10780/Rumble Fest: The Smashfest Begins!

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Rumble Fest: The Smashfest Begins!
Date of Scene: 15 April 2022
Location: New Mexico
Synopsis: Repeat business is good and when AIM comes calling again, Juggernaut is more then willing to take on the job as it involves a throwdown with The Hulk. However, his quest for bragging rights may unleash something new, unexpected, darker and more cunning then what the world is prepared for.
Cast of Characters: Bruce Banner, Cain Marko

Bruce Banner has posed:
There are times in the life of Bruce Banner where he seems to be cease to be. He becomes lost in his work, be it a newfound project or that the thing that he created years ago in that lab in New Mexico. When the Leader set to destroy a small town, to make them all into monsters, an army of gamma-powered slaves, the Hulk joined forces with the Avengers and risked everything to save them. He took hold of the reactor itself, grappling with the very power that gives him form and taking it into himself. Deep in the Hulk's mind, Bruce Banner found himself a modern Prometheus once again, but the fire--the knowledge he brought upon the earth was no gift. It was a curse. Sometimes, it felt like a thousand curses out of Pandora's box. Still, he felt Prometheus more apt.

    For like Prometheus, sometimes he was tortured again and again, and yet the Hulk could not be stopped. He just returned anew, no matter what was thrown at him.


    Having freed himself from the Hulk's control again, Bruce Banner has been hard at work on something. Yet another attempt to bring the Hulk into control, but this time, to set right the wrongs of men like the Leader. To take precautions against future weapons made from the science he discovered. In his lab, a small, octagonal device clicks and whirs. In a petri dish, strange tissue glows green. The steady clicks of a Geiger counter continue until suddenly---they come to a stop.

    "That's it!" Banner exclaims to no one. "I was right. Now if I can just scale it up..."

Cain Marko has posed:
When it comes to being a working professional, The Juggernaut tends to not ask too many questions when a job is sent his way. The needed requirements are necessary, of course, in order to do the job but the why usually isn't of much concern to him. Go here. Bust in. Grab this thing. Meet at this rendeavou point. Seems simple enough. It's even repeat business. He's done some work for AIM before alongside Killer Frost.

That wasn't simple. Superman showed up during it and then he got teleported away by a crnaky magic using alien that has him on retainer. So maybe he should ask questions.

"You want me to steal from the -Hulk??-" Dead silence follows and then Juggernaut simply smiles.

"My fee just tripled."

And..they paid it! Okay then.

So now, what we have, is a massive missile made of armor and muscle, currently hurtling through the skies of New Mexico like an incoming meteor from where he launched himself out of the AIM transport that had tracked Bruce down to his Bunker. He explodes through a mountain side en route, granting some advance warning to any in a multiple mile radius as the earth explodes and chasms and trees give way. He simply keeps on coming - slamming into the ground just a few hundred yards away from where the good doctor is holed up and from that position begins plowing forward. His presence well announced but probably not to much time before he hits the side of whatever barrier Bruce is holed up behind. Of course one thought -is- running through hsi mind now that he should have asked about:

How do they expect him to get this doohickey without accidentally breaking it in the process???

Bruce Banner has posed:
The old bunker wouldn't last forever. Sure, the Avengers could have offered him something a bit more secure, but Bruce has always been a bit more of a private type...especially for delicate research like this. Unfortunately, delicate or not, Bruce has suddenly found himself face-to-face with a big, big problem.

The Juggernaut lands close and is advancing quickly. Miniature turrets--salvaged from who knows where or built from scratch with the raw know-how of Dr. Banner--deploy and start peppering the Juggernaut with...something gooey. It's a inky, rubbery material that seems to be intended to gum up the works and pin someone down. Unfortunately, stopping this particular assailant is far easier said than done.

Banner, meanwhile, scrambles with his smartphone, pulling up the display. "The Juggernaut?! What's he's doing here--I've got to get out of here. I've got to --"

Banner's watch starts beeping frantically, his heart monitor reaching dangerous levels.

