1351/Good Genes!
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Good Genes! | |
Date of Scene: | 24 April 2020 |
Location: | Hank's Lab |
Synopsis: | Jean is restored, with plans to help others! Bedrest, Doctor's orders! |
Cast of Characters: | Henry McCoy, Jean Grey, Logan Howlett
- Henry McCoy has posed:
The doctor had been hard at work, pouring over the various data points he had on the dino-transformations. Cross-checking against the base's medical records, he has an Eureka moment. Jean's blood was on record, a small sample kept with samples from the rest of the founding X-Men. He double, then triple-checked his hypothesis - coming to the conclusion that he has a solution for Jean's problem.
He went out to the campgrounds where she'd been staying. After a bit of convincing, he brought her to his lab.
"All right Jean - the plan is that I used some of your blood samples from when we first started the team to formulate a genetic reversion serum. Once injected, it should recombine and alter your genetics back to the pre-dinosaur form. Hopefully, the re-coding will also prevent the return to this prehistoric state." He says, confidently. "You'll want to try to get comfortable for this - I've got you a robe here as well, for modesty."
- Jean Grey has posed:
Well, getting wedged into the lab was a bit of a tight fit for her, but Jean managed to make her way in. Her eyes fix on the screen where Hank was showing off what he found. She then looks back at Hank, << Is this going to work for everyone else? Or is this specific to my DNA? >>
Since she was found the other day, she's gotten a bit calmer about things, though she definitely still has the urge to bite Sauron in half if she ever finds him. So in a way, this might be //better// for him if this works...
- Henry McCoy has posed:
He scratches his chin. "It's possible it will work for others, if we have an old sample of their DNA on file." He says. "The common folk in the world won't have that, so we need to stop the source of the conversion to revert them back." He says, honestly. "And the younger students likely don't have samples stored in our labs." A frown. "I wouldn't want to make it mandatory, but it might be something to consider. Not everyone is kosher with having their genes on file, understandably."
"Can you partially make it onto the bed? It's not going to stress it, it supports my weight." He grins. "I believe the experience will be akin to the initial transformation in terms of stress and discomfort."
- Jean Grey has posed:
Jean eyes the clinical bed, then slowly ambles up on to it, hunkering down as it isn't a question of the thing supporting her weight, so much as trying to find a way to actually... be comfortable, on the frame.
<< Alright, Hank. I'm a little surprised we don't have all that on file already, honestly. >> A bit of a mental hmm, as she seems thoughtful about it, << But it's good to know so I can be ready for it. >>
- Logan Howlett has posed:
The door to the clinic opens, and in steps Logan. He's been dealing with a lot currently as well, though different. Both Jean and BOTH of his kids have been transformed. It's been...rough. Not the same kind fo rough as the ones actually going through it, but yeah.
He brushes his fingers through his hair as he makes his way in, his gaze eventually landing on the dinosaur. "Jean...you're okay...well, you know what I mean..."
- Henry McCoy has posed:
Beast turns to look at the door as Logan arrives, nodding to the other man. "Logan, come on in." He offers, setting up a tray with a hypo-injector - fancy air-needle, to pierce the thicker hide of a T-Rex. "Can you do me a favor and drape the robe over Jean's back? Modesty and all." He states, moving over to the lab cooler to fetch the serum. "If my calculations are correct, the change should take the same amount of time as the initial transformation."
- Jean Grey has posed:
Jean gives Logan a wry look. Well, as wry as a T-Rex can be anyway, and she lowers her head at him, << Yeah, it's been... I didn't want you to see me like this, Logan. >> She sounds a little bit embarrassed about it, shifting a bit as she looks decidedly uncomfortable on the clinical bed.
She then glances over at Hank, << Well, that didn't take too long at all, so that's... something, at least. But we should get DNA samples from the remaining students and faculty that /aren't/ affected yet, if this works. >> Since, well, that means the process could be done for them too.
- Logan Howlett has posed:
The man glances over at Beast and offers a gruff but familiar nod of greeting. He then makes his way over to pick up the aforementioned robe. "Don't be silly," he grunts to Jean. There's a fondness in his tone, of course.
He steps up behind her and lays the robe over her back so she'll be able to close it over herself after the transformation.
- Henry McCoy has posed:
Hank nods to Jean. "Absolutely. It would stand to reason to do so." He says, his tone serious. "At the very least, it will give us a starting block should any other genetic scenarios pop up." He picks up the injection gun. "Are you ready? This will smart a bit, I am afraid." He says.
The gun is pressed to her neck. Assuming she gives the affirmative, the serum is injected.
- Jean Grey has posed:
Jean says, << Do it, Hank. >> She winces as the injector goes in, then she pauses, waiting for it...
And then, it hits her like a freight train, as she can't help but roar, rearing back as she convulses, nearly falling off the bed as she howls, her thoughts incoherent save for the fact that she's in great pain, as her entire body seems to be twisting and contorting.
- Logan Howlett has posed:
Logan does what he can to brace and hold her up, wincing a bit as he can sense the pain in that roar. He glances over at Hank, giving a bit of an accusatory look, before he turns back towards her. "Is she...is this supposed to be how it works?," he growls.
