13673/Is this a dream or a bank robbery
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Is this a dream or a bank robbery | |
Date of Scene: | 28 December 2022 |
Location: | the bank or the dream land? |
Synopsis: | Domino and Franklin thinks they are in the middle of a bank robbery but it turns out they are in the middle of a misty, weird dream. |
Cast of Characters: | Franklin Richards, Neena Thurman
- Franklin Richards has posed:
Just a standard sunny day in the big apple as the snow on the ground melted in the heat just high enough. People in thick jackets walk the streets with standard traffic in the roads. Tucked aside is Bank Bank.. Yes it is a bank with the name Bank. This intriqued Frank when he first found it so had always used Bank Bank as his bank. Years he kepts funds he didn't want others to know he had, not really illgotten gains, but small "Gambles" or at least thats what they called it. To someone smart enough it was not gambling just game of numbers so he took advantage of the system sometimes.. Nothing big, just a mil here or there and poof gone again.
This afternoon he was in line as it was a busy day. He sighed as he had other stuff to do, but was not rude enough to make a deal out of it. The tellers are all busy, and the place being kind of busy maybe that is why no-one.. not even Franklin notices the men in the heavy jackets enter the entrance of the building.
- Neena Thurman has posed:
Neena Thurman is standing in the long line at the Bank Bank, the place with the stupid, millennial name and parkay floors. Finally, after minutes and minutes of waiting, she steps up to the next teller, "Can I help you?" the old woman asks in monotone voice.
"Yes, I have a question---" Domino begins to explain but is interrupted as the men behind her cause a commotion and start brandishing weapons.
"Okay, nobody F#2002#2002&&& move! This is what's called a 'hold-up'?" a tall man in a ski mask says, "HANDS UP! Everybody! I said everybody!" he says in an irritated way, pointing his shotgun at anybody nearby. His friends do the same thing.
Domino sighs, and leans on the teller's window in a tired way, having lost her chance to do business at the bank, "I bet this doesn't happen to Captain America."
- Franklin Richards has posed:
For the first time in a long time Franklin feels... is that surprise. He smiles a bit to himself as he had limited himself way down thinking it was a bank he was safe. Of course he wasn't powerless, but he couldn't wave away a bullet wound or anything so he needed to be at least a little careful. So with his hands up as everyone is going down he looks at the people following directions. He thinks to himself how hard could a couple of guys be I mean he snaps his fingers he can take a couple of..
Looking they must of been a few of them.. He sighed again.. "Damnit Johhny." He looks down with his coat over it is his outfit.. the one with the Giant 4 on it.. the one his Uncle tricked him into wearing to visit Mutant town. He was running out of time he had to move so he stepped forward and his whole shape changes. All of a sudden there isn't a kid. You swear you reconize him, it is Syvester Stalone dressed as a gangster.. A pretty darn intemidating one, though no-one other then you seems to notice.
This large man steps forward. "Heeeey... Kid. What are ya doing.. You know who runs Bank Bank?"
- Neena Thurman has posed:
Domino looks back at the teller who is scared stiff, "Yeah so anyway, I had a question----" she begins again, trying to get her business done. "SHUT UP!" the tall man says and aims his shotgun at her and the teller too, having not decided just who he's aiming at. Domino sighs again and turns to look at the tall man.
Despite shapechanging, the Hulking Man still looks down on Franklin and smirks, "Answer dah question..." she says, encouraging Franklin to wisen up.
"Why can't you guys rob the Donut Shop? Or the 7-11? Free snacks---" Domino mutters.
"I said SHUT UP lady! Here, put the money in the bag! ALL the money! In the bag NOW!" the tall man shouts as he walks up to Domino's teller and throws the bag at her.
- Franklin Richards has posed:
Franklin now looking like the gangster walks up to the point where he puts the barrel of the gun to his own head looking him dead in the eyes.. "I said.. You have any idea who your Robbin'" he puts a bit more on the accent this time. Maybe a little too much but here in New York it fits.
Thankfully what this guy didn't know was at this proximity there is no way he could fire this weapon. In Franks mind he thought it made him look cool. So without pause he slowly reaches into his pocket and pulls out a wallet that says Bad Ass MutherF##1. He shows the man with the gun. and says quite calmly "This is my wallet.. And your not going to take it from me."
As he is showing the wallet with one hand with the other he comes across with what look to be gold plated dimand tipped brass knuckles to the jaw. His plan is to knock him out so fast he might have a chance to de-escilate in the surprise. Though he didn't have too much time to think about it. Of course it wasn't about strengh but actually momentum and field strength, though it should have the wanted effect.
So it begins as that seemed to be the oh sh$1 button everyone was waiting for and chaos ensuses... Of course the changed Franklin just stood there sighing a bit knowing what came next even though he did try to stop it.
