spider-Man is swinging his way between the restored Stark Tower and the half-restored skyscraper across the street. He's not hard to spot - he's not moving very fast in terms of webslinging. He looks over at the cathedral, then changed direction to land on its roof.

He wondered if he should reach out to see how well the code had worked. He hadn't been there when it was used. He just hoped it had helped.
He sat down on the sloped roof, then took out a plastic water bottle and took a swig. He figured things might go back to normal...eventually. Aunt May was coming home tomorrow. So, he had made sure the place was in tip-tip shape.

But for now...enjoy the relative peace and quiet, knowing it never lasts.

Singularity has posed:
Singularity is humming along, quite happy to just enjoy the view and of life going back to normal. The efficiency and the speed of it is dazzling to the girl made out of stars. She would get the familiar sense of Spider-Man approaching in another direction, her ability to track them allowing her to notice him. She would teleport a few times in his direction, making sure to do so to not take him by surprise or do it mid swing, staying at a distance.

Then she would line herself up once she had made sure that he was aware of her and teleport a short distance away, paralleling his maneuvers in flight.

Mark Grayson has posed:
While the skyline of Manhatten is not exactly a new thing for Invincible to take in -- Happy Harbor does not exactly see a ton of criminal activity that needs attending to so he does spend much of his costumed time here -- it is still easy to get distracted. Even now Damage Control work crews seem to flood the city and while Mark's hands might twitch to offer his help -- super strength is awfully handy for lifting stuff -- he's a little anxious about making things worse. They are the pros at this afterall. Thus far his powers have been a little more useful for knocking things down rather than buildings things back up.

So with all those distractions in play it isn't surprising that Invincible is practically ontop of Spider-Man and Singularity before he notices the fact that the skies are not his exclusive domain anymore.

Peter Parker has posed:
Spidey looks up at Singularity, startled for a moment (no tickle of the Spider-Sense because of her, of course) before relaxing, even smiling a little under the mask. He beckons her over with a wave of the hand...and then sees the one who called himself Invincible. He chuckles, then waves to him to come over as well.

"Hey there, you two," he says amiably, with only a trace of exhaustion.

Singularity has posed:
Singularity would go to flip upsides down, giving Spider-Man a wave, "Hello! You are much happier than before. I am glad that you are doing well." She would off in her cheer while then turning upwards to face the direction of the one that Spider-Man would be indicating.

Her waving, "Hello!" She would chirp over at Invincible, welcoming despite not knowing who he was. She was getting to meet a new person! Always a great thing so long as they were nice.

Mark Grayson has posed:
Is Invincible nice?

It probably depends on who one asks. His friends? Absolutely. The various super-powered individuals he has encountered since donning this costume? More than likely. Anyone he has had cause to punch? Mmmmmm, maybe not.

Still, he seems friendly enough, a smile appearing on his otherwise masked features, lifting a hand towards the familiar figure of Spider-Manm before offering a wave for Miss Sparkle. "Hi there," he offers up. "I see that you made it through all the chaos. Glad to run into you again," he offers up to Peter, again smiling briefly before his gaze flickers back to the unfamiliar figure joining them in the sky. "I'm Invincible," he says before clearing his throat. "I mean, that's the name I go by in costume."

It's sometimes important to clarify that particular part.

Peter Parker has posed:
Spider-Man nods. "Glad to see you've lived up to your code name so far. Hey, Singularity. Yes, things are...getting better. Even since the so-called 'Angels' went away, and the people have been coming back...crime's gone down to near-nothing in the movement to return home...to rebuild...to get back to whatever passes as normal."

Singularity has posed:
Singularity would hover over and wave to Invincible, "Hello!" She would teleport over next to Invincible, offering her hand over for him to shake if allowed. "It is a pleasure to meet a friend of Spider-Man's. I am Singularity!" She would offer to him.

"And it is good to meet you, Invincible." Her tone cheery, her body flickering over with the spiraling patterns of planets in orbit of stars.

Mark Grayson has posed:
He's pretty proud of his costume, all things considered. He thinks it has a nice, classic sort of look.

But it doesn't sparkle and there's definitely no moving imagery.

Still, that smile comes easily to the teen hero's features once more as he takes the offered hand, exchanging those salutations and greets with Singularity. "You as well. Always nice to see someone else in the skies. Who's not up to no good," he adds drily before that masked gaze swings back to the webslinger.

"I know, nice change of pace, huh? I wonder how long it will last? You almost wish Damage Control wasn't quite so good at their job. Though it's pretty amazing to compare what everything looks like now to what things were looking like when I was last here, helping with the evacuation," he admits.

