10631/Deviants Into the Depths
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Deviants Into the Depths | |
Date of Scene: | 02 April 2022 |
Location: | Secret Underground Mountain Base |
Synopsis: | Quiet and Grifter sneak into a base of Ivana's in the Appalachian mountains. They find and fight Ivana, and fall back. Having found one of her bases of operations, the heroes have the chance to hit her where it hurts.. IF they can muster in time before she gets away to darken the sky another day. Will she inflict something more depraved and deviously Deviant? Only time will tell. |
Cast of Characters: | Ivana Baiul, Stefani Houston, Cole Cash
- Ivana Baiul has posed:
There were large numbers of bunkers and silos in the Appalachian mountains. Built over the Cold War so government and military forces could be evacuated to them. Most of them had since been abandoned or were kept functioning in case they were needed again with a skeleton crew of maintenance staff. They went through flickers of activity on and off in the decades.
This was one that had gone particularly active lately, but been very quiet in doing so. Over a few months generators coming online, trucks constantly going back and forth but wearing nettings that hid them from satellites. Communications going along heavily encrypted with no records. But activity was activity, and it gave off a few traces.
A barely functional road that was muddy and yet had constant tire tracks in it from heavy trucks going back and froth.. And a huge concealed egress where hover-transports would occasionally go in and out of. The complex gave off virtually no energy, and was -very- well concealed. Security was extremely tight, professional, and not at all obvious.
- Stefani Houston has posed:
Quiet is not a fan of experimenting on people. Especially children.
When this situation came across her attention she was quick to look deeper, and deeper in to it, until she ended up where she is now.
Poised under some foliage in the mountain underbrush, the sniper woman has her entire setup deployed around her. She's hidden beneath some natural cover, her rifle even decked out with foliage camo of its own. She's been here for awhile too, just enjoying nature, so to speak.
On her stomach, her eyes are going from rifle scope, to horizon as she tracks any movement she can, picking and watching possible targets, just looking for information in-general to absorb in the moment.
- Cole Cash has posed:
Cole knew of the bunkers from his time in Team 7. CIA and other spook hangouts, and places to keep in storage things and people for a while. He has tracked the orders on the attack on Lynch to here through aggressively asking some 'old friends', getting a CIA's pilot drunk, and stealing files from careless bureaucrats.
By now he is pretty sure who is behind the attacks on former Team 7 members. Truth is in his book some people just need to die, and most of the I.O.'s leadership qualifies. So, some murder is in his mind tonight.
He also found a partner, almost by accident. The silent sniper woman was apparently investigating metahuman kids' kidnappings. Same responsible, he is sure. Cole has not talked about the Team 7, just mentioned 'some old army buddies' that were protecting the kids. Which is an odd story, but weirder things happen in a world where aliens dress up in colourful costumes to fight for the American Way. Right? Right.
- Ivana Baiul has posed:
There are trucks going quietly in and out along the road. Old ones that have heavy tarps on them padded over with leaves and clippings from the forest to make them stand out less unless one is near what passed for the road they were going along, a winding thing up to a concealed entrance into the facility. In the sky, a very quiet hover-transport would be heading in towards a hangar, a set of reinforced blast doors opening while the jet would hover, then when they were open wide enough slide on in as they would close again.
Security was mostly covert; various camears that had been setup outside, booby traps.. And small watchtowers that were manned but built into the forest that had two to three personnel manning each scattered about every few hundred meters in a perimeter.
- Stefani Houston has posed:
Quiet continues her diligent watching of the base, while a little tree frog hops around next to her bare arms. She knows he's there, and has even smiled at him a few times, or poked at him once or twice too. But, keeping her primary focus on the very active mountain base, she paints targets for Cole, and her to see on their various devices.
Her scope tracks after the vehicles, and the people who come and go from the base. She's been watching one particular spot the most though, a security entry door on the corner of the wall. Guards have been tapping in codes for it all night, and she's slowly been taking down the numbers until the next chance to get a few more in the string.
Once she has it entirely, she sends Cole the password for the door, with a smiley face next to the code, before attaching a photo to the door too, so he knows precisely which place she's referencing.