- Neena Thurman has posed:
"I said---" the tell man yells at the teller but Domino interrupts and whacks her forearm into the side of his head, whips his gun from his hands, then kicks him in the jimmy, sending him down to the floor. "You're just too damn loud," Domino says and sighs. She looks over at this guy Franklin and just wonders what he's doing as the huge Hulking Man stumbles back and topples over.
"Hey, you could have warned me---" Domino begins and then the final thug grabs a young boy and points his gun at him. The short man is standing near the doors, and he yells, "Stop! We're all just gonna stop. I'm gettin outta here and nobody's gonna do anything. Or the kid gets it!!" he says. Domino squints her eyes, " 'Or the kid gets it?' Wow that's really cliche...." she says.
- Franklin Richards has posed:
Franklin looks at the man that just fell for a moment. "Wait.." he rubs his face, and even stumbles a little bit. He flashes, back to Franklin for a moment then back to the other man once again. "Hey' Kid! You really picked the wrong place see.. Just let the kid g...g....go.. No.." the large man stumbles again and looks at the man holding the hostage wierdly, but as he does two men come from behind him grabbing his arms! They exclaim "We got him for boss, keep the kid and lets rob this place!"
The large man that was being held looks right at her, and she can see the flicker of light in his eyes. "Poughkeepsie" he says, then again with a deep chuckle. Then maybe Neena, or this Neena at least could start to see the lines too. Was it really her, or was it a dream from Franklin, did it matter. Though it is wierd he is still unsure about what is exactly what right now.. what is real, and what isn't.. Franklin is confused.
- Neena Thurman has posed:
BAM BAM BAM! Domino shoots the man she just kicked with a gun she picks up off the floor, but the tall man sits up and crosses his arms impatiently, "That's not very nice, Neena," he tells her. The man backing out of the bank stops at the door while the other robbers get a second wind and he smiles wickedly. Domino frowns and scratches her head at the situation, "I don't get this," she comments.
Domino looks over at Franklin, "Will you stop warping reality?" she complains, "I hate when that happens," she sighs. She eyes the tall man with no injuries and then looks at the handgun, maybe thinking it has blanks or something. She aims at the Large Man and BAM BAM BAM fires at him just cause. She smirks and looks at the gun again.
- Franklin Richards has posed:
As he is wrapped up with rope, around him not propertly, as he looks at her and now the person sitting up. He smiles a bit with a chuckle, "To warp reality my friend you need to first be in reality." he sighs a bit as he thinks about that himself. "Who are you?." he tilts his head looking a bit surprised, and looks at her. "And I seem to be a bit tied up here at the moment so helping is getting a little difficult though I wouldn't worry just yet." and smiles a bit at Domino.
"Its you.. You have the power here." he sighs a bit to himself, "Because of course she does.. Okay you need to listen." he looks at the person you just reshot. "You need to be sure.. Of what you do.. If you shoot someone they don't get up right?" as he says it the person who was looking like he was going to get up again bleeds a bit more realistically and falls back to the floor. "Name is Franklin miss, I am here only to help."
- Neena Thurman has posed:
"Me?" Domino says him, "I'm Neena apparently and I don't have **** power in your reality," she complains, and tosses the gun away as it doesn't do much harm. She sighs as the robbers get up, get down and randomly react to her abuse.
"I shoulda slept in," Domino grumbles, "I hate lines! I hate the bank!" she lets out. She kicks the tall man again, "I'm /outta/ here!" she tells them. The tall man sits up again and frowns at Neena's attitude. "Get outta my way," she eyes the remaining thugs.
- Franklin Richards has posed:
It is easy as she heads towards the exit it is totally possible to just walk towards it. Strangly no-one is stopping her and Franklin is obviously not going anywhere, "Well Neena.. If you could.. just real quick." he tries to add as she is walking by. "Just a minute of your time.. comon.." and gives a bit of the chuckle. The door is right there though, strangly the lock holding the chain, just falls away, and the chains fall off to the floor. The door doesn't open of course, but she 'knows' it is open.
"Look.. I don't know why, but if you could free me from this infernal rope.. I would really appreciate it." he sighs a bit. "I don't have much to offer but a smile, and thanks. But if we meet again.. I will remember this." and nods to the ropes. "That isn't a threat, I will not come after you or try to hurt you if you walk away." he shrugs "We all must have free will... Some more then others."
- Neena Thurman has posed:
Domino stands at the door and still looks totally confused. Undead robbers. Strange people who know her name. "I don't know what's going on here..." she mutters, then turns to look back at this Franklin guy, "What are you talking about? You're really going on and on, you know," she reminds him.
