11321/The Future is Looking Very White

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The Future is Looking Very White
Date of Scene: 24 May 2022
Location: Shaw's Residence - Hellfire Club
Synopsis: Sebastian advises Susan that approval has been granted - she will claim the title of White Queen in one week's time.
Cast of Characters: Sebastian Shaw, Susan Richards

Sebastian Shaw has posed:
Susan Richards had grown accustomed to receiving a summons from Sebastian Shaw since that first time that she had ventured into the darker recesses of the Hellfire Club. There was never much to them - a simple request, an indication of availability. A request for hers was implied. And while he had never explicitly stated that he expected the summons to be answered swiftly, thus far it always had. Today was one of those. An indication that the Black King wished for the presence of the Invisible Woman.

Seated in his suite, Shaw was dressed as he usually would be when walking the halls of his club - purple jacket, black breeches. But he had not put on the boots, remaining barefoot in his apartments. While waiting for Susan, Shaw had a small plate of fruit and cheese brought up to his suite, and a bottle of champagne sat off to the side, chilled on ice. Of a vintage that probably cost more than some family's homes. It was a day to celebrate, although Susan Richards could not possible know that yet.

Susan Richards has posed:
As used to Susan has become to the summons, the messages, she still need some time to settle whatever's going on in her day to day before she can clear enough time to slip away from responsibility. But Susan's really quite good at managing her day, and is somewhat used to keeping plenty of open flexible time. Partly from having to deal with the unique challenges of being married to Reed, and the various crises he gets involved in, partly because she also knows Janet, and that woman can call about shopping at the oddest times with no warning.

Susan arrives dressed for a day of business meetings, a light blue blazer, a white blouse, matching skirt and sheer stockings, and pumps with sensible heels. Of course, she can't resist repping the family business a little, and so that long neck is marred by a thin black choker with a familiar 4 in a white circle at her throat.

As she makes her way through the club, and up to Shaw's residence, she strides in smooth, confident, if anything more than she was upon entering the public portion of the club. Her lips quirk in a wry little smile, eying the small plate, and the bottle of champagne for a long moment. "I'm assuming you didn't call me here for a lunch date, Mr. Shaw. Our conversations have been entirely enlightening, but I think that particular vintage may be overkill for a Tuesday discussion of ethics and the grand path of our civilization." Her voice drips good humor, eyes narrowing, sparking with playfulness... though there's a slight reservation to them... it really /is/ a remarkable vintage. Auspicious even. Not the sort of thing for a random luncheon.

Sebastian Shaw has posed:
Rising up as Susan walks in, Shaw gives her a broad smile. An earnest one. Rarely does anyone earn a true smile from Sebastian Shaw, but Sue has. "Quite the eye, Ms. Richards. Nothing gets past you." He walks over towards her and leans in to offer a kiss to both cheeks. "Please, come in, and have a seat. As you have surmised, I have some news to share. And yes, while it may be overkill for a Tuesday, it is not overkill for what we are to discuss."

He waves his hand to indicate the table and two comfortable chairs set at it, and with a brief brush of his hand to her back urges her in that direction, following along behind her.

"I trust your week has been well so far?"

Susan Richards has posed:
Sue laughs softly and murmurs dryly, "Well, when one sees the bottle you never /actually/ order when celebrating something at the Straitlace, because it's clearly there just to remind you how lucky you are to be present in the establishment, you tend to remember it right away." She leans in to return those soft kisses with a low little purr of laughter, following along on that guidance, until she can take her seat in her comfortable chair, legs crossing at the knee, hands planting, fingers lacing atop her knee, smoothly swiveling her pace beforehand at that guiding touch.

She bobs her head and murmurs softly, "Oh, it's been well enough. Nothing terribly unusual. I believe my daughter's planning some sort of fieldtrip. I'm afraid I've mostly been dealing with the mundanity of everyday corporate affairs. Perhaps it's more interesting when your portfolio is more than hyperadvanced science, but... it's all blurring together I'm afraid."

Sebastian Shaw has posed:
"Do you need reminders to know how lucky you are to be in my presence?" Shaw smiles towards her, and then heads over to the table.

For the moment, the champagne is left to chill, as he gathers some fruit and cheese onto a small plate. "A fieldtrip to space, or the multiverse, or Hoboken?" Shaw laughs slightly as he assembles his plate. "And it has been much the same for me. Overseeing a security threat to Shaw Industries, attending a business conference..." He waves his hand vaguely. "The usual sort of thing that a CEO must endure."

