13411/Buddy Movie in how many minutes

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Buddy Movie in how many minutes
Date of Scene: 21 November 2022
Location: Apartment 4B (Bart's Apartment)
Synopsis: Bart has two buddies over but no movies just pizza and friends.
Cast of Characters: Bart Allen, Conner Kent, Gabby Kinney

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen is at home, having did the whole work thing the previous night, and after a good thirty minutes sleep he was out again, making sure Flash showed up in a few places, and Impulse in others. This whole two identity thing can take a bit even for a speedster. So he is coming back home now to feed the animals and carbo load himself as well.

Conner Kent has posed:
That is about the time when Conner texts him. Apparently he went to Gotham to pick up his laptop and maybe see some friends and found the Roost empty. Where is everybody? Who left an anteater in the living room?

He is probably joking about the anteater, but weirder things have happened.

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen will consider running over to the roost, but he is feeding the animal and does not want to rush them. He texts back to Conner "Am at my apartment." He gives an adress in the Curio in Gotham "And bring the anteater." He adds just in case the other is serious "Will order some pizza." Which he does actually put an order in.

Conner Kent has posed:
Oh. Right. Bart moved apartments a few weeks ago and Conner wasn't around to help with the moving. That was bad of him; he should be able to handle his time better. But for some things he is very not super.

"I'll get the pizza on my way there, give me twenty," he texts back. He was joking about the anteater anyway. Also, it is going to be five large pizzas, because he is sure Bart is going to be Bart.

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen had lived in the Curio when it was in NYC, and then moves to Emiko's place but with her gone he had moved back to his old apartment, just turns out said apartment had moved from NYC to Gotham. He does a quick cleaning of the place, one thing it is hard to do catch a speedster with a cluttered home, unless he just does not care or you can teleport. So, he cleans and finishes the animal chores, while he waits for his friend.

Conner Kent has posed:
If nothing else Conner knows how Bart's apartment should look, so he is a bit surprised he cleaned up. He is not judging, he did all that years ago and he really didn't think it was important even then. Or maybe having your home blown up a couple times gives you real perspective of what is important and what isn't.

He even uses the door like a normal person, since he is not sure if he can sneak up flying in Bart's place. Or how seriously he takes his secret identity. "Hey Bart," he greets, "I grabbed five pizzas, couldn't get them to make more fast enough. We can order, though," beat, "so, how is your new place?"

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen lets him in and says "Hey man, it is ok, pretty much like it was in New York, but with a different view. Phoebe has kept the place pretty much the same, and think most of the neighbors are the same folks as before." He takes the pizzas and moves them to the coffee table. The two one eyed black cats come out to inspect Conner's shins.

Conner Kent has posed:
"I am not even going to ask how the hell is that possible," they got to Gotham abandoning family and jobs, or was reality magically warped so they always were in Gotham? Nope. He doesn't want to know. That is a problem for Robin.

Instead he peers around for a minute while the cats attempt to claim property of his shins. "Looks good. Except it is Gotham, I mean."

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen chuckles and will get Conner and himself a drink from the fridge as he says "I honestly aint sure, this whole building is a bit wonky, from what I understand the rooms are all tardisy bigger inside than out and such. Phoebe understands it better than I, honestly origionally moved in cause rent was cheap, and it was in NYC.

Gabby Kinney has posed:
The Curio. Gabby knew this is where Phoebe hung out a lot, but she wasn't expecting to sniff out Bart and Conner while here, too. Which is precisely what she did. Having caught their scent with her still-newly-awesome nose seh comes poking around until she arrives at the apparently correct apartment for Bart. She'd been a bit absent in Gotham as of late herself but that doesn't stop her from knocking.

"Open up it's totally not the police," she calls out from behind the door.

Conner Kent has posed:
"I am pretty sure I would get sick living in a magical city-jumping building," comments Conner. But probably spending a couple hours is fine. And then Gabby knocks at the door.

"Damnit, Bart. Hide the contraband pizzas," stage-whispers are more fun for people with super-senses. "I definitely have to order more," he adds, pulling out his Starkphone. "What was the address here, again?"

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen will rattle off the address and moves to let Gabby in and as he does one of the one eyes cats moves to investigate her as the other not getting the petting from Conner moves to the cat tree to get a higher vantage point to watch the new folks. "Hey Gabby, how you doing come on in." Gabby would be able to smell there are a few animals here but their cages and beds are kept clean so no bad smell from them.

Gabby Kinney has posed:
Gabby Kinney reaches down to scoop up the inquisitive kitty without hesitating, depositing it half on her shoulder while supporting it's butt. Lots of scritches are bestowed to the kitty in question. "Hey Bart, Conner. Sorry to bust in like this. I was in the area and... Well I caught wind of you both around here. Thought I'd say hi." A pause in kitty pettings comes as she taps her finger to the side of her nose a bit. "This the new place, huh? Looks good!"

Conner Kent has posed:
Sorry, cat. Conner is a dog person. "It is okay. I kinda did the same," he says to Gabby, "and I owed Bat a pizza or three." Which is like half a snack for the speedster, really. "His new place is exactly like his old place, though." Well not quite, "except more critters."

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen chuckles a bit and says "Well, the cats were Emiko and mine, the ones in the habitats were mine before she and I met." He explains. He will move to grab Gabby a drink as well, and says "Have a seat join us, and yea, it is more of a returning to this place than just moving in. He does pick up a remote, and pushes a button and the couch lifts up a bit and the sides move out a bit making it a bit wider so there is a bit more room for his friends and the cats. Yea Bart has a mechanical couch. "How you two doing? Thats Hugnin by the way. Muninn is on the cat tree."

