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Prodigals | |
Date of Scene: | 11 April 2022 |
Location: | Asgardian Embassy |
Synopsis: | Thor has a chat with a self-exiled Valkyrie. Vintridr answers some old questions. |
Cast of Characters: | Thor, Vintridr
- Thor has posed:
The doors to the embassy were thrown open and with their opening came the cacophony from inside. Not too disorderly, but there are definite orders being given by soldiers with strong voices, and the heavy rustle and bustle of boots and armor as the soldiers who have taken station are now settling into their quarters. And if one were to know Bjarke, then likely after they secure their quarters they'll face the first of a myriad of drills.
Yet Thor passes through and into the foyer giving a smile and nod to those in attendance. A salute when one is given. He leads the way and then gestures with the uncurling of his hand toward the library that serves as the room the use when entertaining visitors or petitioners. Not ostentatious at the least, its decor remains mostly untouched what with the books on the shelves being primarily Midgardian in origin. One thing, however, that has been augmented is the liquor cart that holds an almost permanent place of residence near the main conversational nooks.
Through the double doors he enters and gestures toward one of the seats, "I bid you welcome, Vintridr. Shall you drink?" And as he speaks there's the clink of glass and crystal as he removes the stopper from a bottle of brandy and allows the liquor to gurgle into a snifter. Should she seem so inclined he will compose a glass for her as well and then likely moves to a seat of his own.
- Vintridr has posed:
If there were any question of Sif's assertion that this woman is Valkyrior, the short trip through the embassy easily dispels those doubts. The Einherjar selected for Embassy guard duty are entirely too disciplined to show their reactions, but react they do, in so many small ways - minute shifts in posture as their eyes pass over her, standing up just that tiniest of bits straighter as they recognize her for what she is. Flickers of recognition, there and gone almost before they can be seen, schooling their expressions back to professionalism right away.
It is recognizable, too, in her equally subdued responses -- the slightest flick of the eyes, the hint of a nod, the twitch at the corner of her mouth serving in place of the smile she'd offer if they could return it right now.
Vintridr nods in acceptance of the drink as she seats herself -- and even that is interesting; most Asgardians are unintentionally rough on Midgard furniture, which isn't normally built to withstand their casual strength. Vintridr, on the other hand, moves with a care that can only be described as 'delicate' - despite the fact that most of the furniture inside the Embassy is either Asgardian or custom-built to similar standards for resistance.
"My thanks, and well met, Odinson," she replies, her voice falling back into the cadence of Asgardian Semi-formal.
"There's one thing that should probably be addressed before aught else, however," she continues, holding out a hand and calling up a segmented metal ovoid covered in ritual inscriptions. "I found this on display in a museum recently, and took it upon myself to retrieve it and send the souls on, but it should be stored somewhere more secure than my personal stash..."
- Thor has posed:
Thor is perhaps not quite as gentle nor aware as Vintridr may well be, but he is also not particularly rough. Though the over-stuffed seat does complain with a creak that may well serve to be its undoing in the years to come. For now, however? It endures.
One sip is had then the drink is set aside. The Asgardian Prince takes up the proffered metal object and takes it in hand, giving it its due regard. His eyebrows rise slightly as he eases back. A turn this way, then the other. "I am no expert but I recall it having something to do with the calling of your ilk."
He looks across the distance toward her, one eyebrow quirking to attach a question mark to the end of that prior sentence. But then he sets it down now upon the central coffee table that offers a place between the occupants of that conversational nook. "I will send it on. Though I would also know the how of which you came upon it."
He settles back into the seat, turning his head to affix his dark blue eyes on the well-travelled Asgardian.
- Vintridr has posed:
"It predates me, in truth," Vintridr replies. "The rites used to call up the victorious fallen to the ranks of the Einherjar and send them on to the Halls of the Brave once took more time than they do now, and on particularly... intense... battlefields, sometimes there might be more candidates than there were Valkyrior or time."
She taps the ovoid with one finger. "These could serve as a temporary receptacle for their souls, to keep them safe and in trust until such time as a full rite could be performed."
She grimaces. "By the time of my induction they'd fallen into disuse as capabilities had increased, but we were still taught how to operate them; when the Museum of Natural History published an image in their announcement I recognized it for what it was, and took it upon myself to verify - and retrieve it if necessary."