A second text includes <"I can cover here, or make entry. Whichever you'd like.">
She then pokes at the little frog again, who hops off her arm again.
- Cole Cash has posed:
Cole waits and watches a few hours himself, memorizing the cameras movements, the rounds of the patrols and all the details he can see using his mask night vision optics. It takes him a while to decide he is ready. Passcodes and not passcards? Fine, it is still crude security, typical government budget cuts.
<"I am going in. Feel free to follow if you are sneaky enough"> he responds, not knowing the woman very well. Still, sometimes it is better to have backup.
- Ivana Baiul has posed:
Getting in would be tricky but possible. Since they had the entrance codes. Also the layout of the bunker would be something known. Digging deep into a mountain and underground meant very litlte posibility of expansionw ithout heayv construction eqiupment, which would be impossible to hide. The two are able to make their way forwards towards the door. No one is on perimeter patrol at this area at the moment, no one's going in or out, and the timing is good to sneak in.
Presuming they do open the door, it's to a bright, sterile corridor made of solid concrete mixed with metal for reinforcement.
There are cameras up along the ceiling and the walls that have been carefully hidden and have overlapping fields of view, but they're sitll rotating around. Enough cameras that likely the monitoring system is automated; there are too many for a human to keep up with.
- Stefani Houston has posed:
Cole's question as to whether or not the strange quiet partner on this mission were joining him or not, is answered when she materializes beside him. With a camo ballcap on her head, her pony tail sticking out the back of it, and a camo bodysuit made from breathable materials, the young looking woman just looks to the door, then to him, and shows a little warm smile.
The code is entered, and the duo are inside. Quiet lifts up a small device from her web belt rig, and brings up a map of the place. She has her pistol, with silencer attached, in one hand, while her eyes scan the readout of where they may need to go.
"Shhh..." She quietly says to Cole as they sneak about some, pausing to let some base personnel strut by before she just glowers at their backs from the relatively shady spot she's pushed up in to for momentary cover.
She does point up to a camera in an upcoming area that they may be headed toward, to further indicate the hazards they're to face...
- Cole Cash has posed:
Cole sneaks in and moves quickly in complete silence. A couple times he has to duck from the camera sweeps, or just kill the camera throwing a knife or cutting a wire. When there are so many cameras, they tend to have a few failing every night, and the technician won't check them out until the morning, so it should be okay.
It is better to move quickly than to move without leaving traces, because at the end the chances of not stumbling on someone, even at four in the morning, are scarce.
Like those strutting people. This late! Surely they are up to no good. Lets follow!
- Ivana Baiul has posed:
The guards moving along seem to be following a particular path. It's not really natural but they're moving along at a quick jog, just their feet positions are going unusually and in an off-rhtyhm. Wait.. They're avoiding pressure plates and at least at one moment a couple of tripwires. Whomever made security for here definitely has gone for some old school things to backup the extensive electronics.
The two are able to bypass anything in tehir way so far. Anything important about the base is probably going to be in the most secure areas. Which are the deepest. Which means it's likelies tthat they'll have to sneak thier way on down..
- Stefani Houston has posed:
Quiet is supporting Cole as he tinkers and cuts cameras. She slips in and out of visibility to do this, just watching his back as he makes his adjustments to the security system. She even floats around him a few times also, in smoke form, she wraps herself all the way around some of the trip wires, so that he can better see them and step over them, and her, before the smoky cloud whisps back up and toward some of the other footfall hazards to do similarly around them, not that he can't see, or avoid these things on his own, but she's here to help him, wherever needs be.
When she rematerializes nearby, she has her map device out and is biting on her lower lip as she scans what they can see. She glances at him, then motions at the map, saying nothing, just keeping their course toward what seems to be what they may be here for.
Guard patrols are marked with a little zapper device too that has a few hours of life so that they appear on the device's map as well, just another way to keep track of the guard units they come across on their little mission here this evening!
- Cole Cash has posed:
Chances are high they have to leave running and shooting people. Cole's missions tend to go that way for some odd reason. Quiet seems able to teleport, so she has a better way out. Less shooty, at least.
Yes, yes, they need to go deeper. Into some dark, deep room, where mad spies crackle at their own supposedly clever plans.
