10995/En Passant Black Pawn

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En Passant Black Pawn
Date of Scene: 02 May 2022
Location: Midtown
Synopsis: June makes a scene in front of the HFC and piques Sebastian's interest. The newest black pawn.
Cast of Characters: June Connor, Sebastian Shaw

June Connor has posed:
    June has had some experiences at the HFC. The most recent involved trailing a guy that turned out to be a vampire. That was...unsettling. One might expect that she'd steer clear of the place for that reason.

    But money.

     It's no secret to her that a lot of high end jobs are organized here. And in general, if there's big money around, there's always the chance she could glean a little of it.

    Given that she has been allowed in by a stunt from Elektra earlier, she decided tonight that she'd try the same stunt. Act like you belong, maybe the valet will assume you're on another job for Elektra. Her choice of formal wear may leave a little to be desired. It might pass in general, but it's actually a clubbing dress. A bit short, a bit...glittery. The black form fitting outfit leaves little to the imagination, and the exposed skin shows several tattoos. A dragon winds behind the open back of the dress, a demon's hand looks as if it's clawing out of her right thigh, and perhaps most notably, a red handprint of a familiar ninja clan is planted on her left shoulder. She does look more like she's ready for a club than a formal event, though it'd really depend on who you asked.

Sebastian Shaw has posed:
    June's approach, confident as it, gets an upraised eyebrow from the guard at the door. Not at her attire, per se - lord knows the folks that come and go have all manner of dress - but at lack of recognition. Age might play a role too.
    "This is not a club, young lady. Best move along." It clearly is a club, of course. He left out the "your kind of" from his message. But it was implied.

June Connor has posed:
    "Of course it is," June gives an incredulous look. "I'm even dressed for it." She gives one of those 'cute girl' pleading eyes, shaded by blue eye shadow. A technique she's mastered, even despite the fact that her markings show that she's hardly the 'cute' type.

    "Just going to have a good time, y'know?" she says. "And..." she turns her shoulder in a slightly suggestive way, but at the same time, showing the Hand tattoo. Maybe that helps? Then again, maybe it has the opposite effect.

Sebastian Shaw has posed:
    If anything, the cute act makes less progress. "If you are being brought in, you'd be on the list." He shakes his head, not consulting anything. "You're not on the list."
    His cohort chuckles, taking a moment to eye her up and down. "I dunno. Maybe we can figure out if she can earn her way onto the list. You know, a test drive or something."

June Connor has posed:
    June's green eyes shift to the other guy. "See, he's gonna let me in," she says, ignoring the implication briefly. Just long enough to give the impression that they may /actually/ have a shot at their suggestion being followed. There's a three count with an arch of her eyebrows, as if she's waiting to see hwo they'll respond.

    And then it happens, hopefully at an interim moment a strike wouldn't be expected. She brings a knee straight up, aimed for the goods on the first guy who denied her. "Asshole."

Sebastian Shaw has posed:
    Two very different reactions from the two guards. The flirtatious one laughs his ass off as the girl takes down his colleague. His colleague is not laughing. He drops to the ground immediately, grunting. But any triumphant look from June is short lived as he gets up quickly and advances in her menacingly. "You little shit..." He reaches out towards her in a very unfriendly way.

June Connor has posed:
    "Wow who told you my name?" June laughs with some vinegar in her mirth as she backs away, using the flirtatious guard for cover, putting a hand on his arm and tugging lightly for him to be a shield. Maybe she can get them in a fight, or at least an argument.

Sebastian Shaw has posed:
    The flirtatious guard wants no part of messing with this. He dodges out of the way of June, leaving her exposed. She is on her own against kneed guard, who is big, fast, and mean. He takes a vicious swing at her head. No hesitation at hitting a girl here.

June Connor has posed:
    June really expected that the flirtatious one would intervene. So...she takes one right against the eye socket. Given how much smaller she is, she stumbles several feet until she catches herself against the building. She kicks off the heels.

    "Fuck!" she grunts, looking at the one she expected to protect her. "You are SO not getting laid now," she grits through her teeth. She squares up, tilting her head to pop her neck. "C'mon, then," she challenges the man who is easily twice her size.

