13055/SHIELDing Yourself

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SHIELDing Yourself
Date of Scene: 13 October 2022
Location: Recreation Lounge: Triskelion
Synopsis: A group of SHIELD Agents chat over in the rec room.
Cast of Characters: Natasha Romanoff, Koga Miura, Alexander Aaron, Jessica Drew

Natasha Romanoff has posed:
It's quiet in the Rec Room. It's late at night. The agents present are those coming off duty for the late shifts or those early for the graveyard shift and getting in some relaxation time first. Or in the case of Natasha, just back from a field mission. Having gone through decontamination protocols, her skin smells lightly of bleach and the chemical concoctions used for it.

Koga Miura has posed:
Koga, being one of the more mobile individuals, had just arrived to the Rec Room as well. Instead of a traditional uniform, he was wearing a riding outfit. Sans a motorcycle helmet. He was also heading for the coffee machine. It wasn't so obvious where he was coming from, but he also hadn't been back to the Triskelion in a month or three. Not since the fiasco in Latveria with goblins, ogres, and a dragon or something like that. Mostly because of doing some races across Europe and in Japan.

Natasha Romanoff has posed:
Natasha Romanoff would glance over at Koga, "Ah, hello. I hope that things have been well for you, Agent Miura. You were taking some personal time, correct? Or on duty with STRIKE?" The psuedo branch of SHIELD that covers Europe. "Or have you been caught up in another sort of calamity the rest of us were likely not to have been caught up in?"

Koga Miura has posed:
Koga smiles, "Oh, just some personal time mostly. Racing career and such. And a bit with STRIKE. Anything new going on?" He asks as he grabs a disposable cup and pours a cup of coffee.

The idea of being in a non-SHIELD calamity apparently went over his head. Mostly. Or he seems to be thinking on if there was one or two around.

Natasha Romanoff has posed:
Natasha Romanoff would shrug, "Oh, nothing particularly untoward. Dealing with an alien infestation underneath the city, Hydra launched a raid on one of our Hellicarriers at launch, some raids on Hydra bases and thier counter-strikes.. The Shi'Ar ambassador was killed by an assassin.."

normal, as far as things go!

Koga Miura has posed:
Koga almost chokes at that list. He looks at her, then looks at the coffee. Then back at her.

And it actually takes a few seconds before he responds, "... I'm definitely going to ask where they need me next. Long as I don't have to help with a giant electric eel this time." Seeming to think it over, he asks, "What's a Shi'Ar?"

Natasha Romanoff has posed:
Natasha Romanoff would shrug over at Koga, "Very well. I"m sure that you'll have a duty assignment fitting your particular talents." She would deadpan. "And they're the alien species that controls the largest amount of the known galaxy. They've tried to invade Earth once or twice. They consist of a few million inhabited worlds."

Koga Miura has posed:
Koga looks thoughtful, "So... basically possible hostile alien race." He seems to consider on that one. "Huh... I might actually be useless on that one."

"How in the world did Hydra raid one of the Helicarriers at launch? I thought security was somewhere on the higher scale of things?" He looks at her curiously.

Natasha Romanoff has posed:
Natasha Romanoff would sigh, "They used jetpacks and shuttles and conducted a boarding operation while the hellicarrier was going through a shakedown over the Atlantic. I have to hand it to them, it was a.. Creative assault."

Koga Miura has posed:
Koga huhs, "Never tried a jetpack." He looks thoughtful, "That did sound pretty creative. Wonder where they got the shuttles and jetpacks now?"

He takes a sip of his coffee. "I still need to check and see if there was anything related to that giant eel thing."

Natasha Romanoff has posed:
Natasha Romanoff would shrug, "Reverse engineered. We've seen them deploy their own variations of Quinjets and strike craft before. Hydra has enormous resources, financial and manufacturing. So if they have a design they can reproduce it in quantity. And.. Giant eel?"

Alexander Aaron has posed:
    The Rec Room gets a fair amount of foot traffic at all hours. It's closer to the monitoring stations and the command room, a short jaunt from athletics, and closer than the food court if one is coming from stateside as opposed to the river. People wander in and out with little ado, silent greetings are given, waves and the like. But it's all mainly people keeping on keeping on and getting through their shifts.
    For recruits in training it's not a place that is often visited since their time is often not entirely their own. Though this visit was a special case. Agent Martin, the instructor for the latest crew of the Tactical Response Team, had sent Agent Aaron on a jaunt around the outside of the building twice in full combat harness and told him six different coffee orders he had to get then told him to move it...
    Which sent that recruit running.
    Was only a few minutes after that order that he emerged into the rec room, full combat garb, assault rifle slung over one shoulder. The faceless visored helmet gave no hint as to his identity considering it made him look like some mirror-faced extra from a sci-fi film, but his name was right on the lapel of his kevlar jacket. 'Aaron.'
    When he arrived his electronically modulated voice was heard, "Ma'am." Given to Natasha. "Sir." Given to Koga. Then he was moving over toward the coffee machine and grabbing one of the large trays for carrying multiple orders.