Waller has a room for that deep under Belle Reve. Cole has seen it.
- Ivana Baiul has posed:
Quiet's adeptness at evading the guards as well as knowing where they are is invaluable as she and Cole would make their way along. As the two of them are going deeper and deeper, they're coming across a purple haired woman with bandages over her face walking down the corridor. She has a fairly pissed off look on her face as she would be heading along. Talking to herself.
"I'm definitely going to give that bitch what he has coming. All of them. Oh well.. I can wait my turn. Dear idiot brother is going to want to go through them first. And I suppose that Copycat can get in on it too.."
Presuming the two had read on her, she would be recognizable as Nicole Callahan, aka Bliss.
- Stefani Houston has posed:
It's almost amusing to see, if one did see it, how Quiet is basically puffing in and out of smoke form, in and around Cole as they progress down the hallways. She's there, then not, there, and then not... sometimes going up toward the ceilings, and other times flowing around his form as he moves. She's just all kinds of a weird, weird lady!
When they reach the section with the purple haired grumbler, Quiet vanishes. she leaves Cole to find his own hiding place and is just gone from sight.
Once 'Bliss' walks past where she is however, Quiet reappears and tilts her head before looking down at the display screen as it shows what information they have on that person. "Mmf...." She very softly mutters under her breath.
- Cole Cash has posed:
Cole jumps into a side office as Nicole shows up. Too young and too pretty to be here, he immediately suspects she is one of the missing kids. But her face doesn't ring a bell. Last time he saw Nicole Callahan's picture she was about four years old. Her dad is long dead, and she vanished without a trace, despite Lynch attempts to find her.
Best avoided, he guesses. But where is she going this late? Or coming from. After a few seconds hesitancy, he decides to follow the girl from a safe distance.
- Ivana Baiul has posed:
How long has Nicole 'been' under the care of Ivana? And what's been done to her in all that time since? How messed up has she been since then? And what about her brother? The stuff that nightmares are made of. The two have a good position to track Nicole and they can keep up along with her from a distance. It means they can't necessarily shut off cameras as they go but Quiet's awareness of the guard positions lets them track.
Bliss is heading along towards a locked door, and goes to casually flick her eye up towards a keypad, where it goes to start scanning her.
- Stefani Houston has posed:
Quiet is quick to give Cole a little 'look' when she sees his intention of following Bliss along. She then vanishes again, back in to a puff of smoke that she stays in the form of up until, and as, the young brightly colored haired girl taps in the keycode.
Quiet appears behind her, brazenly just standing there, over her shoulder to read the keycode as it's punched in...
Should the young woman get a sense of someone behind her, and look, the sneaky assassin will puff back in to smoke at a moment's notice, and sweep back behind the other's shoulder to stay out of sight...
- Ivana Baiul has posed:
There's a flash over on the panel then. It needs a retinal scan to go in and what looks like a separate biometric one. There's still a keypad underneath though, which seems odd..
- Cole Cash has posed:
That is not just a passcode, but a retinal scan. That is pretty fancy tech for a government installation, which means what is beyond it is pretty important...
Cole sighs, then steps forward and hits Nicole with a taser just as the door is opening. So much for avoiding trouble. But it is slightly better to leave an unconscious, tied up girl some corner than having to blow up a security door with C4.
One thing makes you feel like a perv, the other tends to have you shoot full of holes.
- Ivana Baiul has posed:
Nicole has just enough heads up as someone is going up and over behind her to yell and turn, but isn't fast enough to avoid having the taser hit her in the back. Inside over the room is a tall woman with dark hair that to Cole is incredibly familiar.
Ivana Baiul.
With her is a blonde male that has half of his face burnt off to the point it looks like something even Deadpool might scoff at. Both of them turning to face Cole and Quiet..
- Stefani Houston has posed:
Quiet catches Bliss and holds her quite easily. She is about to drag her off when the sight what lies beyond inside the room becomes visible. "Mmmf." She mumbles then before she starts to drag Nicole off tot he side of the entrance anyway, gently laying her down on the ground.
