11034/Don't Mind the Mustard!

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Don't Mind the Mustard!
Date of Scene: 05 May 2022
Location: Main Room - Titan's Tower
Synopsis: Titans talk about Titans in the freshly appearing Kitchen.
Cast of Characters: Sarah Rainmaker, Koriand'r, Caitlin Fairchild

Sarah Rainmaker has posed:
Existence was in a defiant state against normal reality. Thankfully, there would still be the occasional pocket where things would permit one to come and go. This had lead Sarah Rainmaker sometime into the kitchen in looking for something to eat. The Apache woman would sigh, going to start tos earch through the refrigerator for some food.

Koriand'r has posed:
Even a shattering reality wasn't going to keep Koriand'r from the kitchen! Stepping into the space, the alien woman makes her way from what could only have been the rooftop access. Her uniform was nowhere to be seen, instead swapped out for 'casual' clothing in the form of a pair of shorts and a white shirt proudly displaying the 'NASA' logo across the chest. Comfort clothing, although ironically it was probably more modest than a few of her outfits she wore fighting crime. Probably because she didn't expect it to get burned or shot up!

Coming up behind Sarah, she tilts her head lightly and bends down. "Hello Sarah, are you also searching for a snack?"

Sarah Rainmaker has posed:
Sarah Rainmaker would turn over, "Oh, hello Koriand'r. And yes. This place seemed to actually exist for a period so I might as well get something to eat while it's around." She would go to start to search through the refrigerator, skimming over things. Glancing at some leftover pizza boxes, pulling them out ot inventory the contents.

Koriand'r has posed:
Pizza didn't really tend to last too long around here, but Kori does nod as she steps clear to let Sarah continue her hunt...and lightly floats to one of the raised cupboards to open things lightly. "I think I desire the 'Popping tarts'," she muses aloud, hunting for the sweet in question before nodding. Ironically enough, with the kitchen being a problem? There was probably just about the same amount of junkfood that was being consumed by some of the members of the Titans.

Caitlin Fairchild has posed:
The route to the kitchen is a long one on Wednesdays. Down the outside stairwell, across the lower floor, then get into the elevator and go up three floors. Bingo, right out into the kitchen-- which is less than forty linear feet from Cait's bedroom.

That is, when reality is in session. They've mapped out a lot of the space folding around the Tower so at this point it's more inconvenience than real hindrance.

"Oh. Hey you two," Caitlin bids Sarah and Kori. She's dressed quite casually in modest jean shorts, pink sandals, and a lightweight, well-worn pink hoodie worn over a peach-colored camisole. The weather's just starting to get the point where Caitlin hates it. Anything over 80 tends to make the redhead very displeased.

"I don't know how good the food in the fridge is, but the stuff in the larder should be find. Kinda hard to bring up a lot of supplies," she apologizes. "Can I help you find anything?"

Sarah Rainmaker has posed:
Sarah Rainmaker would glance over at Caitlin and smile, "Hey Caitlin, how are you doing?" She would reply. "I was unaware by reputation that food normally stayed in place for long." She seems content so long as the pizza's suppose dto be green, at least. And she can stomach that much of it.

She goes to glance around and then would go to make a gust of wind to lift herself up and over to try and peek over on top of the refrigerator to see what was up on top. Cookie tins.

One would be picked up and then she would lfoat on down with it to add it to the pile of whatever the group would be trying to organize together. "I suppose we can subsist on this for the night and then go out to get some more groceries in the morning?" She would go back to the fridge and then start going through the cabinets.

Koriand'r has posed:
Well, at least Koriand'r wasn't silly, seeking the less perishable option of the sweets before floating down to the ground. With her height she probably could have reached, but the armload of boxes held to her chest was a little easier to juggle with her floating. Turning on the spot, the alien princess smiles. "Caitlin! It is a pleasure to see you again. We have not 'hung out' in a while!"

Energetic as always, she gestures with her chin towards the boxes of poptarts she'd secured. "Would you like to dine with us?"

Caitlin Fairchild has posed:
"I'm fine. Tired, but fine," Caitlin assures the other two. "And I'd love to. I need a study break. I've been going over old scrolls for most of the day." She rubs her brows with the heel of her palm, grimacing. "I borrowed scans of them from the library on Themyscira. My Greek stinks, so having to constantly alt-tab to translation software isn't making things any easier. I gotta learn more about the old Titans of myth. I just wish I had a better idea of where to start."

