10608/Familiar Families and Foes
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Familiar Families and Foes | |
Date of Scene: | 30 March 2022 |
Location: | The Strait Lace Steakhouse - Hellfire Club |
Synopsis: | Emma and Martinique talk about corruption and tradition in the midst of the Hellfire Club. |
Cast of Characters: | Emma Frost, Martinique Wyngarde
- Emma Frost has posed:
It's a quiet night over in the Club. The Steakhouse is, at a late evening time, rather quiet with some time shortly after the night shift has come in and before the late night crowds arrive from whatever revelry they're partaking in. So it's a rare quiet period. And Emma Frost, former White Queen of the Inner Circle, is enjoying it. Reasonable food, reasonable wine.. And more importantly no Selene coming out of the woodwork.
- Martinique Wyngarde has posed:
Martinique Wyngarde arrives without a reservation, but she doesn't generally need one, given her heritage and her standing. The waitstaff is apologetic that she has to wait at all, but she finds herself being brought to a table near the White Queen. She's wearing a luxurious pair of designer jeans, a black top with see-through lace sleeves over a black bra, with her dark hair swept back over her shoulders. "Miss Frost," she says in acknowledgement, her heels clicking on the floor as she orders a glass of wine.
- Emma Frost has posed:
Emma Frost would glance at Martinique, "Why hello there Martinique, it has been ages. How has your time in Europe gone? Did you go there to escape or to learn?" Emma had kept at least the most distant level of awareness on Martinique. With her family lineage it was only proper to do so after all. "And if so what brings you back to the city proper then? Please do join me."
- Martinique Wyngarde has posed:
Martinique Wyngarde smiles, "Oh, you know how it is. A casino there, a riviera here. Staying at the royal palace in Monaco, private jets to Amsterdam. Honestly, it's easy to lose track of time there. And I only had to do a little business while I was over there. America is a nice place to visit, but I think, for me, Europe will always be home," she says. SHe takes the invitation, sitting at the table, "Mmmmmmmmm, it was time for a change of scenery. And how have things been here?"
- Emma Frost has posed:
Emma Frost would smile over at Martinique, "Oh.. Very much the same. Reality finds new horrors to inflict upon existence, the locals try to inflict it back. The first couple of things that try and take over the world or obliterate it.. Eventually one becomes numb to the ennui of the ever-threatening apolcaypse in whatever form it lately appears and learn what stocks to invest in. Business has been very good."
- Martinique Wyngarde has posed:
Martinique Wyngarde nods, "Easiest when mayhem, chaos and death are your business. Then you'll ever be out of fashion. Not that I expect you ever would be," she says. "And Club affairs? Shaw still in charge these days or have you hedged him over and out the door?"
- Emma Frost has posed:
Emma Frost would smile, "Shaw is still in charge. I am no longer quite.. Directly involved in those higher echelons. I've found that such pettiness is a waste of time and resources that could be put to fruition elsewhere."
- Martinique Wyngarde has posed:
Martinique Wyngarde smiles playfully, "I like a bit of pettiness myself. Gets the old blood flowing," she winks. "A little treachery, a little gossip, all old and valued traditions of the upper classes. But then there are rumors that you're being...dare I say...productive and philanthropic? People will think you've lost your edge."
- Emma Frost has posed:
Emma Frost would tap her fingers together and smile, "Why Martinique.. Whatever makes you think that I care about what the lessers happen to think of me? They can gossip and prattle what they wish to, accurately or not. If they try to interfere in my business pursuits then.. W ell.. They'll wish that I didn't have my edge."
- Martinique Wyngarde has posed:
Martinique Wyngarde takes a sip of her wine, "Oh, I certainly don't endorse their opinions. I know all too well that you keep your claws sharp. As do I. We've both been part of this place too long to get complacent," she says. "I just never figured you for a do-gooder, that's all. You're too much a realist."
- Emma Frost has posed:
Emma Frost would click her tongue, "I would hardly call myself a do gooder. But existence is more than balance sheets. I merely wish to cover the angles. Why commit yourself to purely playing one field?"
- Martinique Wyngarde has posed:
Martinique Wyngarde considers, "I suppose. Some fields are certainly better than others, though, and more likely to have shit in them to step in," she says playfully. She signals to a waiter, "Steamed salmon, with lemon-basil drizzle, along with the squash and a creme brulee for dessert. Thank you," she says, turning back to Emma. "I'm not meaning to sound critical, darling. I appreciate that we all play the game in our own way."
- Emma Frost has posed:
Emma Frost would smile, "Of course. So are you inquiring more for politeness then Martinique and to test the waters, or are you looking for something possible to sharpen your own claws on and asking me for some advise in it?" She would take a sip of her own wine.
- Martinique Wyngarde has posed:
Martinique Wyngarde considers, "A little of both?" she says. "It's good to know the political lay of the land. If I'm to be more present around the club, it's wise to know what chum is in the water and who's taking the biggest bites," she says. She reaches down and draws a cigarette from her purse, a Turkish one, lighting it carefully. She's downwind, making sure her smoke won't blow towards Emma in case it offends, but in clear defiance of any local laws and ordinances. "Frankly, I'm a little bored. I'm looking for amusements."
- Emma Frost has posed:
Emma Frost would mm, "The club is still as ever Sebastian's little provenance. Let the man have his little room for decor and fun. One can't begrudge him on that after all. It's his little principality and it makes him so happy to keep it going. You can't take that away from him." She would smile.
"And there are always the movers and shakers here. But it's not about the Club at all, really."
- Martinique Wyngarde has posed:
Martinique steeples her fingers, "Isn't it? That's rather a shame. I feel like the Club has perhaps lost a little of its luster. Perhaps Shaw has a few ideas on how to polish it. I suppose I should approach him myself," she sighs.
"Men can just be so...indelicate about such matters, though. They become drunken on decadence so easily. Weak constitutions."
- Emma Frost has posed:
Emma Frost would smile, "the Club is lovely for the access it brings to those who deem themselves important in society, and the ones that the Club does. The Club itself.. well.. Anywhere else could also provide teh same sort of access, if not exactly the same tradition. A useful thing.. But one that can lose it's lustre to the ambitious."
- Martinique Wyngarde has posed:
Martinique Wyngarde drums her polished nails along the tabletop, "Interesting. Once upon a time, it was much the opposite, I believe. That the Club was where the things that mattered happened, where they were decided. Only those secret councils held real sway, while politicians and bureaucrats played along in their prescribed parts, dancing to the strings of their betters. Old-fashioned and corrupt, of course, but corruption is just the word used by those cut out of the take."
- Emma Frost has posed:
Emma Frost would mm, "Yes. But the world moves along and finds new ways to puruse things. Tradition is one thing.. Ossification another. The club has not always weathered the movement so. So do keep your options open, Martinique. Don't cast something aside.. Whether it be the club or other options. Cast your net wide."
- Martinique Wyngarde has posed:
Martinique Wyngarde smiles, "I'll do that. I always like to keep myself busy, after all. In the meantime, at least the wine cellar here is still very good," she says with a wink.