Sebastian Shaw has posed:
    "Enough!" The tone is imperious, sharp, and brooks. No argument from either guard, both of whom immediately snap to. Even at the expense of the incoming assault from the girl, if she does not shift her focus from attack.
    A murmur from the valet at the street level collecting car keys. "The King..."
    Indeed, the situation has drawn the attention of Sebastian Shaw - the Black King, and owner of the Hellfire Club. He stands in the doorway looking down at the scene unfolding on his doorstep.

June Connor has posed:
    June herself is shocked at the commanding tone that announces Sebastian's presence, and the bouncer is spared that imminent attack. She doesn't snap to attention, but instead slightly lowers her guard, looking dumbly up to the doorway. She is about to open her mouth, but then thinks better of it, having heard the valet announce who he was. She's not sure exactly what "the king" means, but she's pretty sure it doesn't mean he's an average attender of the club.

Sebastian Shaw has posed:
    As the guards resume their post, one gingerly nursing his injured balls (and pride), the steely gaze of Sebastian Shaw comes to land upon June. "I trust that you have an adequate explanation for your assault upon my employees." His eyes move over form, slowly, assessing her. Unlike the guards he _does_ take note of the tattoos. His gaze moves back to meet June's as he stands their expectantly.

June Connor has posed:
    June glances to Sebastian, and back to the doormen. "Uh, they are assholes, does that count?" she asks. "First one wouldn't let me in, second one..." she glances to the flirtatious one. A little contempt for him more because he didn't defend her. "Wanted me to "earn" my way in." She gives the air quotes, then gives an aside stage whisper that everyone can certainly hear. "He wanted to bang me."

Sebastian Shaw has posed:
    The Black King looks down at June with slightly skeptical eyes. "And you are not prepared to do whatever is necessary to gain admittance to our establishment?" His tone seems to imply that the guards request was not that far off from reality. "Although certainly, there are far more polite ways to do that." He looks over at the flirtatious guard. "You should know your place. You are excused."
    The guard looks a bit shocked at Sebastian, but offers no argument. He simply nods, and turns to head within, presumably to turn in his badge and uniform. The Black King looks at the other guard. "I trust you can keep the delinquents out on your own for the remainder of your shift."
    Then his gaze glacially returns to June. "Do you wish to come inside?" A tilt of his head. An invitation from the King, murmurs the valet, who then suddenly realizes he better get going on parking some cars before he earns Sebastian's attention.

June Connor has posed:
    June's left eye is starting to swell a bit. "I mean, it seemed that kickin' this guy's ass was what was necessary," she says, giving a tilt to the remaining guard. "And I was on my way for that," bold claim perhaps from the one who is certainly going to have a black eye by morning. "Yeah," she answers. She takes a step forward, and then gives a suspicious glare back. "You invitin' me?" comes the clarifying question. She seems to suspect she's going to be told to buzz off as a joke.

Sebastian Shaw has posed:
    "I see." The Black King does not appear impressed by the boldness of the claim, but seems satisfied at least by the answer. He tilts his head as June approaches, and slowly nods. "I am. If you still wish to enter, that is." He glances over towards the remaining guard. "I can understand if their behavior may have turned you off to the endeavor." He opens his arm out, as if extending an open invitation. The door behind him opens, an attendant moving quickly in anticipation of Sebastian's request.
    "You can at least be rewarded for your efforts."

June Connor has posed:
    "Fuck yeah," June says with smarmy smile of victory at the doorman, and she goes to step back into the heels before reaching out to take the offered arm. "June Connor," she says with her best regal smile, perhaps offset by the swollen eye. "And thank you, you're so kind." She does have a certain shift in behavior, a social chameleon about her that seems to actually turn her into a polite lady as she takes Sebastian's arm. Behind her, the free hand turns around to flip off the doorman. Well, mostly a polite lady.

Sebastian Shaw has posed:
    A predatory smile is returned to June. "Sebastian Shaw," he replies, allowing her to take the arm. And indeed, it would appear that they are a civilized pair. "It is not kindness so much as respect for the effort you put into it. I am a big believer that if one works hard enough, one should receive what one is due." He does not spare any glances back towards the guard - he is already forgotten, as he leads June past the doorway and into the Hellfire Club proper.

