13408/The Light at the Top of the World

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The Light at the Top of the World
Date of Scene: 21 November 2022
Location: Behind the Library - Happy Harbor High School
Synopsis: Iceland is for Romance!
Cast of Characters: Billy Batson, Sunny Harlow

Billy Batson has posed:
Shazam has decided to share one of his super de-stressing techniques with Indestructibelle. It's a surprise. The only other person he shared it with so far being his big sister, Mary. He shows up for their meeting as Shazam, behind the library with a well stocked bag under his cape.

With their classes, side hustles, patrols and supervillains, they can both use a side trip. He hopes the bag will insulate the snacks properly for the flight. While he waits he forms a little ball of lightning and begins juggling it like David Bowie in Labyrinth. The show off.

Sunny Harlow has posed:
Super de-stressing? Curious, still the blonde arrives in her her newest costume. Bright colors to match her blonde locks and the red she favored. Hair down and sweeping through the sky, the viltrumite swings in and comes to settle herself in next to the mighty magical hero, grining a little. "And all I've got is my punching things real hard and flying around. Lightning and all that is just showing off y'know."

Billy Batson has posed:
Shazam concentrates on what he is doing, shaping the raw lightning. "Blasting stuff with lightning is easy... it wants to be free. You just point. It mostly listens. This is like meditating for me. Not showing off. Now this..." The ball separates into three smaller balls that circle Sunny, like a crown. "... this is showing off. A crown for my girlfriend... fit for a goddess." She might feel her hair becoming a blonde cloud around her head. But the balls suddenly leap up and are gone in a flash. Shazam lets out a deep breath, holds his arms out for a proper greeting. "Love the costume. I hope this one lasts."

Sunny Harlow has posed:
Adorable, cute...and probably a little sacreligious there given the source of his powers before his comment earns a little laugh. She folds her arms, tugging at her shoulder of her costume before she tilts her head. "I mean, this is going to be a little sturdier, but if random wizards throw storms at me, or fires keep happening, or more lightning bolts...well, I might be Indestructibelle...but my costume sure isn't."

Billy Batson has posed:
Shazam snugs Sunny. "My cape is at your disposal. I don't want you running around wearing little more than your smile. It is quite a smile. I will admit. Some of those trolls making comments on your internet videos... don't read those comments by the way! I stopped." He gets up and says, "We need to make speed for this. So forgive me for showing off." He takes her up in a princess carry and leaps into the sky. He's careful to throw his cape over her. He blows past Mach 1. Then Mach 2 and keeps rising to the edge of space before turning Northeast for Iceland.

Sunny Harlow has posed:
"Wait...I have internet videos?" she begins only for them to break up into the sky and blast their way towards Iceland. It was a long flight, but relatively short before they hit upper atmosphere and they were left to look out into space...before diving back into the atmophere towards their destination. "So...what exactly do you have planned?"

Billy Batson has posed:
Shazam tries to answer, not enough air. He just grins until they drop lower, over Iceland, where evening is commencing. As he slows, he seems reluctant to release Indestructibelle, even though she could easily make this speed. "Iceland and the Aurora... the quiet lightning. I used to come here a lot when I was depressed or felt lonely. I haven't been here since I met you." He touches his forehead to hers. Waiting with a smile. Around them the aurorae play out. Below is a severe landscape, glaciers and ld lava flows. He touches down. The aurorae feel good to him, Mary, and presumably the other Shazams. No idea what it is like to a Viltrumite.

Sunny Harlow has posed:
Of course she could make the speed, but she doesn't force her way free or anything as of yet, sintead giving a little soft 'Oh!' and then returning those touches. Still, she does look out at the landsake, a smile as she looks out at the light effects. "They're really pretty..."

Billy Batson has posed:
Shazam nods and finds a rock to sit on, setting her down. "They are. Not the prettiest thing I've seen today, but still pretty." He gets his cape back and makes a small adjustment to hers. "Shazam!" There's Billy-Billy sitting next to her, in a parka. "Holy moley, it's freaking cold here!" His breath fogs and he thumps his arms a bit.

Sunny Harlow has posed:
And now, it's Billy and Sunny together rather than the blonde heroine being dwarfed by her empowered partner. Downside to that? Billy was a lot more 'delicate' by comparison when it came to the cold. Leaning into the contact with his shoulder Billy would find himself being hugged close, and her cape being wrapped around them both. "Sweet talker! But seriously though, I should have thought about coming here before."

Billy Batson has posed:
Billy is snugged. Not that he'd resist if he could. "You have a lot on your plate, and not just from waitressing. I... never experienced this as Billy. The cold is a problem -but I'll put up with it for the light show and... I don't want to show off anymore or over shadow you. Also... I like being Billy around you, Sunshine. Thanks for keeping me warm... safe." He gives her a kiss on the cheek.

Sunny Harlow has posed:
A little tilt of her head at that, grinning lightly at the kiss and leaning her head onto the shoulder and squeezing him gently. "Anytime...I -am- a superheroine after all." A little laugh does come and she moves to instead wrap her arms and cape around him from behind, snuggling in. "I mean, I'd rather you be comfortable..."

Billy Batson has posed:
Billy Batson sighs. When he can breathe again. "Oh i'm pretty comfortable. No fears there." He puts his arms around Sunny, suddenly abut his size and sighs again. "You think your dad would be upset at me for taking you out of the country?" Probably. Nevertheless, he settles in for a cuddle under the Northern Lights.