From that point, Quiet looks up to Cole before vanishing against in to smoke... If those in that room had seen her, they likely hadn't seen her puff in to smoke, so as she floats up toward the ceiling she just spreads out across it and will trail after cole to enter the room with him from behind his back...
- Cole Cash has posed:
Cole grunts as the young woman falls, nodding as Quiet makes sure she is not breaking anything important on the way to the floor. And it looks he made a little mistake, people in the room ahead?
He has a gun aiming at Ivana and another at Matt so fast one would say the guns teleported to his hands. "Ivana. Charmed, I am sure. It had to be you or Craven. You activated a dead man switch, you dumb bitch. You are very lucky I found you before Slade did."
Bluffing, but he is good at it. The very idea Deathstroke might be looking for her should make Ivana quite nervous.
- Ivana Baiul has posed:
Ivana would just smile, "Why Cole,it's been far too long. And Slade doesn't care about what doesn't involve him, and I've made sure to not do anything that he might care about." Apparently Ivana's already taken this into account or she's very good at not showing anything.
Thresshold would just sneer, "A gun, really? A gun? Let me show you what I think of guns. Nasty things." His eye would glow, even as he would attempt to crush each gun over like paper machete and yank them away, intent on just crumbling them up and over to small little metal balls with powerful telekinetic energy!
- Cole Cash has posed:
"Slade cares about Team Seven," points out Cole. "He has this weird sense of honor... but of course you have no idea of wh..." He was ignoring Matthew. Kids, you know. But him yanking the guns forces Cole to react.
"Adults are talking, boy." He dives low, giving up his guns. But while the young man is busy crushing them, he rolls quick as a snake, and jumps, aiming a powerful kick at his torso. Coda training and super-soldier serums usually make him more than a match for flashy metahumans.
- Stefani Houston has posed:
Quiet is just right there, a little ball of black smoke up against Cole's back. She's listening to the situation as he starts it off with a lovely insult to the woman on their top target list. She flutters up a bit toward one of his shoulders before the action starts, and she's left just hovering there in mid air.
With Cole making himself quite the eye-catching target, Quiet quickly darts off in her black misty-form toward the far wall before she arcs back toward Ivana's Location
It's when she reaches HER that she reforms, behind her, hopefully!
With a big ol' combat knife in hand, Quiet holds it out toward Ivana's neck, and smiles at her very sweetly.
- Ivana Baiul has posed:
Cole's quick kick goes to slam into teh gut of Matthew, sending him backwards. He's quick to get back up to his feet, right as he sees where Quiet is. "So that's who I was feeling." He would muse. "Interesting." On the defensive, but not attacking with Ivana as the hostage.
Ivana just would smile, "I haven't heard a peep from him. If he cares, then he cares. I rather don't think he does." She makes no kind of threat or comment about Slade, nor saying 'he'll be dealt with'. That's the sort o fthing that Cole would pass along to him after all..
"And who are you supposed to be?" To Quiet, seemingly not phased by the knife at her throat, even as she would move to raise her arms up in the air.
- Cole Cash has posed:
Cole, of course, has another handgun (actually more like three more). "Stay down, kid. Don't make me kill you. Fact is... you remind me to someone." He doesn't look at Ivana, because if Threshold eye flickers even a little he is putting a bullet through his leg.
"Whatever. You are nuts if you think I am the only one Lynch called," comments Cole. "Hah, I am probably the last one Lynch called. I should be surprised to find you still alive."
- Stefani Houston has posed:
Quiet holds her sweet smile for the woman, and her question. She reaches her free hand up to tap something attached to the shoulder of her bodysuit. "I'm over here!" A female voice says from the speaker.
This gets a sharp sigh, a quick shake of her head, and a disgruntled look saying 'ignore that', then she pushes another button. "Hands behind your back." The voice now says.
To which Quiet smiles again, and nods her head, waiting to see if Ivana complies. She doesn't take her eyes off of the woman either, though she is listening to Cole's scrap as it unfolds.
- Ivana Baiul has posed:
Ivana Baiul goes to casually take her hands behind her back as the knife stays at her throat, commenting, "Oh, Lynch contacted a few people. You're the first one to actually do something. So that means no one really cared. I'm sure if he had enough left o fhim to roll over in his grave he would be hurt his life's mission meant so little."