June Connor has posed:
    June quirks one eyebrow. "I appreciate that. Respect can be better than kindness anyway," she observes. "And I'm certainly no stranger to hard work. I've often wondered what it was like in here," she says, glancing at the decor. There's a certain analytical edge hidden behind a curious facade as she glances around the interior. "It's quite more impressive than I expected," she admits. "Though I'm not sure that I knew much what to expect."

Sebastian Shaw has posed:
    "Kindness, my dear, is over-rated. Vastly." Sebastian ushers June into the Hellfire Club, and then almost immediately after gaining a vision of the public areas - which do, truly, look like most other clubs - he turns to the side. An attendant opens a door which did not appear there until it was opened, and he guides her through it into a very different looking club. Shadows cling to the walls, and there are bas relief of all manner of ... acts ... engraved in the soft wood appointments. "You do not know the half of it," Sebastian murmurs. After a brief passage through the hallway, they emerge into a room that is smaller than the initial lobby, and appears to be more of a receiving room. Spacious enough to allow for a few dozen people to linger without feeling on top of themselves, although only a handful are present at the moment other than the two of them. All of them, however, are dressed in far less than what one would expect from any kind of club - the three women in garters, panties, and corsets, the men in little more than loincloths with half jackets atop them.
    "Is this closer to what you expected?"

June Connor has posed:
    June seems unhindered by the surprising sight. Oh it's THAT kind of club. "Actually, not at all," she gives a wry smile. "I thought that..." she gives a look at one of those scantily clad men's rear ends appraisingly. "Different kind of business might come through these doors. Though, I suppose it takes all sorts," she observes.

Sebastian Shaw has posed:
    "Do not confuse the atmosphere with the purpose." Sebastian makes his way over towards a pair of lush, cushioned chair by a fireplace. He releases June's arm, and moves to slowly take a seat, offering no indication to her of what she should do. "The attire of the club is a tradition that dates back centuries, and I simply choose not to abandon it when I took over." By the time the sentence is complete, one of the attendants has placed a glass of wine at the small end table next to Sebastian's seat. "We are a nexus of power, to put it bluntly. A collection of the rich and influential, but also..." He regards June with a hard look now. "The uniquely talented and powerful. Those who could rule the world if they chose to, and in a manner of speaking, do." He waves his hand around vaguely. "All of this is for show. The true power, the true Hellfire Club, lies above. In private chambers." He looks June over again. "Those that I am not sure are really appropriate for one of your...youth."

June Connor has posed:
    June taps her fingers together, though not in a thoughtful manner, more idly as she examines the decor of the ceiling, before she looks back down. "True power," she echoes, a suggestive raise of the eyebrows. "Is that how you word it?" she offers a grin. "And just how 'youthful' do you think I am?" she asks. "You got immortals through here that look like they are thirty, but are hundreds of years old," she observes. "I might just be older than your grandma." In addition to tattoos, another thing that is present on June is certainly a fair number of scars. None of them massively obvious, but upon a closer examination, it's clear that she's had more than her fair share of cuts and stabs, even a couple that look like healed bullet holes.

Sebastian Shaw has posed:
    "You think that I am fooled by physical appearance so easily?" Sebastian chuckles. "My Queen is thousands of years old, and looks barely older than you. But when she walks into a room, she walks like a woman who has been alive for thousands of years." He beckons towards June with one hand. "You clearly know enough to know that immortals walk among us, but not enough to know that I am familiar enough to know that you are not one." He narrows his eyes as he regards her, critically again. "You are not without your own merits, of course. But nothing about you suggests you were born any longer than...perhaps twenty years ago?"

June Connor has posed:
    "Damn, very close," June confesses. "Most people think I'm like fifteen. Hats off there," she suddenly adds a dip of her head, "And thank you," an appreciation that she's not pegged for being much younger. She strolls casually closer, and decides that the arm of the chair is the best place for her to take up residence. "And yeah, I've been around enough to know that there's all kindsa weird shit," she says, a little of the punk slipping in to contaminate her proper lady act.

Sebastian Shaw has posed:
    "I make my living by reading people." Sebastian leans back slightly into the chair. As June slips onto the arm of the chair, he seems to have no objection. A hand moves over to run over the length of her leg, tracing over the scars of past battle that may reside there. "You have seen a lot in your short life. The fact that you are still walking with these tells me that you are good at what you do." He looks up to her face, as the hand continues an exploration. "Tell me, then, what is your skillset? And what was it exactly that you were coming here today to find?"