She takes a sip of her drink, apparently more to collect her thoughts as she narrates than anything else. "I turned out to be right; not only was it a receptacle, it was filled -- three Einherjar, called forth by one of my sisters, but never sent on."
She frowns, a hint of shadow under her eyes. "The scholars of Midgard estimate that this one had been buried in the ashes of a settlement at least thirteen hundred years ago; possibly longer. Asgard's historians may need to study our records to learn which of my sisters fell there, her duty incomplete..."
- Thor has posed:
Eyebrows rising in appreciation, Thor looks on the receptacle anew. He gives a slow nod and murmurs, "Then a fine thing you have done in its liberation." He touches it again as his own thoughts wander along the paths engendered by her tale and the recovery of it. For a moment his brow furrows, but no voice is given to those thoughts that touch his mind.
Instead he looks back to her, "You enjoy my thanks for its retrieval. Did you wish to accompany it when we send it to Asgard? There are those that would assuredly value the tale you will tell."
But then his gaze returns to Vintridr and he smiles slightly, "Though perhaps that is rude of me to presume. I know it is likely you had your own reasons for remaining here on Midgard. And when Lady Sif called out to you it was evident there was some..."
A pause as he searches for the word, then settles on a gentle one. "Discomfort."
- Vintridr has posed:
Vintridr gives Thor a slightly wan smile. "Trust the Odinson to strike at the heart of matters," she replies, then takes another sip as she collects her thoughts. "My exile to Midgard wasn't well known except among those who knew me; and they respected my request not to speak of it. What even they don't know was that it was voluntary." She lowers her drink, enough to look the Thunderer in the eye as she continues. "Your father likewise never spoke to anyone about why I left his service."
She leans back in her chair, tilting her head as she regards Thor. "Tell me, Odinson," she asks, her voice and cadence shifting to court-formal; not quite judging or condemning, but not as warm as she had been. "Are you familiar with the period that Midgard's historians call the Sengoku Jidai?"
- Thor has posed:
The wan smile is returned with like as Thor shifts slightly in his seat. Just a turn to the side and then resting one hand upon the arm of the chair, almost regal in some ways like so many classical statues of many and varied rulers. Though in this case it is performed only in the need of comfort and focus with his attention leveled fully upon Vintridr.
She offers her explanation, or rather the declaration that the matter was indeed an exile in a form, and voluntary at that. Enough to knit his brow as he ponders, considering the various reasons such a thing could occur. He remains silent as she tells, then she asks her question. His chin lifts...
"One of the wars in the East?" For the All-Speak changes the words enough so he understands their meaning. The time of the Warring States. But he lifts a hand slightly from the arm rest. "After our own here on Midgard against the Svartalfar. After I had left." A limited frame of reference he has, yet it brings the answer finally. "I am afraid I am not. Beyond what little I have spoken."
- Vintridr has posed:
Vintridr laughs mirthlessly. "Would that it were but 'one of'. It lasted for a century and a half. Warlord against warlord, every power-hungry fool who could intimidate a few hundred people to fight for him trying their luck as leadership collapsed. Fields lying fallow as conscripted peasants bled to death in battlefields far from their farms. Famine, disease, slaughter and destruction..."
She takes another sip and closes her eyes for a moment, banishing memories as her voice turns bitter "... And a great bountiful crop of Einherjar, dying bravely on countless battlefields, being uplifted to their new existence in service of Odin Glad-of-War. Very shortly after our own battles with the Svartalfar had somewhat thinned our ranks. Conveniently so."
- Thor has posed:
The cup in his off hand is brought to be held in both now, resting in the nest created by them as he watches and listens to Vintridr's tale, a nod is given as she sips then presses on with her words, his eyes following the small gestures and at times her lips. Then a second stronger nod at the end.
"Midgard has had no shortage of strife nor warfare in its time." He says with a hint of remorse to his tone, shaking his head. "An ill time it sounds like, much like their Great War as they've called it."
That said he moves to refill his glass and offers her like as well should she seem so inclined.