Peter Parker has posed:
Spidey nodded. "It's nothing short of amazing, really. I'm just glad. My Aunt's coming back to her home, and she'll be glad to see me and the house are both in one piece."

He looked around, then back to Invincible. "Listen, Invince...are you connected to any of the supergroups around here?"

Singularity has posed:
Singularity would smile, "Thank you. It is a plesaure to meet another hero." She would bow her head. "And a privilege to meet one that does whatever they can to help others. You must be a great inspiration." She would spiral around, turning in a low spin of happiness and going to let out an array of star-lights from herself gently floating about the air and surrounding her.

Mark Grayson has posed:
"I don't know about an inspiration. Yet. But I guess that's the goal huh, at least eventually," the dark haired teen says with a bit of a grin and a shrug of his shoulders. He is, afterall, a bit of a superhero fanboy, geeking out when he meets some of those that he has admired since he was a kid. It's still a little hard to think of himself in their company at all really.

So while there might be a ways to go, at least he's not in poor Spider-Man's shoes. He's seen just how hard he works first hand. But that press? Eeeesh. No thanks. He'd rather toil in anonymity then put up with that. "Uhhh, not really? I mean, there were a couple of us who have done things together but nothing so formal as a team or anything like that, at least not yet," he admits. "I still feel like I'm learning how all of this works and didn't want to get too pushy with the established types, you know?"

Peter Parker has posed:
Spider-Man nods to Invincible, then takes a breath. "Listen...if you'd like, I could connect you to a loose network of heroes. I have a communication network called Spider-Comm. Totally stealthed, works here, in Gotham City, and in Metropolis. Augmented-reality interface. Chat, voice, even a private database. If you want to be part of it...I could wire you in. I even have a rig right now that you could use."

Singularity has posed:
Singularity would 'ooh', "Spider-Comm! Does it do whatever a spider-comm does?" She would inquire as if this was some sort of joke based upon some sort of external provenance. "And you are seeking to improve yourself so that you can help others. That is a wonderful thing. For you are wanting to make yourself better so you can give more aid." Her tone is sincere and bright, full of faith adn approval.

Mark Grayson has posed:
Hey, he's a high school senior. While much of the focus is on getting ready for college and all that, there has been workshops offered on the importance of networking once he's looking to get into the workplace in earnest.

He just never really considered it in the context of his superhero career is all. Still, it makes perfect sense and really it's more than generous. Mark can't keep the grin from touching his expression and he dips his head in a quick gesture of gratitude. "That would be amazing, man, thanks. I mean, I've met a few different people, but they're more sorta run ins. It might be nice to be able to reach out now and hten to others who understand," he admits.

Well, this day just keeps getting better and better, doesn't it? Glancing back towards Singularity that grin remains firmly etched in place. "I'd like to think so. Though I guess it's no more than any of us do, right? It's reassuring to know just how many people like that are really out there."

Peter Parker has posed:
Spider-Man nods, looks over Mark's costume once more, then reaches into his backpack and pulls out a small box that used to hold a StarkPhone 14. "All right...here it is."

He takes out the components, one at a time.
A pair of circular inserts. "Put these on the inside of the lenses of your mask." He then turns to let Mark put them in without exposing his face to Spidey.

Singularity has posed:
Singularity would smile at the two, "I am glad that you two do things together to help." But up in the sky, Singularity woudl see a butterfly. then entranced, she would float along and after it, letting the breeze lead her on and away through the fresh ksy.

Mark Grayson has posed:
Well that was pretty whimsical? He's almost relieved that there is still some of that in the world, given how many terribly things that they tend to see -- both big and small. "Uh, bye," Invincible offers, waving after the departing form of Singularity, not entirely sure if she hears him or not now.

It is a pretty nice butterfly afterall.

HIs attention turning back to Spider-Man, Mark watches him remove the components and offer them up, giving them a once over. He's far from a tech genius -- at least any more so then any other typical eighteen year old guy -- but they do look pretty nifty. And his mask does already have lense inserts to place them against which surely helps. "Awesome," he says, taking them and playing with his mask just a little to get them in there -- which isn't quite as easy if he just took it off entirely. While ther's little chance that anyone would recognize an eighteen year old high school senior from Happy Harbor, paranoia about this sort of thing has kinda been programmed into him by his dad. "Okay, I think I've got them in place..."

Peter Parker has posed:
Spidey turns back, then nods.
The next device looks a lot like a woman's choker necklace. "Subvocal throat microphone. Youcan send calls and texts by voice, without actually using your voice. Just make sure the disc woven into it - you'll be able to feel it - is placed on the right side of your neck."

Mark Grayson has posed:
Seems like Spidey has access to some pretty impressive tech. Certainly more impressive then exchanging phone numbers. His cellphone remains INvincible's most high-tech gadget.