Cain Marko has posed:
You can't stop The Juggernaut!!!

But you sure as heck can slow him down....

Juggernaut grimaces, frowns and then finally full on sneers and snarls in annoyance as the goo and gunk pools around his ankles, gets mucked up around his knees, stuck to his boots and peppers his arms and sides. It's frustrating, annoying and perhaps even a little embaressing.

"Man. This guy probably got beaten up a lot in school, didn't he.." he grumbles as a particularly annoying glob smacks against the side of his helmet and sticks there.

But his advancement continues and he eventually bursts forward through a particularly large pile of the aggravating stuff to come plowing forward towards the outer walls of the bunker. Massive hands reach forward as he nears it, sinking fingers into the material as if it were little more then butter and then pulling back to shake the earth and send debris bursting upwards. Stoney and cement fragments flying as Juggernaut literally begins parting the walls apart like a curtain. "You're lucky I'm being -delicate- here doc!" he calls out as he begins crashing forward, letting the sharpnel scrape off som eof the goo as he lumbers forward into the lab.

"You got some nifty gadgets here doc. GOt some folks attention! I'm just here for a donation for 'em. don't mind me!"

Bruce Banner has posed:
Heart-monitor watch beeping frantically, Bruce Banner scrambles through his workspace. Equipment spills onto the floor in a heap as he almost falls across the table, hands reaching, grasping empty air toward a reinforced attache case with the SHIELD logo emblazoned on the side. He takes the handle and punches in the code, hands trembling. With a hiss it pops open, leaving the doctor able to hastily shove in the octagonal device from before and slam it shut.

And then everything goes green.

When the Juggernaut tears through the wall the retort is equally sudden and violent. A green blur shoots out of the darkness of the bunker, lit only by the blinking emergency lamps. With a roar, the Hulk tackles the Juggernaut, throwing himself bodily into the avatar of Cytorrak and back toward the desert outside.

"You not find Banner, you find HULK, dome man!" The jade giant bellows, throwing an earth-shaking punch at Cain Marko.

Cain Marko has posed:
But didn't you know? Juggernaut's unstoppable!

Funny thing is..he's not unstoppable -all- the time. Especially if he's..well..stopped. As he has in order to part the entrance of the bunker dramatically and to make his decleration. A stupid move, perhaps, but he's also -nearly- immovable as well. It comes with the territory of being so outrageously immense and strong and durable that bracing himself or just being himself is enough to let him tank and accept blows from among the most powerful. Presuming..he's done just that.

And he hasn't done that here either. And then there's the simple issue of...would it even have mattered if he did. But from where he stands, the rush of the Hulk, the incoming punch, the roaring challenge..it all happens fast. far faster then he thought it would. He expected to deal with a Banner that didn't want to Hulk out and would have maintained more control. Maybe even a little negotating while he taunted him into changing. It's more drmatic that way! This....is not what happened. And the result is a devestating impact that sends a crater ripping through the landscape from the shockwave that peals outward and a seismic disturbance that triggers nearby warning systems. Juggernaut is sent backwards, tumbling, stunned and surprised before he finally regains his bearings and touches his feet back down earthwards to begin digging his feet into the ground to arrest his movements. The earth digs up around him, forming twin trenches as he skids backwards and then straightens up again while blinking.

"..The hell!? How'd that happen that fast!" A deep frown settles on his features..and then he begins to charge forward. A lumbering slowly building race back towards the surely incoing Hulk as he roars back out, "You wanna do this the hard way?! Let's go, Jade Jaws!"

Meanwhile, nearby, a cloaked AIM vessel looks on...

Bruce Banner has posed:
Normally, Banner would be much more difficult to get out of control. The doctor works hard to keep the Jade Giant in check, to keep himself in control to prevent all kinds of collateral. Unfortunately, tempers have been running hot lately, and the bombardment of hard gamma he faced at the hands of The Leader left has done him little favors! Perhaps it's this, more than anything else, that put him off balance. In any case, the Hulk is here now, and he's---well, angry!

