10723/Cat on a Cold Tin Fence

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Cat on a Cold Tin Fence
Date of Scene: 10 April 2022
Location: The Strait Lace Steakhouse - Hellfire Club
Synopsis: Crystal Frost fences some ice to a cool cat.
Cast of Characters: Thomas Blake, Crystal Frost

Thomas Blake has posed:
Thomas Blake is enjoying himself, despite the gaps in his memory. Away from Saeko and her harmonious retreat, he thought to either make money or trouble. A job offer came in first, before a chance to make trouble presented itself. So he finds himself at Strait Lace, the best steakhouse in New York, and better than any in Gotham for his money. He finishes the dossier on the seller, closes it and places it in his man purse. then he calls a server over. It's the same one that got the instructions on his steak (Walk past the stove bearing the steak. Walk quickly.) She seems a bright young thing so he gives her another instruction and she grins and nods. Then he sits back perusing the beer and wine list and gnawing on a breadstick.

Crystal Frost has posed:
A little fun on her birthday, Crystal had decided after her time at the Asgardian parade to find something she actually -could- steal.

One sneaky encounter with a safe later and the fractured metal had produced some gleaming results. Now she had to find a means to move the goods.

Having pulled a simple turtleneck sweater over her costume and a pair of jeans to hide the bare legs the outfit usually offered she'd sent the message.

"Got a lead on some rocks to sell. Looking for someone to make the connections."

Thomas Blake has posed:
Soon Crystal receives a terse text message in return: Strait Lace. Twelve.

Being the buyer was buying lunch, he was going to get soaked. It serves the cowardly snot right. He could just fence it for her himself. Something about her being a homicidal maniac. Hell, some of his best friends were homicidal. Discrimination is what it was. In dealing with people with homicidal tendencies, you merely treat them like anyone else -politely. It's not like she'd kill you and take the money. She might be able to freeze a volcano solid but, she does that, she never fences again and she sends a ping out to all manner of serious, moral people.

He wonders if he should tel her to wear something semi-formal?

Crystal Frost has posed:
To be fair, Crystal didn't consider herself a maniac. Most of the time she killed by necessity, her standards for what made something necessary were just a little looser than some!

Finding something -fancy- to wear was a pain, it was harder to conceal her costume beneath that sort of attire, but a simple blue dress at least had her blending in somewhat as she made her way into the space with a purse slung over her shoulder.

Truely, there was a few reasons she prefered her costume and one of them was the fact it had pockets!

Thomas Blake has posed:
Ah one of those dresses that doesn't cover so much as enhance. A dare I say it- a sundress, Thomas thinks. Okay, so she understands social conventions and knows Strait Lace or at least enough to do a quick internet search. Through force of habit, he rises and extends a hand and does the blind date act. Once they sit down the booth he chose offers seclusion. He gestures to a few appetizers on the table.

"So nice to meet you, Crystal. I'm Thomas. I didn't know if you were staying for lunch. The lunch is paid for in any case. So I took the liberty of ordering two filet mignons, raw and medium." He extends a hand while pulling a chair out for her.

Crystal Frost has posed:
When basically any skin contact could be utilized as an attack, it did tend to make one less worried about walking into such places unarmed a little less concerning. The hand does get a brow raise, but she settles into the seat with a nod and a quirk of her lips.

"I'll stay for a meal, as long as it doesn't come out of my price."

Thomas Blake has posed:
Thomas Blake withdraws his hand. "I'll take that as you being cautious, and thank you." He sits down. and places a small object in his napkin, passing it to her. He says softly, "Put the merchandise in your napkin and we'll swap. My client met your price, good going. There's a pin number and id for a Swiss bank account. Everything legal." He places the napkin before her and folds his hands. "Again, meal is on me."

Crystal Frost has posed:
"Cold hands," she offers, an attempt at humor perhaps bur she takes the napkin and nods, casually opening her purse and slipping the napkin in, only to retrive it with the stones contained within.

"We can skip the part where I warn you about ripping me off, right?" Crystal speaks, smirking a little before nodding to the instructions. "How long till it's in the account afterwards?"

Thomas Blake has posed:
Thomas Blake leans a little close and says, "Please, it's in there already. You can go to the Dark Market if you want to access it cash, not questions and no cameras. They have an ATM. "There's a $4.00 service fee."

The server returns at that moment with two sizzling steaks and Thomas regards his with evident satisfaction, taking a deep breath.

"Yes please. Let's skip that. Any threats you make pale before me losing my reputation for this sort of thing. I'd lose out on future dealings with you and you seem to have your head on right and will generate a lot of business. Try to avoid capital crimes. Those hurt your bargaining power. If you take on the Justice League or the Avengers... it can ruin your profits." He spares the jewels a look inside the napkin. "Beautiful stuff here. You should learn to take some enjoyment from this life style... because a lot of it is miserable." As he says 'beautiful stuff' his eyes drift from the emeralds to Crystal. Thomas apparently practices what he preaches.

Crystal Frost has posed:
Crystal wasn't going to mention her last heist prior to this one, the job with another 'contractor' that brought her to blows with the 'big blue' of the League himself. Of course, the fact she got away probably did help, but even he could be chilled to his kryptonian bones with enough energy.

"Oh trust me," Crystal muses, lounging back gently in her chair as she awaits her meal and signals for a drink. "I fully intend to celebrate and relax one the money is in my hand."

True enough, she was already drawing her phone out to investigate the account details and book certain parts of said celebration.

Thomas Blake has posed:
Thomas Blake practically falls on his steak. He nods as he eats, casting his eyes about for anyone attempting to interfere. This was one pleasure not denied him. Just as well. He hated the cold, even if it came wrapped in a pretty dress. He tries to keep the growling down. In far too soon a time the steak is devoured. He did use a fork. Right.

As Thomas finishes, the attentive server comes, shielding her cargo with her body till she gets close. A big smile on her face, she does the reveal and displays a cupcake with a blue wax candle burning in it.

Thomas says, "I got a very detailed dossier on you. It said today was your birthday. Happy birthday. Enjoy." He shoos the server away but not before handing her a generous tip ahead of time. She is kind of cute.

Crystal Frost has posed:
Impressive, the devouring of the steal certainly outpaced Crystal, but then she seemed to be intent to savour every last bit of the meal before her. It was pricey and well-cooked after all.

Still, when the server arrives and deposits the cupcake? Crystal actually laughs, amusement clear on her features as she looks down at the lit candle and then back to the thief.

"Impressive, I see you did your homework..."

Thomas Blake has posed:
Thomas Blake nods his thanks. "All included. I hope you'll use my service again. I will keep you in mind for future projects if you like. I do my homework on those too. If you'll excuse me, I'm not big on dessert and I'm meeting another business associate, so I'll take my leave of you. I hope we work together again." He gets up and grabs his bag. No hand offered this time. He gives her a little bow.

Crystal Frost has posed:
The cupcake is taken, her candle blown out with a light breath and she looks up, nodding to Thomas and his departure. "Guess you'll have to take the time to enjoy the lifestyle another time, huh?"

A little shrug, she takes her first bite, nodding her head in approval.

"Don't worry, I'll keep you in mind..."