Caitlin moves into the kitchen and puts on her apron, a plain black thing with COME TO THE DORK SIDE on it in faded yellow iconic print. In moments she has water boiling for pasta and starts scooping tomato paste into a big pot. "I haven't been avoiding you, Kori, I promise," Caitlin reassures the princess apologetically. "I'm sorry I've been out of touch. Between the thing with D-- Troia," she says, waving a hand vaguely around, "then the stuff with the angels, and everything else... well, it's my fault, but I'll do better," she promises.

Sarah Rainmaker has posed:
Sarah Rainmaker would go over to if she was allowed move to squeeze Caitlin's shoulder. "That sounds.. Unique to go about it." And as Caitlin would go on about the Titans, Sarah would look ruminitive. "Well.. One could ask her. Then.. There are some active members of the pantheon present in the world or those famiiar with it directly if you cannot speak to the Princess." By 'Princess' she meant Diana. By 'others famiiar' she might mean Thor or Hercules.

As Caitlin would go on about 'my fault' she would shake her head and take out a breath. "I'm just glad to have you back."

Koriand'r has posed:
A nod of understanding, but Kori herself shakes her head and simply moves up behind Caitlin, a clatter of boxes and a sudden squeezing suggesting the alien was -still- a hugger. "We have all been dealing with things in our own way. I have thrown myself into helping where I can and haven't been in the tower as much. There is no fault to bare." The squeeze continues for a moment before she releases Caitlin and steps back, bending to gather her discarded boxes of sweets. "I could aid you, if you wished. But it would require me to travel to Themyscira or...get help from the Princess."

Of course, she didn't point out the way that her species absorbed languages aloud.

Caitlin Fairchild has posed:
Caitlin smiles at Sarah in appreciation for the thoughtful reassurance; she's about to respond when Kori ninjas up behind her and gives her a hug.

"Glack," she exclaims, and half pats, half taps Kori's arm a beat later. All in good fun; Caitlin's one of the few Titans who can handle Kryptonian-level hugs, aside from Kori herself, and she returns the gesture with a quick squeeze for one of her oldest friends.

"Nah, I got it," she assures Kori. "My spoken Greek is getting better but the Themyscirans use a written form that hasn't changed in three or four thousand years," she clarifies. "And it's still treated like a oral tradition, y'know: 'And we went down the mountain, as we did under the ageis of Meliakles and her victory over the Thracians'. So I immediately have to stop what I'm doing and Google 'Meliakles' and hopefully that's a legend that's been preserved on Wikipedia, 'cause if it isn't, I have to call over to the Embassy, and that's-- just one too many steps!"

She starts beef grounds sizzling on the grill to brown them up, and then ladles in some finely minced vegetables and other ingredients into the saucepot.

Sarah Rainmaker has posed:
Sarah Rainmaker would nod, "Getting access from direct sources is probably the simplest. Even if they can't talk to you themselves. They may be somewhat more.. Coherent than going through the scrolls." She couldn't even begin to digest what it was like to talk to someone for whom mythology was part of thier cultural history and was there at the event as it happened.

She turns her attention over to just smell over at the food and let out a sigh. She hadn't been around her friend cooking over in a very long time. It was soothing.

Koriand'r has posed:
"The offer is there as you like," Kori nods, finally fishing one of the tarts out of the box and making to set it into the toaster before turning to look back at Caitlin's cooking, inhaling the scent before folding her arms under her bust as she waits and sighing lightly. It was indeed relaxing, if only for the fact that it was a slice of 'normalcy' in the lives of the Titans.

Caitlin Fairchild has posed:
"Don't even get me started on event authenticity," Caitlin tells Sarah, and makes it half-plead as much remonstration. "The archivists are pretty good but everyone's got their own journals and their own opinions about how things really went down. Even seen someone go through an ugly breakup? Imagine that, but a hundred years of sniping and mis-reporting events in order to paint an ex in a bad light."

She shakes her head in frustration and starts pouring the meat sauce into the large skillet. Realizing her hair's loose, Caitlin steps back from the range for a few moments to bind the tumbling mass of red curls back with a elastic scunchie around her left wrist.

"Kori, I've got some brussel's sprouts, if you want those instead of noodles," Caitlin offers the princess. "I think you'd like them better. Won't take me but a minute to pan-sear." She looks sidelong at Sarah. "You don't have to eat 'em if you don't wanna," she promises the raincaller. "/I/ don't like 'em much, and I've been hungry enough to eat lawn grass a time or two."

Sarah Rainmaker has posed:
Sarah Rainmaker would let out a soft laugh at Koriand'r. And it was normalcy. Not that she necessarily felt much of a part of it.. But she could appreciate the grasp that it had. She would watch over at the toaster and then turn her attention over to the cooking.

