13410/Danger Room Duo
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Danger Room Duo | |
Date of Scene: | 21 November 2022 |
Location: | Danger Room |
Synopsis: | Iara finds Warren in the Danger Room, and they try a fastball special with unintended consequences. |
Cast of Characters: | Warren Worthington, Iara Dos Santos
- Warren Worthington has posed:
One of the things that Warren doesn't have at his One Maddison apartment in the city that he can't easily buy or have made for him is something like the Danger Room. It's just not feasible. So every so often the blonde, winged mutant makes his way over to Westchester to use the facility to get a bit of practice in. He may not be on the team roster as a permanent staple these days, but it never hurts to have the skills honed just in case.
Warren is currently in the DR proper, sans any particular uniform and wearing just a pair of spandex bicycle shorts. The DR has been set up as a moving areal obstacle course of sorts, and the Angel is flying a course through them, wings flapping, expanding, and retracting as he banks or turns sharply to make it through the various moving hoops.
- Iara Dos Santos has posed:
Iara strolls wearing a sports bra and bike shorts herself, highlighting the lighter white scales of her underbelly along with the darker grey scales along her arms and back of her shark morphology. Right when she gets sight of that flying blonde though, her pointed face snaps to him, watching him, putting her hands on her hips and waiting for him to finish as she squints at the hoops he's flying through...
- Warren Worthington has posed:
Paying more attention to his flying as he twists, turns, dives, climbs, and banks through the various hoops that float around in the Danger Room, Warren doesn't notice Iara at first. The automated AI starts to up the difficulty for the Angel as the hoops he flies through start to slowly shrink, the speed of their collapse quickening the longer it takes for him to fly through them.
At one pass, Warren's eagle eyes do take in that there is someone else in the DR with him now, and he glances towards Iara for a split second. Really, it's a glance of less than a second, but long enough for him to loose focus as he clips one of the rings, the contact causing the air to smell with ozone as electricity zaps the winged mutant and he lets out a yelp.
- Iara Dos Santos has posed:
Iara's black eyes widen as she shouts "Porra!" as Angel hits a wing with the electrical shock, and tries to move quickly to where she can catch him if she needs to, provided there's nothing in the way...
- Warren Worthington has posed:
"Terminate program," Warren says and the hoops and various obstacles fade out of existence as he goes in to make a landing near where Iara is standing. The edge of his wing is smoking slightly, with a little bit of a blackened char, but mostly it seems that his pride might be the only thing damaged. "Ow." he mutters with a smirk and a chuckle as he walks over to grab a towel from his bag, starting to wipe down the fine sheen of sweat that he worked up. "Well. That was embarrassing."
- Iara Dos Santos has posed:
Iara was holding her hands out awkwardly to prep for catching him as he lands, walking over to the more senior mutant as she says "It..." in an almost frustrated manner before seeming to look at his hair, then his sweat, and then shaking her head quickly to clear her mind, saying "Nothing to be ashamed of." in that brazillian portugese accent, saying "Striving for perfection is great, but expecting it every time will drive you crazy. I think only Superman should be expected to fly through that many hoops successfully." She then pauses, hoping the advice doesn't come across as belittling for the student to be giving to who is basically her teacher.
- Warren Worthington has posed:
Chuckling, Warren towels off his hair real quick, then just lets the towel drape over his shoulders. If he noticed her fluster and try and clear her head he doesn't say anything about it. "It isn't that I am striving to be perfect, Iara. I just let myself get distracted. It's not that big of a deal here in the DR, but out on the field that could have been so much worse than a couple of singed feathers and a bruised ego." He glances back to where the hoops were and shrugs, looking back, and up, to the humanoid shark girl in front of him. "So, how are you? Did I steal your time in here?"
- Iara Dos Santos has posed:
Iara waves a webbed hand, saying "Nah, I never schedule, I really should..." as she walks towards the middle before turning around to Warren, saying "I'm doing alright, sure you saw the report, just has me thinking I need to take my training to the next level. Probably need to talk to Logan or Psylocke about that though. Need to actually learn martial arts rather than just bite and grab things. Can't bite all my problems. Probably should learn to shoot too." She then looks up and shrugs, saying "I'm way stronger than a normal person, and tougher, and I heal good, and I'm fast in the water... but I'm not as strong or tough as Colossus or deadly or heal as well as Wolverine, and I'm really only effective in melee... so I'm at a middle ground of good, but not great. So if I wanna make it onto the X-Men or X-Force, I've gotta... do better, maybe learn to use equipment to make up for where I'm lacking, y'know?"
- Warren Worthington has posed:
Warren folds his arms over his chest and chuckles as he looks up to Iara, "Sure, Logan and Bets could teach you marital arts and make you into one kickass combatant, of that I have no doubt, but don't sell yourself short, Iara. After all, I just have wings and can fly. We each have our strengths and our weaknesses."
He reaches out and moves his hand up to place a hand on her shoulder is she allows, "Don't try to be or make yourself into something you aren't, just because you think you need to be more effective. As an X-man, we are a team and that means knowing who is best for what roles.
