12820/Indestructibelle Debuts!

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Indestructibelle Debuts!
Date of Scene: 18 September 2022
Location: Behind the Library - Happy Harbor High School
Synopsis: Indestructibelle saves the day with some help from Shazam...accidently steals a cape.
Cast of Characters: Sunny Harlow, Billy Batson

Sunny Harlow has posed:
A fire, an explosion...a bad time. With a mechanical fault resulting in a hard landing of a helicoptor into one of the nearby buildings the craft was now dangling precariously out of the shattered windows and threatening the streets below. A small fire was spreading on the upper floors and people were trying to evacuate while emergency services arrive. Of course, they were forced to keep people back as best they can!

Passing by on her way from the direction of the school Sunny had heard the news from her smartphone and rushed to tuck her bag aside before hastily changing into her costume...

And now, Indestructibelle was zooming through the air, a silhouetted figure zipping towards the helicoptor as it rocked backwards and began to tip -over- the edge.

Billy Batson has posed:
Billy Batson just finished a week of make up courses for the classes he missed because of that magic word. In a lapse of morals he decided since the Greek gods and Solomon got hm into he academic woes, they could get him out and used the Speed of Mercury to complete a 30 page report on the Southern plantation system and similarities to Feudalism (not much it turned out) for Mr. Livingstone. Finally on a perfect September afternoon, after a boom of lightning Shazam flew out Billy's dorm window and headed out for a burger.

Hey! That boom was not from him! Shazam pulls up spins around and sees the helicopter rocking. He races towards it scoping the situation out... not realizing he is not alone.

Sunny Harlow has posed:
The helicoptor tilts over the threshold and gravity starts to take hold...only for it to arrest with a grunt as the blonde figure in the red and blue costume was simply -carrying- the thing on her shoulders... and flying stories up. Of course the chopper was leaking fuel, the blaze was getting worse in the building and the crew of the helicoptor were unconcious from the impact... but Sunny was trying!

Billy Batson has posed:
Fire. He doesn't have superbreath or ice powers. He tries smothering the fire on the outside of the building, letting flaming fuel cascade off his back and onto the lawn before reaching up and plugging the leak with a fist. He peers through the smoke and flame at what looks like Supergirl and nods at her, flying with the helicopter she's lifting. He damps his lightning way down.

Sunny Harlow has posed:
Not quite Supergirl! Wrong color, pants rather than a skirt and her hair was tied back rather than left down. That and she was missing that iconic 'S' on her ample bust as she attempts to float downwards with the vehicle towards the emergency crews. That was the best way not to break right through the thing after all.

Spotting the sparking lightning man she returns the nod with a little careful exclaimation. She was strong, but she still had to balance the thing as she floated to the ground and set it down.

"Help them!" she calls to the EMS and fire department before looking up to Shazam and then pointing to the spreading blaze. "I'm going to get the people up there out, just in-case the smoke got to any of them or there's any fire left."

Billy Batson has posed:
Shazam says, "That sounds good. I'll help down here with the crew and the fire." The Strength of Hercules is a great fill in for the jaws of life and if someone needs a hospital fast he can handle that as soon as they're immobilized on a stretcher. He runs over to stomp out the burning lawn, becoming a blur.

Sunny Harlow has posed:
A whoosh and a swirl of smoke behind her, Sunny took to the sky and disappeared into the darkness of the smoke to assist those that were stuck. Collapsing rooftops send debris dropping down on her, little flames and soot quickly leading to her costume getting torn up, burned and dirtied, but... she emerges from above, assisting a pair of civillians down to ground level, one clinging to her while another unconcious was slung over her shoulders in a fireman carry.

Billy Batson has posed:
Shazam gets the doors off of the helicopter. Then looks up to see the roof collapse. Smoke pours out of windows that explode. Time for a new trick. He hasn't tried this on a large scale. Lightning arcs from his hand that he raises. The sky immediately darkens and with another more gentle rumble of thunder rain begins to falls, smothering a good part of the blaze. Firefighters play hoses onto the structure dousing secondary flames.

The problem being Shazam has to stay there, warding the lighting from the area and keeping the rain focused on the building. The Power of Zeus is not to be used lightly. Charging cell phones is right out.

Sunny Harlow has posed:
Okay, that was a heck of a lot more impressive. With fire being rained out, water pouring from the sky and all of the rain coming down. Sunny might be pretty, gorgeous even...but her form was soaked and smoke-stained b the time she got the last of the civillians that could evacuate out. Her cape was tattered and there were tears on the bodysuit she wore...but it seemed successful so far!

A sigh of relief, she gives a little laugh. "Okay...that's kind of awesome...'

Billy Batson has posed:
Shazam holds a finger up to ask her to pause. Then he drops his hand. The thunder stops and the rain becomes more gentle. "Thanks! Yeah, problem is, I can't shut it down that easy." The rain slicks his hair back but, there's no real evidence of smoke or fuel on him.

"You were great! Thanks for letting me help out. I'm Shazam." Small rumble of thunder in the distance. He wipes water from his eyes. Don't stare.

Sunny Harlow has posed:
"Indestructibelle," she offers in return, smiling brightly and offering a hand only to suddenly withdraw it and fold her arms over her bust. Alright, maybe she needed to work on the suit a little more between the tears and the whole 'white + water + dark underwear' thing. At least it was a sportsbra!

"Anytime, without the help I was probably going to be searching for a fire extinguisher and flying around so...yeah."

Billy Batson has posed:
Shazam opens his eyes a little. Then he pulls his hooded cape off and offers it. "Ye-e-e-ea. Sorry about the water. Here... this, I don't know it just doesn't get wet or dirty. I wear it off my shoulders but I mean you can wear it closed." Mercifully the Wisdom of Solomon tells him to shut up.

"I mean that was a great rescue and getting the people out like you did. Did the sprinklers ever go off?"

Sunny Harlow has posed:
Not exactly a masterful debut, at least most of the crowd was far enough back not to notice. Still she does take the offered cape...and then turns for a moment, using it to try and dry offer her hair and form a little like a towel...well, that sort of worked, right?

"They did, but I think the helicoptor broke the lines in that bit so..."

A pause, she looks about, clearing her throat. People were staring, now she wasn't entirely sure about the distance and her suit, so the girl started to hover. "I'm uh...going to inspect the damage up top and get out of the way of the emergency crews now."

Upwards she goes...still holding onto the cape he'd given her without thinking.