"So are we not talking about Zeus and Hera?" She would inquire over as if she was trying to resist just a little bit of being impish in her tone. "And I've had worse. I can at least try them. IT's that or attempt the pizza or the things frozen so far back in the freezer for however long even someone desperate has never tried to bring them out."

Koriand'r has posed:
"I have tried them on Pizza and they are not unpleasent...although little is with enough mustard!" Kori speaks before stepping back to hoist herself into sitting on the edge of the kitchen counter, waiting for her food to 'pop'. "But I am usually willing to try -most- kinds of human food, you all have so many options..."

Caitlin Fairchild has posed:
"I don't even know how to go about getting hold of Zeus and Hera," Caitlin admits. "...Well, maybe Hera, but-- I don't know," she hedges. "It's a big sacred once-in-a-lifetime thing. You don't just go whistling up the King of the Gods. I mean-- sure, I can call Thor, but that's 'cause I have him in my speed-dial," she informs the other two. She exhales wearily. "I guess contacting Olympus will be the next step," she concedes. "If the Queen can't or won't do it, maybe I'll have to."

A little drawn butter is whipped up in short order and bowls are set out. Caitlin draws the line at serving individual plates, so Titan's dinner is a free for all done buffet style. Noodles, meat sauce, a bowl of parmesan, and the lightly crisped sprouts.

"Bon appetit," she says with a satisfied smile.

Sarah Rainmaker has posed:
Sarah Rainmaker would go to nod over at Koriand'r and twitch her lips, "Well, hten you can clearly eat whats he makes so long as there's mustard on it. And I'm sure that you have enough mustard that you can make it all palapatable. And you're amazing, Caitlin. Even from what little is left you're able to work something up."

She would chuckle, "I never did manage to ever make something remotely as good in my kitchen as you did those few times." She would glance at Caitlin. "You have his contact information for a reason. You know that he won't mind if you ask him for assistance. If you feel it's necessary, don't resist."

Koriand'r has posed:
Given the history of that certain god even Kori knew of, the Tamaranian princess does give a little giggle at the thought. "Just...perhaps bring a friend. I hear he is a 'killer of ladies', though not in the murderous sense." The sudden -pop- of the toaster actually has Kori blinking, jumping a little before sliding off the bench to claim the heated treat and taking a bite. Hopefully she wasn't bothered by the slightly molten contents...and then she makes to laden the treat with noodles, meat sauce and some of the parmesan.

Everything could be a topping for Kori!

Caitlin Fairchild has posed:
"You should ask Kori about some of the disasters I cooked up when I was learning my way around the kitchen," Caitlin tells Sarah with a rueful tone. "That first year we were here, everyone chipped in and got me a subscription to America's Test Kitchen. That was after a really disastrous attempt to make cabbage, egg, and spinach pancakes," she says, and snickers at the recollection.

"Kori, I've known Thor for the better part of four years now," she says, directing her attention back to the princess. "I've been to Asgard a half a dozen times. Thor's a good guy. He's not even the worst flirt in the cape community, everyone just *assumes* he is. He made one pass at me years ago, I told him I wasn't interested, and he's never pushed on it since." One shoulder rises and falls in a shrug.

Sarah Rainmaker has posed:
Sarah Rainmaker would shrug, "Well, so long as it wasn't horrific.." She would go over and shake her head. "The kitchen has likely survived worse. Now it's in a state of occaisonal non-existance and warping in and out of reality. Whatever you prepped couldn't hve been that bad." She would try to quip over. "And it's deliscious, Caitlin."

She would let ou ta sigh over. "If he does happen to ever reveal the secret for how he does his hair, let me know."

Koriand'r has posed:
A blink, a shake of her head before Kori giggles with her mouth full. "I meant Zeus!" she offers between bites, apparently quite happy to keep chewing away at her improvised monstrosity of a meal. Caitlin's cooking was fine...but putting it atop a fruity flavoured poptart probably bordered on heresy!

Caitlin Fairchild has posed:
Caitlin blurts out laughing when she realizes she misconstrued Kori's statement. "Oh goodness, I'm so sorry Kori. I didn't realize we'd changed topics from Thor to Zeus," she apologizes. The redhead does look pleased that her friends are digging into the meal with abandon, and scoops up a big bowl of noodles and sauce for herself.

"I need to get back to my studying, just needed a short break to clear my head. Back at it," she exhales. "And I'll see what I can come up with for Zeus and Hera. Maybe it will be as simple as just trying to reach out to them."