13667/Give me an 'S', Gimme an 'H'...

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Give me an 'S', Gimme an 'H'...
Date of Scene: 28 December 2022
Location: Behind the Library - Happy Harbor High School
Synopsis: The trials of cheerleaders and champions!
Cast of Characters: Sunny Harlow, Billy Batson

Sunny Harlow has posed:
Being a vigilante doesn't tend to pay much...even less so for those who didn't start with money. And alien or not since she'd landed and been raised in America...she had to deal with the american schooling system. Well...good thing she had a scholarship, but that also meant she had to keep to it!

Another day of practice and things were wrapping up, the last stunts for their routine begining as she is lifted by the base and then tossed upwards for her point in the routine.

Probably for the best as she tumbles through the air in that skillful spin. If she was a base, she'd probably have accidently thrown someone to the ceiling when her powers first came in!

Billy Batson has posed:
Billy Batson watches from a bench, a coffee in hand. He feels for cheerleaders in their cute outfits in this weather. Only Sunny doesn't feel any cold that isn't cryogenic. He hopes no one drops her. She could hurt someone she fell on. Of course he wouldn't let that happen. One magic word and Shazam to the rescue! That would be a neat rescue. Sunny never seems to need a rescue or much help from Lightning Boy. In fact, she has a very independent streak. Throw your jacket down to cover a puddle for her to cross and she'd probably just fly over it. Nevertheless he gives her a fist pump when she is tossed and lands on top, looking glorious.

Sunny Harlow has posed:
Odds are that Sunny would 'catch' herself, either from her powers or the fact that she'd been doing this since before she'd even gotten the ability to fly. Caught neatly, the girl gives a laugh as practice comes to an end and she spots Billy, lifting a hand for a wave.

Of course, that was likely going to get a few hushed questions and comments from her squadmates and some playful jostling before she waves to get Billy's attention and then points to where her bag sits with her jacket atop it, pointing it out to him while the last 'debrief' was given before they left.

Billy Batson has posed:
Billy Batson to the rescue! He gabs the bag and hoists it onto his shoulder, despite it being a little girly. He holds his ground, aware he is being scanned, analyzed and probably run through some simulations. Billy rubs the back of his neck and tries to look datable. He is well aware he's punching out of his weight class dating the blonde beauty.

Sunny Harlow has posed:
At least it was a gym bag and not a handbag after all, it was even the color of the college!

When things finally end, she moves her way closer and comes towards him, grinning lightly and making to kiss his cheek lightly before giving a look of mock suspicion. "How long have you been there watching?"

Billy Batson has posed:
Billy Batson gives Sunny his innocent look. "I came in when you were arguing about the pyramid and they decided to put you on the top and the strong people on the bottom. You looked good. So... did I get you teased much. They seem to watching. Cheerleaders are scary." He holds Sunny's jacket out for her. "So what do you want to do now?" Popular students were the natural enemies of the low born and underclassmen.

Sunny Harlow has posed:
"Nah, I'm hardly the only Sophmore who's dating someone still in highschool," Sunny offers, the blonde girl sliding her jacket around her shoulders. Blonde, loveable, attractive and from a decently wealthy family...maybe she simply hadn't been the target of too much teasing.

Then again, she -was- still a teenage girl. Never was there a crowd more vicious!

Billy Batson has posed:
Billy Batson puts his arm around Sunny's shoulders as they walk away, sparing the squad a glance and raising his eyebrow in a Yeah! I'm dating her! kind of way. "Yeah, some of these guys repeat a few grades. Rosa said she'd have the hide off of me if I did. I think Rosa and Victor are going to like you. I'm not sure where I'm going after I'm out of foster care. Probably not too far, I always want to be available to help them. I put them through enough when they got me. I was a mess, not all mature and wise like now." He keeps a straight face as he says it. Barely.

Sunny Harlow has posed:
Jacket in place, the cheerleader from outer space follows along, shrugging her shoulders lightly with a smile. "They've become your family, you've got no reason to ghost them when you're 18. Plus it's nice to have somewhere you can go home to, believe me." As for the mention of wisdom and maturity? She just gives him a playful little exaggerated lift of an eyebrow.

Billy Batson has posed:
Billy Batson matches her raised eyebrow with one of his own. Dueling brows. He hugs her close and whispers, "No one is around. Want me to say the word and give you a ride to someplace cozy to change?" He head nuzzles her a little. Someplace cozy may be on one of those rooftops with AC units affording some hiding spots, or that beach with the cave, or Iceland.

"Also... do they issue you those pom poms or do you buy your own?"

Sunny Harlow has posed:
A roll of her eyes and Sunny folds her arms at that, shaking her head. "It's fine, I'll manage. And they issue the pompoms. That's why I don't have to take them with me when I leave." A little tilt of her head, she smirks.

"Try not to be too disappointed."

Billy Batson has posed:
Billy Batson ahs. "A strong independent female is no disappointment. What would you like to do today? Cruise around, get a meal, curl up and study? And... I can't help wanting to hug you. I keep expecting to wake up. That's how good you make me feel. I mean I have other good stuff happening. Podcast, graduation... but you're the best. But you really should change before people wonder why you're not freezing. Where's a spot?"

Sunny Harlow has posed:
"Fair point," Sunny laughs before patting her bag. "I'm thinking a meal, I can change in the bathroom somewhere and go from there." The blonde lazily leans against him, grinning lightly. "Besides, people might see me in this and take pity enough to give us a bigger serving!"

Billy Batson has posed:
Billy Batson Leans back and says, "They'll see how thin and sylph like you are and figure you eat nothing. I bet you can barely lift ten tons you're so undernourished. You can't run yourself down like that." He tries lifting her a little, taking her around the waist. "Hmmm. We should do super cheerleading. We all have the bodies for it. Costumes are comparable. Think how high you could toss me? Well, Lightning Boy. You play too rough for me." He indicates a coffee shop. At least it looks warm.

Sunny Harlow has posed:
"Yeah, there's absolutely nothing of me," she muses lightly, looking down at her own figure before smirking and leaning into his lift. Just because she could lift a truck didn't mean she weighed as much as one. Still, the comment on super cheerleading brings outright laughter, a shake of her head. "There's more to it then you think, especially at varsity level."

Billy Batson has posed:
Billy Batson lets her loose to make for the cafe and open the door. "You guys do incredible acrobatics. It requires a lot of practice, skill and athletics. You have to do that all, holding back and still look good." He may have been observing cheerleaders previously. "There are some things you just have to learn and practice. No super skills." He holds the door for her. Manners. Also keeps men and women from colliding everytime they go anywhere. "Ooooh... these places are always cooking bacon somehow." He waits to be seated.

Sunny Harlow has posed:
Into the cafe, but not -her- cafe which meant she didn't need to worry about serving customers, just being one! With her jacket still over her uniform she nods her head at his words and grins. "It was good practice really, to learn to control how much effort to put in...but it was a good thing I wasn't a base first, believe me!"

Bacon scents? She wasn't complaining as they're given their seating. "I mean, that and eggs are kinda the staple 24 hour food, right?"

Billy Batson has posed:
Billy Batson nods. "If supervillains had the planning of cafe managers and the dedication of cheerleaders supers would have it way harder. And it looked like a good practice where I was watching. Almost like you guys were flying..."