Ivana's hands are behind her back now as Quiet would indicate.
Then with barely a -sound- at all blades would pop out of her elbows from seemingly out of nowhere, going to try and stab up and over right into the gut of Quiet as she was but a few inches away from the girl, trying to skewer her through the intestine!
- Cole Cash has posed:
Cole would be rolling his eyes behind his mask, but the effect would be lost. He doesn't believe Lynch would have contacted anyone who wouldn't respond. He was too smart for that. "Did you see the corpse?" He asks, mildly interested.
Then Ivana is moving. And he curses. The woman is not a soldier like him, but she is a viper, and actually probably much more dangerous than the scarfaced kid, whatever telekinetic tricks he has. Cole dives behind a couch again, pulling a second gun to shoot in Ivana's direction a couple times, mindful not to hit Quiet.
- Stefani Houston has posed:
Quiet's form goes incorporeal as the stabs come, just in time to avoid being skewered. It's then that her mood shifts, and her eyes are suddenly surrounded by a black hue that spreads out across the sides of her face toward her hairline. She lunges backward, glides really, and then her long left leg re-materializes as she sends a hard, strong, kick toward Ivana's back, attempting to kick her TOWARD where Cole just dove, and is now starting to brandish his weapon!
Quiet's own sidearm is raising up now as well, though she doesn't quite fire yet!
- Ivana Baiul has posed:
The shots would 'plink' off of Ivana's body, ricocheting off the walls to seemingly no appreciable damage. Just as rapidly Ivana is turning around as that KICK hits her back. It would possibly jolt Quiet's ankle, the woman weighed a -lot-. There's a spin from Ivana, hand going to flash out at her with a neurowhip, it glowing with electricity and slicing behind her back towards Quiet!
Thresshold meanwhile goes to try and hit Cole with a full on psionic attack, attempting to blast and batter his mind into raw agony and delirium. "This will be fun. I've not had a chance to work with someone who can actually -think- before."
- Cole Cash has posed:
Cole grunts. Armor piercing ammo next. But Threshold decides to be annoying too. The psychic attacks hit Cole's mind-shields without cracking them, and the blonde man smirks. "Sorry kid. The old bitch should have warned you about us. That shit doesn't work."
He tosses a flashbang grenade to Matthew. They are nasty against people that rely in concentration to use their powers, like most psychics. Then he switches the ammo clips of his handgun in a flash. The next few bullets going towards Ivana are Teflon-coated with a steel tip. Even for a cyborg, those are bad news.
- Stefani Houston has posed:
For fourty years now, Quiet has been making her way around the world, fighting in big scuffles, to little scuffles. She's seen all kinds of strange things. Hell. She IS a strange thing. With the neuron whip pushing her further away from Ivana, Quiet goes to smoke again, and whisps across the room toward the entrance before she reforms once more, and now raises up HER taser weapon!
The LTL handgun sends out a powerful burst of enrgy toward Ivana, as Mr. Cash uses his much more penetrating attack option!
- Ivana Baiul has posed:
Ivana ducks to the side, one of the shots ricocheting right past her, barely missing. The taser from Quiet does hit her, blasting over with electricity to leave her smoking! It sizzles her.. But just seems to slow her as her hansd would lash out with ten long claws growing from her fingers as she would try to cleave her opponent to bits! "Useful tricks there. I'll enjoy conditioning you to see how they work!"
Matthew staggering back, disoriented from the flash bang! He goes to try and focus to where Cole /was/ to just blast at the general area with a wild telekinetic burst that could flatten a truck! The attakc is wild and unlikely to hit; the attempt being to make Cole have to scramble for cover to hopefully give him a moment to regain his vision!
- Cole Cash has posed:
Oops, there goes the wall, crushed by a telekinetic truck-crushing blast. "Sloppy," he tells Threshold. Not that the gunshots are not bad enough to alert the whole base. He generously sprays more bullets (full auto, both hands!) in Ivana and the young man's direction, but he is also retreating towards the door and Quiet.
Chances of hordes of goons coming? Very high. He plans not to be around, even if that means Ivana lives to see another dawn.