- Henry McCoy has posed:
The furry blue Beast sets the instrument down immediately, trying to help Logan in preventing J-Rex from harming herself. "This is how it happened when she changed." He confirms, shouting over the roar. "Jean, focus... bear through it." He offers, trying to help her transition through this painful transformation.
- Jean Grey has posed:
Jean's body contorts, her snout shortening as she howls in pain, bones cracking and refixing themselves, her mass seeming to shrink and fold in on itself as she at least sounds more human.
Between Logan and Hank, it's pretty easy to keep her from hurting herself, or anyone else, as she starts to shrink, feathers falling away from her plumage as her skin becomes more human, less leathery... strands of red hair visible from her head now...
- Logan Howlett has posed:
Logan furrows his brow and nods to Hank before he turns back towards Jean. He stays nearby, as if at the ready to help in any way that he can. He stays upon her, trying to keep her steady as she transforms. He grits his teeth, hating the sound of her in pain. "Almost there, Jean," he growls.
- Henry McCoy has posed:
Clearly Hank is concerned over the level of pain. "Almost... it's happening. Focus on the goal, Jean!" He encourages, helping contain her to the bed - hoping to keep the robe draped over her. "It's happening, Logan." He says, looking over to the other man briefly. "Just another moment, Jean. You can do this!" Moral support!
- Jean Grey has posed:
Jean's thoughts are a blur, << So... much... have... to... >> She thrashes under the pair of them, her body contorting and shrinking still... as the scaled down dinosaur eventually, gradually, becomes fully human.
Or mutant, in this case. As Jean rests face down on the bed, robe draped over her as she groans softly, her voice actually... her voice, now.
"I still want to fucking kill Sauron."
Well, okay, seems fine?
- Logan Howlett has posed:
"A lot of people do," he growls. Him included. He steps up and Logan leans down, helping cover her and touching her very gently. As if she might break. "Are you okay?," he asks. It's a rare thing to see Logan act like this, but the two have known him for years. They know that under all the gruff is this. Especially with people he really cares about.
- Henry McCoy has posed:
There's a sigh of relief from Hank once Jean's painful change has completed - not that he was concerned it wouldn't work, mind you. He was clearly not enjoying seeing his friend in pain like that. "Food, water. She'll need a bit of rest." He assures them both. "And yes, Sauron is going to get his come-uppance. Along with whomever is making the primate change, as well." He says, a soft growl at that.
- Jean Grey has posed:
Jean slides the robe shut around herself, thanks to her TK, tying it shut easily enough as she leans a bit against Logan, appreciating the support as she shifts around and sits up on the bed, "Yeah... I feel... pretty wiped out." Without even thinking about it, she rests her head on Logan's shoulder, "Did we have DNA... for the kids?" Because she's mostly thinking of Laura and Gabby now.
- Logan Howlett has posed:
He puts a strong arm around Jean's shoulder as she leans against him. He nods at her question, glancing over at Hank. Those two are now his main priority as well. His thumb lightly brushes her back as he holds her. "You're doing good work, Hank," he grunts. Compliments from the man are few and far between, so when he gives them it is clear that he means them.
- Henry McCoy has posed:
The Beast nods in response. "You will likely be fairly worn-out for the day, Jean. Relax where you can, don't strain yourself. As I mentioned, the restructuring sequence should prevent another change from happening from this event." A smile to both. "If you have samples from the girls, I'd be glad to work on serums for them as well." The man states. "That goes without saying, of course."
- Jean Grey has posed:
Jean gives Logan a wry look, "No straining, then, got it." She looks a bit cheeky about something, then hmms, "I don't know... I mean, I'm not sure if they filed anything here. I'll make sure to keep an eye on those two. Gabby has been hanging around here, but Laura... feels more comfortable in the woods."
She smiles a bit, flexing her thankfully normal-sized arms and fingers, wiggling her toes as she looks... remarkably pleased to be back where she should be.
- Logan Howlett has posed:
Logan catches that look and smirks a bit at her, shaking his head. He nods, then. "Laura would. That makes total sense." He brushes his fingers back through his hair before he looks back to Jean. "Want help to your room? Or you can relax at the cabin, too. Quieter there." He sits down on the edge of the bench she's sitting on, clearly waiting to help her once she stands.
- Henry McCoy has posed:
If he caught on, he's not saying anything. It's not his place to. "Get her some where comfortable, Logan. I doubt my lab qualifies as such." A wry grin. "Let me know if you have samples of the girls, and I'll work on the serum." He offers over, cleaning up the instruments and putting them away for sterlization.
- Jean Grey has posed:
Jean concentrates a bit, the robe easily reweaving itself telekinetically into a nice red shirt and matching skirt. "Ah, there, much better." She smiles and stands up a bit, though she cheats a bit, her feet hovering a few inches off the ground as she isn't quite sure of her footing. Then she rests a hand on Logan's arm, "Cabin sounds good to just stay someplace restful... plus, I can keep an eye on the kids there." Because she does worry about Laura and Gabby.
- Logan Howlett has posed:
He nods to that. He helps support the floating redhead before he glances over at Hank. "We'll see what we can do about samples from the girls. Laura might trust me enough to get close enough for it. We'll see."
With that he turns, moving to guide the newly transformed Jean from the lab, and then back out into the woods.