13957/Bringing the Crew Home

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Bringing the Crew Home
Date of Scene: 24 January 2023
Location: Hyperspace
Synopsis: No description
Cast of Characters: Kraglin Obfonteri, Yondu Udonta

Kraglin Obfonteri has posed:
You would think that Kraglin and the crew knew how to take care of themselves in a port town. Port towns are rough, drunkenness is rife: which hardly brings out the best side in patrons and visitors. Besides, the crew of the ship though loyal to their captain or, at the least, loyal to the profits they could turn by following his directions, were not a collection of innocent school children with no experience of the world. They generally knew how to keep their noses (if they had any) clean.

So the message sent to the ship was unexpected, for several reasons. One, being that someone bothered to send it, two, that it involved the ship's First Mate, known for his ability to land on his feet and stay out of trouble.

The message addressed to the captain was terse. Come to Last Resort Bar and pick up your crew.

Yondu Udonta has posed:
The last few days had been busy. The crew knew that the time to head back out to space was near and they had been tasked working on loading the ship with the necessary supplies. The new guy, SteveRogers, had been particularly helpful with his super strength. But now, things were to that point. A couple more nights of celebration in the port and then off they were going.

Which led to the inevitable.

Yondu strode toward the Last Resort, fully expecting this to be like the last time. He'd only had to leave three of the crew behind when they got themselves in trouble with the long arm of the law here. Hopefully this time it would be less, though they would survive just fine if it was up to ten. More than that and things would get iffy.

He slipped in the door, stepping to the side automatically so he could take a moment to let his eyes adjust to the difference in light levels between exterior and interior, without blocking the door. Or silhouetting himself and standing still if someone was going to shoot him. One never knew as a Ravager.

Kraglin Obfonteri has posed:
The Last Resort earned its name partly from its name. The walls of the bar were hung with derelict hunting trophy's none the worse for the wear which had worn skin and fur and other alien corporal coverings bare, alien mouths were missing teeth. The instrument, some call it a piano, that was used to produce music needed a coat of paint or to be cleaned. It looked like someone had used it recently as a blunt instrument.

When the captain's eyes adjusted. He would find the First Mate, the First Engineer, most of the cargo loaders and the purser in various states of consciousness. They were lined up in front of the bar, vertically, seated or horizontal, depending on that state. Behind the bar, the bartender was polishing what was left of the glasses and glaring.

Yondu Udonta has posed:
Shaking his head, Yondu made a beeline for the first mate. After all, that was the one who had sent over the note. Though this was not really a surprising view. He did have the audacity to give the bartender a big smile, as though to say 'what can ya do'.

"Kraglin. Gettin' to 'bout that time. You still functionin' enough to start runnin' this crew outta here? We're headin' back out first thing in the mornin'."

Kraglin Obfonteri has posed:
Among the lucky ones, though the expression on his face when one eye opened might disagree with that assessment was Kraglin. He was vertical, if you call slumped against the bar, seated on the floor, upright against it, lucky. His mohawk had suffered in the fight, no longer stiff, it looks like someone had used it as a handle to wipe the floor with his face. The state of his face could attest to that use. One eye was nearly closed and the rest of it had begun to turn parti-colored where the blood was wiped off.

The rest of the crew were not in much better shape. Uniforms would have to be replaced, the med unit would be overflowing in the ship.

"Cap'n," he slurred. "Yer here."

Yondu Udonta has posed:
"Good t' hear."

Even as Yondu looked again to the bartender. "Ah'm hopin' me just gettin' them outta here will be good enough. If not, Ah'll send over part of their wages for..." He looked around at the state of the place. "This."

Then he looked to his crew. "Get yer asses in gear and get out o' this place. Find another bar. Or go find someone t' spend yer last night on land with. Or just find a bed t'sleep in cause Ah don't wanna hear all the snorin' that you'll be doin' later so the ship is off limits tonight to y'all!"

And he looked around at them. "And if'n ya bust up another bar tonight, Ah'm leavin' ya here t'work it out with the authorities, got it?!"