"Why is dome man after puny Banner? Why is he after Hulk?!" The Hulk is barreled into as he fails to stop the Juggernaut this time, instead being rammed back against--and likely through--the bunker wall.


Internally, Bruce Banner wrestlers for control, struggling to cross a vast desert, empty, barren.


"You don't know what you're getting yourself into, Hulk. We don't know why he's here!"


"Hulk wants to be left alone!" The goliath swings a man-sized chunk of cement around to smash it against the unstoppable Juggernaut, likely smashing it into a hundred pieces.

Cain Marko has posed:
Yes, indeed. -Now- Unstoppable. Juggernaut's forward momentum is slowed by Hulk's efforts, but he does not stop. The force of the impact of the two beasts triggering another richter scale level event while he bellows an answer to Hulk: "I told you! I'm here to take a collection up of some of the good doc's stuff! But a fight with you, to prove how powerful I am? That's just a bonus!"

The two giants build up speed and crash out the other side of the bunker in a spectacular rain of sharpnel that is only compounded when Hulk grabs and slams a huge block of concrete against the red behemoth.

The giants ultimately clear the bunker and push away some distance as Juggernaut's ramming speed continues ramping up - and is followed up by a massive punch that is leant into with his forward momentum. HIs gigantic fist coming forward and hurtling into Hulk's chest with the intention of sending the jade giant flying away and towards a cliff face just ahead of the two.

But truthfully, it's a 'collection' Juggernaut was never truly expected to do successfully. THey've once more smashed the bunker and with this further risking harm to the experiments that AIM is after..the cloaked drop and extraction ship decloaks and springs into action.
5rAIM scientists begin rappelling downwars into the smouldering ruins of the bunker. Stumbling as the two colossi trade blows and send aftershocks through the area but otherwise working quickly in search of Banner's prized work.

Bruce Banner has posed:
Along for the ride now, the Hulk is carried like he's been run over by a locomotive. The smash through one wall, then another, then another before erupting out of the bunker and back into the desert. The punch at the end of the charge rings out with a heavy thump as mystically-empowered flesh and bone smashes against gamma-infused tissue. Hulk soars low and fast before smash into the cliff face--quite literally as he breaks the surface and leaves a vaguely Hulk-shaped imprint.

Inside the bunker, a turret pops open, springing to life--and jamming, sparking, and failing to activate due to damage from a piece of debris from the ceiling. The AIM agents avoid trouble...for now, but there's also a lot to clean up.

The Hulk, meanwhile, takes care of his own mess. He slams his palms against the cliff, digging his green fingers into the rock like he was running them through sand. Stone fragments and powderizes as he pulls himself out in a wave of spider-web cracks from the sheer force of the push. With a mighty roar, he is on the move again, lunging back into the fire and throwing a massive haymaker.


Cain Marko has posed:
"Do you -hear- that?? Even with Juggernaut here..this is suicide!!"

One AIM operative is clearly not enjoying this as he quickly collects gear while others look for the objects in specific. They are armed but ..really waht good will it be if Hulk turns his attention back to the bunker.

"Relax." remarks a more seasoned one though the nervousness is clear in his voice, "We just need to find what we need, cloak and get out of here. IT'll be worse then suicide if we screw this up. Juggernaut didn't come cheap."

Hulk's roar can be heard once again. His thunderous decleration of his strength. It's enough to shut bothh men up and get them hurrying through what mreains of Bruce's lab desks, slides and discs in search of their prize.