Putting her hands on her hips, Domino looks impatient as she looks at the robbers. "So this isn't real? Is that what you're saying?" she asks him, "Who are you then? Captain Mindbender? Nightmare's little brother?" she asks sarcastically, because she's always that way. The robbers also now seem to be confused and stand there looking between Domino and Franklin.
- Franklin Richards has posed:
Franklin sighs a bit and looks down. "No.. I am Franklin Richards. Traveler of dimensions and dreams!" he pauses for a moment then continues "I am holding a hand out right now though still kinda bound here." and nods to the ropes. "Give me a minute to simplify this.." and he falls to silence again just for a moment, before he continues. "I am not supposed to be here right now, for some reason either I am in your dream, or you are in mine." he pulls on the ropes a little bit and they lighten up but hold.
"I don't know how but some how you are controlling the dream. I am not doing... anything..." he lets that fall to silence looking at her with eyes wide open, and nodding slowly hoping she will see it, "So if you remove these ropes maybe I can use experience to help you through it." He smiles again.. This could of been worse, at least as is she didn't seem that bad, though for now all he really knew about her was her name.
- Neena Thurman has posed:
One of the thugs opens his mouth to complain but Domino points at him and says, "Button it, wise guy!" she lets out. Amazingly, the man complies. Domino looks back at Franklin and smirks a bit, "Okay fine...I'm in your dream..." she comments, "Well, I'm not making a joke about that one," she adds.
The people in the bank don't seem to be doing anything now, perhaps commanded to be quiet by Domino or Franklin's unknowing subconscious. "Are you sure? How the hell did I get here in the first place? I'm not exactly magical," she explains and walks over to Franklin and holds up a knife, "Hold still," she recommends and cuts him free of the ropes.
- Franklin Richards has posed:
"Technically the dreams are neither mine nor your as we are now in the dreamworld." he streaches a little bit before continuing. "But I don't have time for that.. It must be coming we have disturbed the dream too much." and as he talks he starts searchimg around Bank Bank throwing papers, searching for something as he continues. The sounds of chains strike up as the door relocks itself almost like someone just hit the rewind button, though this time the door is a little different. There is smoke coming in the cracks, a black fog like smoke that starts gathering around the door. If one tries to shoo it away like last time it won't listen, it isn't being controled by you or him.
"Ah! He finally says pulling out a silver looking string he heads back to her. "Look that thing is going to turn this into some spooky stuff. It is supposws ro wake you up so you stop messing with it." he ties a bit of string around his arm, looking up to see how far it has gotten, but it is still growing in size as it has to fill the place. "Just remember it is not real. and hold on to that string it is to keep us connected."
He starts bracing himself for the dream to shift lowering himself for the change to not loose balance. "When we get there follow it back to me." though you might notice now he is talking a little louder as a wind has picked up as the dream shifts.
- Neena Thurman has posed:
"I don't know what you're talking about. Sounds plenty real to me!" Domino shouts and runs to the door to keep it barracaded. She puts her back against it. "Alright fine! Whatever!" she lets out as the room begins to shake and she looks like she's really out of her element.
"Wake me up! Wake us up!" Domino keeps shouting, "Do something! Get us outta here!" she tells him. The bank doors behind her quake and wobble as the smoke pushes on it, seeping in through the cracks. She frowns as she watches what Franklin is doing and she tries to grab him to make him help her brace the door, "Come on!"
- Franklin Richards has posed:
Franklin holds on as the wind starts picking up again, as Franklin holds on to a metal bar ment to keep people in lines, and looks at her with a smile, "The trick is you have to enjoy the adventure.. comon when else are you going to ride a storm in a dream!" and he actually laughs. Yes, he laughs about it a bit as he looks at the door, and Neena bracing it. He knew it was just a matter of time, and then of course it happends, as the doors are flung open,
Strangly being pushed by the door doesn't really hurt as one might think you can see just through the smoke Franklin there holding on just for a moment before he is lost sight of as well. And Neena disapears, off back to where she was sleeping. maybe remembering it, or maybe not remembering anything at all. Franklin also wakes up with a start, looking around checking himself before he reminds himself.. Right just a dream, and decides to get up for a run.
As he jogs he says a name.. he isn't sure why, but it comes to him.. "Neena.."
- Neena Thurman has posed:
Domino sits up in bed with a start, closing her eyes tightly, her hands going up in front of her to block the smoke and whatever else is coming for her, "Frank....lin...!" she begins to say but then frowns as nothing happens. With the sound and the smoke gone, she slowly opens her eyes and realizes she's back in bed and not where she was a second ago. She's back in reality. Her messed up little bed located in her hole in the wall.
She looks around in a confused way, as if double-checking that something isn't next to her or in the corner waiting to jump at her. She then pinches herself as if that might help but it only makes her go, "Ow...dang..." she mutters. She then plants her bare feet on the floor and stretches, "Wow, what a nightmare."