13198/Study Interruptus

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Study Interruptus
Date of Scene: 27 October 2022
Location: Palm Tree Boulevard and Post Road
Synopsis: Heroics are discussed and some study does take place.
Cast of Characters: Sunny Harlow, Billy Batson

Sunny Harlow has posed:
Most people went up to the rooftops of buildings like this to smoke, drink or do other stuff that they didn't want people to witness. Sunny? Apparently she was more of a straight arrow, because she was currently laying wrong way up in a deck chair with her school books in front of her, her legs lazily bent as she continued to read about her current topic. Fun times, but hey...that was higher learning for you!

Billy Batson has posed:
Billy Batson flies over the building. He spots Sunny and wonders briefly how he'd get any study done around her. But he aims to try. She's more together than he is. No way he's going to let her date a high school drop out. He says 'Shazam' still a few feet off the roof and drops down the rest of the way to then sit next to her on the deck chair. "Hey. I brought breakfast for my alien overlord... or is it overlady?" He starts pulling containers out of the bag he brought. Two coffees, pancakes and donuts! He holds open the container of pancakes for her approval and steals a peck on her cheek, because she smells better than the pancakes!

Sunny Harlow has posed:
"Luckily we're all peaceful sort, uplifting and protecting, making the world a utopia apparently..." Sunny offers, propping herself up to a sitting position. "Dunno how I'll do that bit yet, but...at least I can appreciate the snacks?" A shrug from the viltrimite and she looks back to her book before tilting her head. "You bring stuff to work on too?"

Billy Batson has posed:
Billy Batson stops at the point of sipping his coffee. 'D'oh! Hang on... Shazam!" There's another boom followed by a softer one as Shazam flies off. A few seconds later he returns with a book bag and turns back to Billy. "I'd forget my magic word if I didn't make it my name too. That's caused me a few problems as you've seen. Thanks again for catching me. It was cool being on the other side. You're a real good rescuer."

Sunny Harlow has posed:
Well, hopefully people weren't too freaked out about repeated lightning strikes on the rooftop. At least her parents knew that Sunny was superpowered as she was. After all, they'd known before she did! Lazily taking a bite of her pancakes, the blonde giving a little laugh as he returns, giving a little mock-salute given her mouth was full.

Billy Batson has posed:
Billy Batson grabs a pancake, folds it and eats his dry, between sips of coffee. The coffee has a lot of milk and sugar in it. He pulls a fat history text book out of his bag. "History is killing me. Essays, essays, essays. But... I pulled myself out of a hole with math and science at least. This is it. I either pass this or spend July and August in summer school. I don't want t do that. I can think of things I'd rather do. Can you?" He gives Sunny a little shoulder nudge, wondering if she'll actually move with it.

Sunny Harlow has posed:
"You'd think that you'd have an insight given the whole thing with the..." she mimes the lightning bolt thing before taking another bite of her food. "I mean, obviously. Not a lot of study breaks when you're flying around punching badguys and catching falling helicoptors, right?"

Billy Batson has posed:
Billy Batson shrugs. "Juggernaut is really the only bad guy I've thrown down with. Rescuing people is nice. I stopped a bank robbery the other day. I just showed up. They don't always shoot at me. They put their guns down after one guy tried to grab a teller and I... " Billy mimes throwing lightning. Yeah I have heroing but... I am also called Defender of Magic. I have a lot to learn there. I spend a lot of time in this sort of pocket dimension called the Rock of Eternity. It's actually pretty cool... but I'm reading up on magical enemies. Like Juggernaut. There's evil and magic through out that guy. Next time, I'm stopping him. Period. No more games. No more fighting fair. He is not walking away from me. The guy is a menace."

Sunny Harlow has posed:
"Magic, actual magic...it's crazy. But then I guess I'm a teenage alien superhero so..." she trails off, shaking her head and finishing off her pancakes before grinning lightly and reopening her books. "I'll stick to just punching things hard, it's about the only trick I've got."