As for Juggernaut - indeed he doesn't come cheap and this is why. Few can weather the assault of the enraged Hulk and give back in seemingly equal spades. That doesn';t mean it's easy. Cyttorak stirs in his blood, urging him onward to yet more violence and he pushes forward into the approaching leap of The Hulk. The haymaker lands, splitting the landscape asunder around the two goliaths but Juggernaut does not tumble backwards this time. His ears ring, white light flashes in his eyes and his armor is battered but he presses into the force of the blow even as it dislodges his helmet and sends it spiraling away to reveal his skull capped head. BOt of his hands interlock and he lunges in with a return haymaker, "Hgn! I thought only Superman could start hittin' like this! Gotta put you DOWN!"

Bruce Banner has posed:
The lab is ... eccentric. That's a good word for it. Bruce Banner has half a dozen projects going in levels of progress of at least that number. The SHIELD attache from before is across the room and underneath a collapsed table. And some heavy-looking piece of equipment. That may take some work...

The Hulk is pulled back and readying an uppercut when the Juggernaut swings down with the blow, knocking Ol' Jade Jaws' head down and almost putting him in the dirt. He plants both hands on the ground and spits blood--an awful green color--before working his jaw with a pop.

"Man in red is strong," Hulk almost grumbles. "But so is Hulk!"

The green goliath slams both hands together in a mighty thunderclap, causing a shockwave of force as he does.


Bruce Banner crosses the desert of his mind undeterred. Lonely. Crying out in desperation to someone who does not seem to be there.

"Hulk! Listen to me! This isn't going to work! You can't fight him directly like this, and someone--someone has to stealing from the lab! Please Hulk." Banner falls to the ground on his knees. "Stop them, please."

"You really think he's gonna listen to us, pal? When he's got the reins? For such a smart guy, you sure can say some dumb shit." A lone figure, much larger and wider than Bruce Banner, casts a long shadow over him.

Cain Marko has posed:
Bruce Banner understands what THe Savage Hulk in his pure unfiltered rage and child likef rustration does not. The Juggernaut truly -is- the irresistible force. It is not simply the unstoppable momentum at his disposal but the sueer array of power afforded him by Cyttorak which turns him into this literal Exemplar of Physical Power. Direct assaults are usually the wrong way to go...but the lot of The Savage Hulk -is- to apply directed assaults until it breaks..save Juggernaut may be a foe that can never break under such a strategy.

Perhaps..in time..The Hulk's strength could raise enough to overcome the power of the uncaring primordial power that is Cyttorak, the distant magical force failing to keep up with Hulk's own raging power but the immediacy of this situation and Banner's desperation does not allow such time - if it were even possible. Something else must be done here.

Not that Juggernaut is wise to any such discussions in Banner's mind. His body braces against the shockwave which rips into him, unsteadying his footing and tearing up the landscape with building demolishing force. Juggernaut slides back once omre. He's not flung, but he's at least been pushed away to give Hulk a moment to regather his wits. "C'mon Jade Jaws! I got braggin' rights in The Bar With No Name I need to maintain! It's time to see how you handle my Sunday Punch!"

"Over here! Move!" yells one scientist upon finding the collapsed equipment. "Get this up and we got what we need and can go!" THey stumble, as the shockwave reaches their positions, blowing apart more of the bunker but for once luck is with them as distnace and what remains of the building prevents any more setbacks.

Bruce Banner has posed:
The Savage (but Incredible) Hulk knows only rage, and smashing whatever is the source of that rage. For him, there is something of a flowchart, a system for these things. Currently? The system is failing.

As his rage increases, he stomps his feet, shaking the ground beneath him. He pulls his arms up and then throws them out in another rage-induced tantrum. In the next moment, he is barreling toward the Juggernaut again, gamma-empowered muscles carrying him a speed far exciting any normal mortal---a near-blur of green, if nowhere near the speed of the truly fast metahumans.

As the building shakes, a small, disc-shaped device starts to glow faintly blue. In a moment, a holographic image of Bruce Banner---maybe at 1/6th his actual size---appears from it.

"If you're hearing this message, something has gone horribly wrong. This recording is intended to explain what should happen if a Hulk-related disaster prevents me from using--or even completing the device..."