- Vintridr has posed:
Vintridr nods. "And we'd always been quick to reap the benefits of them, even though we decided that the consequences should be theirs and theirs alone to bear. Ours, the profit; theirs, the cost... I drank my fill of bloodshed there, and more. A comment by one of my sisters struck a chord with me, something I thought I'd noticed but had initially dismissed."
"When I returned to Asgard, I sought private audience with your father, laid out my findings." She closes her eyes for a moment. "I'd hoped to have my suspicions allayed. What I got instead were platitudes about the weight of rulership, necessity, and duty -- and no denial."
When I realized none would be forthcoming, I turned and left without further word; I found I could no longer rest easy in Asgard knowing who'd paid the cost for its peace..."
- Thor has posed:
"Ah," Thor says finally.
There's a look of understanding lighting his eyes, then he gives a solemn nod. "I can understand how troubling that must have been. And, in truth, I have at times been in a similar place." He lifts the liquor to his lips and takes a sip. Then he sets it down with a soft clink upon the nearby cart. Turning back he leans forward, boot sliding off his knee and then his forearms resting on them. His gloved fingers interlace as he meets Vintridr's gaze.
"A year ago." He begins. "Perhaps two?" His eyes lift as if seeking the right time then dismissing it as not being of the matter. "During a time of tumult when Midgard was beset. I asked of my father to recognize Midgard for its contribution, for its independence. To grant it a voice in our court as they grant a voice for us in their diplomacy. His answer?"
A small smile is there for a moment then he adds, "Was to give Midgard a voice in court, by appointing a ruler of the realm. A thane of Midgard to represent its peoples on Asgard when matters so required."
He lifts a hand slightly, "Not quite what I intended. And it seemed that there was no sense in some ways. But later..." He waves his hand slightly to the side, "It turned to be wise for when matters were threatened Asgard was one of few realms beyond Midgard that could offer protection in that time."
A deep breath is taken, "But what I am saying is, the All-Father. He has vision beyond us. If you found fault in his answers, perhaps that is in part what was meant to pass. And your presence here likely aided Midgard in its own way. It's a pity you must pay the price, however. Carrying that weight so."
- Vintridr has posed:
Vintridr smiles, her features softening as better memories flow to the fore. "It was not without its rewards. While keeping a low profile meant doing less than I could sometimes, I've had the privilege of seeing the people of Midgard at peace as well as at war, witnessing them at their best as well as their worst. They've come a long way in these short few centuries; it has been impressive to witness."
She grimaces again. "... I'd say it would be wise if you did not mention the thanedom to Midgard's rulers; they'd take the implications poorly at best."
Her smile fades again when the All-Father is mentioned. "I'm sure his vision is beyond most of us, and I've no doubt that he acts as he believes he must -- as I act as my duty and conscience dictate I must. But I'm done with taking his orders, and have been for these past four centuries."
- Thor has posed:
A nod is given, "I think it is seeking that maturity that may well be why Asgard left them to their agency in some ways. They are in a better place now because of it perhaps." The Thunderer looks thoughtful as he tilts his head, as if by looking toward the shaded window he could see all of the mortal realms and consider it. But then he looks back.
"Though a good number of them know about the Thanedom, if it was someone other than Captain Rogers it might be considered more ill, but for now I believe it's viewed as... an eccentricity." Which has him crinkling his nose slightly as he lifts two fingers up as if to proclaim that it is beyond him.
But then the finality of Vintridr's position is advanced and he murmurs, "Good then that you have made a home here. Though this exile be self-imposed, perhaps there will be a time when you will wish to return home. I hope I live to see that day." With that said he gives a smile and a nod.
- Vintridr has posed:
Vin's eyebrow arches in recognition. "Captain Rogers? A sound choice - although I suspect he was none to pleased at being given the title."
"And it may very well be; at best, my anonymity is already coming to its end -- Midgard becomes more connected almost by the day, and going unnoticed is no longer as easy as it once was. But for now, I've my place here, still."
- Thor has posed:
"That is good then," Thor gives a solemn nod as he places his hands on the arms of the chair. "Still, you are e'er welcome here, and if you need aid then you have but to ask."
With that he pushes himself to his feet, rising to his full height and offering his hand once again. A shake between warriors, gripping forearms firmly should she accept. But once that is done he murmurs, "I will have words with Sif, and once done perhaps there will be at the least future events shared between us here on Midgard."