Until today at least. Looking over the collar sub-vocal mic, he nods and tucks that one away for the moment instead of trying to fiddle with his costume any more. "That's gotta come in handy given how often we all need to go hands free," the teen hero admits wryly. "Pretty awesome, thanks for the level up," Invincible says with a grin.

Peter Parker has posed:
Spidey chuckles. "Ain't done yet."

The next item - a set of Bluetooth earbuds. "These have a memory-foam surface to mold to the inner ear. Less chance of sliding out."

And then what looks like a set of fingerless gloves with a thix latex layer and some circuitry overlay on the back of the hand. "For interfacing with the augmented reality setup. Might be a good idea to get it all set up so I can calibrate it to you." He turns around again to give Mark some privacy.

Mark Grayson has posed:
It's quite the setup, isn't it? But then when one starts talking about augmented reality it would almost have to be, right?

"Sounds good to me," Invincible allows, sweeping his gaze over the nearby rooftops just to be on the safe side before he begins fitting the new gear into place, fiddling with his mask to get the sub-vocal mic and the earbuds in place before the remarkably thin gloves are added to the mix as well. "Okay, I think I should be good," he allows

Peter Parker has posed:
Spider-Man turns back, and now he has a tablet in his hands. The screen simply says CALIBRATE in a green box.
"Okay. When you're ready, nod, then says 'Spider-Comm, On.'" I'll configure it to your voice.

Mark Grayson has posed:
Sees simple enough, right? But then it probably has to be pretty user friendly given the wide-variety of people who might be using it. "Got it," he says before going silent while the other costumed hero works away at the tablet. Once the signal is given that they are good to go, Invincible offers up that nod to signal his own readiness. "Spider-Comm, On," he says in a clear voice.

Peter Parker has posed:
As Mark speaks, Spidey taps the screen.

And then Mark's vision fills with icons and messages. The icons move to the periphery of his vision as messages like 'DATABASE.PKS LOADING' appears, loading bars fill, and then the message fades to the next one.
As the messages slow slightly, things appear in Mark's vision: a waypoint marked WHITE CASTLE - BROOKLYN - 12.3 MILES; a tag over Stark Tower marked 'Security - NO Sense of Humor'...and a sign appearing over Spidey:


Then a text message appears at the bottom. <Spidey here. Try saying hello without using your voice.>

Mark Grayson has posed:
As that head's up display suddenly appears in front of him for a moment he is just lost in taking it in. Boys and their toys right/ But as some of those notations start to appear as he swings his gaze around he can't help but smirk slightly. "Well, the display seems to be working Mostly Harmless," he reports in drily before nodding his head at the further instructions.

To speak without speaking. It's a bit of a different notion. But it's not that much of a leap, Invincible going through the process of forming those words without speaking aloud. <Invincble here. Hopefully this is coming through..."

Peter Parker has posed:
Spidey sighs. "I thought I fixed that one."
A text window with a yellow lower-case i appears, and the text next to it pops up. <Invincible here. Hopfeully this is coming through.>
Spider-Man nods. "Okay, seems to be working. To shut it off, say 'Spider-Comm Off.' You can run it as long as you need until you get used to the interface."

Mark Grayson has posed:
Hey, no piece of software is perfect right? And given that his talents lay solely in utilizing programs and not coding them up, Invincible is certainly not going to complain. "Sweet," the teen hero enthuses, already fiddling around with things, learning to manipulate the various functions. "I know how I'll be spending the next couple of days," he says wryly before focusing past those icons on the costumed figure actually responsible for it all. "Thanks again, this seems amazing."

Peter Parker has posed:
Spider-Man hands the box to Invincible. "There's a charging unit in her to recharge the tech. There's a manual icon in the lower right, next to the compass." Spidey chuckled. "It's best function is giving you the ability to communicate with others, to help coordinate crimefighting efforts, even find others to help you out in situations you may not be able to handle yourself." He chuckles. "Select ROSTER to see who's connected." (OOC: +group spi)

Mark Grayson has posed:
It would be useful to have this for more than a couple of days so the recharging unit is taken with a nod and tucked away with a nod. Otherwise Invincible follows the offered instruction's on the app's functionality. "I can definitely imagine that could be helpful, depending on who or what you run into out there," he admitsm getting the hang of launching the various tools including the roster. "Cool. This is gonna be incredibly useful. Thanks again!"

Peter Parker has posed:
Spidey chuckles. "Thank me by showing up if...WHEN someone calls for help." He tilts his head, then sighs. "Listen, I have to run. You need help, to talk, anything, now you can do it. I'd like you to meet a few other Spider-Comm users, too."