Cain Marko has posed:
Somewhere in the backwards and dark recesses of Juggenraut's mind..he is forced to acknowledge that this is some bit of craziness here. Not quite to the level of having second thoughts but..usually those he fights don't do this.

"Time to put you down!" he declares with the intent of applying some sort of finality to this before it escalates further. He -feels- he's in some sort of control here but he's sensing that this is building towards a gamma powered tantrum that might do a little more then just shake the immediate area and possibly draw attention Juggernaut has no desire to deal with in addition to the Hulk.

But he has some advantages here.. The Hulk simply continuing to do ..what wasn't working before and the space between the two gives Juggernaut a chance to begin moving once again. As Hulk comes charging in..Juggernaut lunges forward at him, his unstoppable momentum once more kicking in and this time..

"Alright Jade Jaws! Time to see if you got a glass jaw!"

His so named 'Sunday Punch'...is really just a punch but maybe naming it as such encourages him to put just a little more into it. A little more power. A little more orce. A little more unstoppable then before.

His fist clenches, knuckles cracking like the splintering of a sequoia and the muscles of his arms bulge titanically in size as he twists towards a readied swing as he pushes into a leaping charigng punch..and then the fist hurtles in.

Hulk does collide with him. Juggernaut continues forward mind you but Hulk's fist lands even as his own comes thundering in like a meteor. Juggernaut's eyes flash, stunned from the blow, but his fist keeps on going.

"Is this it?!" yells one scientist, full of terror at the apocalypse outside.

"Yes! Yes! Take it!" says another.

"Wait! What's its saying?!" says the third. The place was already trapped after all.

Bruce Banner has posed:
At first the Hulk seems to mindless in his charge; unthinking, without strategy. He closes in, teeth barred as the Juggernaut barrels down on him in a clash of unstoppable, overwhelming power. The Hulk, savage and frenzied, seems to be beating his fists against a wall that even his massive power cannot tear down.

But suddenly something changes. The Hulk shows a raw, almost feral cunning as he darts to the side, ducking down to bob and weave and approach at a different angle. The Juggernaut's Sunday Punch slams across the side of his face, spraying spittle and blood across the landscape as a shockwave roars in a cloud of dust and at least one exploded cactus, but not catching him quite as directly as one might hope. Instead, the Hulk latches on and suddenly is half-wrestling an unshakeable, still running Juggernaut, trying to hold onto him and wail away.

Unfortunately, he makes the mistake of trying to STOP the Juggernaut, planting his feet in the ground---and steadily digging a trench as they go. "Why Hulk not smash red man?!" A good question, Hulk.

The recording, meanwhile, continues to talk. "The Leader's technology has over-saturated the Hulk's body with gamma radiation. It's made him harder to control. The methods I was using have become substantially less effective. To combat this---and more creations of Samuel Sterns, the so-called Leader---I've constructed a device called a 'gamma siphon.'"

Cain Marko has posed:
"We need to -go-." says the nervous AIM worker.

"Wait! Listen!" The other AIM scientist is fascinated. The danger of The Hulk warring against scientific curiousity and excessive risk. "This is it! Where is it!?"

"Hey, what the!?" Juggernaut is not ignorant to fighting and brawling for obvious reasons and he has some training. Military at that. So the slight subtle change in tactics was noticed but then pushed far from his mind by Hulk's continued struggles and his attempts to drag Juggernaut to a stop while basically clinging to him from the side. Each blow lands with continual increasing furious force as Juggernaut charges forward towards the cliff side that Hulk had been hurtled into mere moments before.

Upon impact, the cliff explodes and the mesa begins the inexorable process of collapsing on both of the behemoths, Juggernaut continues blowing forward into the rain of violent stone. Tonnage piling on both titans as he trundles ahead and attempts to push Hulk off as darkness begins descending around them both.

"Get offa me!" he roars though the sound of his voice mixes into the roaring continuing collapse of the mesa.