Susan Richards has posed:
Sue laughs softly, eyes narrowing as she murmurs dryly, "Space, to the best of my knowledge. Hoboken doesn't count, and... my daughter /better/ not be trying to breach dimensional barriers. The last time her father did that resulted in three months of paperwork and sternly worded government inquiries."

She sighs softly and rolls her eyes with an impish smile, "Ah, yes, truly the most terrible of burdens. Compensation aside, mind you. The paychecks do make up for some of it." She gestures around the room with a grin, "And does lead to learning of such delightful social clubs, does it not?"

Her eyebrows perk and she hums softly, "But if we're not celebrating a random Tuesday, or a business matter... well, I can only think of a few things worth the level of excess embodied in that bottle, no?"

Sebastian Shaw has posed:
A soft laugh. "The trouble that you Richards get into is beyond the pale of any I could imagine." Shaw laughs softly, slicing off a small piece of cheese and dropping it into his mouth.

"To be sure, I would rather be the one charged with making all of the decisions than the one having all of the decisions inflicted upon me." His gaze drifts over Susan. "And it does keep us rather fashionable."

Once invoked again, Shaw's eyes drift over towards the bottle. "A few?" he asks. He leans over and retrieves the bottle, and with a brief effort pops the top, pouring two glasses as he regards Susan evenly. "If not for a celebration, what do you suppose such a bottle might earn me in return, hmm?"

Susan Richards has posed:
Susan snorts softly and rolls her eyes, grinning a touch wider, those bright blue eyes flashing dangerously as she murmurs out, "Oh, I don't know about that. Reed's scientific mishaps? Definitely. My daughter's? Possibly. /My/ misadventures are all far less... cosmically endangering."

Sue laughs softly and murmurs dryly, "Yes, well, truthfully I'm afraid most of my fashion is the fault of one Ms. van Dyne. If I don't know what to wear, I just give her a call."

She tilts her head downright coyly, eyebrows popping up in the wake of that cork popping free, lips curving in a wide, winning smile, "Why, Mr. Shaw! I'm /fairly/ certain you know how much that bottle goes for in cash... but if it /is/ for a celebration, one never knows where that might lead, hm?"

Sebastian Shaw has posed:
"Something we should rectify, perhaps. Why let them have all the fun?" Shaw smiles towards her, as he settles back in his seat.

A brief nod, as Sebastian looks her over. Far less revealing than what she has worn at some of the galas, it still compliments her figure. "I suppose I owe her a debt of gratitude.

His eyes rest upon hers, gauging her reaction as the cork pops. A smile resident on his face. "Perhaps a celebration, indeed, that can lead to something wondrous." He hands over the glass to her. "I know to a dime how much this cost," he says, nearly purring. "And you are worth every penny, Ms. Richards."

"Or should I say, my White Queen?"

Susan Richards has posed:
Sue laughs softly and quirks an eyebrow, sinking back in he rown seat as she murmurs dryly, "Why, Mr. Shaw! I'm not so sure 'stranded in another dimension' or 'Stuck in space' is something to count as 'all the fun' when we're in this fine establishment."

She clicks her tongue and murmurs dryly, "For one thing, I've yet to be stranded here because of some sort of engine problem... thank god for ebooks and tablets!"

And then that title rings out, and Sue's eyes widen a touch. And gleam. From that warm, friendly expression Susan wears all the time... to that ravenous, intent /burn/ that only seems to slip free in these environs. She lifts her glass in a toast, grinning crookedly and sighing out, "Well, I'm glad I've already put in a request for appropriate attire! ...Or rather, glad that I've got a use for it. It wasn't exactly going to be slipped into my regular rotation otherwise."

Sebastian Shaw has posed:
"Stranded in another dimension does sound like a bit of a drag," replies Shaw, with a laugh. "I do rather enjoy not having to worry about such things."

He lets the title sink in. The implications of it. He watches her reaction. He knew it would come. He counted on it. "I _do_ so look forward to seeing your royal debute, Ms. Richards.

The Black King raises his glass in salute to the White Queen. "To the rulers of the board." He waits for her return, and then sips at the champagne, his gaze not leaving hers.

Susan Richards has posed:
Susan bobs her head with a wry grin, "Well, if you enjoy giant monsters and alien hellscapes it's probably a bit of a vacation. Me, I've always preferred those planets in science fiction where it just looks like Vancouver."

She raises her glass and smirks, eyes narrowing as she purrs out, "Why, Mr. Shaw! To the leaders of the /world/ soon enough."

And then she takes a sip, savoring it, eyes closing for a long moment, allowing herself a brief, glorious indulgence of satisfaction.

Because now the work begins.