June Connor has posed:
    June's lopsided grin returns as Sebastian runs his hand on a scar. She doesn't stop him. "I kill people need killin', steal things need stealin'." She shrugs. "But not half as good at that as bein' willing to piss off people to get jobs done. "'M not much of a talker to wax my ass to impress people," she comments. "But I can get creative enough to find a way to get done what needs to be done. Not too particular on what it takes, long as I can walk away at the end."

    "Really? I turned to this life with a pretty damn specific goal, Youse might say I lost it a bit. Came here cuz I figure people with the power here? They can make it happen." Of course, she's still left out the key detail about what it is.

Sebastian Shaw has posed:
    Sebastian absorbs June's explanation of her talents, and nods slowly. "We often find use for people with those specific skillsets here." He leans back further in the seat, regarding her a bit more intently.
    "What is that goal, if I might ask? Perhaps the Hellfire Club could help you to advance that goal? We do rather enjoy helping our valued members, especially if they contribute back to the common good."

June Connor has posed:
    June shakes her head with a half laugh. "Probably too tall an order to start," she comments. "A hella Paul Bunyan. So maybe I go vague with 'political influence." She gives an air quote, indicating that her objectives may be under that umbrella, but are probably a lot less simple than what she's revealed. "Besides, a girl's gotta keep a little mystery, don't she?" she suggests.

Sebastian Shaw has posed:
    An eyebrow arches. "Nothing is too tall of an order." The Black King grins. "Trust me. You have no idea how high our reach extends." Speaking of reach... "You can certainly keep your mystery, if you would like, but truly, we can find out whatever we want to learn about you fairly easily. So I would suggest sharing what is important to you." Sebastian looks up at her, tilting his head. "Trust me, having the Hellfire Club up your sleeves can be quite a significant advantage."

June Connor has posed:
    Something clacks inside of June's mouth. A moment later it's visible, a small metal post. A tongue ring. She clacks it against her teeth thoughtfuly a few seconds, and the recognition that being on the HFC radar might have advantages, but definitely puts her at a disadvantage at the same time. They can find a lot more about her than the reverse.

    "Aight." She leans back, propping her elbow on the back of the chair and using her hand a a headrest. "I wanna fuck the entire justice system in the ass, tear it down, and put somethin' better in it's place." Whatever 'better' might be. She gives a curious furrow of her brow, as if to ask if it's something genuinely in reach. Very tall order.

Sebastian Shaw has posed:
    "That _is_ a tall order," agrees Sebastian, watching June. "Perhaps we should aspire to replacing particular systems, or particular people within the justice system?" His hand drifts absently, of its own volition. "Most elements of it actually work in our favor. I would hate to tear down something we have spent so long unraveling into our control, only to have something new spring up to replace it." He fixes his gaze on June. "What is it specifically that you seek?"

June Connor has posed:
    June's teeth clench at the question. Her expression darkens. It doesn't look like she is particularly offended at the request for more specifics, it looks like there's a lot of very charged emotions that lie behind an answer. "Then we'll start with a judge," she says. "Judy Sherlock." Her tone gives the name rather sharp teeth. "Wanna drop her in Hell's Kitchen with a hundred G's in jewelry. And just. Watch."

Sebastian Shaw has posed:
    A slow nod from Sebastian. "I think we can think of worse fates than that," murmurs the Black King, as he looks up at June. He considers for a moment, as his hand continues to assess her scarred form. "I am quite certain that I could find a way to see to it that such appropriate justice would be down for someone on my...personal staff." The implication from his words and his actions are clear. His eyes rest upon June's, waiting as she weighs what is clearly an offer.

June Connor has posed:
    Emotions. They are a problem, though June thinks she can poker face, behind those green eyes there's a rage that burns that would never let her turn down such an offer. She sits up again, pretends to be thinking it over, as if she has some power or influence in this agreement. A mild shifting of her head starts, which slowly wobbles up and down until it's more definitively a nod of assent. "Yeah. Yeah I think we'll get along," she agrees.

Sebastian Shaw has posed:
A slow grin creeps over Sebastian's face. "Welcome to the Hellfire Club..."