12855/An evening in Chelsea. News at Eleven.

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An evening in Chelsea. News at Eleven.
Date of Scene: 22 September 2022
Location: Chelsea
Synopsis: Tacos and Artwork. An Amazon and a Viltrumite model for an Eternal Cartoonist. I feel like there is a joke in there somewhere.
Cast of Characters: Hyperion, Kora Ikassis, Sunny Harlow

Hyperion has posed:
    Mark Milton, political satirical cartoonist for the Daily Bugle, finds himself eating a taco he bought from a food truck. He is sitting on a bench as he chews slowly... right hand doodling absently on his sketch pad. It is something he does without thinking. It's that free flow drawing exercise... something he will look at later to see what he drew.

    But for now, he takes a bite of a taco, a bit of meat trying to escape the far end of the thing, dribbling down onto his lap.

Kora Ikassis has posed:
New York never ceases to amaze Kora. Her sister Amazons reassure her that it even seems to amaze the most blase natives. Hands in her hoodie, she ponders the violence and strange kindnesses she has witnessed. She also has not quite lost the habits of her native village; she still will look over someone's shoulder like they were old friends and greets strangers on the street.

Case in point, she slows when she sees the man sketching, unconsciously sizing him up, noting the broad shoulders and biceps of someone in good shape. Not that she has a world of experience with men, she's getting used to them now, though. He reminds Kora of her father. Loitering behind him, she peers over his shoulder to get a glimpse of what is happening on the sketch pad.

Sunny Harlow has posed:
Downtime! Sunny was happy for it. Some homework done, no shifts at the cafe and classes at ESU complete, the blonde girl was happily near-skipping up to the nearby food van. Was it alien physiology that increased her appetite...or just being a hungry colledge student who skipped lunch to turn her assignment in on time?

Hyperion has posed:
    The sketch isn't really anything yet. It is a semi-random assortment of lines and curves. Ultimately, it's going to be the food truck about twenty yards away, and people in line to get tacos from said food truck.

    Mark himself just sighs and reaches with a fingertip to scoop up the spilled bits of meat... turning to wipe them off on a napkin before looking at the stain on his pants.

Kora Ikassis has posed:
Head tilted to one side, it is not at all clear what the man has set out to draw from what she can see peering over his shoulder. Kora follows his glance. Ah, the food truck! Possibly.

"Is this something you do often," she asks kindly with no preamble in accented English.

Sunny Harlow has posed:
Speaking of said food truck, Sunny finally made it to the front of the line. One taco order and a soda in hand later she was stepping away when she spotted the pair talking, curiousity enough to have her drifting closer and kinda staring while she took her first nom of her meal.

Hyperion has posed:
    Glancing up, Mark lifts a brow. He grins as he spots Kora. I mean what man wouldn't smile upon seeing an Amazon? Even if they don't know it's an 'Amazon'. Either way, he chuckles, "Which are you curious about? Sitting here? Eating tacos? Spilling meat on my pants? Or drawing?"

    He glances down at his sketch, being as surprised by its look at Kora likely was. "Oh. Well that's interesting. I guess I am drawing the food truck."

Kora Ikassis has posed:
"You mean this is unintentional?" Kora looks nonplussed for a moment and then smiles as she thinks she understands. "This is like the daytime dreams, yes?"

Still smiling, Kora's eyes shift to the young woman approaching them. "Ah, another friend?" she asks brightly.

Then, returns to an earlier subject. "These tacos? I haven't eaten those yet. Do you recommend it?"

Sunny Harlow has posed:
Even Sunny might pass for an amazon, but most Amazons probably didn't look like College sophmores hungrily devouring food. Right? A blink as she's addressed, Sunny actually was mid-chipmunk-face, devouring the taco and blinking a little on the spot. An embaraced little lift of her hand before she nods again at the mention of the taco. It is definately recommended, given how readily she was devouring hers.

Hyperion has posed:
    Chuckling, Mark nods, "Yes. I was just letting my hand do whatever it wanted to do while I was eating. And yes, I -do- recommend a taco. At the same time, I suggest starting with mild. There are hot and spicy ones, but if you have not had one before, start easy and work your way up."

    "She seems to love tacos." he say with a gesture towards Sunny. And then his own eyes traverse back to the woman. "Good evening ma'am." A pause and she adds, "Might I get your permission to include you in my artwork for the Bugle?"

Kora Ikassis has posed:
"Then I will try this. But not too spicy. We do not eat much spicy from my home." There is nothing of the Amazon about Kora, in actual fact, beyond the elaborate braid that falls to the middle of her back. She is quite typical of the Aegean, having clear olive skin and large blue eyes, reminiscent of the waters surrounding her island home.

Her sister Amazons have coached her on how to dress to blend in at her university. Going to school being deemed the fastest way of getting the young Amazon used to life in New York City and the larger world of men.

"So you do this for the Bugle?" Kora has recently learned about newspapers and recognizes the name.

Sunny Harlow has posed:
The question directed to her makes Sunny blink, taking it as opportunity to step around and closer to the pair while wiping her mouth with the back of her hand. Sunny's own appearance lived up to her namesake, pale skin, bright blue eyes and brighter blonde locks...not to mention the smile she flashed as she looked at the sketchpad, tilting her head. "Oh uh...sure? As long as you don't draw me looking like the mess I am right now!"