Jessica Drew has posed:
The rec room door opens once again to admit a woman in jeans and a navy blue hoodie, her dark hair still damp from the shower, slicked back into a pony tail. She beelines for the coffee machine though not without a wave to Natasha talking to a man she hasn't seen around the Trisk. Not an unusual occurrence considering the number of agents and assets that move through headquarters.

The agent takes her place in line behind the man in full combat garb, eyeing both his back with a quizzical air - something about his stance seems familiar and the selection of coffees in the high-tech Italian machine.

Koga Miura has posed:
Koga moves out of the way just in case. Multiple orders get tricky.

Then he looks at Natasha, "Ah, it's a weird one... but basically something woke up what's pretty much a giant electric eel. JSDF and the Jingiin had me as a license 'til it attacked and spawned well... screaming pterodactyls pretty much. It was one of the weirder assignments."

He says it all with a straight face, but well. That's definitely in the weirdness department. "I still say something woke that up for some reason. We were lucky Daidarabotchi was assigned as a precaution."

Natasha Romanoff has posed:
Natasha Romanoff would look over at Koga with the long suffering sigh of someone that could wholly sympathize but had long since become innured to that particular sort of scenario. "Lovely. There's also the occasional rumor of the.. Gargantuan class entity somewhere off in the Pacific slumbering to activity again if you want to be glad you're not on that duty assignment."

That's not being very helpful! She would give a nod over at Jessica. "Agent." Then over to Alexander, "At ease, Agent. We're merely socializing." She would speak over to Phobos. "And you look like you've just come off a duty rotation with SWORD."

Alexander Aaron has posed:
    Taking his turn at the machine, there's only one other fellow ahead of him and an Agent Drew behind him. He waits there, even though one of the cameras in the back of the combat gear likely provides an image of Jessica on his six, he doesn't turn to greet her. Not yet at least.
    When it's his turn up front he taps out the first order from memory, and while it's filling that one he hits the + sign on the screen to add another. Then another. Until he's got six orders all set and the machine gurgling with its warm hum of caffeinated goodness.
    A faint electronic 'ding' is heard to signal the completion of the first order, then a droning beep-beep-beep asking for whomever ordered to please clear the delivery area. It's with this exemplary display of his abilities that Alexander fulfills the order.
    Then once he has all six squared away he steps back and sets them to the side on a nearby raised two-top table. That mirrored visor lifts to look at the clock on the wall, then double-check the one on his HUD and wrist before he curiously...
    Doesn't run off with the coffee. Instead he waits.
    Then that electronic voice rises, "Agent Drew."

Jessica Drew has posed:
As the man in combat gear demonstrates his exemplary skills with high-tech coffee machines, Jess takes out her phone to read the messages she missed while she was in the gym. Super hearing being what it is, Jess catches every word spoken by Koga whether intended for her or not. She makes no pretense of not listening, and turns in place at Daidarabotchi with an interrogative tilt of her head.

"Evening, Agent Romanoff, did you just get back in?" She nods at the man who casually tossed off Daidarabotchi as though it were a friend.

She covers the flinch at the electronic voice. "Aaron. I should have known it was you. Something about the way you punched those orders in. Late night drills got you?"

Koga Miura has posed:
Koga looks at Jessica inquisitively, then to the other two. He looks curious a bit. "Huh." He mentions, sipping at his coffee and apparently trying to figure out who's who. Then the address has Koga belatedly mentioning to 'Aaron', "Off duty. No need to be formal."

He looks over Aaron's gear, whistling a bit. "Glad no one weaponized Iron Man. Still remember JSDF basics."

Natasha Romanoff has posed:
Natasha Romanoff would shrug, "Mister Stark has already weaponized Iron Man significantly enough. I'm sure that he's going to keep on adding to it. So we needn't worry, that's already handled." Her tone is rather droll. She does have a sense of humor!

Natasha would shrug at Jessica, "Recently. A followup sweep to look for any remnants of the Legion entity. Nothing was picked up from the sweep." Just the fun of going through the sewers, coming out of the sewers, being cleaned from teh sewers.

Alexander Aaron has posed:
    "Yes, ma'am." Is the answer given by the tall man in the combat gear. The tray of coffee orders continue to quietly steam over beside him as he settles back against the wall. Arms folded and his expression unreadable because of that helmet, he does seem to be inclined to take his time for this portion of his task.
    "Team drills, assault and defense in an urban environment. Out on Charlie field." Difficult to read his tone with the electronic modulation, though something akin to displeasure in it if one were to listen close.
    But then his helmet turns toward Koga and the man gets a quick nod. "Yes, sir. Of course." The tone lilts up a little likely from the hidden smile.