He moves again, reaching into his bag for a couple of bottles of water, offering one over as he opens and sips from the other, "That doesn't mean we don't find ourselves in situations that aren't exactly suited for us, but we adapt and overcome as the situation presents itself. You can't prep for everything."
- Iara Dos Santos has posed:
Iara winces and gives a groan, saying "I know, I just... I don't want to be dead weight on a mission. I wasn't yesterday, but I have been a few times now. Like oh gosh, here's this giant shark that can eat people if she can get to them, now here's a giant cyborg dinosaur. Tabitha had to save me. I couldn't just tank the hit like Colossus and I couldn't just dive in anyway like Wolverine, I was useless. It sucked." She then shrugs, saying "And then there's just... lots of folks have guns. If I get gunned down before I can reach them, I'm still dead weight, possibly literally. I just... I need more tools in my toolbox than just run forward and bite or run around the corner and bite."
- Warren Worthington has posed:
Taking another sip of his water, Warren shrugs one of his shoulders which causes the wing on that side to ruffle and flutter a bit. "You don't think I sometimes feel that way? Unless it is outside, or wide enough corridors that I can get the wings to get me aloft I'm pretty much in the same boat, and I don't even have the chompers that you do. All I have are some boyish good looks and charm." He winks at the shark-girl, taking another sip.
"Seriously though, I get where you are coming from, I can just say from experience there is only so much you can do about it, so don't beat yourself up over the things you can't change. Just focus on what you can, and make the best of it."
- Iara Dos Santos has posed:
Iara... winces when Warren winks at her, seeming to have to compose herself and swallow before she nods, saying with a somewhat dryer, thirsty voice, "Exactly, I can learn these things, I can bring a laser rifle or something, or a smoke grenade or a flashbang to stun people before I go for the bite, that sorta deal... Those are things I can change."
She then smirks, saying "Well, since we're in the danger room, and you can fly, and we can practice manuevers before we do them in combat... wanna see how far I can fastball special you?"
- Warren Worthington has posed:
If Warren noticed the wince or anything to that effect, he doesn't let it show. He reaches up and combs his fingers through his longish hair, pushing it back and out of his face. "You can, sure. Maybe it's something I should have been doing this whole time myself? I don't know. I guess it just wasn't something that I though about."
The living embodiment of an Angel shrugs again, taking another sip of his water before capping the bottle and glancing to Iara with a half-smile. "You want to fastball special me? I mean, I'm not Logan he weighs probably twice what I do so I doubt it would have the same impact, but why not. I can be a surrogate fastball." He folds his wings back tight against his back, and hrms. "How does this work, anyway? I sit in your hand, or what? This tends to be a Logan and Pitor thing, so I am not all up on the mechanics of it."
- Iara Dos Santos has posed:
Iara nods, saying "Well for you, I figure it'll be more of a launch, something to get you height and momentum quickly rather than having to beat your wings a bunch to get up there, like I'm throwing a paper airplane... and I think how Piotr does it is like a shot put, which I was practicing a little out at the yard the other day... which you don't throw like a baseball, there's actually a whole science behind it, depending on the size of the balls you have to grip them differently, so I'd grip you..." before she blinks, the momentum of unintentional innuendos crashing down on her in realization, flustering her again and making her white-scaled cheeks blush, saying "I MEAN you would sit in my hand or-merde! Not like that, I'd have your back side in my palm or you'd have both feet in my palm, Logan and Piotr do it either way. Then I'd launch you, you'd open your wings and glide like a giant paper airplane before having to fly under your own power." She sighs in frustration, wincing and gritting her big, triangular teeth in embarrassment.
- Warren Worthington has posed:
He can't help himself. At first he tries to keep a straight face, but the resolve cracks. It starts as a little lip twitch as she goes trying to explain how this fastball special would work, but by the time she she gets to 'size of the balls' and 'gripping' Warren is full on snickering.
"I'm pretty sure my balls are pretty normal size. At least last I checked." he comments before he breaks fully and just laughs. He reaches out again, patting her on the shoulder if she lets him and lets her know he isn't laughing at her, just the situation. Once he manages to calm down a little, he shakes his head and nods. "Ok...Well, I'm not as compact as Logan is, so I don't know if I can perch in your hand like he does Pitor. You will just have to palm my ass I guess. Just be careful what your gripping..."
- Iara Dos Santos has posed:
Iara makes a face as she scrunches up a little at Warren's teasing, her monstrous shark face flushed absolutely red, but then she sighs, clearly frustrated with herself as she says "Y-Yes, um, I'll be careful where I grip..." as she walks up behind Angel... and then winces, saying "I uh... Merde, even with this I'm basically asking if I can grab your ass but I swear I was thinking about cool stuff to do in fights with this idea... Just uh... Lean back and..." as she grabs Warren by the shoulder and then cups under his rear with her other hand, palming him before lifting, and then turning her hand to hold him like a shot put.
"Okay, you ready?" she asks, and then flings him upwards in an arch, hard, that strength that can throw cars now a one handed push that launches Warren into the air...