Bruce Banner has posed:
"As a precautionary measure, I've acquisitioned a high-grade SHIELD to sto-" Another earthshaking blow rattles the entire bunker. This time of the Juggernaut slamming the Green Goliath into a nearby mesa. The projection flickers and derezzes into static, comes back, then goes out entirely as a piece of debris drops from the ceiling onto it.

Meanwhile, the Hulk disappears smashes into the wall, cutting through the side of the mesa, which in turn starts to collapse. He is thrown headlong into the dark, smashing in a heap against the floor of a small cavern. He does not rise back up immediately...a knockout, perhaps? Light fades into mere flickers as the dark of the collapsing mesa surrounds the two titans.


"What do you want, Joe? This isn't your place to ste--"

"Well when did you develop a spine, Brucey Boy? And a mouth, too! I've got as much a stake in what this knucklehead does as you do, pal, and it's get dark in here real quick like. You'd best--"

The dreamscape starts to collapse, mirroring the outside world as chunks of the sky start to fall, leaving a shimmering green, sickly light underneath.

"Oh ho, there we go. I'm out of here, Brucie. You have fun with Mister Greenjeans."

The bigger figure launches himself toward the crack in the sky, leaping in an all too familiar way...



"Thought I'd never get some fresh air," the Hulk that speaks in the dark sounds different. Smarter. A bit like what you'd expect to see in a gangster film. "Gonna be honest with ya here, Juggs. As far as Greenjeans go, you've got him beat because he don't THINK."

The Hulk darts across rapidly collapsing cave, trying to slip past the Juggernaut and give him a superpowered shove before heading the way they came in. "I figure you can dig youself outta here, but I'm hopin' it'll take you a while!"

Cain Marko has posed:
"Wait, whaaaa???"

It's the perfect combo of everything -bad-. He's to close when that change takes place. Too stunned to do anything about it. Too slow to react against the gamma powered leap and shove that slams right into his chest and sends him tumbling off to the side against a collapsing wall as the mesa continues its destructive slide all around him.

The impact sends him crashing through walls of stone in a journey that is arrested when he finally is able to dig his grip into the sandstone but by now it's too late to do anything about the departing Hulk who is rapidly picking up speed and pulling away from the crimson armored behemoth.

"The hell is happening?! When'd you get a vocabulary??" he shouts, letting confusion turn into building frustration and fury as he pushes up from his position to begin charging back in the direction they came from...attempting to build up speed before the collapse caused by his -own- tactic ends up burying him. Nothing can stop him - but he can sure be slowed down and a slow down at this point means victory for the escapnig Grey Goliath.

Outside, a quarter of the mesa continues sliding down into a destructive ruin and the surveying AIM ship sounds a warning, detecting incoming from the tremblors being caused by the dueling titans and picking up on the change. Seeing the momentum of something mean and grey as it sends shockwaves through the area with its movements.

"We're out of time! Let's go!" yells the lead AIM scientist as the ceiling crushes the message. "Leave The Juggernaut! It's his loss and screw up! Take whatever you've got and let's go!"

The de-cloaked transport begins to lower, rapidly deplowing cords for the frantic scientists to begin their rappelling back up..if they can make it in time.

Bruce Banner has posed:
"Let's catch up some other time, Jughead. Toodles!" The Hulk (?), out of spite, slams his fist into the side of the wall in parting to help expedite the collapse. Walking free from the rumble, the Hulk comes into light--and shows himself to be less...green than usual. Instead, he is sickly grey color, and something about him seems different. From the swell of his brow to the shorter mop of black hair, to the very way he carries himself, this Hulk seems like a different person, almost. Perhaps he is.

"Now who wanted Banner out of his lab so badly, huh? I bet I know what they was looking for..."

The Grey Hulk starts to leap, but suddenly gets blinded by the brightness of the desert sun. "Ugh, you really gonna try to keep me in there, Brucie? Guess I don't have much time here--"

He leaps, suddenly clearing the distance and landing near the AIM agents.