Gabby Kinney has posed:
Gabby Kinney gives the kitty a good little ruffle pet while moving in to claim a seat. The drink offered is taken with a grin as well. "Yeah we met breifly. When they were quite a bit smaller, at least. Sorry about you and Emiko though." Lightly clearing her throat over the awkwardness of that topic she moves on. "Been doing good. I mean. Nothing going wrong right now."

Conner Kent has posed:
Conner sips from his drink and when Bart makes the couch long enough, he joins the other two there. "I am fine, college keeps me more and more busy and, well, New York is rarely dull, even though I have yet to meet Spider-Man. Which is kinda disappointing."

Gabby Kinney has posed:
Gabby Kinney grins at the mention of Spiderman. "I met him once a few years back. Nice guy. Not really... uh." She pauses here, tipping her head up to squint at the ceiling. "Not as.... professional as you'd expect. Just a laid back guy for the most part. Showed me this awesome hotdog vendor I still hit up sometimes."

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen hmms and says "I have run into a couple of the spider folks but not him I don't think." He admits. "I still plan on if I am doing the whole Impulse thing to be in New York mostly, but other places if I feel like, it try to avoid heroing at speed in Gotham.

Conner Kent has posed:
"Okay, I am jealous," admits Conner, opening the first pizza box, "see, he was in the news a lot when Bart and I started. We were sure he was our age, but..." he shrugs. "There are hundreds of costumed supers in New York, but still I think I have been unlucky, besides..." besides, cellphone is buzzing. "I gotta answer this one. Don't let Bart get all the anchovies!"

Gabby Kinney has posed:
Gabby Kinney nods thoughtfully with a glance back down to her drink. "I haven't been patrolling as much as I feel like I should. I know Tim had wanted me to try becoming more of a team leader type, but I got caught up with the magic sorts. And now I'm just..." Her hands spread with a shrug. "Keeping things going there much as I can."

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen looks over and says "Well, Tim will understand if your doing what you feel you need to and being where you feel your needed. Trust me, he put up with Conner and me for years, he has patients and understanding." He smiles and is eating a bit of the pizza "So what the magic types been up to, I know I live in the middle of them, but Phoebe is really only one I know well."

Gabby Kinney has posed:
Gabby Kinney grins back with a small nod. "Yeah, I know he does, and he knows what I've been up to. Just kind of had it dumped in my lap and I ran with it." A quick gulp is taken of the drink, and she gives another scritch to which ever of the kittens was nearby. "Not much lately, which is good. I think we needed a break for the most part after what most of us went through. Just small things lately to keep things running smooth. Helped out a Bigfoot the other week in getting a beartrap off them."

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen nods, a bit and says "A Bigfoot? Cool are they smart or more animalistic? I have never met one before. He admits, and the other kitten comes to get petting as well, a person who keeps petting yup they both need to investigate more

Gabby Kinney has posed:
Gabby Kinney grins in amusement. "Smart, but ... feral? Nettie was able to cast a translation spell so we could communicate and offer help. I'd say they're smart but solitary. She was injured so was raiding camp sites to help feed herself which was risking her being caught. Once we got her fixed up she was on her way again."

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen nods a bit and says "I am always up to learning about new people and such, always sorta figured they were aliens, like Wookies or something that had somehow got trapped here.

Gabby Kinney has posed:
Gabby Kinney shakes her head a little bit. "Nah, they're cryptids. From Earth," she assures with a little laugh. "But you want to know the interesting part? You'll get a kick out of this," she assures while setting her drink aside. Just so she has a hand for each kitty. "She kind of fades into the scenery like a chameleon."

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen hms and says "Well that would explain a lot, cool, wish I could meet them. I should probably see if I can find info on Cryptid, and maybe mystical beasts biology so I can help them if need be." He hmms and makes a mental note to work on that one. "So sounds like your keeping things interesting at least."

Gabby Kinney has posed:
Gabby Kinney spreads her hands in a small shrug. "I mean... Really, it's just keeping things running smooth. But that helps avoid bigger issues popping up you know? Makes sense to me. Someone other than us may have killed her, or thought she was attacking when she was just scared." A little sigh is exhaled. "Honestly I'm hoping that if we can keep real magic and such things out of the hands of people who don't know what they're doing, it will help avoid a lot of problems. So far the really big problems have been by those that do know magic though," she admits.

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen nods, and says "I can understand that, one of my grandpa's villains claims to be magic, but he is really just using future tech to make people think he is. So if you ever encounter Abra Kadabra keep that in mind."

Gabby Kinney has posed:
Gabby Kinney crinkles her nose a little at that particular name. "Yeah I'll keep that one in mind. Sounds right up there with Condiment King," she jokes with a quick grin.

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen nods, and says "The Rogues have never had the most imaginative names, but they can be a pain in the butt. I mean Captain Cold, Captain Boomerang, Mirror Master?" He names a few of them. He may have been studying them though since recently, he has been being the Flash himself.

Gabby Kinney has posed:
"Well, I can't say we're much better at times. Just less gimmicky maybe." For a moment she pauses to look Bart over only to grin in amusement. "Okay maybe not all of us. You speedsters really do follow a theme." Another scritch is given to the kitties before Gabby lets out a sigh. "I should probably get going for now. It was good getting to see your place Bart."

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen nods, a bit and says "Well about three fourth of us are family, so that does help the whole theme." He admits to her. He will stand up to walk with her to the door if she is leaving and make sure the cats don't try to follow her. "It was good seeing you Gabby and your welcome to come over any time you want to.

Gabby Kinney has posed:
Gabby Kinney deposits the kitties down before heading for the door. Just to be safe from feline chaperones. "Thanks, Bart. I'll catch up with you later another time. Don't keep Conner up too late," she teases.