- Warren Worthington has posed:
He can't help it. He probably should tease the woman that can bite him in twain, but she is just making it so easy...and that whole flirtatious side of him just can't let it go. "Uh huh. You know, if you just wanted to cop a feel..." He glances behind at the shark-girl and winks again as he folds his wings up as tight against his back as he can and leans back, settling his rear into her hand.
"As I will ever be," Warren says, squirming just a little in her palm to get situated just right as he preps for launch. "On your mark."
- Iara Dos Santos has posed:
Iara outright shivers when he teases her about copping a feel, saying "You said you were not interested before so do NOT tempt me..." as she gives a firm, clawed squeeze of his ass, before pulling back and throwing the angel with all her might in an upwards arch towards the ceiling!
- Warren Worthington has posed:
The clawed squeeze gets Warren to yelp just a bit as the tips of those things are hard, but before he can retort to her comment (or the ass grab) he is flung into the air. Warren balls himself up as small as he can as he somersaults through the air, launched by that cannon of an arm or Iara's. At the apex of the flight, just before he would start to drop Warren unfurls his wings and starts to glide, banking back around towards Earth, and Iara.
"Sorry," he says as he lands in front of the larger shark girl, looking up at her, "Can't help myself. I'm a flirt." He shakes out his wings, and brushes his hair out of his face with his fingers, "I'll try to behave myself...but you started it." He half-smiles and nods his head. "Go again?"
- Iara Dos Santos has posed:
Iara, still blushing, looms over the angel, the shark maw snarling as she furrows her brow down at the angelic mutant. "I'd rather you didn't behave yourself." she says with almost a hunger to her voice, her jaws hanging agape as if she was contemplating biting him, breathing deeply. "I like you, Warren." her voice declares with almost an anger behind it, "You saved me, you've been there for me, and you're hot. I'm holding back because you said you weren't interested, so don't... tease me if you're not going to deliver." Those cold, doll-like black eyes stare directly at him like a feral carnivore... before she balls her hands into fists, as if it takes all of her willpower not to do something in this moment, before her words become a little more shakey and breathy as she says "This is up to you."
- Warren Worthington has posed:
Warren has been trying to be a bit more fun loving and less serious these last few weeks, trying to not be such the serious workaholic that drove his last relationship into the ground. Maybe he was overcompensating, but he realizes that he took it to far. He nods to Iara, sobering up a bit as he looks up into those black, doll-like eyes.
"You're right. I'm sorry. I shouldn't tease you like this. You have expressed your feelings for me, and I shouldn't toy with them when I joke around." He reaches up, and if she allows he places his hand on the side of her snout, giving it a gentle rub for a moment before lowering his hand and turning to around. "Come on, let's try that again. You got a good rise out of me there. Think you can do better?"
- Iara Dos Santos has posed:
Iara's listening intently... until you touch her nose, where she winces, and when your hand moves towards the tip (with the sandpapery feeling of brushing up her scales) she grits her teeth, inhaling sharply and giving a high-pitched moan... and then her eyes go really wide, and she can't help herself from hugging the angelic mutant firmly, possessively. "S-Sorry, I..." she says as she swallows, saying "My nose is... actually... r-really sensitive, um..." The hulking shark-woman backs up, hands moving to Warren's shoulders as she breathlessly says "N-No, I need... I need to shower and cool off, foda..." She squeezes his shoulders with that strong grip, and then shuts her eyes tight as she winces, and shakes her head, saying "A-Another time, I'm sorry, I just... It's hard to control myself like this... I gotta... I gotta go... I'll make it up to you, alright?"
- Warren Worthington has posed:
Warren blinks at the hug, the air being a little squeezed out of him by the force of it and he lets out a little 'oaf' sound. He doesn't seem upset by it at all, just surprised. "No, it's fine! Iara, you can hug me I don't mind..." but as she continues he starts to understand and his mouth forms an 'oh' shape, complete with that muttered. "Oh. Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to, uh..." Yeah. Awkward? He reaches up and rubs at the back of his neck, "You're fine, Iara. Nothing to apologize for! You don't have to go, I'll keep my hands to myself."
- Iara Dos Santos has posed:
Iara shakes her head, saying "Warren, no, my brain, I can't..." as she winces, saying "Trust me, I have trouble with my instincts sometimes, this is one of those times, I gotta go calm my shark side down here, alright?" Her breathing is stifled and she seems tense all over, shaking her head again to try to sober past whatever she's dealing with internally. She then looks at the angelic mutant, saying "You can... follow if you like just... just be sure it's what you want, since you didn't before." She then takes her leave, muttering something inaudible that sounds like she's disappointed in herself as she heads out the danger room door, walking down to her room in the sub basement.
- Warren Worthington has posed:
"Iara...wait..." Warren says as he moves to follow the humanoid shark woman out of the danger room, not actually listening to, or comprehending the meaning of, her words, but out of some internal need to help comfort her. He leaves his bag and the rest of his things in the DR, thinking he will just come back and grab them in a minute.