Billy Batson has posed:
Billy Batson mutters, "I think time with you is magic." He flips open his history book and tries to focus on the Industrial Revolution. "I'll give you a tour sometime when I'm caught up on all this work. I actually kind of teleport there. I can take a couple friends. You just ned to stay close because it's like a maze and has doors to other places... some of them are not nice places for either of us."

Sunny Harlow has posed:
Sweet talker! Sunny actually grins at that and kisses his cheek before she goes back towards the book she was working on, high-lighting another note. Whatever had possessed her to try and work towards Pre-law? Still, she continues to work and only pauses at that comment to blink. "So...watch where you're going or end up in Oz?"

Billy Batson has posed:
Billy Batson nods. "Like that... only, not Oz. The Underworld maybe. I have defend against things from those places coming here. That's what the Shazams have done through out their existence. Only their last big fling was during the Egyptian Era. Something happened and there were no new Champions till I got stuck with the job. Now... what about you? Do you know where you're from? What a your people like? Is there a planet of Sunnies out there?" He makes a note on a sticky note, because the textbook goes back to the school.

Sunny Harlow has posed:
"Well...hopefully Ceberus likes belly-rubs?" she questions lightly before she makes another note in her book and then sits up. "I mean, I know a bit about them, my people, the planet...but I've never been there. I was raised as a human. And the only other alien like me...looked nothing like me. He was a big guy with an admittedly neat moustache."

Billy Batson has posed:
That gets a raised eyebrow. "Oh?" He doesn't put the book down but he shifts it to one hand and loops his am in hers. "Big alien with a neat moustache..." He ponders this and drains his coffee. He wonders if he should try to raise a moustache. Billy doesn't really stand out. Sunny can stop traffic. Heck she could cause a few fender benders. Of course the essence of Sunny is that she would never be aware or trade on her looks. Her people must be really nice.

Sunny Harlow has posed:
"Omni-man. He was a hero, a viltrumite like me. He talked a little about the planet but...I dunno where it is and he disappeared ages ago. I think he was meant to be as strong as Superman, so I have quite a bit to catch up on." A little pause, the blonde girl chuckles lightly, shrugging her shoulders. "Given they're sending people like Omni-man to protect worlds and their people? It must be a pretty decent place."

Billy Batson has posed:
Billy Batson smirks and squeezes Sunny's bicep. "You're getting more powerful all the time. You mentioned a machine gun gave you bruises a couple weeks ago. That wrecking ball I threw at you hardly messed your hair, and it was like a bomb. I'm glad it didn't hurt you. I'd never want to hurt you. I mean, the other guy, he's a lot more powerful than you right now. I know what I sound like but... I do worry about hurting you. I'm glad your growing fast... can you do me a favor?" He waits a moment, "Stay away from Juggernaut. I know you might not be able to; if he's going to hurt people. But... don't fight him. drop tuff on him or something. I think... he's more powerful than me. I just have more tricks -like you said." He leans over to head nuzzle her a moment.

Sunny Harlow has posed:
"I mean, I -thought- it would give me bruises but..." she gestures to herself. "I guess I was wrong...or maybe you're right. Maybe I -am- getting stronger," she muses lightly before his request brings a little smile and she closes her book, setting it in her lap and opening her mouth only to close it again at his words bringing up her answer before she could. "I'll -try-, but if I have to intervene you know I'm going to..." she offers softly and smiles. "I'm going to keep doing what I do. It's just...me."

Billy Batson has posed:
Billy Batson sets his book down and looks long into her blue eyes before he shyly puts his hand on her cheek. "I know. But you can at least be careful. We can be hurt. Believe it. I may be lucky, being squishy part of the time. I don't get a false sense of security from being nearly unhurtable. Also living on the streets taught me to be careful, the first time someone beat the snot out of me."

Sunny Harlow has posed:
A little nod, a smile and she closes her eyes, lounging on the rooftop. "I'll be as careful as I can be...but anyway, hand me one of those donuts and lets get back to work!"

Heroics didn't pay the bills after all...unless one got a job with shield anyway.