Jessica Drew has posed:
Jess sniffs delicately, humor dancing in her green eyes, "Ah, that explains the chlorine. I thought they might have overdosed the pool again with chemicals." Knowing full well that she isn't likely going to get much information from the other Agent, she asks, "Did it go well?"

It's her turn at the machine, she punches in her order and takes a preventative step back in case the cup falls sideways turning the coffee into a steaming spray dousing her high-tops. Cup safely in hand she she can focus on the others.

Alex receives a tiny quirk of a smile when he reports his latest activity. "Martin driving you all hard? Your group holding steady?"

Finally, after a sip of coffee, "Hey, I'm Agent Drew." She points with her thumb to Romanoff and Aaron with a half-smile. "I know these two. If it is not classified - how come you were running with a Daidarabotchi?"

Koga Miura has posed:
Koga smiles, then looks at Jessica, "Oh, not an actual one. Codename for a Jingiin operative. They are rather... unique and more suited to fighting gigantic monsters. I'm the one they try to get for the smaller ones if I'm over there."

"Oh, my apologies. I'm Koga." He offers a hand towards Alexander and Jessica.

"And well... it was a giant electric eel with sonic screaming pterodactyl offspring. Last I heard from that end of things, they were trying to figure out why and how. And counter measures. Last part was not exactly promising."

Natasha Romanoff has posed:
Natasha Romanoff would sigh, "Oh, what scale are they then when it comes to that? There was always the Red Ronin project." She would deadpan over. "Which never got beyond the back of an envelope sketch in the sixties. Even the Soviets thought the engineering was.. What's the english term.. Whackdoodle."

Alexander Aaron has posed:
    "Ongoing," Alexander says in that electronic tone, a hint of frustration there. He brings a hand up and lightly brushes a fingertip along where an earpiece would be, then frowns and looks down again.
    When she asks the next question the helmet lifts back up, "Instructor Martin is an exemplar of the SHIELD way and a man of conviction." Which is rattled off as if he was obligated to say those words in exactly that way, and somehow /that/ tone comes through the electronic modulation pretty darn clear.
    "But yes ma'am, going well."
    When Koga offers his hand he extends his own gloved one and gives a quick shake. Very sharp and precise, business-like. Three pumps and done without being too aggressive.
    He settles back, coffee order still sitting there as he interjects. "Whackadoodle, ma'am."

Jessica Drew has posed:
Jess takes his hand for a brief firm shake, fixing the man with a pleasant expression, "Nice to meet you. Jingiin - that's sort of a Japanese SWORD, isn't it?" Bemused, she asks, "There might be more of them?"

Then with an apologetic shrug, "That would make a lot of Unadon."

Returning her attention to Aaron, she nods twice slowly, a hint of a frown at his crisp automatic response concerning Martin. "So, he is. You all are lucky to have him on your case. Glad you are doing well. I'm on observation this coming week so I'll get to have a talk with him."

Whackdoodle gets a smiling shake of her head, "Red Ronin? Must be beyond my security level. But leave it to our science types to come up with whackdoodle."

Koga Miura has posed:
Koga has at least a firm handshake, raising an eyebrow at Alexander's by the book one and Jessica's firm one, "I think it was anti-kaiju. I remember hearing rumors of it, so probably wouldn't concern this side of the world a lot."

He seems to consider, "I think you could associate them with that. I'll have to pass that idea on to help with equalizing deployments." That idea on the Jingiin being the equivalent to SWORD has him looking very thoughtfully at his coffee.

He makes a bit of a face, "It would. I do not know what was done with it. Someone mentioned study since it sunk a few ships before it was brought down." He says in reply to Jessica.

Alexander Aaron has posed:
    When the clock above ticks over to exactly three minutes before the top of the hour, that's the moment when Alexander scoops up the tray and adjusts the hang of his weapon from its shoulder strap. He takes a moment, "Ma'am. Ma'am. Agent Miura." Likely what passes for informal from the response team agent.
    He then starts to head on over toward the door with the tray at the ready. Slipping around a pair of agents on their way inside he shoulders the door open and within a few moments passes on through.

Jessica Drew has posed:
Like the European she is, Jess knocks back her double espresso like a shot, then crumples the paper cup to deposit it in the bin next to the machine. Eyebrows drawn into a frown, lips pursed thoughtfully, her green eyes follow Alexander out the door. She turns to the others.

"I have a bit of paperwork waiting for me. Then, I'm off home.

Nodding to each in turn, "Have a good evening, Agent Romanoff, Mr. Miura."