Hyperion has posed:
    Shrugging his shoulders, Mark laughs a bit to Sunny. "I shall do my best..." he says before looking back to Kora. "Indeed. The name is Mark. I draw satirical cartoons for the Daily Bugle." and he shrugs. "That, and I do a weekly focus on a local small business. This week it is the El Taco Food Truck..." he says, gesturing that way.

Kora Ikassis has posed:
"Nice to meet you, Mark," she reaches over the back of the bench and offers him her hand. "I am Kora Ikassis," she includes Sunny in her self-introduction with a nod and a smile.

"It is important that she looks good, like for Instagram." Yet another tidbit of modern life brought to her by the only other Amazon close to her age. Otherwise, her sisters have been alive for ages, quite literally.

"Ah, look almost no line. I will have one, too."

She squints at the menu on the side of the truck, "Not spicy. What else do you recommend?"

Sunny Harlow has posed:
A little chuckle, but Sunny shakes her head lightly. "My parents read the Bugle so..." she trails off lightly, clearly hinting to the embarassed idea of a terrible cartoon featuring her being spotted by them. Pausing to open her soda can Sunny gesture to herself lightly. "I'm Sunny," she offers lightly before tilting her head to the side. "You're new to the city too huh?"

Hyperion has posed:
    Nodding his head, Hyperion shrugs, "If you prefer, I can change some features to make it less recognizable..." he suggests to Sunny. "And..." He looks back to the food truck, "I actually recommend the simple taco. But add sour cream. It really helps in my opinion. Extra cheese also. Because cheese makes everything better."

    And yeah, he took Kora's hand before turning to regard Sunny, offering her his hand as he smiles, "Well, your disposition matches your name."

Kora Ikassis has posed:
Kora Ikassis says, "Yes, I am working to remove my accent. I have not spoken English for very long." Kora neglects to add that it seems to be the Themyscira Embassy's mission to fill in every cultural reference she doesn't possess of late. It is one thing to be quaint, another to completely miss cues in any given situation.

Kora comes around the bench with a smile spreading over her face as she offers Sunny her hand, as well. "This is..." she points up to the sky, "...sunny? And, you are new to New York, too?""

Sunny Harlow has posed:
"Yeah...like the weather," the blonde chuckles in answer to Kora's question before looking back to mark and taking the hand with a laugh. "Thanks. I guess my parents were good guessers huh? And don't worry about the cartoon, I'm sure they'll get a kick out of it no matter how you make me look."

Back to Kora she nods, gesturing with her head vaguely to the side. "Yeah, I'm from Happy Harbour, a couple of hours away. I just moved here for college so, still getting the lay of the land."

Hyperion has posed:
    And now Mark feels like the old man here. Eternally young Amazon, young Viltrumite. He's the one with a job at a local publication. But either way he just smiles and nods, "Well, if you would like ne to, I could actually -focus- on you, rather than just randomly drawing whatever I see around me. It would be good practice, and you will get the chance to approve or deny my using it for work." he says to Sunny.

    "Maybe I could include you both in the artwork." he adds

Kora Ikassis has posed:
Perhaps most people won't make the instant association to Happy Harbor that Kora does. Part of her orientation to the world of men has been learning about "the super-powered." She was surprised to learn that she is included among them because where she comes from, everyone is like her, and no one hides it. But, along with learning where and who people like that come from, she has learned to be discreet about asking questions.

"Happy Harbor. I think I know it. There is a school there. Right?"

Kora blinks at the question of being included in the drawing. "I would be in the Bugle?" A slow smile spreads across her face. She accepts gleefully, saying, "I will show Cassie. I do not need the Insta."

Sunny Harlow has posed:
"Right! I went to the highschool, graduated last year," Sunny explains before Mark's comment and offer has her blinking and Kora's excitement brings a little infectious joyful laugh. "I mean sure, why not? Pictures in the paper could be cool, even cartoon ones!"

Hyperion has posed:
    Laughing, Mark picks up his sketchbook and turns to a fresh page before gesturing to the truck. "How about you to stand over there and look like you are chatting and laughing while eating tacos?" he asks.

    He's already taking his pencil and starting on the most basic shapes of the truck itself, and the sidewalk, the fire hydrant a ways off, and the crosswalk in front of the truck.

Kora Ikassis has posed:
"But, first, I need a taco. Not too spicy, with extra cheese and sour cream," Kora glances at Mark to verify she has remembered the order correctly. "Maybe I will need two." The young woman needs frequent topping up.

"I can, perhaps, offer you one, Mark? Sunny?" her gaze moving from one to the other.

Then, she exclaims with a note of triumph, "We will pose for the drawing. Naturally, not making Ista faces," which, by her tone, strikes her as absurd.

Sunny Harlow has posed:
"Oh uh..." Sunny looks down at her mostly eaten taco and lifts it, grinning a little and then looking to her soda. "I'm probably okay."

As for Mark's words, she nods her head and moves towards the space, waiting long enough to allow Kora to retrieve her own food!