"Hello boys. Whatcha got there?"

Cain Marko has posed:
He's been here before. Buried beneath a mountain range. Trapped in the sediments of continental plates. Stuck at the bottom of the ocean. In orbit. In other dimensions.

He hates it. Being trapped, being caged, being held. It is now Juggernaut's turn to rage.


But the added spiteful strike of the newcomer, this new Hulk, is enough to silence the roar of Juggernaut's voice with the roar of the mesa doing it's final collapse..falling inward upon the Exemplar and burying him in kilotons of rubble. He is relatively unharmed, true enough, and he cannot be stopped. This much is certain.

But this is going to be a minute. A minute the AIM scientists don't have now.

"Go, go, go!" Yells one upon seeing the incoming Grey Hulk. But the others--

"Huh? He's..talking?!"

"He always talks!"

"In full sentances?!?"

"Is this him? The gamma signature.. Where's Juggernaut?!"

And other assorted bits of confusion. As to the AIM ones that this 'Hulk' actually confronts, they are in full panic mode having gathered what bits of debris and lab tech they could and are scurrying away from him, trying to get to the jet. Needless to say - they don't answer his question.

Bruce Banner has posed:
Having slowed the Juggernaut for a few precious moments, The Grey Hulk gets to work. "Now ain't that rude?"

The Hulk steps forward. Though slightly smaller than his green form, he is still a massive, several hundred pound monster. He reaches and grabs one of the AIM scientists by the back of his beekeeper like uniform, lifting him up off his feet. "Now when someone politely asks ya a question," he raises the man higher. "It's only polite to answer, don'tcha think?"

Cain Marko has posed:
Precious moments indeed but..moments nevertheless. Juggernaut plows forward through the stone, illuminated only by the seething crimson glow of mystic energy from his eyes. Teeth gritted and head forward as he makes his way ever forward. His movements send earthquakes rumbling outward. A steady shaking of hte ground that slowly intensifies, warning of his eventual approach. Time is ticking.

"Aaaaah! We're just..we're lost looking for Doctor Banner's Gamma Surpressor and SHIELD documents! His Hulk counter measures!"

This guy could have probably had several doctorates. Now he's stammering for his life in the Grey Hulk's grasp and risking being left behind.

Bruce Banner has posed:
"Gamma Supressor, huh? That explains why--hhhgh," The Grey Hulk grabs his head, staggering and letting the AIM agent drop. He takes several more steps backward, giving the AIM agent ample chance to slip away if he takes it.

"Don't you d--" The Grey Hulk drops onto all fours, almost, his body contorting and pulsing, slightly, his skin starting to shift to more of its usual green color. If the AIM agents is going to go, he'd best do so now while the getting is good.

Cain Marko has posed:
And he is gone!

It's a last minute save. They could have just left him but there seems to be -some- loyalty among thieves. He's scooped up by the second to last agent to board just as their craft begins its ascent.

Once even just twenty feet up, the cloak is re-engaged though some studious searching of the skies might yet find them for a moment or two. Either way..they are gone.

As to Juggernaut, the -opposite- side of the Mesa explodes, collapsing outward as the behemoth emerges into view. His sense of placement is utterly distorted as a result of his long plowing through the ruined mountain side. fury and frustration in his eyes and he twists about, looking over the area and utterly facing the wrong direction. "HU&LK!?"

Bruce Banner has posed:
As the AIM ship takes to the skies, the Hulk grows bigger, his body distortion as he resumes his more familiar green form. "Hulk is the strongest! GREEN Hulk." He looks around, seeing no sign of AIM nor immediate signs of the Juggernaut.

Until there's that bellow. The Hulk turns toward it.

Then he turns away. "Hulk wants to be left alone." He mumbles, then bends his powerful legs to launch into a several mile leap away from the direction of the Juggernaut and off in to the empty desert.