- Stefani Houston has posed:
By the door now, Quiet changes targets and now fires on the man that Cole had been battling earlier. The flashbang had definitely been heard throughout the base too, as those things are no quiet sound themselves! These two targets are heavily powered though, and the base itself was far more outfitted on the inside than anticipated!
Back by the door now, with her taser weapon up, Quiet keeps firing it with consecutive bursts of energy noises coming from its barrel. She has that very unhappy look on her face, with the black stripe across her eyes still, almost like a very dark shadow cast over half her face from the military cap worn atop her head.
- Ivana Baiul has posed:
Ivana has to dive for cover. She might be able to take a couple of hits, but that gun and that taser will mess her up with repeated fire. She's yelling orders, even as she's going to return fire. Thresshold manages to put up a telekinetic shield in front of himself that blocks the attacks, but he's not able to throw out more than a token counterattack, still very dazed and just trying to avoid any more hits.
The sound of lots of boots stomping along is accompanied by a loud series of alerts and a 'LOCKDOWN IN PROGRESS' siren.
- Cole Cash has posed:
"Yep. Overstayed our welcome," he says Quiet. "Time to run," but he throws another grenade into the room. This time a real, deadly one. High explosive. Hopefully Nicole is sleeping outside the room, not inside. He doubts Ivana will get killed, but he hopes she will at least be horribly maimed.
Then he is dashing through the corridors towards the exit. Shooting every camera along the way. Almost without looking, he knows where they are. A tear grenade or three dropped along the way should make the life of anyone giving chase highly uncomfortable.
- Stefani Houston has posed:
Quiet is just not even in her solid form now. She's just moving down the hallway again as pure smoke while Cole fires upon the cameras.
She does take shape when guards appear out from around corners, sending two flying backward with a lunging attack that kicks them both at the same time. While another set is wrenched backward and flung down along the floor, across some of those pressure plates they'd seen earlier.
But then, the camo hat wearing woman just puffs back in to smoke and chases after Cole as they start to make their way out of the base.
If they were here for intel, they certainly know a lot about this place now!
- Ivana Baiul has posed:
The guards are exchanging fire, even as the two are racing ahead of blast doors and managing to do a good job of running ahead! Picking off guards or slowing them down and making them dive for cover. The shooting of security cameras and the general mayhem and chaos makes it hard for anyone to track exactly where they are or where they're going to head them off.
A couple of the men flung down over towars thsoe pressure plates in turn have some heavy weights from the ceiling drop and slam on top of them, breaking ribs and probably their spines as well. So that's what those were for..
The two are able to make their way outside, and there are some stopped trucks.
- Cole Cash has posed:
Cole left his bike a few miles from here, but a truck seems a good idea. Particularly because he only has a last HE grenade (to blow up the second truck in a way it blocks the exit of more vehicles.
"Counter-weight traps? What are we? A banana republic?" Who puts loaded traps inside their own base, anyway? Or, right? Ivana the psycho.
If they were here for intel, they sure wrecked the place up. But that is what Grifter does.
- Stefani Houston has posed:
One of the trucks is getting its driver side door ripped open, only for the driver inside to stare out at the woman who just tore the door from its hinges. She just smiles at him, then puffs in to smoke, and flows right up in to the passenger seat before reappearing again! Her booted feet lash out, and she kicks him right out of the cab before sitting down in the passenger seat.
Cole is given the driver's seat to do the driving, while Quiet reaches behind her to pick up the driver's automatic rifle that he had leaned against the back of the cab.
Click, click.
Aiming out the passenger window now, Quiet starts to plaster the spot lights on the towers with bullets before aiming toward the gate guards and unloading on them next!
- Ivana Baiul has posed:
The gate guards are rapidly picked off. None of the other trucks are in a position where they could be started up within a few minutes, with any personnel around diving for cover or being shot. So the few have at least some time to get away and tehn vanish along. They got intel and wrecked the place up.
And confirmed that Ivana was the one up to things. And those things are no doubt nasty. Very, very nasty.
Her next thing would be to fully evacuate the place and burn anything useful within it, and no doubt booby trap each and every square meter of it. If there was going to be any sort of followup to that place, tehy wouldn't have a lot of time.