12921/Eat At Joe's

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Eat At Joe's
Date of Scene: 29 September 2022
Location: Joe's Restaurant and Cafe
Synopsis: An after action dinner is interrupted by a mission for... Billy.
Cast of Characters: Billy Batson, Sunny Harlow

Billy Batson has posed:
Billy Batson had to admit, patrolling with a partner was fun! "You're hogging all the good rescues," he whispers to Sunny Harlow as the enter Joe's cafe. She does seem to have a knack for rescues. He's still not comfortable with the idea of Indestructibelle taking on a supervillain alone. Some of those guys play rough and the full extent of her powers are unknown.

Plus she's just so sweet. She's way out of his league, but, that doesn't seem to matter to her. To put it simply she'd make a great addition to the Shazamily. But that was moving too fast. As they enter the smell of fries and bacon reach them.

Sunny Harlow has posed:
Moving with a partner did help, but she does grin a little at the comment on rescues before shrugging. "It's what I've practiced!" she whispers back before moving to settle down into the booths and grinning. No plans of donning a lightning bolt herself, she was however heading to relax out a little and considering for a moment. "So, coffee and sweets or are we doing a burger and fries break?"

Billy Batson has posed:
Billy Batson ponders for a moment and then says, "I'm sorry, you look just like this girl I've been hanging with named Sunny. Obviously your question shows you are someone else. The resemblance is amazing... of course fries, burgers, whatever you want. I made some money doing yard work. It's covered." A waitress brings their menus. "For the lady, and you, handsome." She walks away and Billy looks around pretending to wonder who she's speaking to. He shrugs and considers food.

Sunny Harlow has posed:
A laugh, she simply elbows him lightly before moving to settle in. "Fine then dork. Get me a milkshake too?" Sunny teases before settling down into the seat and stretching out a little. Familier with the menu it's only a passing glance before a chicken burger was decided upon and she sets the thing down.

Billy Batson has posed:
Billy Batson says, "Who are you calling 'dork', princess?" He slides closer and elbows her but the elbowing turns into a rib tickle. He whispers in her ear, "Maybe we should call you 'Impossi-belle'?" He orders a triple bacon cheeseburger and a large oder of disco fries. Considering Sunny's appetite that may get him a few fries.

Sunny Harlow has posed:
It probably took a few calories to develop superstrength even further. After all, she -was- an alien and she didn't seem to be carrying excess weight for her diet. Then again, maybe lifting buildings and cars made a good workout? Either way her rather mature response was to simply poke her tongue out at the teen.

Billy Batson has posed:
Billy Batson lets it go. Tickling a girl with super strength could be really dangerous. "So, did you decide on a major yet at ESU?" he asks. The picture of maturity, till he shoots a straw wrapper at her.

Sunny Harlow has posed:
"I'm thinking I might go for pre-law actually," She offers lightly, Sunny shrugging her shoulders with a grin. "If I can get the scores for it anyway. Or maybe I'll just go into arts. Finding something you can balance with...extra-curricular activities is tricky, y'know?"

Billy Batson has posed:
Billy Batson nods somberly. "Yeeah. I wound up failing midterms big time or missing them because of the other stuff. I'm not going to graduate this June. I may not stick it out another year. What for? The other stuff isn't going to let me attend college and do any better than high school. Maybe I'll just get a GED. You found yourself a real winner here, Sunny. About the only thing I have going for me is the other guy. Maybe you should just date him."

Sunny Harlow has posed:
"I dunno, I think my parents would be a little shocked if I told them I was dating two people at once," Sunny jests before stretching a little and then shrugging her shoulders. "Do you think the Avengers or the Justice League get paid? Or uh...the Titans? Think they have job interviews...what about SHIELD?" A shake of her head, the blonde laughs.

Billy Batson has posed:
Billy Batson spreads his hands in surrender. "I'm not making money off Shazam. I'd starve first... or just be Shazam. He doesn't need to eat. Though... I like eating, but no one said being a Champion was easy. Or maybe really apply myself to my podcasts. I have a few sponsors and some followers on Patreon. I like podcasting."

Sunny Harlow has posed:
"Okay so...maybe we need to livestream something like that, rescues or highlights?" she questions lightly before laughing. "Could you imagine? Instagram heroes?" Of course, she does trail off as food comes and instead shrugs. "I mean, I guess I'm slinging coffees and waiting tables a little longer, huh?"

Billy Batson has posed:
Billy Batson takes a big bite of his cheeseburger. "It's just hard at times. Sometimes it feels like, I'm two people sharing one life. ne minute I'm cleaning gutters and mowing lawns, the next, I'm wrestling with demons. If it's a choice between the two -fighting demons wins. So I get fired or cut a class. If I can get a good sponsor for my podcast, I'd have it made. Even then... Indestructibelle would be a great interview. I don't want to impose on you. I like you. Not because you fly and juggle boulders. I like you because you are Sunny. Even if you eat all my fries." He holds a fry out for her.

