13483/Collateral Damage Control

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Collateral Damage Control
Date of Scene: 01 December 2022
Location: Joe's Restaurant and Cafe
Synopsis: Billy and Sunny clear the air.
Cast of Characters: Billy Batson, Sunny Harlow

Billy Batson has posed:
Billy Batson has made himself scarce the last few days, since the battle with the Daxamites. Any communications would be quick and while he was in transit or busy but after an almost sleepless night he shows up at Joe's, near the end of Sunny's shift. He lets the hostess now he's here for Sunny by indicating the blonde woman and simply waits for her to see him and tries to judge her reaction. He adjusts the shades he wears and realizes he needs a shave, must be Thursday. He hopes he gets her usual smile that lights up the room.

Actually any attempt at a smile will be nice.

Sunny Harlow has posed:
Sunny, sadly, still had the real life to deal with. It means that she had to work, had to study...but at least it turns out that she could heal up perfectly from plasma vision, not so much as a trace on her back from the blast.

Wrapped up in her uniform, the blonde was waiting tables as usual, hair tied back and...well, looking normal.

Billy Batson has posed:
Billy Batson is a little crestfallen. He shrugs and gos to get a seat at the counter and waits to be scene. He thought she was coming ff her shift but he might be wrong, she might be working overtime to pay for the outfits she kept getting ruined. At least she was moving normally. He waits to be noticed. Maybe the manager will point him out? At least she is moving normally, not in pain or distress.

Sunny Harlow has posed:
A turn from the tables, he is indeed spotted! Sure enough she's smiling, her hand wielding the coffee pot rather than heading for the door afterall.

"Hey there," she muses before leaning in to pour his coffee. There might even be a little mouthed blow of a kiss. "I'm just finishing up, waiting for my last tips."

Billy Batson has posed:
Billy Batson doesn't kiss -she is working after all. He does enjoy the scent of her hair or whatever she uses. He smiles back. "Hey. Thanks. When you get off, can we talk? Doesn't have to be here. I can walk you home or whatever," he offers. He takes a sip of the coffee.

Sunny Harlow has posed:
She would finish, but the mention of talking brings a little tilt of her head and a mote of concern. Was this the breakup talk or something? That would...kind of suck. Still, tucking the tip in her apron she makes to retrieve her jacket from the back and head for the door, pausing to wait for him to join her.

Billy Batson has posed:
Billy Batson gets up and immediately offers to help Sunny on with her jacket. Not that she needs it. But, she's special to him. It feels right so he does it. Whether his assist is accepted o not he holds the door for her as they exit. He is silent for a bot as they walk, considering his words.

"I was thinking about that fight... I realized, you turned to see me lightning bolt Klum and... you froze and got hurt. Is that about right? I made you freeze?"

Sunny Harlow has posed:
"Freeze?" Sunny repeats, blinking with a pout. "I didn't freeze...I just sort of...looked up at a bad time." There's a frown, the blonde tilting her head. "I know I'm not as physically strong as you but..." she trails off, letting it hang for a moment.

"I can handle myself. I thought I did fine."

Billy Batson has posed:
Billy Batson walks around to face Sunny. "I'm saying this all wrong. You can handle yourself for sure. You didn't 'freeze'. But I feel like what I was doing distracted you and... kind of repulsed you. Horrified? Surprised at the very least. I... he was trying to laser my face. I got my hands up and they were burning. I struck back and... you saw what happened. I don't like to lose control like that. I don't want you to ever see me like that again. You mean a lot to me. You're up there with me finding a family as a tie for best day ever. I thought becoming Shazam was up there but it comes after. I'd give it up for you."

"It's hard getting this power all at once at times. It's scary. So I promise you I will do better and Lightning Boy will do right by you. You deserve it." He moves in to hug Sunny.

Sunny Harlow has posed:
"I hadn't seen you fight like that before," she begins softly even as he speaks and she crosses her arms lightly, tilting her head. "I'm careful like...all the time, dealing with my strength. Y'know? It was too easy to hurt people." Still she trails off, making to face him as he hugs her and clears her throat, giving a little self-concious chuckle.

"So this is not a breakup talk?"

Billy Batson has posed:
Billy Batson hugs Sunny even tighter. "Why would I want to break up with you? You know, forget all the powers stuff. You're sweet and smart and... your hair smells nice all the time and you always wear  flats around me or mostly... I'm not leaving. I was afraid you'd break up with me. I'll stay forever." Billy tries to give her a kiss in mid hug. "I like your folks too, by the way."

Sunny Harlow has posed:
"They -are- pretty likeable," she offers lightly, relief and seeming to have followed the words and happy enough to let things move onwards as she tucks her hands into the pockets of her jacket. "Don't get me wrong, I'll happily avoid battling laser-eyed space aliens again. I never thought I'd have to be resorting to throwing sand at someone in a fight."

Billy Batson has posed:
Billy Batson puts a finger to her lips. "Stop that. Throwing sand was brilliant. In a fight, you do what you must to achieve your goals. But yeah, I really don't feel like fighting those guys again. They cause a lot of trouble... though honestly my little sister Whiz could handle them I think. They had almost no experience with their powers... listen to me talk. I'm being condescending again. give me a dopeslap when I do that. Anyway... what do you want to do now? Maybe a movie... or study buddies again?"