Sunny Harlow has posed:
"Jeez," Sunny mutters, leaning back and crossing her arms under her chest after pushing the plate back towards him and turning her gaze sideways, fry apparently refused. "I mean, you make me sound like a glutton, y'know? I had just worked up an appetite." Gaze shifting to outside, she tilts her head to the side. "Y'know, I even got shot the other day...and fought a villain who kidnapped an heiress. I mean...he was a moth guy who threw a smoke bomb at me but..."

Billy Batson has posed:
Billy Batson drops the fry and looks serious. "I was just... an idiot. I'm sorry, when you grow up in a large family you develop... into an idiot I guess. But... you what? Did it hurt you? You fought a supervillain, this is awesome. Here..." He pushes the plate of fries to her. "If I knew you had beat a supervillain... we should have gone somewhere fancy to celebrate. I... wow." He's smiling broadly at her, genuinely happy to hear of her successes.

"Truth be known, I like giving you my fries. Forgive me?" Big Billy eyes.

Sunny Harlow has posed:
Forgiveness, it seems, comes quick enough as she stands, but she's not storming off. Instead she leans over to kiss his forhead, than give a little mock-slap to the back of his head. "I'm sure I could get over it," she teases before dropping back and then pushes the fries so it sits evenly between them, lifting a fry to her own mouth, then offering another out to him.

"I mean...no? It was...purple, that's about it. Oh, and the whole," she beings, pausing to mime machinegun fire. "That put some holes in my suit. So I have to be careful or I'm going to look like Powergirl if I tank too much."

Billy Batson has posed:
Billy Batson heaves an audible sigh of relief. "I make jokes and snerk people when I'm feeling... I don't know, scared. Aaaaand, I get a little scared of you? Like, you're so awesome. I'm glad you're okay. Yeah... machineguns are annoying. Did you consider seeing Stark or Dr. Richards about a new costume?" He moves a little closer to give a hug to Sunny. "I think you'e prettier than Power Girl." He gives her a peck on the cheek.

Sunny Harlow has posed:
Okay, flattery wasn't going to hurt as apologies go. Still, she gives a little chuckle and leans into the hug, shrugging her shoulders. "I mean, I always figured I was bulletproof but...it was nice to know it for sure. It would have sucked if I was wrong after all."

Billy Batson has posed:
Billy Batson leans into the hug as well and hopes she'll stay there a minute. "That's... important. I man Spider-Man can take super strong punches but he isn't bulletproof. I was scared the first time I got shoot. Then I thought I heard my knees knocking together but it was the bullets falling from my chest to the floor. I didn't get hurt. The first time I really got hurt was fighting Juggernaut. That... sucked. I heal quick as Shazam..." No boom, good! "But I... channeled the Power of Zeus and it transformed me while I was still hurt. But... when you're homeless or in the system, you learn to take a beating." is burger is forgotten for a moment in favor of hugging Sunny as she eats.

Sunny Harlow has posed:
"I think the last time I was hurt I was...I dunno. Twelve? Before my powers came in so..." she trails off. She didn't know anything of the system or bullying really. She'd grown up happy, healthy, she lived in suburbia for Viltrum's sake!

Billy Batson has posed:
Billy Batson remains close but reluctantly releases the hug. He is hungry and It might be awkward. He tries not to dwell on where those purple bullet bruises were to prompt a Power Girl reference. He munches on a fry. Then offers her another. This is nice he thinks.

Sunny Harlow has posed:
A little bite of her own burger, the pair were effectively sharing a side of the booth but it hardly mattered now. Lazily leaning into his shoulder, the fry is taken before she considers for a moment. "Gotham is a crazy city, but I'm glad I went for the trip there."

Billy Batson has posed:
Well, he made short work of that burger. He drapes an arm around the pretty blonde. "I haven't been to Gotham. I heard the vigilantes take a dim view of superhumans."

"You want to patrol after we finish this, or get some dessert? I think you deserve dessert after I was such a clod. And the whole Gotham thing. Oh uhm... "

He grabs for his suddenly buzzing phone and checks a text. "Ooh. My parents have to make a grocery store run and can't take my little sister, who is doing a diorama. I need to take this call. It won't make the news." He hugs her a little tighter. He is needed once again.

Sunny Harlow has posed:
"How about both?" she begins only to laugh at the buzzing phone and nod, finishing up her burger. "Alright, guess it's a dine and dash then." She begins before making to stand...taking her milkshake with her. Stretching out a little, the young woman grins after the hug completes. "Go be a hero Billy."

Billy Batson has posed:
Billy Batson leans in for a kiss. Impulsive? Maybe, except it seems very natural. "I owe you dessert, and I want to hear more about Gotham. I'll call you later. Be careful. Okay?" He smiles at her and murmurs a good-bye, nearly walking into the server before paying at the register and then walking into the door before he exists and vanishes in a burst of light.